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[I]Basic Stats:

Ursa Warrior6.63

Affiliation: Neutral
Attack Animation: 0.3 / 0.3
Damage: 45 - 49
Casting Animation: 0.5 / 0.51
Armor: 4.6 Base
Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 310
Missile Speed: Instant
Attack Range: 100 (melee)
Sight Range: 1800 / 800
Stats Analysis:
As an agility hero, Ursa has the nearly lowest basic agility and nearly lowest agility gain in
whole agility heroes.
But even compared with strength heroes, Ursa has a not bad basic strength and a not bad
strength gain.
Ursa has a not bad attack animation, stable floating of attack, good movement speed.
But Ursa has a bad casting animation, so you would waste much time on casting Earthshock
and Overpower.

[II]Skills Stats:

Slams the ground, dealing damage to and slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy land
Damage type: magical

AoE Duration

70 damage, 25% slow
120 damage, 35% slow
170 damage, 45% slow
220 damage, 55% slow

The slow effect can't be purged

Skill Analysis:
Earthshock's damage is low enough, AOE is smaller than Panda's Thunder Clap.
Ursa has a bad casting animation of 0.5s, and Ursa's another 3 skills are more powerful, so I
don't recommend to focus on Earthshock in early game.
But to have only one level to provide a 25% slow.

Sends Ulfsaar into a rage until he can expend his energy on a target.
Level Mana Cooldown AoE Duration
400% increased attack speed for 3 attacks
400% increased attack speed for 4 attacks
400% increased attack speed for 5 attacks
400% increased attack speed for 6 attacks
Consider of IAS from agility and equipments, in normal condition when Ursa uses Overpower,
he would easily reach the limit of attack speed.

The buff gained by this skill could be purged.

Skill Analysis:
Overpower could be purged, so pay attention to Satyr Trickster's Purge, Medusa's Stone Gaze,
and Diffusal Blade.
Except of killing enemy heroes, Overpower also can be used to increase the efficiency of
jugling and farming Roshan.
When the level of Overpower is 4, Ursa could attack 6 times in 2.04 seconds with this skill.
Combine Fury Swipes and Enrage, Ursa would deal huge damage to the enemy(I will give
example below).

Fury SwipesW
Each attack opens the wound deeper in the target, causing subsequent attacks to deal increased
Level Mana Cooldown
AoE Duration
10 bonus damage per attack
15 bonus damage per attack
20 bonus damage per attack
25 bonus damage per attack
When the level of Fury Swipes is 4, the first attack to a target will give 25 bonus damage, the
second attack to a target will give 50 bonus damage, the third attack to a target will give 75
bonus damage, etc..
Fury Swipes deals Normal damage which is reduced by the target's Armor and is blocked by
Stout Shield, Vanguard and Kraken Shell; Not blocked by Spell Immunity.
Orb effects do not stack, and would over write any other orb effects.
Quelling Blade has no effect when Ursa learns this skill.
Fury Swipes would interact with BurizaCritical, MKBBash, True Strike perfectly,
would not interrupt the counter of Fury Swipes as former version.
The debuff placed on the target with each attack cant be purged.
If a unit is killed while under the Fury Swipes debuff, it will not leave a corpse behind.

Each attack will extend the buff by 5s.

Fury Swipes deals Normal damage which is reduced by the target's Armor and is blocked by
Stout Shield, Vanguard and Kraken Shell.
Ursa can life steal from the orb damage with Vladmir's Offering, Vampiric AuraSNK and
Open WoundsNaix.
The bonus damage from Fury Swipes is not reduced by Mana Shield.
Skill Analysis:
Fury Swipes is the core skill of Ursa, continuous attacks will deal huge bonus damage.
Combine with OverPower, Ursa could deal quite high damage in a short time.
Because of the bonus damage, Ursa's efficiency of jungling and Roshan farming may be the
highest in 95 heroes.
No corpse will be left after jungling, so no corpse will preventing the neutral creeps from
spawning(Example: Troll kills a neutral camp in 10min 46 second, corpses would exist 15
seconds, so in 11min 0 second, no neutral creeps would spawn from this camp).
Vladmir's Offering can interact with Fury Swipes, and the mount of life steal after several
attacks is very high, so Vladmir's Offering becomes a standard equipment of Ursa.
Each attack of image of Ursa would deal the existing bonus damage, but not to increase the
counter of Fury Swipes(Example: Ursa and an image of Ursa is attacking a target, when Ursa
hit the target twice the bonus damage=48, the next hit of his image would have a bonus
damage of 48).

