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(Summer Training Project)


(Website using Django)

Submitted By
Roll No. 101303089

Under the guidance of

Er. Bipin Kohli
(HOD(Django), Texplore Labs,Chandigarh)

Computer science and Engineering Department


August, 2015

I hereby declare that the project work entitled (Timetable Management system Thapar
University a.k.a TMS-TU) is an authentic record of my own work carried out at (Texplore Labs,
Chandigarh) as requirements of 6 weeks summer training for the award of degree of B.E.
(Computer Science & Engineering), Thapar University, Patiala, under the guidance of Er. Bipin
Kohli (Mentor) and Er. Sajjad Hussain (Mentor) during 01st June, 2015 to 13th July, 2015.

I further declare that no part of this report is copied from Internet or any other source.

Date: ______________

Firstly, I would like to thank Texplore Labs, Chandigarh for agreeing to organize this training
program for me.
At the workplace, I would like to thank Er. Sajjad Hussain (HOD(Python)), my training
coordinator, for giving me all the support I required with the various concepts of Python.
On my project, I am grateful to Er. Bipin Kohli(HOD(Django)), my mentor in Django
Framework, for keeping me motivated throughout the project and for giving me all the
mentorship that enabled me to succeed and for always being available to answer any doubts that
I had regarding project related technology and other guidance.
I express my sincere gratitude to Thapar University, for providing me the opportunity to work
on a real-time project.
I would also like to thank my parents for their continuous support that plays a important role in
completion of this project.

1- Training Certificate

Timetable Management System Thapar University is a fast, on the go web application to view
your day-to-day class schedule.
The students in Thapar University face a serious problem in viewing their daily classes. Either
they have to go through bulky chart papers over the notice boards or through hazy excel sheets
on their electronic devices. The process is very tiring and time consuming. Furthermore, looking
for your classes and decoding the subject codes, teacher ids, rooms and timings is very gruesome
TMS TU aims to solve all these problems with its quick, user friendly interface and smooth
functionality. The website mainly has three modules Admin, Teachers, and Students.

Admin Admin manages all the accounts, enter the master time table into database, can

register or remove both students and teachers, assigns rooms according to capacity.
Teacher The teacher is registered by Admin only. Teacher can look for her own time
table from day to day. The teacher can schedule the cancellation of her future classes. The

cancelled class will be notified to the students associated with the respective class.
Student The students can themselves register on the website. Fill in their details, roll
numbers, program, branch, year, group and tutorial group. The system will automatically
display their time table properly segregated day-wise. The students can view notifications
for any cancelled classes from their faculty.


Company Profile......................................................................................................................7





System Objective..............................................................................................................8


System Overview..............................................................................................................8


Existing System...............................................................................................................10


Proposed System.............................................................................................................10


Notification system.........................................................................................................10

Feasibility study.....................................................................................................................11

Operational Feasibility....................................................................................................11


Technical Feasibility.......................................................................................................11


Web Development Using Django............................................................................11


Graphic Design Tools..............................................................................................12


Web Development Tools..........................................................................................12


Database and Technology........................................................................................12


Economic Feasibility.......................................................................................................13


Legal Feasibility..............................................................................................................13

Technologies employed.........................................................................................................13

Web Development Using Django....................................................................................13


Database management using MySQL.............................................................................14


Responsive Layout using bootstrap................................................................................14

UML Diagrams......................................................................................................................14

Administrator Use Case..................................................................................................14


Work Flow Modeling Activity Diagrams.....................................................................15


Process Modelling Sequence Diagrams.......................................................................17


Data Flow Diagrams DFDs.........................................................................................18


DFD level 0..............................................................................................................18


DFD Level 1...........................................................................................................19

Graphical User Interface........................................................................................................20


Screen Interface design...................................................................................................20

Database Design....................................................................................................................23

Data Dictionary...............................................................................................................23




Conclusion and future scope..................................................................................................25




Reflective Diary.....................................................................................................................27


