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An Evaluation of Human Resource Management Practices

of Accenture CIS Bangladesh

Course: HRM 601

Submitted to
Mohammad Thoufiqul Islam ( Ph.D.)
Submitted by



Riad-us Salehin


Punam deb


Santono Ghosh


Md. Saohan Sultan


Letter of Transmittal
30th November, 2015
Mr. Dr. Mohammad Thoufiqul Islam
Course Instructor
School of Business and Economics
North South University
Bangladesh, Dhaka.

Dear Sir,
Here is the final report on HR Practices of Accenture CIS Bangladesh that you asked our
group to accomplish for our BUS601 (Human Resource Management) course. In this report, we
have tried our best to apply our learnings of Human Resource Management in the practical field
to understand the HR practices of Accenture CIS Bangladesh.
We would like to cordially thank you for your great presence and giving us the opportunity to
work on a topic that is relevant to real life situations which has taught us a useful lesson. Despite
some limitations, we tried our level best to make this report as precise as possible. If you have
any additional enquiry about this project or any other information, we would be happy to give it
to you. You can contact us at this Email address:

Thankfully Yours,

Riad us Salehin


Punam Deb


Santono Ghosh


Md. Sohan Sultan



At first, we would like to express our supreme gratitude to Almighty Allah for giving us the
opportunity with strength and patience to complete the report successfully. In preparing the
report, we have received munificent assistance from many quarters, which we like to mention
with gratitude. First and foremost, we are highly indebted to our supervisor, Mohammad
Thoufiqul Islam (phd), School of Business Administration, North South University. His
suggestions and directions greatly motivated us to prepare this report successfully. Our gratitude
goes to Ms. Shamma Tasnim, working as a Recruiter in the Recruitment department of
Accenture CIS Bangladesh, who assisted us by providing different types of information relating
to this study. Finally, we like to thank our family and friends for helping us in various aspects.

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Executive Summary
This report seeks to understand the HR Practices followed in Accenture CIS Bangladesh.
Accenture CIS Bangladesh is a newly formed company that took over GPIT in 2013 by
purchasing its 51% share. The company is a subsidiary of Global Accenture which is a global
consulting agency which provides technology solution to increase the productivity and efficiency
of its clients, thus converting its clients to high performance business (Abid, 2015).
In Bangladesh, Accenture Bangladesh is currently working on two projects namely, Wintel and
Chicago. It provides Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) on finance, accounting and
infrastructure to its clients. As a newly formed company, its organization culture is in transition
period and so its HR practices. This report will try to figure out the new HR practices adopted by
this company within these 2 years (Shamma, 2015).
The report starts with the overview of the company and its HR department which is named as
People and Organization (P&O) in Accenture CIS Bangladesh. As its in its very inception, it has
a small HR with around 30 people working in 5 departments namely Recruitment, Total
Rewards, training and Development, HR Operations and Field HR and ER, each team headed by
one team lead. The P&O department is leaded by the Chief People Officer, Mrs. Syeda Yasmin
The report focuses mainly on 6 areas of HR practices including, Job Analysis, Personnel
Planning and Forecasting, Recruiting and Selection, Performance Management, Training and
Development and the Compensation structure of the Accenture Bangladesh.
The report provides some of significant findings of the job analysis of Accenture Bangladesh. It
has found that the HR of Accenture Bangladesh has just supervisory role in the job analysis
whereas the stakeholders (team leaders or line managers of the projects) do the job analysis since
the jobs are highly technical and cant easily be understood by HR.
The report also provides with in-depth insight on the personnel planning and forecasting as well
the recruitment and selection process. The Recruitment department plays a pivotal role to gather
information on the current and future personnel needs. It continuously seeks information from

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the stakeholders about their personnel needs. However, the numbers of new employees to be
recruited and the budget required for the enrollment must be passed from the Global Accenture.
The recruitment and selection process of the Accenture CIS Bangladesh has 5 stages which
includes Job posting, CV collection and sorting, written assessment and interview and the final
selection. Since most of the jobs are technical and needs specialized knowledge to understand the
subject matters, stakeholders do the CV sorting and the question formats of the written
assessment and interview. Recruitment department plays a supervisory role in this phase to
ensure accuracy and fairness.
The fourth HR agenda of the report is the Perfomance management. The Accenture CIS
bangladesh highly focus on the performance appraisal and performance management to align the
performance of the employees to its desired objectives, thus aligning the performance with its
strategy. The performance management of the employee is performed by the Total Reward
Rewards Team to ensure high quality performance. It has quarterly employee performances
appraisal program which they call as employee moderation and is done fairly and transperently
in front of management.
The fifth HR agenda of the report is to understand the trainging and development programs
conducted by Accenture. Its found that the traing development team highly focuses on the off
the job training which are instructed by Accentures foreign and local specialists depending on
the needs. On the other hand,it provides extensive online traing to its employee to internalize the
core values and behavior of employees.
Last but not the least, compenstaion package of accenture is discussed on the report. Accneture
compensation package is directly dependent on performance of the employee. It has linked the
employee benefits with the performance. It does not disclose its salary structure. However, its
above market average and mixed with other benefits including 2 festival bonus, yearly profit
sharing and medical insurance.
The whole report is prepared on the basis of secondary sources available and the interview done
with Ms. Shamma Tasnim, working as a recruiter in the recruitment department of Accenture
Bangladesh. The report is expected to provide an extensive overview of the HR practices of
Acccenture Bangladesh.
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Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal ........................................................................................................................ i
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... ii
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... iii

