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Practice Workbook

This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy.
The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand
eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (
This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader.
It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

Introducing The MicroStation CONNECT

This workbook contains exercises that are used to become familiar with the interface changes introduced in
the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

Note:The exercises are meant to be worked on either in the order of the exercises in the Practice Workbook.
While you can work them as individual standalone exercises, later exercises are meant to build upon the
history created in earlier exercises.
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Description and Objectives

Course Description
The MicroStation CONNECT Edition features many updates to the user interface. These updates include the
introduction of a ribbon-style graphical user interface (GUI), a relocation of the workspace settings such as Preferences
and Configuration, and more.
This workbook contains a set of exercises that are used to become familiar with the ribbon style interface found in the
MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

Skills Taught

The Welcome page

WorkSpaces and WorkSets

Branding a design file

Navigating the ribbon interface

A Word About the WorkSpace...

Note that the exercises contained in this workbook are designed to use a custom WorkSpace,
BentleyCONNECTTraining, and several example WorkSets from this WorkSpace.
The default installation folder for this dataset is:

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The Welcome Page

Staying current and being productive are both critical components to sustaining a successful implementation with an
application. The MicroStation CONNECT Edition offers several features to assist you in this endeavor. In this lesson we
will launch the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, view the Welcome page, and access the WorkSpaces/WorkSets.
The skills learned in this lesson will include:

Starting MicroStation CONNECT Edition

Understanding the Welcome page

Accessing WorkSpaces/WorkSets in the Work Page


Start the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. Upon activation for the first time you will be taken to the Welcomepage.

The Welcome page is only presented the first time MicroStation CONNECT is started. Each subsequent time MicroStation is started, you
will be taken directly into MicroStation and the Work Page.

Note: It is always possible to return to the Welcome page using the arrow seen along the side of the application window.
The CONNECT Edition requires users to be logged in in order to run MicroStation. This login is used for various purposes such as
tailoring the content of the Welcome page to the individual user as well as for CONNECTED Projects.

On the right side of the Welcome page you will find VIEWEXAMPLES. VIEW EXAMPLES is a set of links to example files for various


In the middle of the Welcome page you will find LEARNING. This area contains links to the latest training offerings hosted on the Bentley
Learn Server that may be accessed to improve your skills with personalized learning. You can scroll up and down through the offerings
shown or click the More Training button. Clicking either will open a web browser taking you to the Learn Server login where you can enter
your Bentley Learn login credentials.


On the right side of the Welcome page you will see NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. This area contains RSS feeds. An RSS, or Rich
Site Summary, is used to publish frequently updated information from news headlines, audio and video feeds, blog entries, and more.

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Here you will find feeds from various Bentley sites. The RSS feeds allow you to stay current with product news and innovations that
improve productivity.
Clicking a link will open a window containing the link title, the publish date, and a hyper-link to open the page.

You may also use the arrows found on either the right or left sides of the window to scroll through the RSS feeds.
Clicking a hyper-link will open a web browser displaying the content of the RSS feed.

In the lower right corner of the Welcome page you will find a set of buttons for the various Bentley social media pages.
Included are:



The Bentley Communities



These buttons, when clicked, will open a browser taking you to the desired social media page or the Bentley Communities.
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To begin working in MicroStation, place your cursor over the arrow on the right side of the application window. The arrow will expand.
Click Startaworksession.

You will see the Welcome page slide to the right, displaying the new MicroStation CONNECT Edition Work Page that contains the
WorkSpaces and WorkSets.

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It is possible to return to the Welcome page at any time. Place your cursor over the arrow on the left side of the window, this will expand
displaying Back to Welcome. Click Back to Welcome and the application window will roll back to the Welcome page.

Return to WorkSpaces.

You can access help at any time by clicking the Question Mark ? in the upper right corner of the page.

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WorkSpaces and WorkSets

Bentley has long provided WorkSpaces to help configure MicroStation to meet the needs of your organization. A
WorkSpace consisted of 5 levels of configuration including System, Application, Site, Project and User, with User and
Project being selectable by the operator of the software. User, however was rarely used to represent a true user, and
instead was typically employed as a filter for any variety of uses. It was also not uncommon for an organization to make
use of multiple WorkSpaces.
The MicroStation CONNECT Edition is based upon the concept of WorkSpaces and WorkSets. This replaces the User
and Project from earlier editions of MicroStation. A WorkSpaces may be used to represent a Client, Facility,
Department, Owner, or whatever you would like it to be based upon your organizational needs. The WorkSpace then
acts as a container for grouping WorkSets.
In this lesson we will...

The Start page

Choose a WorkSpace/WorkSet

Open a design files and model within a WorkSet


Start the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

You are taken to the Start page. Here you will have access to WorkSpaces and WorkSets, browse files, and open Help.
The Start page is built around the concept of WorkSpaces and WorkSets.
A WorkSpace is a container that is used to group WorkSets and may be used to represent any variety of things such as your client, your
department, or a specific asset such as a plant or building.
A WorkSet is the replacement for the Projects found in previous versions of MicroStation and can be used to represent a specific project
within the WorkSpace.

Note:If this is the first Upon activation for the first time you will be taken to the Welcome page. Clicking the arrow on the right side
of the Welcome page will take you to the Start page.

It is possible to open or create a new DGN without associating it to a WorkSpace/WorkSet.

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On the left side of the Start page, pick NoWorkSet, and click Browse to open the file browser.

Navigate to the folder C:\BentleyCONNECTTraining\WorkSets\UI\DGN and open Coordinates.dgn. The file is opened without being
associated with a WorkSpace/WorkSet.

Click the File tab. You will be taken to the Backstage. Observe that the Recent Files list is being displayed for No WorkSet.

This is the list of recent files that have been opened without being associated with a WorkSpace/WorkSet.

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Close the active file.


Set the active WorkSpace to BentleyCONNECTTraining.

To open/change WorkSpaces, place the cursor over No WorkSpace, and click to open a window that will let you create a new WorkSpace
or open an existing WorkSpace.

In the window, pick BentleyCONNECTTraining to select the BentleyCONNECTTraining WorkSpace.

This will then make available the list of WorkSets that are associated with the BentleyCONNECTTraining WorkSpace.

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From WorkSets, click the dropdownarrow to view the WorkSets.

From here you can create a new WorkSet or choose an existing WorkSet.

Pick the ExamplePlant WorkSet.

You can now browse the available files associated with the Example - Plant WorkSet.


Click Browse.


In the list of files, open BSI700D1100EquipmentDetails.dgn.

The Equipment Details design is opened and the default model is displayed. Note that this model does not contain any data. We wish to
view the content of the model D-1101-001.

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10. Click the File tab and you will be taken to the backstage. From here it is possible to select the desired model within the design file. Pick
Model and from the listing, select D1101001.

To open the model, click thefilename.

The model D-1101-001 is displayed.

Note:There are a number of ways to switch models. Selecting the model from Open is a new capability in the MicroStation
CONNECT Edition. There are additional new features found in Open that will be explored later.
11. We wish to view several additional drawings within the same WorkSet. Pick the File tab.

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12. From Open, click the Browsebutton.

When browsing, several useful features may be found in the Browse dialog:

These include file and folder history as well as WorkSpace/WorkSet selection.

Note:You can change the WorkSpace and/or WorkSet without closing the active file. This allows you to switch the active
WorkSpace/WorkSets on the fly!

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Continue by opening each of the following models in turn:

File Name





Unloading Platform Piping

BSI700-S0501-Steel Details.dgn


Unloading Platform Steel Details

13. Click the File tab. You are taken to the Backstage.
Observe the history that was created in the Recent Files list for the Plant WorkSet as the models were opened.

The list makes it easy to access files that you are actively working on within this WorkSet.
Take note of the Model that is listed for each one of these design files. This is the model that will be opened when the design file is
opened, not the last model accessed within the file. While you can choose the model to open from the drop-down menu, it may be more
productive to set a specific model to make it easier to open with a single click.
To set the desired model for opening, you may do the following:
1. Open the file
2. Make the desired model the active model
3. Save Settings

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14. In the Backstage, change the display from details to thumbnails by clicking the ShowThumbnails icon.

This can make it easier to view the content of a file when browsing.
15. Change the display back to Details.
16. Close the active design file.

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Working with Multiple WorkSets

A WorkSpace is used to group WorkSets. It is common practice to have multiple WorkSets within a WorkSpace.
Examples of a WorkSet can be a specific project, asset, or floor in a building.
In this lesson we will learn to:

Work with multiple WorkSets

Pinning a WorkSet

Open folder location

WorkSet properties


Continuing in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, observe the Work Page.

