Hip Hop Is Satan Worship

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Hip Hop's Origins: 5 Percenter Nation of

The Origin of Hip Hop Music, goes back to

the 1980's founded by the Five percenters
nation of Islam group who teach that the
Black man is god and the White man is the
Devil right there from the start it's already
contradicting and dishonoring God, for the
bible says (Genesis 1:26 All men are created
in the Image of God, Male and Female)
Teaching yourself that you're a god that is
Anti-Christ after all didn't Pharoah also think
that he was a god and look at what God did
to Egypt
(Exodus 7:14 And the Egyptians will know
that I am the Lord when I stretch out my hand
against Egypt and bring the Israelites out of

Teaching of Five percenters you often find in

Hip Hop
1. Representatives of the Nation of Gods and Earths view
themselves (black men of their Nation) as their own God
(both individually and collectively as the Original Man.
2. Gods and Earths sometimes refer to themselves as
scientists, implying their search for knowledge and proof
(Think back who tempted Adam and eve to eat of the
tree of knowledge)
3. God first means that it is no longer a judicial argument;
centered means everything we do is about God. Culture
is the practices and principles of a people at any given
time (This is why disrespect of the police and authrority
is rampant in this satanic music)

Rebuking Teachings of Five percenters and

Hip Hop

Knowledge and Wisdom (Knowledge comes from Asking God not

searching for it (James 2) when you do the Serpent comes in and offers his
own version of knowledge which is to steer you away from God)
Understanding (Philippians 4:7 understanding is built on Jesus Christ and
that he is the Christ and Saviour do not need to go looking anyway
remember in this world there are many anti-christ decievers (1 John 2:18)
Culture Freedom (Galathians 5, let your culture be centred around Jesus
Christ and his decree and commands)
Power Refinement (Only God is power, (1 Corinthians 4:20) (Genesis
31:29 God has power to harm you if you anger him and sin against him so
repent of your sins)
Equality (Read 2 Corinthians 8:13 and Galatians 3:28)
God (James 2:19 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and
man the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5)
Build Destroy (Read Psalm 127 it is the Lord and his followers who build
while the Devil and his followers destroy
Born (John 3, A man is born once, then after he must be born again first by
water this is John baptism then Jesus Baptism this repentance, accepting
Christ and recieving the Holy Spirit)
Racism ( 'White people are devils) Read 2 Corinthians 8:13 and

Galatians 3:28

What Hip Hop Promotes The Joel Osteen I am God


The Rapper Jay Z calls himself

Jehovah God the MC this is

You're not God's Son, this is beyond

Blasphemous as one can get

Some of Jay Z

Hip Hop as an origin was founded to be

Satanic and glorify the Devil that's it's purpose and putting Holy in front
of it or calling yourself a Christian Rapper doesn't make you a Christian
nor saved it makes you the opposite,
Hip Hop promotes
Pornography, Satan
Worship how is
something like that
Holy Hip Hop or
Christian rap it's
heresy to do so

Now here are the Christian rappers

Matthew 23:33 You snakes! You
brood of vipers! How will you escape
being condemned to hell?
Luke 12:5 But I will show you whom you
should fear: Fear him who, after your body
has been killed, has authority to throw you
into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.

James 3:6 The tongue also is a

fire, a world of evil among the
parts of the body. It corrupts
the whole body, sets the whole
course of ones life on fire, and
is itself set on fire by hell.

Hip Hop is extremely dangerous weapon for

kids without fathers which is why Satan loves it

2 Peter 2:4 For if God did not spare angels when they
sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of
darkness to be held for judgment;

Exodus 7:14 And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when
I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring the Israelites out of
Is not evident the Lord stretches out his hand against Hip Hop
against black America.
1. Poverty
2. Fatherlessness
3. Violence, drugs, Gangs
4. Prison and Criminality
5. Confrontations with Police
6. Ghettos
7. Broken Homes
8. Failing schools
9. Failed Political leadership that robs them
10.Misery and hopelessness

Message of truth to the Black Community

Don't have kids before you are married or have out of wedlock
Parents do not get divorced be involved in your childrens life,
teach them and instruct them in the name of the Lord
Fathers be men and be fathers your children are lost without
Do not commit crime that away prisons will be closed and you
can demand that money to be used in your community to
build nice houses, infastructure, roads and schools.
In Romans 13 we are told have respect for those in power, for
there been put there by God, so rebeling against those in
authrority Parents, Government or the police is rebelling
against God, do not fight with police, respect them.
Be Advocates for School Choice in Education to improve your
failing schools
Race baiters are not your political leaders pick better leaders
whom fight for you.

Repent of your sins, Accept Christ and say this out loud I
am not a Slave nor am I the N word but I am a Child of God
the Most high

Police are there to serve and protect you and if you have a
problem that's why you have a city council in your city

Police do not hate you, there just want to do their

job safely and get home to their wive and kids

It's not Snitching, Police are here to HELP

Yes sometimes EMT's take longer to reach the Inner city because there need
police escorts because it can sometimes be dangerous it's not racism there just
want to be safe

Respect Those Who Serve, love your

country and be good Citizens

Vietnam was for Liberation of the Free People

of South Vietnam who were being massacred
by the Communist in the North

Iraq was for the liberation of the Iraqi people

Afghanistan was to liberate Afghanistan

While fighting a war on terror the US military also rebuilds

third world countries from Africa, Middle East to Asia
keeping you safe

Now Lets End with Prayer for ourselves and

our Country

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