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1


Company Overview ................................................................................................................. 1


Hierarchy of Accenture .................................................................................................... 2


Core Values of Accenture............................................................................................. 2


Stewardship: .............................................................................................................. 2


Best People: .............................................................................................................. 2


Client Value Creation: .............................................................................................. 2


One Global Network: ................................................................................................ 3


Respect for the Individual: ........................................................................................ 3


Integrity: .................................................................................................................... 3


Accenture Strategy: .......................................................................................................... 3


Accenture Consulting: ...................................................................................................... 3


Accenture Digital: ............................................................................................................ 3


Accenture Technology: .................................................................................................... 4


Accenture Operations: ...................................................................................................... 4


Things that Differentiate Accenture from Others ............................................................ 4


Trusted Client Relationships: .................................................................................... 4


Industry Differentiation: ........................................................................................... 5


Global Footprint: ....................................................................................................... 5


Technology leadership: ............................................................................................. 5


Operational Excellence: ............................................................................................ 5



Accenture Bangladeshs Business and Clients................................................................. 5


Infrastructure Outsourcing:........................................................................................... 6


HR Organogram ........................................................................................................... 8


Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 8


HR Agenda.............................................................................................................................. 9

Job Analysis: .................................................................................................................... 9


Process of Job Analysis in Accenture Bangladesh ................................................... 9


Information Collected for Jobs Analysis: ................................................................. 9


Steps Followed by Accenture CIS Bangladesh in Job Analysis: ............................ 10


Job description and Job Specification ..................................................................... 11


Human Resource Planning & Forceasting ..................................................................... 13


Recruitment and Selection Process ................................................................................ 14


Stages and Steps of Recruitment............................................................................. 14

Performance Evaluation of the Employees .................................................................... 18


Performance Appraisal: .......................................................................................... 18


Appraisal Interview:................................................................................................ 19


Performance Managament: ..................................................................................... 20


Training and Development: ............................................................................................ 21


Training in Accenture ............................................................................................. 21


Types of Training .................................................................................................... 21


Assessment of Training Needs................................................................................ 22


Curriculum of the Training ..................................................................................... 22


Learning Resources of Training.............................................................................. 22


Training Programs for Newly Joined Employees ................................................... 23

5. Rewards and Benefit .......................................................................................................... 24

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Compensation and Recognition .................................................................................. 24


Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 25


Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 25


Reference .............................................................................................................................. 26


Case Study ............................................................................................................................ 27

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1. Introduction
This report seeks to understand the HR Practices followed in Accenture CIS Bangladesh.
Accenture is one of the fortune global 500 companies in the world renowned for professional
services, with competence in consulting, strategy, digital technology and operations. Accenture
is serving clients in more than 200 cities of 120 countries with its 319500 employees (Accenture,
2015). Accenture assist organization to optimize their operations by combining unparalleled
experience, widespread competencies across all the industries and extensive research on most
successful companies. Accenture works together with clients to assist them become highperformance businesses and governments.
The company has started their operation in Bangladesh by acquiring GPIT when it bought 51%
of its share in 2013. The 49% of the share are still acquired by Grameenphone (Tasnim, 2015).
However, the beginning was not so easy for Accenture in Bangladesh as it had to restructure the
dangling management of GPIT and strategically align it to the global strategy of Accenture.
Accenture India has been playing a vital role since its inception in Bangladesh to converge the
GPITs values with global Accenture values.

2. Company Overview
Accenture is a name of a leading professional service company with capabilities in consulting,
strategy, digital, technology and operations. Accenture mainly focused on maximizing their
performance and achieving their vision. Accenture also assists with global clients to help them
high performance business (Accenture, 2015).
Accenture has embarked their business in Bangladesh by taking over GPIT (An IT subsidiary of
Grameenphone) by acquiring 51% of global share. It is working in Bangladesh in the name of
Accenture CIS Ltd. Bangladesh. The share transfer is a subject to board approval and in an
Extraordinary general meeting (EGM) the approval to transfer the shares to Accenture is taken
placed. There is also a proposal to grant GP an option for selling remaining GPIT shares to
Accenture at a later date.



Hierarchy of Accenture

Accenture has designed their hierarchy in level of 1-13.

Level (1-5), they are called Accenture leadership position; they do not disclose the
designation who are of those level.

Level 06- Senior Manager

Level 08- Associate Manager

Level 09- Specialist/Team Lead

Level 10-Senior Analyst

Level 11-Analyst

Level 12- Associate

Level 13- New Associate (Abid, 2015)


Core Values of Accenture

Accentures core values focused on shaping the culture, defining the character and defining the
character of the company. These core values are foundation for how Accenture acting and
making decisions. The people of Accenture live the core values through individual behaviors
(Accenture, 2015).

2.1.1. Stewardship:
Stewardship refers to build a better company for future generations, to act with an owner
mentality, to develop their people and to help improve communities of the global environment
(Accenture, 2015).

2.1.2. Best People:

Best people refer to attract, develop and retain the best talent for their business, to challenge their
people, to demonstrate a can-do attitude and to foster a collaborative environment (Accenture,

2.1.3. Client Value Creation:

Client value creation refers to enable clients to become high performance business and to create
long term relationships by being responsive and relevant and by consistently delivering value
(Accenture, 2015).

2.1.4. One Global Network:

One global network refers to leverage the power of global insight, relationships, collaboration
and to learn to deliver exceptional service to clients wherever they do business (Accenture,

2.1.5. Respect for the Individual:

Respect for the Individual refers to value diversity and unique contributions, to foster a trusting,
open and inclusive environment and to treat each person in a manner that reflects Accentures
values (Accenture, 2015).