When activated, greatly increases Ulfsaar's damage based on his current life
Level Mana Cooldown AoE Duration
4% of current life is dealt in damage
5% of current life is dealt in damage
6% of current life is dealt in damage
Doesn't like Overpower, Enrage has 0 mana cost, no casting animation, and could be active

The buff cant be purged.

As the increased damage is shown on interface, so this part of damage can be used to life steal,
cleave, and gain benefit to critical hit.
When Ursa activate Enrage each attack can trigger 2 times Fury Swipes, one time deals the
existing bonus damage, the other time deals bonus damage of the next orb counter. (Example:
An Enraged Ursa with level 4 Fury Swipes, attack a target. The first attack deals 0+24=24
bonus damage, the second attack deals 24+48=72 bonus damage, the third attack deals
48+72=120 bonus damage, etc..)
Skill Analysis:
Cooldown of Enrage is very low, so use it to farm is OK
Except of killing enemy heroes, Enrage also can be used to increase the efficiency of jugling
and farming Roshan.
How much damage would a level 11 Ursa do to a target?
Suspect Ursa has lvl1 Earthshock, lvl4 Overpower, lvl4 Furry Swipes, lvl2 Enrage, always
full HP, with the equipment of
. When Enraged, in one combo of Overpower
attacks(6 attacks), he would deal 1715 damage; in two combo of Overpower attacks(12
attacks), he would deal 5158 damage.The damage doesn't calculate the reduction of

[III]Roles in a Team:
With an excellent ability of jungling, Ancient Farming, and Roshan Farming, Ursa is a
efficient Jungler and Farmer in early and middle game.
With a very high explosive power to one target just like Templar Assassin, Ursa is a bloody
Ganker in middle game.
Ursa is a agility hero with good strength. And because Enrage damage is linked with HP, Ursa
is doomed to be a Tank and sub-DPS in late game.

[IV]Skill Build:
Skill Build Reason

Following some calculation result in a Post of mine in Chinese, Ursa can get his high
explosive power earlier in the game. We need the max level of Overpower and Furry Swipes
So, when Ursa is level 10, only one level of Earthshock, max level of Overpower and Furry
Swipes, one level of Enrage.
If you feel great pressure in lane, level up Earthshock when Ursa is level 1 to get last hit.
About how to choose Overpower and Furry Swipes in early level?
IDEA 1: For Higher Combo Damage
Mathematic calculation result show us: When Ursa is level 7, in one or two combo of
Overpower, the better way is to have lvl1 of Earthshock, lvl3 of Overpower, lvl2 of Furry
Swipes and lvl1 of Enrage.
IDEA 2: For Roshan Farming Easier
But if you want to farm Roshan when Ursa is level 7 easier, you can choose lvl1 Earthshock,
lvl1 Overpower, lvl4 Furry Swipes and lvl1 Enrage.

Build Lane
Build Lane of IDEA 1:

01, Earthshock
02, Furry Swipes
03, Overpower
04, Overpower
05, Furry Swipes
06, Enrage
07, Overpower
08, Furry Swipes
09, Overpower

10, Furry Swipes

11, Enrage
12, Earthshock
13, Earthshock
14, Earthshock
15, Stats
16, Enrage

Build Lane of IDEA 2:

01, Earthshock
02, Furry Swipes
03, Overpower
04, Furry Swipes
05, Furry Swipes
06, Enrage
07, Furry Swipes
08, Overpower
09, Overpower
10, Overpower
11, Enrage
12, Earthshock
13, Earthshock
14, Earthshock
15, Stats
16, Enrage

[V]Items Build:
Build Direction:
Ursa has his own shortcoming himself: All of his skills work only when Ursa is quite near to
the enemy hero. So in Item Build Section, We should give Ursa some ability to cut in battle
field when selecting equipment for him.
Basic Equipments:
Vladmir's OfferingIt's the only way to life steal from the damage of Furry Swipes and
Enrage. It greatly helped Ursa when Jungling, Ancient and Roshan Farming. Even more, it
provide extra armor and mana regeneration.
Phase BootsIt's the basic battle field cut-in item for Ursa. The movement speed of Ursa
with Phase Boots is 380. When Phase activated, additional 10% movement speed is given to
him(418 movement speed, and because you can move through units, so no lane creeps or
heroes would get you stuck). Ursa can easily chase down the enemy then give the enemy an
Earthshock, then hit the enemy with one or two combo of Overpower with Enrage. Extra armor
and damage is also pretty good. Compared with
cut-in and chase-down ability.