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In the previous exercise we began by accessing a file without applying a WorkSpace. We went on to select the
BentleyCONNECTTraining WorkSpace and opened several files in the Example - Plant WorkSet. This is illustrated by what is seen on the
left side of the Start page.

All listings under Recent WorkSets show the WorkSet name and the associated WorkSpace.

Change the current WorkSet to ExampleCivil.

We are going to open and view several models from the Civil WorkSet. Click Browse and open BSI400-W01-Survey.dgn. The survey
data is displayed.

Access the Backstage by clicking the File tab, click Browse, and open BSI400W01Terrain.dgn.

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The terrain is displayed.


Browse and open BSI400W01Design.dgn.

The Civil design geometry is displayed. All three of the recently opened files belonged to the Civil WorkSet. It is possible to open a file
from another WorkSet by changing the active WorkSet from the Open dialog.
We now wish to view the site data that is part of the Building WorkSet.


Pick the File tab. When the Backstage is displayed, click the Browse button to open the File Open dialog.


In File Open, set the WorkSpace to ExampleBuilding, and open the design file BSI300C9Site.dgn.
The building site is now displayed. This file is part of a different WorkSet. To help us easily locate and open this file we changed the active
WorkSpace/WorkSet on the fly without having to close the active DGN!
This WorkSet will now appear in the Recent WorkSets list.


Close the active file, returning to the Start page.

Notice the three different WorkSets now listed.

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The WorkSet list is ordered based upon use, with the most currently accessed at the top of the list.
Clicking any of these WorkSets will display the Recent Files list associated with the WorkSet:



From Recent WorkSets, pick the ExampleCivilWorkSet. In the List of Recent Files, open BSI400W01Survey.dgn.

10. Close BSI400W01Survey.dgn, returning to the Start page.

Observe that the Civil WorkSet is now listed at the top of the Recent WorkSets list.
11. Click the pushpin next to the Example - Civil WorkSet.

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WorkSets that are frequently used may be pinned making them always appear at the top of the list. When a WorkSet is pinned, it will stay
at the top of the list regardless of what other WorkSets are accessed.


WorkSets may also be unpinned in the same manner. Lines separate the list for Pinned WorkSets, Recent WorkSets and No WorkSet.
12. When working with multiple WorkSets, it is possible to filter the list by entering characters that you wish to filter with. In Open, click to

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13. When the listing of WorkSets appears, type ge in the search field:

The list will be dynamically filtered, returning the WorkSets that contain characters matching those in the search field

Note: Both WorkSpaces and WorkSets support filtering.

14. From the Start page you can also edit the properties of a WorkSet. To edit a WorkSet, click Properties followed by AdvancedProperties.

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This will allow you to edit the Description or add a custom property to the WorkSet.

Possible uses for a Custom Property may include an Owner, Asset #, Project Name, Project #, etc. These can then be used in notes and
labels, text fields, and reports.

Note:You may also right-click on the WorkSet name in the Recent WorkSets list to edit a WorkSet.
15. From the Recent WorkSets list, rightclick on the Example - Civil WorkSet.

From the right-click menu, pick OpenFolderinFileExplorer. This will open the WorkSet location in Windows Explorer.
16. Close Windows Explorer.

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Working with Design Files in MicroStation CONNECT

The MicroStation CONNECT Edition offers several additional file operations that are available from the Start page.
These include features such as a file preview and pining a DGN to the Recent Files list.
In this lesson we will:

Preview a file

Pin a DGN

Remove a DGN from Recent Files list


Continuing in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, observe the Start page.

The Start page is used to access the WorkSpaces and WorkSets, various file operations, etc.
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Select ExampleCivil as the active WorkSet.

You can see the list of recently accessed files for the Example - Civil WorkSet. The design file BSI400-W01-Terrain.dgn was opened
previously. As such, it appears in the recent file in the Recent Files list.


In the Recent Files list right-clickon BSI400W01Terrain.dgn and pick Removefromlist.

Observe that the file has been removed from the Recent Files list for the Example - Civil WorkSet.

Note:This action removes the file from the Recent Files list, but does not delete the DGN file.

In Recent Files, observe BSI400W01Design.dgn. This file contains 3 models.

We wish to preview the content of this file.

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From the Recent Files list right-click on BSI400W01Design.dgn and pick Preview.

The Preview is displayed. There is a model selection to let you set the preview for any of the models in the file. Tools are included for
viewing that allow panning, rotating, zooming and fitting. You may also open the file/model from here using the folder.
Close the preview.

Files may also be opened in a read-only to prevent them from being altered. From the Recent Files list right-click on the design file
BSI400W01Survey.dgn and pick Openasreadonly.

Close the file.


Frequently accessed files within a WorkSet may be pinned to the Recent Files. This is list similar to pinning a WorkSet.

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From the Recent Files list right-click on the design file BSI400W01Survey.dgn and pick Pintolist.

The file is pinned to the Recent Files list.

As was seen earlier when pinning a WorkSet to the Recent WorkSets list, a line divides the pinned files from the remaining files in the
Recent Files list.
Files may be unpinned by clicking the push pin or by right-clicking on the file and selecting Unpin from List.

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When working with project data, other file operations are often necessary. To view the content of your project in Windows Explorer, in the
Recent Files list right-click over one of your files and pick OpenFolderinFileExplorer.

Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the content of the folder in the location of the file you right-clicked over.

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It is also easy to see the folder location in the address bar. Clicking in the address bar will display the full path to the design files in this


In addition to what we have seen, there are other features available from the right-click menu. Also available are Open, Removefromlist,
and Options.

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Branding a Design File

In the past, design files (DGNs) had no idea what WorkSpace they were associated with. This could allow a DGN to
unknowingly be opened in the wrong working environment and cause the wrong standards to be applied. The
MicroStation CONNECT Edition allows a DGN file to be branded to a WorkSet, with the WorkSet being linked to its
In this exercise we will:

Brand a design file


Continuing in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, make the active WorkSet ExampleCivil.
We can see the list of Recent Files that have been opened in this WorkSet.

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From the list of Recent Files,pick the design file BSI400W01Survey.dgn.

When picked, the file opens directly into MicroStation with the ribbon interface for the CONNECT Edition displayed. We are ready to work
in the model.


Click the Filetab. You are taken to the Backstage and Open is displayed.


From the list of Recent Files, pick the design file BSI400W01Terrain.dgn.
Again, the file is opens directly into MicroStation.


Click the File tab. From Open in the Backstage, click the Browse button:

Navigate to the folder C:\BentleyCONNECTTraining\WorkSets\UI\DGN and pick Coordinates.dgn.

You are presented with the following:

This file has either not been opened in the CONNECT Edition or was opened with No WorkSpace. The previous two files did not display
this message because they had already been associated with Civil WorkSet.

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Open the file with active WorkSpace/WorkSet:

This design file has now been branded with the Example - Civil WorkSet. If an attempt is made to open this file with a different WorkSet,
the operator will be prompted accordingly. We will see this in just a few moments.

Close the active file.


From the Work page, pick ExamplePlant as the active WorkSet.


Open BSI700S0501SteelDetails.dgn from the Recent Files list (or browse and pick a file from within this WorkSet).
Observe that the file opens directly in MicroStation without a WorkSet alert. This file is associated to the Example - Plant WorkSet.

10. From the View Groups toolbox, click PreviousModel.

MicroStation attempts to open the file/model, but recognizes that the active WorkSet has changed from the WorkSet this file was branded
You may either activate and open it within the WorkSet it was branded with, or brand it with the currently active WorkSet.

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11. Pick Use and activate WorkSet Example - Civil and click Open.

The Civil WorkSet was been made the active WorkSet when the file opened. As can be seen during this exercise, the MicroStation
CONNECT Edition has the ability to brand the DGN file with the WorkSet setting, and switch WorkSpaces on the fly.

Note:This capability can help prevent a file from being opened in the wrong WorkSpace. For MicroStation users that do work for
more than one customer, this can be very useful.
12. Close the active design file.