Texplore Laboratories provides thesis assistance in Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and
nearby areas M.Tech students by providing a platform for knowledge sharing between our
expert team of IIT alumni and ex-CSIR Scientists and researchers so that the students are able to
produce high quality research papers in reputed journals and conferences.
Following on the footsteps of our Prime Ministers MAKE IN INDIA concept, Texplore
Laboratories has become a growing research organization in the recent few years and has been
providing research solutions in Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi etc. for industries in various
fields. The major areas of expertise in which Texplore Laboratories is currently working are
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Data Analytics, Software Development, VLSI etc.
Our team of Texperts comprises of IIT alumni, ex-CSIR scientists and researchers who have
been working for several years in research domain and have several research products and
publications in reputed journals and conferences to their name. We provide a range of services
which covers all aspects of a thesis. We also help students to write thesis and research papers in
Latex which is the standard environment for SCI listed journals. We do not compromise with
plagiarism at any cost and use standard tools for checking and correcting the same. We do not
work in old topics and only provide assistance in areas which are currently the hot topics of
research in the scientific communities. Our facilities and services are very unique and student
friendly which are not provided by any other organization in this field.


Thapar University covers a large number of disciplines and programs. As a result, there are
varied courses and classes running in parallel. Thus there is always a very complex and huge
timetable of the university. The university publishes a common excel file containing the master
time table. Each student has to go through lot of toiling to view his own schedule and concerned
classes. Moreover because of space constraints, most of the details are in coded form. This
reduces the readability of the table.
Timetable Management System (TMS) Thapar University (TU) aims to solve this problem in a
very flexible and efficient manner. TMS is a web based system which is developed for Teachers
and Students of Thapar University as their online Time-table. Once a student registers on the
website, he can look into his time table easily on a day-to-day basis. Each semester, he can
update his details and stay up to date with the university time table.



The motivation to work on this project lies in the fact that we are living in a fast paced world,
and everyone desires to have everything at ease. Since going through bulky excel sheets is a
tedious task, thus TMS is a very good alternative to go through your schedule on the go.


The main objective of developing this system is to have a feasible and quality time table.
Another objective is to make the system user-friendly and easy to maintain. The system produced
should be flexible enough that it can be modified in future to address any form of constraints in
real time phenomenon. This is to ensure robustness of system and provide a feasible solution to
any big problem.



Timetable Management System is a web based system which is developed for lecturers and
students of Thapar University as their online timetable. The time table is managed and
maintained by an Administrator. It can be viewed and used by Lecturers as well as users.
The system is divided into three main modules:

Administrator Module
Lecturer Module
Student Module

The functions of the Administrator module are to handle the entire administrator task. This
module can register both students and teachers. It will also handle the responsibility of adding,
deleting, editing entries in the master timetable
The functions of the Lecturer module are to view the timetable for respective lecturer. The
teacher can schedule the cancellation of any class in the whole semester. This will send a
notification to the associated students with that class.
The functions of the Student module are to view the class of any day of the week. The student
can further update his/her profile, group, batch at any point of time.
One power feature of the system is to interlink Lecturer and Student modules in such a way that,
whenever a Lecturer wishes to cancel a particular class in the respective schedule, all the
students linked with that class get notified.
The system also contains a database, which stores the lecturers and students details, which can
only be seen by the admin.




There is no concrete time table management system in Thapar University currently. The











The student has to go through the complete sheet to find his schedule in following manner:

Open his account

Locate master timetable corresponding to his program (UG or PG) and year.
Locate his branch in the excel file
Locate his subgroup and look for schedule.

The real problem lies in the fact that, there is no clear cut distinction between time table of
different days of the week. It becomes difficult to keep track of the days then.


Keeping in mind these problems, a web based, user-friendly, interactive system, TMS is
developed. The student has to register on the website and he is good to go. The system will store
his details, that is, program, branch, year, group and sub group.
The student can now directly look for his classes, only by hitting the Day button of his choice.
Similar is the situation for the teachers as well. They are registered by the admin in first place,
because of security constraints. The college authorities can pass on the accounts of teachers
directly to them, which they can access easily later.