2.1.6. Integrity:
Integrity refers to be ethically unyielding, honest and inspiring, to matching their behaviors to
their words and to take responsibility for their actions (Accenture, 2015).


Accenture Strategy:

Accenture Strategy handles the intersection of business and technology. Every organization
depends on technology and it is transforming every organization. So, in that case technologyenabled strategy is needed to take advantage of the opportunities. All strategies business,
technology or operations; drive value, shape new business and design operating models for the
future. Accenture also execute industry-specific strategies that support enterprise- wide
transformation (Ahmed, 2014).


Accenture Consulting:

Accenture consulting consists with the people who work in five operating groups;
communications, media & technology, financial services, health & public service, product &
resources. They are industry experts having the insights and capabilities to assist the world are
leading companies. Accenture consulting orchestrates are responsible for building and sustaining
long-term client relationships (Ahmed, 2014).


Accenture Digital:

The combination of capabilities in digital marketing, analytics and mobility to help clients and
unleashing the power of digital to transform their businesses are the main acts to digitalize. They
assist clients to use digital technologies to deliver more meaningful and relevant customer

experiences through the all channels and customer segments. It is also focused to create new
products and business models and to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of their internal
operations (Accenture, 2015).


Accenture Technology:

Technology leads to drive innovation, deliver cutting edge solutions and increase productivity. It
has two primary areas: Technology Delivery which includes global delivery capabilities and the
application services and it is also includes spanning systems integration and application
outsourcing. Another area is Technology Innovation & Ecosystem which includes the R&D
activities in global Technology labs and the management of the alliance relationships across the
ecosystem (Accenture, 2015).


Accenture Operations:

Accenture operations provides business process outsourcing, infrastructure outsourcing, security

and cloud services, infrastructure consulting. It transforms and operates IT infrastructure and
business processes on behalf of clients. It assists clients to improve their productivity and
performance (Accenture, 2015).


Things that Differentiate Accenture from Others

Accenture is uniquely differentiated in the marketplace through their

Trusted client relationships
Industry differentiation
Global footprint
Technology leadership
Operational excellence

2.7.1. Trusted Client Relationships:

Accenture operates at the heart of their clients business, helping address their complex, missioncritical issues. Accenture serve more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500 and 89 of the
Fortune Global 100 (Accenture, 2015).


2.7.2. Industry Differentiation:

More than half of Accenture people have certified industry skills or are aligned with a specific
industry. Accenture provides flexible and scalable en-to-end business services that address the
business and performance issues unique to a given industry (Accenture, 2015).

2.7.3. Global Footprint:

Accenture has a board global footprint aligned around three geographic regions- North America,
Europe and Growth Markets- and serve clients in more than 120 countries. Accenture is both
extremely global, serving their clients consistently anywhere they operate, and extremely local,
bringing local execution and market relevance (Accenture, 2015).

2.7.4. Technology leadership:

As the largest independent technology service provider, Accenture has a privileged position in
the ecosystem and are the number 1 partner of many key players, including SAP, Oracle,
Microsoft, HP and The scale and scope of Accentures Global Delivery Network
are unmatched, with 232,000 people working from more than 50 delivery centers and at client
sites around the world (Accenture, 2015).

2.7.5. Operational Excellence:

Accenture manage global operations with rigor and discipline to increase our efficiency and
enhance our competitiveness, so that they can continue to achieve our ultimate goal of delivering
sustainable, profitable growth over the long term (Accenture, 2015).


Accenture Bangladeshs Business and Clients

Accenture gives a huge range of BPO services to enable high performance. This includes
function specific services such as procurement, supply chain, learning, HR, finance and
accounting. Accenture also has experience in infrastructure outsourcing. It provides ongoing
management of companies IT infrastructure capabilities or functions. They provide both discrete
skills and fully managed service in which they take complete responsibility to manage end-toend function of one or more of their infrastructure outsourcing services.
Accenture Bangladesh is now outsourcing BPO Finance & Accounting and infrastructure.
Telenor is the main client of Accenture Bangladesh. They started their journey at outsourcing

services in 2013 and first client was GP Telenor and gradually they expand the client network
and providing services to other Telenor around the world (Shamma, 2015).
BPO-Finance & Accounting Outsourcing
BPO services are1. P2P (procure to pay)
2. R2R(Record to report)
3. O2C (Order to cash) (Abid, 2015)
Accenture Bangladesh has two projects in order to provide their services
1. Wintel
2. Chicago





Figure: Projects & Clients (Abid, 2014).

Accenture Bangladesh is running their BPO outsourcing from 2013 under these projects.

2.10. Infrastructure Outsourcing:

Accenture Bangladesh run their infrastructure outsourcing functions under the project called
project nucleus. It was named as TITA previously. There are 4 business under this project.



Figure: Business Clients (Abid, 2015)
Accenture support their activities from Accenture Bangladesh Delivery Centre (ABDC). There
are 9 towers to support to assist these activities.
1. Monitoring
2. Storage
3. Backup
4. Network
5. Network Securities
6. Server
7. Linux
8. Unix
9. Database Administrator


2.11. HR Organogram

Cheif People


Team Lead

Total Rewards
Team Lead


Training &
Team Lead

HR Operations
Team Lead

Field HR & ER
Team Lead

Figure : HR Organogram

3. Methodology
To prepare the report, information is collected both form primary and secondary sources. To
know detail information, an unstructured interview was done with the Ms. Shamma Tasnim who
is a recruiter, working at Accentures Recruitment team. The interview has given us a detail
insight of Accentures HRs detail structure and practices.
On the other, secondary sources such as previous internship report and Accentures website are
used to gather information. In addition, an video interview of Accentures Chief People officer
is used to understand their vision and strategy. All information are analyzed and scrutinized to
prepare this report.