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Practice Workbook
This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy.
The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand
eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (
This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader.
It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

WorkSpaces and WorkSets

This workbook contains a set of exercises that are used to become familiar with the WorkSpaces and
WorkSets found in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

Note:The exercises are meant to be worked on either in the order of the exercises in the Practice Workbook.
While you can work them as individual standalone exercises, later exercises are meant to build upon the
history created in earlier exercises.
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Description and Objectives

Course Description
This workbook contains a set of exercises to master the use of WorkSpaces and WorkSets in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. We will
work with the delivered Examples WorkSpace and its associated WorkSets as well as create a new WorkSpace and WorkSet. During this
course we will look at configuration file(s) and edit a configuration variable, however, the focus of this workbook is not and in-depth discussion
of configurations but rather the use of WorkSpaces and WorkSets from the Users point of view within MicroStation CONNECT.

Skills Taught

Working with a WorkSpace/WorkSet

Modifying the WorkSpaceSetup.cfg

Creating a WorkSpace/WorkSet

Custom WorkSet properties

A Word About the WorkSpace...

The BentleyCONNECTTraining WorkSpace and associated WorkSets will be used and a new WorkSpace/WorkSet will also be created. As a
part of creating the WorkSpace/WorkSet, we will redirect MicroStation CONNECT to look for WorkSpaces in a custom location.

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Using WorkSpaces and WorkSets in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition

MicroStation has had the concept of WorkSpaces since their introduction in MicroStation Version 5. A WorkSpace was
the term applied to the overall usage of configuration files and configuration variables. In the MicroStation CONNECT
Edition the term WorkSpace has changed dramatically withthisoverallusagenowreferredtoastheConfigurationin

The configuration used across the entire organization previously referred to as Site we now refer to as the Organization
level of configuration.
Projects have been re-branded as WorkSets, with a WorkSpace becoming the organizational grouping for WorkSets.
The User (.ucf) becomes personal in CONNECT, this now being a part of user preferences, and the selection for User
removed from the user interface. User Preferences are stored individually per-user with the preference files and
settings associated with the users Windows login.


Set thumbnail display

Work with WorkSpaces and WorkSets

Modifying WorkSpaceSetup.cfg


Start the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

You are taken to the Work Page.

Here you have access to WorkSpaces, WorkSets, WorkSet Properties, the list of Recent WorkSets, file operations, Help, and the ability to
open files without assigning a WorkSpace/WorkSet:


Set the following:

WorkSpace: BentleyCONNECTTraining
WorkSet: ExampleCivil
If there are files that have been accessed from this WorkSet, you will be able to see them in the Recent File list.

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Set the Recent Files display to thumbnails:

Note: This may make it easier to view the content of the file, access models, etc.

From Open, pick the ChangethecurrentWorkSpace. When the window opens to select a WorkSpace, observe the labels:

Remember, a WorkSpace acts as a container for grouping WorkSets. WorkSpaces may be used to represent a Client, Facility,
Department, Owner, etc. based upon the needs of your organization.

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The MicroStation CONNECT Edition provides the ability, though a configuration variable, to set the label used for WorkSpaces. This label
can be anything. Rather than WorkSpace, we wish to set this such that the WorkSpace represents our firms clients, with the WorkSets
then being the individual projects for that client.

Exit the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.


Using Windows Explorer, navigate to folder containing WorkSpaceSetup.cfg, for example:

C:\ProgramData\Bentley\CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaceSetup.cfg

Note: The location of this file may vary. It may be easiest to search for the file using the Search in Windows Explorer.

Create a copy of this file named WorkSpaceSetup.cfg.original.

This will be used as a backup of the original file.


Using Notepad, open WorkSpaceSetup.cfg.

Add the following configuration variable as shown:
_USTN_WorkSpaceLABEL = Client

Note:Press the Enter key after typing in the configuration variable. A good convention to follow is ending a configuration file with
blank line.
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Save your changes and exit the file.

10. Start the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

11. When the Work Page is visible, observe the WorkSpace label has been updated showing that now it represents Client:

12. ExitMicroStation.

Note:If you are NOT going to continue with additional exercises in this workbook, remove your changes from WorkSpaceSetup.cfg,
setting it back to its original state.

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Working with WorkSpaces and WorkSets

WorkSpaces and WorkSets are an integral part of the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, allowing you to separate your
design projects into logical groupings. A WorkSpace is a container for grouping related WorkSets and may represent
any desired grouping such as Facility or Customer. In the previous exercise we set the label for WorkSpaces to
represent our clients by setting the configuration variable _USTN_WorkSpaceLABEL=Client.
In this exercise we will:

Set the location for storing WorkSpaces

View existing WorkSpaces and WorkSets

View a WorkSpace outside of MicroStation (Windows Explorer)


Using Windows Explorer, navigate to folder containing WorkSpaceSetup.cfg, for example:

C:\ProgramData\Bentley\CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaceSetup.cfg

Note: The location of this file may vary. It may be easiest to search for the file using the Search in Windows Explorer.

Create a copy of the file named WorkSpaceSetup.original.

This will be used as a backup of the original file.

Note: This may have already been done if you completed the previous exercises.

Using Notepad, open WorkSpaceSetup.cfg.

Verify that the following configuration variable is present:

Note:This configuration variable should exist if you completed the previous exercise. If it does not, add it to the file.

Add an additional configuration variable:

_USTN_WORKSPACESROOT = C:/BentleyCONNECTTraining/CustomUserExperienceWorkSpaces/WorkSpaces/
This variable sets the main folder where WorkSpaces (and WorkSets) are located.

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Note:Press the Enter key after typing in the configuration variable. A good convention to follow is ending a configuration file with blank

Save your changes and exit the file.

WorkSpace will now be read from the new folder location.


Start the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.


From the Work Page, open the list of Clients by picking ChangethecurrentClient:

You can see the list of Clients (WorkSpaces) displayed:

Note:Remember, each Client represents an individual WorkSpace that Contains one or more WorkSets.

We wish to see the list of Cities that our firm does work for. In the Search field, type city.
The list is filtered to show you clients that city anywhere in the name. Note that City_Wide_Services appears in the list. They are not a
city, but actually a private company.
Lets refine the search a bit more.

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In the Search field, add the character to city such that it reads city- and press the Enter key.
The search is update to show only Clients that have the exact characters city- in the name.

10. Clear the Search by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the Search field.

The full list of Clients is once again displayed.

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11. Set the Search for DOT Clients. These are the public Transportation Departments that we have projects for. From the list, pick FDOT:

The WorkSets for the FDOT client are displayed. The WorkSets for this client are the Financial ID numbers (FID) for each of the projects
that we are engaged in. Pick the FID 22807915201:

You can now browse the files associated with this project for the FDOT client.
12. Click Browse. When the File Open dialog appears, open SurveyTopo02.dgn.
You are presented with a No WorkSet Alert. This is because this file has not been branded to this WorkSet.

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13. Pick Use active WorkSet 22807915201 and click Open.

The file is now associated with the FDOT WorkSpace and the 22807915201 Client.
14. ExitMicroStation.
15. Start Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder:

The WorkSets for the FDOT client are visible.

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Each WorkSet is composed of three components.

These include:

WorkSet Folder: Based upon the WorkSet name, this folder contains the files associated with the WorkSpace, including and standards
that are specific to this WorkSet.

WorkSet Configuration File: Configuration file containing WorkSet specific configuration variables.

DGNWS File: This is the WorkSet branding file.

You are encouraged to continue exploring the content of these sample WorkSpaces and WorkSets, observing their structure and content, both
from within the MicroStation CONNECT Edition as well as from Windows Explorer.

Note:If you are NOT going to continue with additional exercises in this workbook, remove your changes from WorkSpaceSetup.cfg,
setting it back to its original state.

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Creating a WorkSpace and WorkSet

Our consulting firm recently picked up a new client, RTI Manufacturing, Inc. We just acquired our first project for this
client and need to create a new WorkSpace (Client) and WorkSet for them.
In this exercise we will:

Create a WorkSpace

Create a WorkSet

Add a WorkSet to an existing WorkSpace


Start the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.


From the Work Page, pick CreateClient.

Note:WorkSpace was relabeled as Client in a previous exercise by adding the configuration variable:
_USTN_WorkSpaceLABEL = Client
to the WorkSpaceSetup.cfg configuration file. In our example, creating a Client is synonymous with creating a WorkSpace.

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This opens the 8 dialog.


In the Create Client dialog, fill in the following:

Name: RTI_Manufacturing
Description: ProjectsforRTIManufacturing,Inc.


Leave Root Folder, WorkSets Folder, and Standards Folders at their default values.