Whenever a class has to be cancelled, the teacher has to first notify the class representative
personally. The class representative then has to notify all the concerned students later on.
Sometimes, there can be some communication gap in this procedure. As a result there can be lot
of problems for both students and teachers.
For example, the CR out of mischief, may send false information to students.


Or, CR might sometimes forget to notify the class regarding cancelled class.
Thus to overcome all these issues, TMS has a powerful feature. When a teacher logs in her
account, she can hit Cancel Class button. The system will ask for the date of the concerned class.
This date can be any day within the whole semester. It will display the classes on that day, with a
Cancel class button. When the teacher hits that button, it will send a notification directly to the
students associated with that class. The students can look these notifications in their notification


Before beginning to develop this project, it is very important to calculate the feasibility of all
aspects of the system, recognize all the constraints, understand the hazardous implications, if
any, and return value.
In order to develop a good web based system, it is very important to choose the correct hardware,
software and technology, below are some explanation of the hardware software and technology
chosen as the development tools for the TMS.

The potential users of the system are students and university lecturers, which are
generally aware of site navigation and management, thus No or very little training level

would be required.
The system will provide a simple interface for the users to operate.


The following section discuss the scripting language, graphic design tool, database technology,
web development tool, and the server technology used to develop the TMS.

Web Development Using Django

Django is a highly efficient in managing websites and dynamic content. It works heavily on
concept of lose coupling and thus is very robust and flexible. Django is a high-level Python Web
framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced
developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing

your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. Its free and open source. Its main utility lies in
security, scalability and speed. Thus all these features are evidently part of this system.


Graphic Design Tools

Adobe Photoshop CS

Adobe Photoshop was chosen to be used as one of the graphic editing software because it is
professional image-editing software which provides a comprehensive toolset, and powerful
creative options to help people create professional-quality images for web, print, and other
emerging media.

1.2.1 Web Development Tools

Microsoft Notepad was chosen as the text editor to develop the website as well since the

researcher is more familiar with using the text editor to develop a website.
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Dreamweaver MX was chosen as the web development tool because it can work
in a single integrated environment to create, build and manage a website. Dreamweaver
uses user-friendly visual layout tools, rapid web application development and extensive

code editing support, which is easier to learn and use.

Pingendo is an open source, powerful software for introducing bootstrap elements in a

1.2.2 Database and Technology

MySQL is a database management system (DBMS) for relational databases (therefore, MySQL
is an RDBMS), a database being a collection of interrelated data, be it text, numbers, or binary
files, that are stored and kept organized by the DBMS. MySQL was selected to develop the
database for this web based system because like Django, MySQL offers excellent performance,
portability and reliability, with moderate learning curve at little to no cost because MySQL is the


worlds most popular open source database. Besides that, another reason for it being chosen is
Django has good support for MySQL.







Optimal resource utilization and reduction in wastage in case of class clash and whenever a class
is cancelled.
The proposed system is legally feasible and legal constraints encountered ahead of it will be
Copyright Issues: Since the proposed system will be using mainly open source software, there
will be minimal licensing and other related issues.


Since TMS is web based system (Website), it involved lot of web development tools and other
coding languages. TMS is a highly dynamic system, it could not be built by using tradition html.
The scripting language employed in TMS is Python at its very core. Python was chosen keeping
in regard its vast libraries and functionalities (source: The framework used is
Django (source:


Django is a highly efficient in managing websites and dynamic content. It works heavily on
concept of lose coupling and thus is very robust and flexible. Django is a high-level Python Web
framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced
developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing
your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. Its free and open source. Its main utility lies in
security, scalability and speed. Thus all these features are evidently part of this system.