4. HR Agendas
4.10. Job Analysis:
4.10.1.Process of Job Analysis in Accenture Bangladesh
Accenture Bangladesh is a high-tech software company in which the jobs are mainly developing
company specific software and supporting different organizations to upgrade global existing
software. In addition, it provides technical assistance to improve the software experience through
debugging the existing software error. So, the majority of the jobs in Accenture Bangladesh is
highly technical and requires specialized technical persons to conduct the jobs analysis.
However, most of the software jobs are standardized and the jobs analysis is done by headquarter
situated in Ireland. Since the jobs are highly technical and programming language specific, the
jobs analysis are done mainly by the supervisors and team leader of different projects which are
managed by the project manager of that project.
The whole process are reviewed and monitored by a Senior Analyst of HR Recruitment
department. However, the jobs analysis for Finance and HR departments are done by the
immediate supervisors of the specific position and the whole process is monitored by Senior HR
specialist of HR Recruitment department

4.10.2.Information Collected for Jobs Analysis:

To conduct the job analysis for a specific position , the Senior Analyst of the HR recruitemt
department request the Team leader of the specific project to collect information on following
aspects of the given position. The following information are then analyse to create job
description and job specifiation:
a. Work Activities: The information includes here are the actual job activities done by the
person in the specific position. In Accenture CIS Bangladesh, majority of the jobs are
technical requiring sopihsticated progamming languge skills. For example, if the team
leader analyse a job for the associate software developer in Accenture, the work activities
the team leader finds may be devoloping following work activities:

Understanding the problem

Developing solution

Developing Algorithm

Writing programs using different lagnguages such as, C++, SQL, JAVA etc.

b. Human Behavior: The team leader and the immediate supervisors also try to find the
human behavior required for the position such as sensing, communicating, deciding and
writing etc. For example, a associate software developer requires moderate writing skills
and cummunication skills but requires good decision making skills in some cases.
c. Machine, Tools, Equipment and Work Aids: The team leader and the immediate
supervisor tries to collect information on the equimpent and tools the and knowledge
requires to deal with those machine. For example, a suppor engineer dealing with a server
must know how to operate the server.
d. Job Context: The team leader and immediate supervisor also collect informatio on the
job contexts as many support engineers need to work in risky enviroment with highly
complicated machines and server.
e. Human requirements: This is very important for team leaders to know the specific
programming languages (C++, JAVA, SQL etc.) required to do the job which he/she is
required to analyse. Since the jobs are highly technical and required specfic programming
language skills, it is imperative for a team leader and the supervisor to find out the
information on the programming languages required for the position. In addition, the
immediate supervisor needs to collect informaton on the physical charectaersrics required
to perform the jobs effectively.

4.10.3.Steps Followed by Accenture CIS Bangladesh in Job Analysis:

The whole process of jobs analysis are mainly done by the immediate supervisors and team
leaders. However, a supervisory role is played by the senior recruitment analysis to ensure the
accuracy of the procedure.
Step 1: Here the team leader and the immediate supervisors try to decide how the the
information will be collected and the procedure to collect them. The Senior analysts of HR
recruitment departemnt actually discuss with the team leaders and immediate supervisor to find
the best way of collectting information. Following are the ways that followed by Accenture
Bangladesh are:-

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Job Analysis Information Sheet (Questionaires)

Position Analysis Questionaire

Step 2: Here the team leader and immediate supervior create process flow chart to understand
the detail workflow of the position. In addition, organization charts are used to determine where
the position fglobal in the organization.
Step 3: The team leader and immediate supervisor try to find the representative positions. For
example, if a team leader tries to find a represantative jobs for associate software engineer he/she
will analyze the similar jobs from different projects and find the traglobal and skills required for
performing the jobs.
Step 4: This is the most important step where the team leader and immediate supervisor actually
analyze the jobs by collecting the information mentioned earlier. Since the company is highly
technological, the information cant be collected by observation techniques. Here the information
is collected mostly through structured interview to the representative position using Job analysis
questionaire and position analysis questionaire.
Step 5: The team leader and the immediate supervisor try to verify and reviwe the infromation
collected by using other information sources like previous job description and specification. The
whole process is review by the Senori Analyst of the HR Department.
Step 6: Finally develop a new descripyion and specification are conducted by the designated
team leader and the immediate supervisor which is alsow reviewed by the Senior Analyst.

4.10.4.Job description and Job Specification

As a software development and support company, Accenture CIS Bangladesh has to be very
specific in creating job description and job specification for different jobs. Job desciption and
specification in Accenture Bangladesh evolved from in depth job analysis. However, for many
stadndardized position, it follows their mother company guidance. HR department mainly plays a
supervisory role in creating job description and job specification.
A typical job description for Accenture includes following aspects:

Job identification
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Job location

Job responisibility

Job specification

Education and Experience requirement

Job context

Following figure gives an idea about the job description and job specification of Accenture

Figure: Sample Job description and Specification of Accenture Bangladesh

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4.11. Human Resource Planning & Forceasting

Recruitment department of Accenture HR is responsible for employment planning and
forceasting. The employee needs are highly dependent on the specific projects undertaken by the
company and the condition of the ongoing projects. The information of the current and future
employee needs is provided by the project managers to the Recruitment department. However,
the planning and the forceasting of the employee need is done by Recruitment department along
with different project stakeholders.