Create the following Standards Subfolders (a semicolon is used as a delimiter, with the order of the subfolders being irrelevant - you may
copy/paste the list):

Note: When creating a WorkSpace, the Root Folder, WorkSets Folder, Standards Folders, and Standards Subfolders will fill in
automatically with their default paths and values as defined by the WorkSpace template. For detailed information on WorkSpaces,
WorkSets, templates, etc., Bentley offers training specific to WorkSpace administration.

To finish creating the Client, pick OK.

The new Client does not have any WorkSets. MicroStation will notify you of this and prompt you to create one.

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Pick CreateWorkSet.

The Create WorkSet dialog opens:


In the Create WorkSet dialog, fill in the following:

Name: PackagingLayout
Description: PackagingandShippingEquipmentLayout
Leave the Folder Locations at their default paths.


Click OK.
The new WorkSet is created.

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10. We also wish to add an additional WorkSet for a new project that we acquired for an existing client.

From the Work Page, set the active Client to DOTFDOT.

11. From WorkSets, pick CreateWorkSet...

12. Set the following:

Name: 16498385112
Description: EvergladesPkwy.Resurfacing

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13. Click OK.

The WorkSet is now created and has been added to the list of WorkSets for the DOT-FDOT client.

Note:If you are NOT going to continue with additional exercises in this workbook, remove your changes from WorkSpaceSetup.cfg,
setting it back to its original state.

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WorkSet Properties
Each WorkSet contains properties such as the WorkSet name and description, folder location, etc. and also has the
ability to add custom properties that are unique to that specific WorkSet.
Custom Properties may then be used in a variety of ways, including the text commands and reporting features found in
the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.
During this exercise you will:

Edit a WorkSet

Create a custom WorkSet property

View WorkSet properties within a DGN


Continuing in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition Work Page, set the Client (WorkSpace) to DOTFDOT, and pick WorkSet 22807915201.

We wish to add custom properties representing the Client (FDOT) and the Financial ID (FID) to this WorkSet for use in plan sheet
production for this project.

From the right side of the Work Page, pickProperties>AdvancedProperties.

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The Edit WorkSet dialog is displayed:

Here you can see the information such as the WorkSets Name, Description and Folder locations. And while the only modification that can
be made is to the Description, it is possible to add custom properties to the WorkSet.

Change the Description so it reads: UniversityBoulevardWideningProject.


Click AddaCustomProperty. Custom Properties consist of either a Text Property or a Date Property.

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Add the following Text Property:

Type: Text
Property Label: Client(long)
Value: FloridaDOT

Continue adding the following Custom Properties:

Type: Text
Property Label: FID
Value: 22807915201

Type: Date
Property Label: Date
Value: February1,2015

Type: Text
Property Label: Engineer
Value: JohnQ.Smith,P.E.

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Note:A custom WorkSet property could be any property, Text or Date, that you wish to associate with the WorkSet. Examples of Custom
Properties may include: Address, Owner, Asset #, Head Engineer, Lead Architect, Project #, Submittal Date, Project Name, Floor, etc.
These can be used in reports, note/labels, or text fields.

Click OK.

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In the Work Page, observe the Properties for the WorkSet:


Open RD_Sheets.dgn.

If prompted, open the file with the ActiveWorkSet.

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Click the File tab and pick Properties. Observe the WorkSet Properties are visible:

Close the Properties window.


Zoomin and locate the portion of the title block as illustrated:

We wish to insert the Client name and the project financial ID.
10. Using Element Selection, edit the text XXXXX (double-click on the piece of text) to open the TextEditor.

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11. With the text highlighted in the Text Editor, pick InsertField.

Set Field Type: FileProperties

Click OK.
12. In WorkSet Properties pick Client(long):

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Click OK.
The Text Editor updates to show FloridaDOT.

To finish editing the text, click in the view window, and observe the client name listed in the title block:

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13. Repeat this operation by creating a text field for the PROJECTFINANCIALID using the WorkSet Property FID:

14. Close the design file.

15. From the Work Page, pick EditWorkSet. Change the property Client (long) to FloridaDept.ofTransportation.

Click OK.

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16. Close and re- MicroStation CONNECT.

17. Open RD_Sheets.dgn and observe the updates in the title block:

Note:After completing the exercises in this workbook you will wish remove your changes from WorkSpaceSetup.cfg. Exit the
MicroStation CONNECT Edition. Using Windows Explorer locate WorkSpaceSetup.cfg, edit with Notepad, and remove any changes that
have been made to this file while working through the exercises contained in this workbook.

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Practice Workbook
This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy.
The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand
eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (
This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader.
It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

The Ribbon: The New Face of the

MicroStation CONNECT Edition
This workbook contains a set of exercises that are used to become familiar with the ribbon style of interface
found in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

Note:The exercises are meant to be worked on either in the order of the exercises in each Practice Workbook
or as individual standalone exercises. You can start at any exercise. Within a subdirectory of the dataset called
Milestones there are files named for each individual exercise; begin by using that particular file.
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Description and Objectives

Course Description
Do you find that you use a variety of applications when working on a design project? Have you or others in your
organization had to face the challenge of learning the intricacies of using a new software package? Do you have a
difficult time finding the right tool or understanding how to use it? If you find yourself answering YES to any of these
questions, then the ribbon could have an important impact on you and your organization.
Often, when working on a design project, it is necessary to work with multiple applications and you may find yourself
frequently switching between these applications throughout the day. Applications may include but are not limited to an
e-mail client, office applications such as a word processor or a spreadsheet, and a CAD package such as MicroStation.
Applications that use their own style of interface make it more inconvenient when switching because of their
uniqueness. This presents difficulties in learning and staying current with a software package.
A fundamental knowledge of a user interface, the basic components, and how it functions is essential in being
productive with any software package. This familiarity saves both time and money for an organization by making an
application easier to adopt, use, and stay current with. It is for reasons such as these that the MicroStation CONNECT
Edition has adopted a ribbon style of interface.
This workbook contains a set of exercises to help you master the use of The Ribbon in the MicroStation CONNECT

Skills Taught

WorkSpaces and WorkSets

Navigating the ribbon

The Backstage

Customizing the ribbon

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A Word About the WorkSpace...

The exercises in this workbook use custom workspaces that are located in a Bentley training folder.
This folder is located by making changes to the configuration file WorkSpaceSetup.cfg. The following is an example of
the location of this file:
C:\ProgramData\Bentley\CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaceSetup.cfg.
An additional configuration variable was added to this file. This variable sets the main folder where WorkSpaces (and
WorkSets) are located.
_USTN_WORKSPACESROOT = C:/BentleyCONNECTTraining/CustomUserExperienceWorkSpaces/WorkSpaces/
If you need assistance in editing the configuration file, please contact your CAD Support or IT department.

Becoming Familiar with the Ribbon

MicroStation has used the same user interface for many versions with the interface based upon Tasks. This has
changed with the MicroStation CONNECT Edition delivering a brand new user experience. The task-based interface
has been replaced with a ribbon style interface based upon workflows that incorporate many new tools and
This modern, consistent and intuitive environment lowers the training threshold. The ribbon is an industry-standard
layout for a user interface that is used by many applications, including Microsoft Office, and is comfortable to many
users. This familiarity provides users with a more accessible user interface that is more productive and requires minimal
training to adopt. Commands are logically grouped together in tool collections.
Customization is provided through custom ribbon tabs and groups with the ability to easily switch between interfaces on
the fly.


Familiarize ourselves with the parts of the ribbon


Start the MicroStationCONNECTEdition.


Select the following:

Client (WorkSpace):DOTFDOT


Open SurveyTopo02.dgn.

If prompted, select UseactiveWorkSet22807915201, and click Open.

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The ribbon interface is presented.

Immediately the similarities between MicroStation and other applications that use a ribbon can clearly be seen:



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Other improvements include:

ConsistentDialogs - Improves usability and productivity

Consistent layout, spacing and organization

Consistent resizing and layout rules

UpdatedUserInterfaceControls - Provides better visual feedback and improves navigation and accessibility


Search (all commands, help, communities)



The same properties dialog is used for file, element, etc.

Lets take a look at the parts of the ribbon!

The ribbon consists of the following components. A knowledge of what these components are will be beneficial in your daily use of the
MicroStation CONNECT Edition as well as for customizing the User Interface (UI).

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We will look at various ribbon components in greater depth as we continue...

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Working with the Ribbon

The ribbon offers many features and capabilities to help increase productivity. Gaining an understanding of where these
are located and how they work will benefit anyone using the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.
In this lesson we will:

Access the Backstage

Understand ribbon workflows, tabs and groups

Discover the Quick Access tool bar

Access settings integrated into the ribbon


In the ribbon, ribbon groups will automatically resize as the application window is resized.