MySQL is the most popular Open Source Relational SQL database management system. MySQL
is one of the best RDBMS being used for developing web-based software applications. Since
only tables had to manage in this project, therefore MySQL was the best choice.


Since these days, most of the students and teachers like to operate websites using their mobile
phones and tablets, thus it became necessary to make the website responsive according to the
screen layout. Thus as a result, Bootstrap Framework was utilized to manage this issue. (source:


The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose modeling language in the field of
software engineering, which is designed to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a
This section will cover all general purpose UML Diagrams that will completely describe the
functionality and development of TMS.




The administrator does not need to register, as his or her username and password is fixed in the
database. The administrator needs to log in to Timetable Management System in order to manage
the system. Besides logging in, several main use cases for the administrator are User (Both
Student and Faculty) registration, Table Tools, Add class, Edit class, Delete class, Add subject,
Edit subject and Delete subject.

2- Admin - Use Case

Admin Panel
The admin panel is very powerful feature of the website. The panel is very user friendly, carries
amazing graphical user interface. This makes job of data operator very easy. Anyone with basic
knowledge of computers can feed the master time table to the system at the beginning of each




Activity diagrams are used here to model the flow between the different components. An activity
diagram is needed because the researcher wants to model the workflow of a use case, and it can
show the paths within the use case as well as other use cases. With activity diagrams, the
researcher will be able to illustrate where functionality exists in the system and how the
functionality coordinates with the functionality of other pieces of the system.

3-General Activity Diagram for account Sign In


Figure above shows the activity diagram for Log-in. First, the lecturers, students and
administrator need to log in using the username and password that was created during
registration. The system will validate the username and password. If the password or username is
invalid, an error message will be displayed and the lecturer or student or administrator can try to
log in again. If log in is successful, the system will identify the user as a lecturer, student or an
administrator. If the person logs in as administrator, the administrators menu page will be
displayed; else the lecturer or student menus page will be displayed.


The process model is used to describe how the system operates. It illustrates the business
processes or the activities that are performed and how data moves among them. It can be used to
describe the system being developed.
There are so many different process modeling techniques. Here Unified Modeling Techniques
(UML) was used for the process modeling. UML Sequence diagrams are used to show the
interaction between objects and to illustrate the activities that are performed in Timetable
Management system and how data moves around in this system.

As described earlier, the users of Timetable Management System are divided to three categories:
Admin, teacher and Student. Each category of user can perform only certain tasks as fixed by the
system. The General tasks of lecturer, student and administrator are shown in the use case
diagrams that follow


4- Sequence timeline to register a user

The above figure shows a sequence diagram for the use case Registration. The vertical dimension
represents time and all objects involved in the interaction are spread horizontally across the



A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an
information system, modelling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as a preliminary step to
create an overview of the system, which can later be elaborated. DFDs can also be used for the
visualization of data processing (structured design).
A DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and output from the system, where the
data will come from and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not show information
about the timing of process or information about whether processes will operate in sequence or
in parallel.

DFD level 0

Following is context free, DFD level Zero diagram of TMS -TU



DFD Level 1

5 DFD 1- Teacher panel

This is first level data flow diagram of a teacher panel. Teacher interacts with two databases
namely, Teacher database and Lecture database.

6 DFD -1 Student Panel

This is first level data flow diagram of a student panel. Student interacts with two databases
namely, Student database and Lecture database.



The purpose of the user interface is to provide users with a comfortable and convenient means of
accessing the website. The flexibility and convenience of the interface is a major factor
determining the overall success of the website. Timetable Management System is a web base that
allows the interaction between Internets users, therefore their needs are of the utmost importance.
Therefore, the web based uses the technology of hyperlinks, buttons and navigation bars which
the majority of Internet users are familiar with. This means that Internet users can easily access
information with just a click of a mouse button.