Figure: Accenture Bangladesh Personnel forceast

Along with buy approach , accenture use build approach to fulfill their future and current
personnel needs. So, while planning future needs they not only focus the outside source of
employees but also the internal pool of candidates for employment planning.
Finally, the futute and current personnel needs are informed to the headquarter through a
software named ABACUS. The future and current personnel needs are scrutinized by the
headquarter in terms of actual needs and the budget required for the personnel. If the HR in the
headquarter finds it acceptable, they provide the permission through ABACUS. After getting the
permission Recruitment Department of Accenture Bangladesh takes action to start the
recruitment process.

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4.12. Recruitment and Selection Process

4.12.1.Stages and Steps of Recruitment
The Recruitment and selection process of Accenture Bangladesh is summarized in the following

Figure: Recruitment process of Accenture Bangladesh (Abid, 2015).

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Job Posting (Stage 1): According to the demand of the line managers and team leaders of
different departments, Accenture P&O makes decision on the amount and types of personnel
needed. Then job postings are done both in External & Internal Source depending on the type of
the jobs. This process is done within 2 days.
The source are given below:

External source ( Referral program and Internal Job Portal)

Interal source (BD jobs, Referral Program, HR consultancy, University Career Services
office and facebook page)

CV Screening and Sorting (Stage 2): After collceting the CV, P &O send those CVs to the
diferent stakeholders for shortlisting. Then thecreening is done by the different departments
according to the requirement. Since most of the jobs are highly specialized and technical, the
requirments of the candidates are understood better by the stakeholders (line manager or team
leader). This process is done within 7 days.
Requirements to be identified:
Entry Level/Fresh Graduates
Educational Requirements:


BBA in Finance/Accounting/HR/ Marketing

Professional Certification (Preferred)

Experience: Not Applicable (Abid, 2015)

For Mid to High Level Professional (Level 11-06)
Educational Requirements:


BBA/MBA in Finance/Accounting/HR

Professional Certification (Required)

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Experience: 3-10 years of experience on relevant field (depends of the job level) (Abid, 2015)
Written Assesment and Interview (Stage 3): The selection process for the Fresher/entry level
position and experienced candidates are given below:
For Fresher/entry level position:

The selected candidates are called for a written examination.


The candidates who perform well are called for an interview with stakeholders (line
managers or team leaders).

For Experienced Professionals:


First, they are called for initial interview with the stakeholders (line managers or team


They persons who perform well in the first interview are called for the second interview
with stake holders in which they are tested vigorously to understand their technical


The person who do well in the second interview are called for the final interview in
which they sit with the departmental head and P&O head (Tasnim, 2015).

Written Assesment Format:

The Recruitment department of Accenture Bangladesh sends a request to the specific stakholders
to prepare witten test questions. The questions are mainly prepared by the stakeholders (line
managers and lteam leaders). The questions are sent to the recruitment department from the
stakeholders. The written test mainly covers:
a. Job related questions
b. Technical knowledge
c. Specialiazed skill testing
d. Problem solving /Case study

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Interview Format
The interview can be both structured and unstructured depending on the requirements of the
position. Each interviewers are given an assesment sheet in which they evaluate a specific
candidates on their skills and aptitutde. The content of the interview are mainly,
a. Highly technical and knowledge based
b. Job related and Skill based
c. Situational questions
The interviews are mostly pannel interviews which includes stakeholders and HR personnel.
Final Selection (Stage 4):
The steps of the final selection are given below:

The interviewers send their individual assessment sheet to the Recruitment department.
Recruitment department finds the best candidates from the individual assessment sheet
and comes to conclusion through finally selecting the best candidates.


Selected candidates name and details are sent to the total rewards team and the
Background Checking (BGC) team (Tasnim, 2015).


The total rewards team communicates with the final candidate to fix the remuneration
and other benefglobal. Meanwhile, the background check is done.


If remuneration issue is fixed and background check is found alright, the candidates are
sent final confirmation both through email and phone.


A meeting is arranged by Total Rewards team to do a contract signing between the

selected candidates and Accenture to confirm the employment(Tasnim, 2015).

The whole process is unbiased as the interviewers have to maintain individual assessment sheet.
As a result, a single interviewers attitude towards a specific candidate cant affect his or
selection as different individuals have different assessment sheet and no interviewer can change
other interviewers assessment.

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4.13. Performance Evaluation of the Employees

Accenture CIS bangladesh highly focus on the performance appraisal and performance
management to ensurure high level performance. In addition, it tries to align the performance of
the employees to global desired objectives, thus aligning the performance with global strategy.
The performance management of the employee is performed by the Total Reward Rewards Team
which pursue continuous performance approch to ensure high quality performance.

4.13.1.Performance Appraisal:
In Accenture CIS Bangladesh, Performance Appraisal is called as Performance moderation. Its
done quarterly by the immediate supervisor in front of the management. The whole process is
monitored by Total Rewards Team of Accenture Bangladesh P&O. In creating performance
appraisal graphic rating scale is used which is mainly provided by Total Rewards team.
However, the specific department mainly appraises the employee depends on his/her attaining
the targets.