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Observe the MicroStation user interface. In the image shown, the application window has been adjusted to its smallest size. Lets pay
particular attention to the Primary ribbon group.
The icons contained in this group initially appear small because of the overall size of the MicroStation CONNECT application window.

If we resize MicroStation, the groups contained in the ribbon will resize as well.

Place the cursor over the right edge of the MicroStation application window, press and hold the left mouse button, and begin dragging to
resize MicroStation.

As you change the size of the application window, observe Primary Tools.

When the window is smaller, small icons will be seen. As the size increases, you will see larger icons and labels appear within the ribbon
groups. This provides a cleaner, easier to use interface in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition


Open RD_Sheets.dgn.
The file we are currently working in was created from an older seed file and as such does not contain some of the properties that have
now been standardized upon as a part of the plans production workflow in our company.
We like to add our company name, client name, and a keyword to the Properties of this DGN.

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Click the Filetab.

You are presented with the Backstage:

The Backstage contains many important features such as file operations, tools and settings, and more. This is also the location where you
access the file properties.

From the menu on the left side of the screen, select Properties.

Note:The file properties now use the same Properties dialog as would reviewing an element from with within your design file.
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In Properties, make the following changes:

These properties are then made available for use with Text Fields, Item Types, and reporting features.

Close Properties.


We wish to make it easy to exit a command by enabling the ESC key on the keyboard.
Click the File tab to open the Backstage.
The Backstage is also the location where User, System, File and Configuration settings are accessed. By consolidating all of these
features in the Backstage, we help remove clutter from the design canvas.


In the Backstage select Settings and click UserSettings. Here you will find AccuDraw Settings, the mouse Button Assignments and more.


Pick Preferences to open the Preferences dialog.

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In Preferences, locate the Input category and enable ESCexitscommand.


Click OK to implement this change. Pressing the ESC key on the keyboard will now exit most MicroStation Commands.
This is but a small sampling of what is located here. There are many other operations and settings, such as accessing Customize Ribbon
to customize the ribbon and Quick Access toolbar, that are available through the Backstage.

Note: If you wish to close the Backstage and return to your design you can click the arrow in the upper left corner of the Backstage
or pressing the Esc key on the keyboard.


Select the RibbonWorkflows drop-down menu. You can view the list of Ribbon Workflows. The Ribbon Workflows are used to group
collections of tools into a logical workflow. They may contain ribbon tabs, ribbon buttons, ribbon groups, and more.
The MicroStation CONNECT Edition delivers 5 individual ribbon workflows. These workflows are:



Task Navigation



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Click the drop-down arrow to view the available workflows:

Drawing is available regardless of the active model that is open (2D, 3D, Design, Drawing or Sheet).

The Modeling and Visualization workflows are available when the active model is 3D.

Task Navigation, when selected, makes the Select Task icon available. You may then use this icon to select from 3 delivered tasks
when in a 2D model: Drawing, Drawing Composition and Terrain Model. If the active model is 3D, the available tasks consist of
Drawing, Drawing Composition, Solids Modeling, Surface Modeling, Mesh Modeling, Terrain Model, Feature Modeling,
Visualization and Animation. These are the equivalents of the Tasks from previous versions of MicroStation, but delivered in ribbon
style interface.
The Admin workflow is made available when you enter a configured DGNLib.

And remember, MicroStation also provides the ability to deliver a custom user experience by allowing you to create your own custom
ribbon workflows.
In addition to the delivered workflows, you can also see a workflow entitled LEARNing CONNECT. This is an example of a custom
workflow that has been created. It is stored in a configured DGNLib that is part of our WorkSpace.
Take a moment to review the Learning CONNECT workflow.

Note:For more information on DGNLibs, configuration files, and configuration variables consult your local CAD Support or your IT


Open RD_Sheets.dgn.
The Quick Access toolbar is a small toolbar, located along the top edge of the MicroStation CONNECT interface, is used to access
frequently used commands such as Save, Undo/Redo and Print.
These are commands that always need to be accessible regardless of the active workflow. And, like other areas within the interface, is
also able to be customized.

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Zoomto the title block located in the lower right of the sheet similar to what is shown:

We wish to automatically view this area of the sheet the next time the drawing is opened.

From the Quick Access toolbar, select SaveSettings.


Change the active Workflow to LEARNingCONNECT.

The content of the ribbon has changed. It has updated to reflect the active workflow, but the Quick Access toolbar has remained as it was.


From the Quick Access toolbar, click the dropdownarrow to reveal the list of tools.

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There are several tools that we do not require.

Turn off the following tools:


Set Mark

Compress Options

Turn on the following tools:

Element Selection

Note: It is also possible to customize the content of the Quick Access toolbar, adding or removing tools, through customization of
the user interface. This may be easily accessed by picking Customize Quick Access ToolBar from menu as illustrated above.
When customizing the UI, it is important to know where the customizations are being written to. If the active file is a configured
DGNLib, the changes will be written to that file. If the active file is not a configured DGNLib, changes will be written to the Users
Personal.DGNLib. Customization of the UI will be discussed in a later exercise.

Additional parts of the ribbon include any of the following:

Ribbon Tab (tabs that contain groupings of related ribbon buttons, ribbon groups, button groups, etc.)

Ribbon Button

Ribbon Group

Button Group

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Dialog Launcher (a small button located at the button of some groups that is used to open dialog boxes that containing settings
related to that group)

The ribbon also makes access to settings, where applicable, much easier. For commands that are supported by settings, you will find a
dialog box launcher contained in the ribbon group.

Settings integrated into ribbon

Accessible directly from ribbon groups

Click on the dialog launcher in corner of group

We wish to add the County, State label in the title block of the plan sheet.


Select the active workflow as Drawing. Select the Annotate ribbon tab.


Select PlaceText and set the text style to CivilTitleBlock.


In the Text Editor, key in BrowardCounty,FL and observe the text in the Text Editor and the MicroStation view window.

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As can be seen, the text style appears to contain incorrect setting for use within the title block. It appears that it may be using the wrong
font, the text size is too large, and the justification is incorrect. We need to verify the properties of the text style...
Tools such as the Place Text tool (contained in the Text ribbon group) or Place Active Cell tool (contained in the Cells ribbon group) have
setting that support their usage. If we wish to place text but need to adjust some of the text settings, it is possible to open Text Styles by
clicking the dialog launcher located at the bottom right corner of the Text group.

Open the Text Styles dialog by clicking the dialoglauncher:

As you can see, the Text Styles dialog is opened. We can make any required adjustments from here and it was not necessary to go to
another location to access these settings.
In the Text Styles dialog we can see that the file contains a local copy of the text style and it has been modified from the library definition.


In the Text Style dialog, pick the Advanced tab, set the Mode to Differences, and enable Compare Against Library Style:

You can see the difference in the local vs. library styles.

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Click UpdateFromLibrary.


Close the Text Styles dialog.


Complete placing the text BrowardCounty,FL in the location illustrated:

As was seen, accessing this dialog in this manner was quite painless.

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Advanced Features of the Ribbon

The MicroStation CONNECT Edition also has a number of advanced features in the ribbon intended to help a user be
more productive. These features include a ribbon search that searches for tools or dialogs across multiple workflows
and ribbon tabs, the ability to show or hide features in the ribbon, and more.
In this lesson we will:

Use the Ribbon Search

Show/hide items in the ribbon

Contextual ribbon tabs

Ribbon galleries


Continuing in RD_Sheets.dgn, open the sheet model Sheet02.

This sheet model needs to have a sheet border placed, and there is a tool that our company has created to do this, we need to locate it.

Note:The model may be opened from the Models dialog or from the View Groups tool bar.

In the ribbon, locate the ribbon Search.

The Ribbon Search is used to find tools or dialogs. It can search across multiple workflows and ribbon tabs, search Help topics, and
access the Bentley Communities.
To search, enter the partial or full name of the tool or dialog and you will get a list of results with the given name in a window below the
Search field.
Search results are categorized by:

The Ribbon

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The Backstage,

The Quick Access Toolbar

Note: The search results are categorized by Ribbon, Backstage, and Quick Access Toolbar.



In the Search Ribbon field (F4) located in the upper-right corner of the ribbon, type border and observe the search.

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2 results were found:

We wish to place a B-Size Civil sheet border.

