Q&A With Dulcimer Player

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8A Chillicothe Times-Bulletin, Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eagle Day Saturday at Shore Acres

n Breakfast, bird Side Bank.
The event will feature displays
Nick Polyak, who is also a chamber
of commerce board member.
Refrigeration, Heating and Air, and a
gift bag from Mediacom.
to continue watching eagles along
Chillicothe’s extensive riverfront
show and contests of eagle artwork and photography, Those attending will be asked to Silver Dollar City wood carver viewing areas at Shore Acres Park
Watch bald eagles soar over the as well as wood carvings and craft vote for their favorite eagle photo. Jim Miller will be on hand to dem- and Cutright Park at the foot of Wal-
Illinois River during the 2010 Eagle jewelry. The winner of the People’s Choice onstrate his craft and explain the nut Street.
Day Saturday at Shore Acres Club- Chillicothe Park District board photo will be made at 11:15 a.m. Wounded Warrior Eagle Cane Carv- The event is sponsored by the
house. president Mike Krost will make the Deadline for the eagle photo ing program. Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce
The Chillicothe Chamber of Com- presentation of the second annual contest has been extended to 2 p.m. There will be a lot of activities in partnership with the Chillicothe
merce event is from 7:30- 11:30 “Jack Hammer” volunteer award at Thursday. Entry forms are still avail- for children, courtesy of Mediacom. Park District, Chillicothe Rotary
a.m., with a pancake and sausage 10 a.m. able at the Chillicothe Public Library, Children can make paper eagle pup- Club, Chillicothe Lions Club, Illinois
breakfast hosted by the Chillicothe Immediately following the Jack 430 N. Bradley Ave., or at the Chilli- pets and color pictures. Valley Central District 321, South
Rotary Club and Chillicothe Lions Hammer award, the winners of the cothe Chamber of Commerce office Scott Swords will have a scope Side Bank, First National Bank,
Club. Shore Acres historic clubhouse grade-school eagle art contest, as at 1028 N. Second St. Entries may be outside the clubhouse to offer an Short Loin Market, World Class
also will be the place to see the well as the eagle photo contest, will dropped off at either location. up-close look at the bald eagles on Travel, Latta Realty, Cornerstore
Wildlife Prairie Park Birds of Prey be presented by Illinois Valley Cen- Door prizes will be awarded and the river. Video, Duane Streitmatter-Com-
Show at 9 a.m., sponsored by South tral District 321 superintendent Dr. include an eagle statue from Gill’s As always, the public is invited merce Bank and Jerry Halverson.

newsmaker Q&A: Mike Anderson

Anderson to teach dulcimer

playing at folk art class
Submitted by the Three Sisters Folk Art School Is there a need for dulcimer
classes in this area?
The Three Sisters Folk Art School, which is modeling itself off the There are already dulcimer classes
John C. Campbell Folk School and others of its kind, is taking a leap in the area. Dickson Mounds Museum
from basket weaving and jewelry Feb. 26-28 to host the first Moun- hosts four of them every year and has
tain Dulcimer Weekend. Mike Anderson will teach this class at Three done so for 20-plus years.
Sisters Park. Class fee is $100 and a $5 material fee. However, what is needed, and not
There will be a concert Saturday night, which is open to the pub- provided by the Dickson Mounds
lic. Tickets are $10 or two for $15 and can be purchased online classes, is the intensity and sense of
or at the door. To register for the class or purchase tickets, go to community a weekend-long event can
www.threesistersfolkartschool.com, or call 274-8837, ext. 131. provide.
I will have the time to interact with
What does Mike have to say pening in the Midwest. all of the students and take the time to
about his involvement in the I think that eventually, if the event really “teach” the techniques needed
folk school? continues for years to come, it could to improve the participants’ playing. Mike Anderson
First and foremost, I will bring my easily attract a multi-state clientele. This type on event will also bring
30-plus years of not only playing and Most of the “winter dulcimer week- together players from many places, I got into dulcimer playing by was at the Forest Park Nature Center,
teaching the dulcimer, but also my ends” out East that I am a part of some of whom have believed they stumbling onto an instrument. I didn’t Peoria Heights, for the Peoria Dulci-
experience as a coordinator of similar attract anywhere for 75-120 partici- were the only players out there. even know what it was called when I mer Club.
events at Appalachian State Univer- pants and have multiple faculty mem- got my first one. Toward the end of At the time, I only knew five songs,
sity, Western Carolina University bers. I can see this event growing into college, I was just learning to play the since that is all you needed at a craft
and, closer to home, Dickson Mounds something like that. Mike, I know you are from guitar and was excited about anything fair when you are trying to sell dul-
Museum and New Salem State His- There are a great many dulcimer Washington, Ill. How did you with strings from which I could coax cimers. I was still mainly a guitar
torical Site. players in the Midwest, and not just get interested in the dulcimer a melody. player. I taught the club my five
Hopefully, I will also broaden the Illinois. Most of them cannot afford, and storytelling? My first one was basically a toy, songs, they liked it and invited me
base of people who are aware of the either financially or time-wise, to I am from Washington, Ill. I have my second one was a bit better, but back the next month to teach again. I
varied offerings at Three Sisters. I travel to North Carolina or eastern many memories of the Chillicothe not much. Then I started building had to learn five more songs. I spent
have had several people, having been Tennessee for a midwinter weekend area, ranging for high school football dulcimers because I couldn’t afford two years running five songs ahead of
enticed to visit the Three Sisters Web event. I also hope we can eventually and basketball games to bowling at a decent instrument. I spent many the Peoria Dulcimer Club. I guess I
site, comment that they were not entice some of Louisiana’s dulcimer the Chilli Bowl while on a traveling years building. Coincidentally, the kind of owe a lot of thank yous to the
aware something like this was hap- friends to February in Illinois. bowling team. first dulcimer workshop I ever taught Peoria area.

6 x 10"
Hi Beam

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