Reward and

Figure: Performance Appraisal

The whole process are described below,
Step 1 (Establishing targets): In this step, the supervisor of the specific department discuss with
the subordinate about the quarterly target. The supervisor also establish the standards to which
the subordinate has to maintain to achieve a spuperior appraisal. The targets must be clearly
defined and communicated to the employee.
Step 2 ( Employee moderation) : In this step, the employees are evaluated for their
performance and compared with the standards. The employees are given points in the Rewards
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and Recognition site for completing each target. This information are clearly shown in global
Rewards & recognition site. Along with the data about performance in Reward & Recognition
site, Graphic Rating Performance form are used to
Step 3 ( Feedback) : After each four month, the immediate supervisor sglobal with the
subordinate in front of the managment to do the final moderation. Here, the supervisor discuss
with the subordinate about his/her performance and makes plans to imrove.
Step 4: (Reward and Recognition) : In Accenture Bangladesh, top 3 performers from each
departments are nominated from each category. Total Rewards team selects the best performer
and awards him as the best employee of the quarter.

4.13.2.Appraisal Interview:
The appraisal interview is done quartely for each department. In this interview, the supervisor, in
front of the managers and other line managers, discusses the performance with the subordinate to
commuicate his/her performance overview. The supervisor not only provide feeback about the
result but also provide necessary imrovement suggestions. The outcome of the result of the
interview is communicated to the total rewards team
On the other hand, the subordinate is given chance to defend his/her performance.
The format of the Appraisal interview is given below:

Structured or Unstructured : The interview session is mixed. Its structured in some

cases and unstructred in some cases. Especially, the discsussion session between
subordinate and supervisors is unstructured.


Administered by line managers: The interview is administered by line managers

along with the supervisors


Feedback Session : In this sesseion, the supervisor provides feedback about the
performance of the subordinate. The supervisor also provide necessary sugesstion to the
subordinate to improve his/ performance.


Defense session: In this session, the subordinate is given chance to clarify his
performance. He/she is also given the chance to share views about the targets and the
problems he has faced to achieve the targets.
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4.13.3.Performance Managament:
Since Accenture Bangladesh admire continous growth and improvement, the highly focus on
performance management. To foster contious imrovement of global employee, the company has
established an continous online evaluation system named Reward and Recognition system.
Its an online continous evaluation sytem in which the supervisor provides points to the
subordinate for his target completion. The performance evaluation system also shows the overall
performance of the employee to ensure continous imrovement and growth.










Figure: Performance Management Process of Accenture

The Performance Management Process of the Accenture CIS Bangladesh:
Step 1 (Establishing Strategic Target): In this step, Accenture has decided to build a dynamic
company which will foster continuous improvement and growth. To do that, they have build
online system which continuously monitor performance and provide feedback (Tasnim, 2015).
Step 2 (Establishing target): In this step, the supervisors set SMART targets by discussing with
the subordinates and upload the targets into the online Reward recognition system so that its
visible to everyone in the department and can understand the current state of the target
completion (Tasnim, 2015).
Step 3 ( Continuous Evaluation): The supervsior can continuously monitor the current state of
the target completion through online Reward & Recognition System. For each succesful target
completion, the supervisor gives points to the subordinate and the results are visible online.

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Step 4 (Continuous Feedback) : The supervisor provides daily or weekly feedback either
personally or through online Recognition System to global subordinate to ensure continuous

4.14. Training and Development:

Training is highly valued in Accenture CIS Bangladesh because of global pivotal importance to
keep global employees up to date about the changes and trends . Accenture believes that to
provide supererior day-to-day services to global clients, employees need continuous enhancing
of the core business skills, capabilities and knowledge.

4.14.1.Training in Accenture
The employees of Accenture are provided with a framework of training and career development
provision that helps to enable an employee to be the driver of his/her career journey. In
Accenture Bangladesh, employees are encouraged to be a part of global inclusive training
culture. To do that it has established the state of the art online and ofline training module with
the help of global parent company.

4.14.2.Types of Training
Accenture has devoted adequate amount of time, energy and funding to provide world class
training facilities to all of global employees, including the fresh graduates. The training facilities
are of two types in Accenture CIS Bangladesh such as,

Instructor-led training: These training in Accenture are provided by specialized

instructors in different subject matters and experts to improve the technical and
behavioral skills. Employees with training needs are either trained on the job (OJT) or off
the job. However, most of the training programs are off the jobs and includes lecture
session and audio-visual based training in different training centers. It also provides inhouse training on stress management and value creation etc (Tasnim, 2015).


Online web-based training: Employees in Accenture Bangladesh has to complete 6

mandatory online training sessions on ethics, compliance, core Accenture values,
diversity management, communication and leadership.

These training sessions are

organized by the parent companies and instructed by the foreign experts from different
parts of the world (Tasnim, 2015).
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4.14.3.Assessment of Training Needs

The assessments are done both for current employees and the newly joined employees. Newly
joined employees are assessed on the basis of their skills and aptitude gap found in the selection
test and academic profile.
To assess the training needs of current employees different kinds of sources this include:a. Performance appraisal
b. Aptitude test results
c. Job related performance data
d. Interviews (Tasnim, 2015)
However, as a technological consultant firm, Accenture needs to keep global employee up to
date of the recent technological and trend change. The languages and the techniques of software
development changes quickly. Thus, the employees are trained on the basis of upcoming changes
in the field of technologies to tune their skills.

4.14.4.Curriculum of the Training

The training sessions are conducted throughout an employees career in Accenture. The
curriculum of the training is generally divided into five different major areas
a. Role
b. Functional
c. Industry
d. The employees specific talent area and specialization
Global expert panels that have specialization in different subject matters design and formulate
the content and the materials for the training. The training is conducted both by the foreign and
local experts who have in depth skills and specialization on the given subject matter.