To observe the location of the tool, hover the cursor over the CivilBorderB command in the search results. The details of the tool will
expand, showing the access points for the tool within the ribbon.

This tool is located in the Annotation tab of the Learning Connect workflow.

Open the location by clicking on the accesspoint. The search navigates the ribbon to the particular tab where the sheet border tool is

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Observe the ribbon. The LEARNing CONNECT workflow has been activated, with the Annotation tab selected:

Note: Clicking the command in Search activates the tool rather than opening the access point.If a tool is activated from the search
result, MicroStation stores this use and next time the tool is listed in the Most Recently Used category in the search result.


Select CivilBorderB, and place the border by snapping to the lower right corner of the sheet boundary.

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Return to the Home tab in the Drawingworkflow.

MicroStation has long provided the ability to customize the interface by enabling/disabling the display of items through the right-click. You
may show/hide items in the ribbon using a right-click and the toggling on/off what you want to see, including within More tools that are part
of some ribbon groups.

The Selection ribbon group contains several tools that we do not frequently use. We do however, work with Multi-lines and would like to
display the Multi-line tools.

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Right-click over the Selection ribbon group and turn off the following tools:

Select All

Select None



Repeat this for Groups, turning off:

Group Hole

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Now lets add the Multi-lines ribbon group. In a blank area toward the right end of the ribbon, right-click and pick Multilines:


Open the design file LandscapeRD_1.dgn.

If prompted, select UseactiveWorkSet22807915201, and click Open.

This is a landscape summary report that contains a Ground Cover Report table.
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Observe the table:

The row height is not uniform and the top row of cells needs to be merged to create a heading for the table.

Make Element Selection the active command and pick the table.
Observe that a Table Tools tab has appeared within the ribbon. The MicroStation CONNECT Edition uses a contextual tab for editing
tables that have been placed in a design. As you can see, this tab contains tools for formatting and manipulating the table.

Note: MicroStation CONNECT introduces the use of contextual tabs when working with specific element types. A contextual tab is
a hidden tab in the ribbon that is displayed only when a specific element type for which there is a contextual tab is selected.

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10. In the table Layout tab, pick DistributeRows.

Observe that now all of the row heights are now equally sized.

11. Select the entire top row of the table by picking Row1:

The top row highlights.

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12. In the table Layout tab, pick MergeCells.

Observe the top row of the resulting ground cover report:

The cells in the top row of the table have all been merged.
13. De-select the table.
14. Open Bridge.dgn.
The model in this design file is 3D, and because of this, the Modeling and the Visualization workflows are now both available.
15. Make the active workflow Visualization:

The Visualization workflow has ribbon tabs containing tools for lighting, adjusting the camera, assigning materials, and more.

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16. Pick the Materials tab. Here you can see the Materials ribbon gallery.

Galleries are a new feature supported within the ribbon-style interface. A gallery is a list of commands or options that are presented
graphically. The MicroStation CONNECT Edition features an in-ribbon gallery in the Visualization tab that is used to assign materials
when working in a 3D model.
You can scroll through the available materials by using the up/down arrows or use the More button to expand the gallery to a larger size.
It is when it is expanded that you will be able to access the Open Palette command to browse the list of available material palettes.

17. From the in-ribbon gallery, select Asphalt(Black) and click the AssignMaterial button.

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18. In the View window, pickone of the yellowelements:

The view will update with the new material assignment.


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Making Access to Tools Even Easier

The ribbon contains many additional features used to make accessing tools and settings easier. Ease of use leads to
increased productivity. Some of these features help provide a cleaner desktop while others are used to make selecting
options and settings easier.
In this lesson we will:

Access the ribbon group Popups menu

Minimize the ribbon

Access the view Tools popup menu

View dockable dialogs

Use Key Tips


Continuing in the MicroStation DOT-FDOT WorkSpace and the 22807915201 WorkSet, open RoadwayWidening.dgn.
We wish to verify the areas of Parking Area A and Parking Area B.


Make the active workflow Drawing.

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We need to access the Measurement tools, but would rather not switch workflows or ribbon tabs.

Press <Space> on the keyboard to open the ribbon groups Popups menu:

The Popups tool box is displayed.

The ribbon groups Popups is a tool box that is opened by pressing the Space bar <Space> on the keyboard. It is a convenient way to
access some of the most common tools that you use without having to switch from one tab to another.
The first row usually contains tools from the Home tab in the ribbon while rows two and three contain various selection/manipulation
tools and other tool groups.
Lets Explore this in more detail...
As you can see, the first row contains ribbon group shortcuts. These are shortcuts for frequently used ribbon groups in the Home tab.
We have access to Attributes, Primary, Selection, Placement, Manipulate, Modify and Groups. Clicking or activating any of them opens
the respective ribbon group pop-up.
The second row contains frequently used tools such as Element Selection, manipulation tools, and Delete.
The third row contains shortcuts to frequently used ribbon groups. Each of the icons in the ribbon group have a shortcut key. This
shortcut key is displayed when you hover the pointer over the icon.

With the ribbon group pop-up displayed, if you press the shortcut key, the respective tool or group activates.By default, this toolbox
contains 3 rows of tools.

Note: It is also possible to customize the Popups tool box. When customizing, you can modify the existing Popups tool box, add
additional rows of tools, and create custom versions of the Popups.

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Place the cursor over Measure and pause for a moment. A tool tip is displayed showing the shortcut for Measure is the letter <A>.

Either click the Measurebutton or press <A> to open the Measure tools.
Pick the MeasureArea tool and measure the area of ParkingAreaA, verifying that the measurements are what we expect:
Parking Area A
Accessing the Measure tools was very easy to do through the Popups tool box! In addition to the ribbon groups Popups tool box,
MicroStation CONNECT offers several additional popup menus.

Minimize the ribbon by clicking the Minimize button located in the upper right corner of the ribbon.

The ribbon collapses and now operates as a fly-out menu.

Note: This works well when using the various pop-up menus to access the desired tools and provides a very clean desktop with a
minimal interface being displayed.

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Press <Q> on the keyboard to open the Quick Tools menu.This pop-up menu contains shortcuts to frequently used tools and ribbon
From the tool list pick Measure, followed by MeasureArea, and verify the area and perimeter of ParkingAreaB.

Parking Area B

Note: Either keyboard shortcut <Q> or <[> may be used to open the quick tools menu.


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Open BentModel.dgn. You see 4 views presented:

We wish to arrange the view windows as follows:

View 1:TopView(wireframe)
View 2:IsometricView(shaded)
View 3:FrontView(wireframe)
View 4:RightView(wireframe)

Making View 1 the active view (click the title bar for View 1) and press <Shift>+Rightclick to open the view Tools menu.

Pick Topview.

Repeat, setting the rotation for each view window as instructed.

10. With the right-click view Tools menu, use the FitView tool to fit each of the views.

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Note: Once the command is active, you may simply click sequentially in each view without repeatedly picking the Fit View
11. Using the right-click view Tools menu, set the presentation to Wireframe in views 1,3,4.

12. We now need to Save Settings in the model.

The Quick Access toolbar contains the Save Settings command. We can of course click SaveSettings in the Quick Access toolbar,

or we can use Key Tips to access the command.

The Key Tips and Tab Key Tips may be used to navigate the ribbon with the keyboard.

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KeyTips - The Key Tips [press F2] are used for picking the workflow, accessing the commands in the Quick Access Toolbar, and
selecting the tabs in the active workflow.

TabKeyTips - The Tab Key Tips are used for accessing the tools in the tabs of the active workflow.

13. Press the function key F2 to activate the Key Tips, followed by 4 to Save Settings.

The settings have now been saved.

14. Open RoadwayWidening.dgn.

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In this design we would like to attach an additional reference file, turn off the display of an existing reference attachments, and view the
project geometry against the aerial photos what we have for the project location.
15. Lets begin by opening the References dialog.
From the Primary ribbon group in the Home tab, pick References.

The References dialog is displayed. And while this dialog is a convenient way to access all of the reference tools we require, it takes up
space on the desktop.
MicroStation has supported the docking of dialogs such as this in previous versions, but References and Raster Manager were limited to
the top or bottom of the application window. In the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, we can also dock these along the right and left edges
of the application window as well.
We will now dock it into the interface...

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16. Using the left mouse button, click and hold down on the title bar of the References dialog, and begin dragging the dialog to make the
docking indicators appear:

Move the cursor over the docking indicator on the left side of the application window and release the mouse button. The dialog is now
docked in the interface, but it takes up quite a bit of space within the application window.