7- Home Page

Timetable Management System web based interface design will be made up of simple but
effective presentations that can attract the Internet users attention. There are minimum graphics
so they wont clutter the page design and to ensure that the website will load at the shortest
possible time frame because most Internet users are put off by sites that takes years to load.
Besides that, interface consistency is maintained throughout the site so that there is uniformity in
the website that will not cause confusion to the users. Below will be the screen design of
Timetable Management System.


8 Signin-Signup Panel

The account tab on home page opens a new page, Account panel. It has a jQuery enabled Sign In
Sign-up responsive feature. Users can both register and log in from here. Its quick, easy and

9-Teacher Home Screen

This is the view of the home screen of teacher Panel.


When a teacher clicks on View Timetable tab, it displays a group of 5 buttons namely, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Clicking on any day, displays the time table of that day in the week.


The database design phase shows how data will be stored in a file or a database table. The
database was created using MySQL. All the main database tables and functions are described in
table below.


Lecturer and Student

Class Table
Booking Table
Subject Registration
Daytime Table



Store lecturer and student details, which include Username and Password. It
also stores administrators Username and Password. Lecturer and student will
be able to insert, update and view own details, while the administrator can
update and delete all the lecturer and student details.
Store all the class details of. Lecturer can only view the class details through
the class links. Only the administrators are allowed to insert, update and
delete the data in the tables.
Store all booking class, lecturer ID, day, time, date and period. Lecturer can
only insert and view the booking class, while administrators can insert, view,
updating and delete the booking class.
Store subject registration details. Lecture can only view the subject
Registration while administrator can insert, view, updating and delete the
Store the daytime, time, day and period


Title of object

Summary / Description


Student is the one who is taking subjects to study in semester

Faculty comprises of both Professors and Lectures responsible to


dispatch knowledge and skills in university

University Registry personnel that maintains the overall time table

Class Room

management system
Class rooms are the infrastructural entities in the university where
classes are held
Subjects are the various courses that University runs under different


However the perfect you try to make a project, it always has certain limitations. TMS also suffers
from certain limitations. These are:

A web-browser supporting HTML, CSS and JavaScript is required.

A minimum of a Pentium IV system with 512MB RAM with essential hardware like a
network card would be required.


The registration form in the website has been kept short asking only for critical

information, more fields like Age, DOB, etc. can be appended.

The feature to terminate the account has not been provided, it will have to be done

manually (on site).

If teachers account details are leaked to a student, he can send false notices to students.


Although proper control has been given to the administrators to ensure incredulous

accounts are rejected upon inception, there is still a window of possibility of such events.
The security of the database could be strengthened further to protect against attacks like
SQL injections.



TMS is a fast, responsive, secure alternative to Thapar Universitys Timetable system.

It makes viewing class schedule experience amazing and quick.
The user needs to register once only. If ever there is a change in his group or batch, things

can be updated easily in his profile.

The teacher can notify students directly in case he/she cancels a class.
The security of the Database could be enhanced further.
The feature to terminate ones user account could be provided in the future.
The feature for teachers self-registration could be added.
The feature to send an email or text message to the students upon Class cancellation

could be added.
The feature to schedule an extra class by teacher could be added.
The feature to pick and drop university courses can be added later.



Learning Python The Hard Way Z.E. Shaw

Python documentation
Django documentation
MySQL references
HTML and CSS (w3schools)
Web development using Dreamweaver


Week 1
The training at Texplore labs begun by customary introduction of my Training coordinator and
my mentors. The 6 week schedule was laid down and each weeks targets were prepared. I was
introduced to the course contents. The first week witnessed learning the very basics of
programming language Python. Since I was already familiar with procedural programming
languages like C and C++, it was easy to understand the concepts of python language.
Python has a very strong feature of Shell Interactive coding. It made coding using python fun
initially. Thus I could develop early interest in the language. The syntax it offered was fairly
easier than C language. Python has very strong collection of data structures. Understanding
tuples and Lists was similar to understanding arrays in C. Although dictionaries were a whole
new concept, it was fairly easy to understand. With the passage of days, Control statements,
Logical operations, looping statements were made familiar to. Towards the end of the week,
concepts of classes and objects were practiced using python.