4.14.5.Learning Resources of Training

Employees are provided with different learning resources which include:
22 | P a g e

a. Podcasts
b. Curriculums
c. Reading materials
d. Books and journals
e. Training session recordings
f. Knowledge groups and global own career counselor
Most of the resources are available online in global learning websites. This website contains
customized training materials specific to the employees. The employees can also search and read
thousands of other learning resources from the company website according to their wish. The
resources provide employees with valuable sources to upgrade their skills and capabilities.

4.14.6.Training Programs for Newly Joined Employees

Figure: Two weeks training Programs for Newly Joined Employees

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5. Rewards and Benefit

Accenture provides global employees a Total Rewards package. The package includes
compensation and a variety of market-pertinent remuneration and professional growth
opportunities that recognize individual contributions and performance. It also offers a wide range
of programs to assist global employees to have a successful career and a healthy lifestyle.

5.10. Compensation and Recognition

Accenture tries to compensate global employees for their superior performance and award them
for their accomplishments. Accenture CIS Bangladesh strictly follows Bangladesh labor law in
compensating employees. The salary and the benefits provided here is above market average to
ensure overall employee satisfaction. The salary package of the employees is never disclosed.
Since its highly confidential, its not possible for us to know the range of the salary. The major
aspects of global compensation package are:a. Salary package is above market average
b. Fringe benefits including rent allowance and child allowance
c. Salary increment and bonuses are directly related to the performance
d. Two festival bonuses
e. Yearly profit sharing
f. Medical insurance which covers the employee and his/her family members
g. Only permanent employees are eligible for festival bonus, yearly profit sharing and
medical insurance
Since the increment of the salary and the bonus are directly related to the employee performance,
the Total Reward and recognition team continuously monitor the performance of global
employee and recognize the performance by providing higher benefits to the employee. Total
reward team works vigorously to identify the superior performance of the employees and reward
them with not only monetary benefit but also with overall recognition in the company. The Total
Reward team quarterly arranges Reward and Recognition ceremony in which the best performers
are awarded for their superior performance.

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6. Recommendations

Although it says the compensation is market above, Accentures compensation package is

not well enough for the employees. So, it should develop their remuneration package to
encourage and hence increase the productivity.

The P&O department should be more organized so that it can organize the employees in a
proper way to have proper coordination

Delaying interview is a problem for Accentures P&O team. So it should eliminate this
culture to improve its image

The HR team should be more dynamic rather than following a conventional way of
treating employee

As Accenture is a new company in Bangladesh, its needs to develop their work process to
be successful in Bangladesh.

7. Conclusion
Since the birth of Accenture Bangladesh, it has to face severe challenges in its HR operations as
it has to bring about a new way of management which fosters continuous growth and challenges.
To incorporate new ways of doing things and the core values of global Accenture, the Accenture
Bangladesh has to work hard on its training and development efforts.
As a technological consultant company, training and development is essential for Accenture CIS
Bangladesh to keep its employee prepared for the upcoming challenges and trends. Accenture
CIS Bangladesh is still in womb and needs to tune up its human resource to create a dynamic
company through adequate training and development facilities. Even though Accenture CIS
Bangladesh has the capacity and capabilities of providing world-class training development
facilities to its employee, it is highly dependent on the Accenture India in many cases.

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8. Reference
Abid, S. (2015). Recruitment and Selection Process of Accenture. [online] BRAC University,
pp.1-15. Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov.
Accenture, (2015). Accenture Strategy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2015].
Ahmed, A. (2014). HR Operations Activities. [online] BRAC University, pp.1-14. Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2015].
Tasnim, S. (2015). Interview on the Accenture's HR Ractices.

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9. Case Study

Training and Development at

Accenture CIS Bangladesh

Accenture is one of the fortune global 500 companies in the world renowned


for professional services, with competence in consulting, strategy, digital

technology and operations. Accenture is serving clients in more than 200 cities
of 120 countries with its 319500 employees. Accenture assist organization to
optimize their operations by combining unparalleled experience, widespread

Training needs

competencies across all the industries and extensive research on most


successful companies. Accenture works together with clients to assist them

The company has started their operation in Bangladesh by acquiring GPIT

Human resources: The

function within business
responsible for an
organizations people. This
function deals with workforce
planning, recruitment,
training and pay issues

when it bought 51% of its share in 2013. The 49% of the share are still

Strategy: Long-term

acquired by Grameenphone. However, the beginning was not so easy for

business plan of a company

become high-performance businesses and governments.

Accenture in Bangladesh as it had to restructure the dangling management of

GPIT and strategically align it to the global strategy of Accenture. Accenture
India has been playing a vital role since its inception in Bangladesh to
converge the GPITs values with global Accenture values.

People and Organization (P&O)

Since the birth of Accenture Bangladesh, it has to face severe challenges in its HR operations as
it has to bring about a new way of management which fosters continuous growth and challenges.
To incorporate new ways of doing things and the core values of global Accenture, the Accenture
Bangladesh has to work hard on its training and development efforts.
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The Human Resource management is named as People & Organization in

Accenture Bangladesh and has 5 specific teams in it namely Recruitment, Total
Rewards, Training and Development, HR Operations, Field HR and ER, each
leaded by a team leader.