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Continue by pinning References to the edge of the application window by clicking Pin:

The dialog now operates as a pin and roll dialog that will fly out when the cursor is passed over it.
Use References, do the following:

Turn off the display of Alignment02.dgn.

Attach RightofWay.dgn using the Orientation: Geographic Reprojected

17. Repeat the docking and pinning for the Raster Manager dialog on the right edge of the application window.

Note: You can access Raster Manager from the Primary ribbon group in the Home tab.
18. Using Raster Manager, enable the display of theaerialphotographs in the view window.

Note:After completing the exercises in this workbook you will wish remove your changes from WorkSpaceSetup.cfg. Exit the
MicroStation CONNECT Edition. Using Windows Explorer locate WorkSpaceSetup.cfg, edit with Notepad, and remove any changes that
have been made to this file while working through the exercises contained in this workbook.

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Practice Workbook
This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy.
The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand
eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (
This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader.
It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

Customize the Ribbon in the

MicroStation CONNECT Edition
This workbook contains a set of exercises that are used to learn how to customize the interface in the
MicroStation CONNECT Edition. The focus will be on customizing the ribbon, including ribbon workflows,
ribbon tabs and ribbon groups.

Note:The exercises are meant to be worked on either in the order of the exercises in the Practice Workbook.
While you can work them as individual standalone exercises, later exercises are meant to build upon the
history created in earlier exercises.
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Description and Objectives

Course Description
When working in an application, we often find ourselves adapting our workflows to fit the application, rather than the
application to our workflows. And, if the sets of tools that are required for various workflows are not properly grouped
together, time is often lost remembering where to locate them and navigating between tool locations. As such, what are
we to do?
The MicroStation CONNECT Edition (CONNECT) delivers a new user experience in the form of an updated user
interface (UI). CONNECT features a ribbon-style UI that is used to access tools and settings. The ribbon is an industrystandard layout for a user interface used by many applications, including Microsoft Office, and is comfortable to many
This familiarity provides users with a more accessible user interface that is more productive and requires minimal
training to adopt. Commands are logically grouped together in tool collections. Customization is provided through
custom workflows, ribbon groups and tabs with the ability to easily switch between interfaces on the fly.
This modern, consistent and intuitive environment helps to lower the training threshold when on-boarding new users
and helps keep the casual user more productive.
Expand this accessibility by creating custom workflows, ribbon tabs, and more.
Learn how to begin creating a custom user experience in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

Skills Taught

Customization and DGNLibs

Creating custom workflows, ribbon tabs and ribbon groups

Split buttons, drop-down buttons, and panels

Customizing the ribbon groups Popups tool box

The Personal.DGNLib

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A Word About the WorkSpace...

The exercises in this workbook use custom workspaces that are located in a Bentley training folder.
This folder is located by making changes to the configuration file WorkSpaceSetup.cfg. The following is an example of
the location of this file:
C:\ProgramData\Bentley\CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaceSetup.cfg.
An additional configuration variable was added to this file. This variable sets the main folder where WorkSpaces (and
WorkSets) are located.
_USTN_WORKSPACESROOT = C:/BentleyCONNECTTraining/CustomUserExperienceWorkSpaces/WorkSpaces/
If you need assistance in editing the configuration file, please contact your CAD Support or IT department.

Customization and the DGNLib

The MicroStation CONNECT Edition provides for extensive customization to the user interface. Customization can take
the form of custom workflows, ribbon tabs, ribbon groups and more. When customizing CONNECT, a place to store the
customization is required. A design library, or DGNLib, provides this storage location with a configured DGNLib being a


Review the parts of a ribbon interface

Open Customize Ribbon

View a DGNLib

Create a workflow

Apply the customizations


Start the MicroStationCONNECTEdition. From the Work Page, set the following:
Client (WorkSpace):DOTFDOT


Lets begin with a brief review of a ribbon-style interface. It will be helpful to re-familiarize ourselves with parts of a ribbon as we prepare
to customize the MicroStation CONNECT interface.


Open UI_Review.dgn.

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Observe the illustration in the View window:

The ribbon may consist of any or all of the following basic parts:

RibbonWorkflow - Ribbon Workflows are used to group collections of tools into a logical workflow. They may contain ribbon tabs,
ribbon buttons, ribbon groups, button groups, etc.

QuickAccessToolbar - The Quick Access toolbar is a small toolbar located along the top edge of the application window that
contains commands that always need to be accessible, regardless of the active workflow.
RibbonTab - A ribbon tab is a grouping of related ribbon buttons, ribbon groups, and button groups that are loaded when a
workflow is selected.

RibbonButton - Ribbon buttons are command buttons used to activate a single tool.

RibbonGroup - A ribbon group is a labeled set of closely related commands or tools.

ButtonGroup - A button group is a closely related set of ribbon buttons.

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RibbongroupsPopupstoolbar- The Ribbon groups Popups is a tool box that is opened by pressing the <Spacebar> on your
keyboard. It is a convenient way to access some of the most common tools that you use without having to switch from one ribbon
tab to another.

A knowledge of what these components are will be beneficial in your daily use of the MicroStation CONNECT Edition as well as for
customizing the User Interface (UI).

Open CustomizeRibbon, by right-clicking in a blank area toward the right end of the ribbon or through the Backstage:

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When Customize Ribbon is opened, observe the title bar of the dialog:

Note: The Personal.DGNLib is the current location that changes will be written to when you start customizing the ribbon. This is due
to the active file not being a configured DGNLib. The Personal.DGNLib is part of your User Preferences, which now contain a
personal DGNLib for storing personal data, including customizations of the UI. User Preferences are, by default, stored
individually per user based upon the users Windows login information.

Close Customize Ribbon.

We wish to make our customization of the UI global (available to all users that work on projects for this Client). We will now open a
configured DGNLib that is a part of the Client standards, making it the file that will store our UI customization. A configured DGNLib is a
DGNLib that is pointed to, through configuration, in MicroStation.


Click the Filetab to open the Backstage. Click Browse to open the File Open dialog.

In File Open, set the File type to DGNLibraryFiles(*.dgnlib), browse to the \GUI folder in the Client Standards, and open UI.DGNLib.
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Observe the file now listed in the Customize Ribbon title bar:

Changes to the ribbon will be written to the UI.DGNLib, which is a configured DGNLib that is a part of this set Client standards.

We will now create a new workflow. In Customize the Ribbon, select NewWorkflow.


Name the new workflow CivilDrafter.

We are going to create a workflow that contains a simplified set of tools, grouped together, that a typical civil drafter in our organization
might use when working on civil design projects.
Observe that the new workflow has been added to the list of the existing workflows, and that it shows it is currently Pending. Pending
simply means that the changes you are making have not yet been saved.
10. In the lower right corner of the Customize Ribbon dialog, click Apply.

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The changes have now been written to the DGNLib.

You can see that Civil Drafter is listed as a custom workflow.

The MicroStation CONNECT Edition delivers 5 standard ribbon workflows. These workflows are:





Task Navigation

The LEARNing CONNECT workflow is a custom workflow.

11. Place the cursor over the workflow name, and pause for a moment.

It is easy to see the file where this workflow is stored. Here you can see that the source for the LEARNing CONNECT workflow is the

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The Civil Drafting Ribbon Tab

A ribbon workflow is a collection of tools grouped together into a logical workflow. These workflows are composed of
ribbon tabs. A ribbon tab may contain ribbon buttons, ribbon groups, button groups, and more.
In the previous lesson we created a custom workflow entitled Civil Drafter. Now we need to add a ribbon tab to the
workflow and begin to populate it with the tools a civil drafter would find useful.
In this lesson we will:

Create a ribbon tab

Add a button group

Add a ribbon group

Add ribbon buttons

Discover component source


Continuing in UI.DGNLib, open CustomizeRibbon.


In Customize the Ribbon, select the CivilDrafter workflow.


Select Createanewribbontab.


Title the tab CivilDrafting.

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Click Apply to save the changes.


View your results in the ribbon. Make the active workflow CivilDrafter.

You have a new tab that you may start adding tabs, tools, groups and more to.


In Customize the Ribbon, pick the CivilDraftingtab.


In Choose components from: click Groups.

In the list of groups, locate the Attributes group. There are 3 variations of this group. There are 2 of these that are custom versions of
Attributes whose source is LEARNingMS.DGNLib.

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This can be seen by hovering the cursor over the group name and observing the tool tip:


Locate the Attributes group whose source is BaseRibbon.rsc.