Week 2
By the end of first week, all the basics of python scripting languages were covered. Now my
mentor raised the level of learning. He introduced some major concepts required in any solving
any real problems. We began by first understanding File Handling using python. This was done
to manage large chunks of static data and store it for future references. Taking it further steps
ahead, concepts of database management systems were introduced. For purpose of DBMS, my
mentor asked us to use Mysql. Since mysql is open-source, its easily available. It also has good
connectivity with python as well. It has large documentation available online, which made
learning easy.
Since, these days huge amounts of data has to be managed and analyzed, my mentor taught us
various data mining algorithms and principles. These included clustering, classification of data


problems. Python has many packages to manage data. Some of them include pymysql, numpy,
scipy, pandas which made things easier for a novice programmer like me and interesting to learn.


Week 3

In the third week, the major focus was on specializing web development using python as a
scripting language. For this purpose, my mentor introduced me to a whole dimension of web
handling using Django. Django is a python based web framework that helps to develop highly
dynamic websites very efficiently and smoothly.
The transition from traditional scripting to framework based scripting was difficult. But with
time and practice and proper guidance, I understood the basics, syntax, and functions of Django.
Django is a very handy tool for quick and robust development of web apps. It works on principle
of lose coupling. Thus initially it was easy to make basic website using Django without having
any knowledge of designing part of the website. To run my samples, my mentor taught me the
concepts of local hosting and server. Here Django plays a very crucial role. It runs a local server
with a very simple command prompt statement. This simplified things heavily. Django also has
feature of models. It reduces traditional database connectivity and disconnection statements.
Using models made dbms inclusion in any website very easy. Saves lot of time and work.

Week 4

After learning the basics of backend, database handling, urls-views-models framework, it was
now time to learn the front end handling of website. Since I had faint idea of only Html (which I
learnt in my tenth class), a lot of work had to be done.
The first two days passed solely learning all the basics and statements of HTML. How to add
images, how to position elements of html, typography etc. It was followed by learning higher
level features like how to handle forms, making entries, making tables, etc.
In the later part of week, Cascading Styling that is CSS was learnt. All the styling, beautifying
text, managing look and feel of front end of a website. It involved learning a lot of different
statements and making lots of combinations to get a desired outcome. Thus a lot of time was
devoted in practicing both Html and css during this week.

Week 5
By the end of 4th week, both front end and back end of handling a website were learnt. Scripting
using python and Django were also known. It was time to initiate the real time project. Since all
the prerequisites were known now and I already had in mind a problem I needed to solve, I
discussed things with my mentor. I told him about the problem of my university time table. I
understood the problem and asked me to work on it as I wished to. I began by making a basic
design of the website and its functions, all the requirement analysis and feasibility. Everything
was in favor of the undertaking the project.
I started by developing the back end of the project. Since I knew MySQL and I decided to use to
handle my dbms for TMS. I started by making two apps, namely students and teachers within the
project. These would handle the databases and timetables of students and teachers respectively.
But since I had to introduce the concept of notifications and to interlink the above two apps, a
third app Lectures was made. It created an interface between the two and made things easy for
the database handling.
Week 6
After major back end development, I started with the front end development. I made out the
TMS logo and other graphics using Adobe Photoshop. To create a smooth, high end GUI enabled
website, I had to use Adobe Dreamweaver. I started by first understanding its interface. It is a
very powerful IDE for website designing. It helped to make a basic frame of my website
Since I needed my website to run smoothly on both mobile phones and laptops, I had to make it
responsive. For this purpose, I had to introduce bootstrap framework in my website. For this
purpose, I used an open source software, Pingendo to include bootstrapping elements in my web
site. Thus after a lot of hard work and my mentors support I could complete the front end of the
website also. Finally both the ends were needed to be linked together into Django. And finally
my website was ready. It was a nice experience to work on this project.


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