HR Policy: Human
resource policies are the
formal rules and guidelines
that businesses put in place

However, the policies and coordination of the P&O are done by another two

to hire, train, assess, and

reward the members of their

teams namely policy and coordination. This policy team provides the company


with specific strategic HR polices with a vision to make a dynamic organization

Training & Development:

which will recognize continuous improvement. The Coordination team

It describes the formal,

ongoing efforts that are

collaborates with each team to create a unified HR family.

made within organizations

to improve the performance
and self- fulfillment of their
employees through a variety
of educational methods and

The whole P&O department works under Chief People Officer, Syeda Yasmin Rahman.
According to Syeda Yasmin Rahman, we usually take the fresh graduates form universities and
invest large amount of resources to train and develop them so that they can grow with our

Training and Development

Training is highly valued in Accenture CIS Bangladesh because of its pivotal importance to keep
its employees up to date about the changes and trends. Accenture believes that to provide
superior day-to-day services to its clients, employees need continuous enhancing of the core
business skills, capabilities and knowledge.
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Skill Gap vs Behavioral Gap/ Value Gap

Training and development of the newly formed company is one of the biggest Glossary
challenges for a human resource department. Accentures P&O department faces
identical challenges, specifically to identify the training needs of the employees. To
the change the conventional way of doing things, the company needs to identify the
areas which they need to modify so that it can incorporate the global values and

Skill Gap: It is the

difference in
the skills required on the
job and the actual skills
possessed by the

Accentures way of doing.

Behavioral and Value

The company has already invested a lot in identifying the areas of improvement and
has started to train employees recently in a more strategic and goal oriented way.
The training needs of employees entails from the skill gap which can be found by
investigating the performance related documents. The skill gap is not a big problem
for a company like Accenture which has highly skilled trainers and specialists to
fulfill the gap.

However, behavioral gap and value gap resulted from an

Gap: It is the difference

between the value or
behavioral skills required
on the job and actual
behavioral and value
skill possessed by the
Training Need
Assessment: A needs

acquisition of a company are highly complicated issues and cant easily be

identified. Consequently, Accenture Bangladesh is facing similar issues which they

assessment is a
systematic process for
determining and

have tried to solve using various techniques.

addressing needs, or
"gaps" between current

Training at Accenture

conditions and desired

conditions or "wants"

The employees of Accenture are provided with a framework of training and career development
On the Job Training
(OJT): Employee
provision that helps to enable an employee to be the driver of his/her career journey.
training at the place of

Accenture Bangladesh, employees are encouraged to be a part of its inclusive training culture.
work whileTo
he or she is
doing the actual job.
do that it has established the state of the art online and ofline training module with the help
of its

parent company.
Accenture has devoted adequate amount of time, energy and funding to provide world class
training facilities to all of its employees, including the fresh graduates. The training facilities are
of two types in Accenture CIS Bangladesh such as,

Instructor-led training: These training in Accenture are provided by specialized

instructors in different subject matters and experts to improve the technical and
29 | P a g e

behavioral skills. Employees with training needs are either trained on the job (OJT) or off
the job. However, most of the training programs are off the jobs and includes lecture
session and audio-visual based training in different training centers. It also provides inhouse training on stress management and value creation etc.

Online web-based training: Employees in Accenture Bangladesh has to complete 6

mandatory online training sessions on ethics, compliance, core Accenture values,
diversity management, communication and leadership.

These training sessions are

organized by the parent companies and instructed by the foreign experts from different
parts of the world.

Assessment of Training Needs

The assessments are done both for current employees and the newly joined employees. Newly
joined employees are assessed on the basis of their skills and aptitude gap found in the selection
test and academic profile.
To assess the training needs of current employees different kinds of sources this include:e. Performance appraisal
f. Aptitude test results
g. Job related performance data
h. Interviews
However, as a technological consultant firm, Accenture needs to keep its employee up to date of
the recent technological and trend change. The languages and the techniques of software
development changes quickly. Thus, the employees are trained on the basis of upcoming changes
in the field of technologies to tune their skills.

Curriculum of the Training

The training sessions are conducted throughout an employees career in Accenture. The
curriculum of the training is generally divided into five different major areas
e. Role
f. Functional
30 | P a g e

g. Industry
h. The employees specific talent area and specialization
Global expert panels that have specialization in different subject matters design and formulate
the content and the materials for the training. The training is conducted both by the foreign and
local experts who have in depth skills and specialization on the given subject matter.

Learning Resources of Training

Employees are provided with different learning resources which include:
g. Podcasts
h. Curriculums
i. Reading materials
j. Books and journals
k. Training session recordings
l. Knowledge groups and its own career counselor
Most of the resources are available online in its learning websites. This website contains
customized training materials specific to the employees. The employees can also search and read
thousands of other learning resources from the company website according to their wish. The
resources provide employees with valuable sources to upgrade their skills and capabilities.

As a technological consultant company, training and development is essential for Accenture CIS
Bangladesh to keep its employee prepared for the upcoming challenges and trends. Accenture
CIS Bangladesh is still in womb and needs to tune up its human resource to create a dynamic
company through adequate training and development facilities. Even though Accenture CIS
Bangladesh has the capacity and capabilities of providing world-class training development
facilities to its employee, it is highly dependent on the Accenture India in many cases.

31 | P a g e

a. Describe what type of challenges Accentures P&O are facing in its inception in
b. What is the difference between skill gap and behavioral gap? Suggest what Accenture
P&O should do to reduce behavioral gap of employees.
c. What kinds of training procedures are followed in Accenture? Give pros and cons of
d. How does Accenture identify the training need of employees? Describe briefly.

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