10. Click Add to add Attributes to the Civil Drafting tab.

11. Click Apply to save the changes and view the update to the Civil Drafting tab in the ribbon:

The tab now contains a copy of the default set of Attributes that are used for settings such as level, color, line style and line weight.
12. In Customize the Ribbon, click the CivilDraftingtab.

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13. Add a New Group entitled Primary:

Note: The new Primary group should be highlighted.

14. In the Customize Ribbon dialog, set Choose components from: Buttons.

15. Add References to the Primary group.

16. Continue to add the following:

Raster Manager

Point Clouds


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17. Set the order as shown:

18. Click Apply to save the changes and view Civil Drafting tab in the ribbon.

19. Add ElementSelectionto the Primary group (make it the first tool in the grouping).

20. Click Apply to save the changes.

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Adding Drawing Tools

In the previous lessons we created a new Civil Drafter workflow, added a Civil Drafting tab, and began populating it with
the tools and settings that a civil drafter in our organization would find useful. During this lesson we will continue to add
additional ribbon groups and tools, working our way towards completing the Civil Drafting tab.
In this lesson we will:

Add a ribbon group

Add ribbon buttons, split buttons, and drop-down buttons

Set tool size


Continuing in the Customize Ribbon dialog, click the CivilDrafting tab.


Add a New Group entitled DrawingTools.


In the Customize Ribbon dialog, set Choose components from: Commands(Applications).


Add the following tools:

Arrange them so they appear in this order shown.

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Level Display

Place SmartLine

Place Arc

Place Circle

Click Apply to save the changes.

Note: You can click Apply at any time, saving changes as frequently as desired.

In Customize the Ribbon, click the DrawingTools group.

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Add a NewSplitbutton:


In Choose components from: Commands(Applications).,


Add the following tools (so they appear in this order shown):

Place Block

Place Shape

Place Ellipse

10. Click Apply to save the changes and view the results:

11. In Customize the Ribbon, click the DrawingTools group.

12. Select NewDropDownButton:

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13. In Choose components from: Commands(Applications).,

14. Add the following tools (so they appear in this order shown):

Place Line

Place Line at Active Angle

Place Line String

15. Click Apply to save the changes and view the results:

16. In Customize the Ribbon, click the DrawingTools group.

17. Select NewDropDownButton:
18. In Choose components from: Commands(Applications),

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19. Add the following tools (so they appear in this order shown):

Place Quarter Ellipse

Place Half Ellipse

Conic Curve

Helix Curve

Spiral Curve

B-Spline by Points

B-Spline by Tangents

20. In Customize the Ribbon, click the DrawingTools group.

21. Select NewDropDownButton:
22. In Choose components from: Commands(Applications).

23. Add the following tools (so they appear in this order shown):

Hatch Area

Crosshatch Area

Pattern Area

24. Click Apply to save the changes and view the results:

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25. In Customize the Ribbon, locate the Primarygroup in the Civil Drafter tab of the Civil Drafting workflow.

26. Set the tool size of the following to Small:

Raster Manager

Point Clouds

27. Click Apply to save the changes and view the results:

28. Repeat this operation, changing the tool size to Medium for the following tools:


Raster Manager

Point Clouds

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29. Click Apply to save the changes and view the results:

30. Move LevelDisplay from Drawing Tools to Primary as shown:

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Completing the Civil Drafting Tab

In the previous lessons we created a Civil Drafting ribbon tab and added button groups, ribbon groups and tools to the
tab. We will now complete the Civil Drafting tab by adding several existing button groups that are found with
In this lesson we will:

Add existing button groups

Rename a group

Remove tools from a button group


Continuing in the Customize Ribbon dialog, click the CivilDrafting tab (Civil Drafter > Civil Drafting).


Set Choose components from: Groups.

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Add the Manipulate group to the Civil Drafting tab.

Verify that the version of Manipulate you select is from Source: RaseRibbon.rsc.

Add the Modify group to the Civil Drafting tab.


Click Apply to save the changes.


Rename Modify to Trimming:

Note: You must add it and apply changes before you can rename the group.

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Expand the Trimming tab, select ChangeAttributes and remove it from the group.


Click Apply to save the changes.


In Customize the Ribbon, add a NewGroup entitled Selection.

10. Set Choose components from: Buttons.

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11. Add ElementSelection to the new Selection button group.

12. Set Size to Large.

13. In the Selection group, add a NewPanel entitled SelectionTools.

14. AddButtons to Selection Tools:

Select All (Size: Small)

Select None (Size: Small)

15. Add the SplitButton to Selection Tools:

Fence Tools

16. Add the Clipboard buttons to Selection Tools:

Cut (Size: Small)

Copy (Size: Small)

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Paste (Size: Small)

Paste Special (Size: Large)

17. MoveSelection so it is the 2nd group in the Civil Drafting tab:

18. Remove ElementSelection from the Primary group in the Civil Drafting tab.

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19. Add the DrawingBorder group to the Civil Drafting tab as illustrated:

20. Click Apply to save the changes.


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Completing the Civil Drafter Workflow

In the previous lessons we created a Civil Drafting ribbon tab that contains many of the drafting tools required by a civil
drafter within our organization. The tools in this tab consisted mainly of tools that are used for creating and manipulating
Now, we will complete Civil Drafter workflow by adding additional ribbon tabs to this workflow.
In this lesson we will:

Add additional ribbon tabs to a workflow

Remove items from a ribbon tab


Continuing in the Customize Ribbon dialog, click the CivilDrafterworkflow.


Set Choose components from: Tabs.


Add the following ribbontabs to the Civil Drafter workflow:




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Verify that the source for these is BaseRibbon.rsc.

These will be the default versions (not modified) delivered with MicroStation.

Make CivilDrafting the first ribbon tab in the workflow.


Click Apply to save the changes.


Expand the Attach ribbon tab.


RemoveDatabase from the Attach tab.


Click Apply to save the changes.

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The completed Civil Drafter workflow:

The techniques learned in this workbook may be applied to creating workflows and ribbon tabs for any discipline, department or
organization group within your company.
The customizations must be stored in a configured DGNLib.
Not covered was creating custom tools or adding custom tools to the ribbon. Creating custom tools works as it did in MicroStation V8i.
Once created, they may be added in the Customize Ribbon dialog. In Choose components from pick Toolboxes(Custom).

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Modifying the Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access toolbar is used to provide quick access to tools or settings that always need to be available
regardless of the active workflow in MicroStation CONNECT. As with most other aspects of the user interface, it is able
to be customized, adding or removing from it as desired. We will now add several tools to the Quick Access toolbar to
make them even easier to get to.
In this lesson we will:

Customize the Quick Access toolbar


Start the MicroStationCONNECTEdition.


From the Work Page, set the following:

Client (WorkSpace):DOTFDOT


Open any DGN file from this WorkSet.


Observe the Quick Access toolbar:

You can see that the list of tools available is composed of Save, Save Settings, Undo, Redo, Set Mark, Print, Compress Options, and
Element Selection, some of which are currently turned off.
We have several tools that our Civil Drafters have asked us to add to this set of tools.

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Open UI.DGNLib from the Standards folder in the DOT-FDOT Client.

This folder is configured in the DOT-FDOT workspace as the location where we look for DGNLib files that contain customization of the
graphical user interface (GUI).

Open CustomizeRibbon. This can be one by right-clicking in a blank area toward the right end of the ribbon:


In the Customize Ribbon dialog, pick QuickAccessToolbar.

This has now become the destination of any changes we make to the UI.

Set Choose components from: Buttons

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In the list of available buttons, locate Explorer and click Add.

The Explorer tool has been added to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Note: Make sure to locate the version of Explorer where the source is shown as Mstn.ProjectNavigation.Explorer.
10. Continue toadd the following buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar:


Locks (verify the version of Locks by comparing the tool icon to what is shown here)

11. Click Apply.

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12. View the updated Quick Access Toolbar:

The new tools have been successfully added.

13. Switch workflows and observe the Quick Access Toolbar.

The ribbon has updated the when a different workflow was chosen, but the Quick Access Toolbar has remained the same.
This makes it easy to access any of these tools, regardless of the active ribbon workflow.

Note:After completing the exercises in this workbook you will wish remove your changes from WorkSpaceSetup.cfg. Exit the
MicroStation CONNECT Edition. Using Windows Explorer locate WorkSpaceSetup.cfg, edit with Notepad, and remove any changes that
have been made to this file while working through the exercises contained in this workbook.

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