Power Treads, Phase Boots give more

Advanced Cut-in Equipments:

Lothar's EdgeGive extra damage and IAS, Wind walk give 20% movement speed(456
movement speed with Phase Boots) for 9 seconds, and 125 bonus damage to break invisibility.
So that Ursa can cut in invisible, deal more damage and chase easily. Also it's for escaping.
Kelen's DaggerNo extra attribute, but you can blink to cut in and be near to the enemy
hero, also for chasing and escaping.
Doomed Equipment:
Heart of TarrasqueJust same as Huskar, Heart of Tarrasque is the doomed
Equipment of Ursa. Ursa can also build as Heart, Heart and Heart.

Recommended/Situational Equipment:
After you've got the basic equipments, before Heart of Tarrasque, you can also choose zero to
two from item below.
BKBAfter Ursa cut in the battle field, activate Avatar make Ursa DPS steadily.
Disadvantage: Overpower will be purged by Avatar, so you should use Overpower after
Avatar(Same as Omni's Repel); When Ursa activate Avatar, he would not draw fire as a tank.
VanguardIt's a tank item which has a high cost performance. It greatly increases the
survival ability in early and middle game.
HoodTo be a tank to draw fire. Hood&Heart is one choice.
ArmletWhen activated, 40 damage, 25 strength=475HP is gained. To a Enrage Ursa,
475HP equals 19/24/28 damage. So Armlet can also increase Ursa's explosive power greatly.

Luxury Equipments:
After you've got a Heart of Tarrasque, you can choose some from item below.
Heart of TarrasqueAnother Heart.
Assault CuirassDPS and Tank item.
The ButterflyDPS item, also give Ursa a 30% Evasion for Tank.
Manta StyleEach attack of image of Ursa would deal the existing bonus damage, but
not to increase the counter of Fury Swipes.
GuinsooIt give Ursa unlimited Mana, and the Hex ability help Ursa finish his
combo attacks.

Fun Items:
All of them below are DPS Item. They are for fun, but may be effective in some matches. You
can have a try.
Sange&YashaI don't recommend this item because: first, Maim is overwrite by
Furry Swipes; second, it is a moderatamente(in Chinese, there is a word to describe it called
"") item for agility heroes. For Ursa, Manta Style is better than S&Y.

BasherTheoretically, it has a 82% chance to bash the target in one combo of

Overpower attacks(6 attacks); and 97% chance to bash the target in two combo of Overpower
attacks(12 attacks).
BattlefuryThe Enrage damage is calculated into the cleave damage. So with
Overpower and Enrage, a Ursa with Battlefury can push the lane quickly. But Ursa is not a lane
BruizaThe Enrage damage is calculated into the critical damage. So it's easily to
deal over 800 critical damage.
OrchidAs a DPS item, a 5s-single-target silence is useful in gank and push. So that
the target can't cast skill to disable Ursa, and 20% extra damage for Ursa is horrible for the
enemy too. It is effective to Storm, QoP, PotM, Clinkz who are vulnerable but expert in

[VI]How to Play:
In Early Game, Ursa should farm for his basic equipment such as Vladmir's Offering, Phase
Boots for further farming and ganking.
You can buy a

and a

to leave home and go to the Long lane, then buy

for further jungling. When you are above level 5, take one or two
jungling easily. If you make


, you can do the

very early, you can do the jungling without losing HP.

When you are level 7~9 with

, you can try to farm Rhoshan and Ancient, but be careful
for the disappearing enemy heroes from the lane. It's better to have some wards for detection.
After the Roshan Farming, you should make

for further gank.

In Middle Game, the explosive power of Ursa with Overpower and Enrage can easily and
instantly kill some Intelligence and Agility heroes, even some Strength heroes such as ES.
It's Ganker's Time! With one advanced cut-in equipment, Ursa can do some roaming with one
or two of parter who have disable or slow ability to gank the enemy. Before you use Wind
Walk or Blink to cut in, you should use Overpower in advance, because Overpower has a 0.5s

casting animation, and will decrease the duration between your cut-in attack and your next
Overpower. If you are in Wind Walk of Lothar or prepare to Blink by Dagger, you should seize
the opportunity when the target's disable skill and escape skill are in cooldown. If you are in
Wind Walk of Lothar, don't forget to give the target a hit to deal the bonus damage then use
Earthshock to slow the target and kill him.
Don't forget Roshan and the wards for detection.

In Late Game, team battle is the main part, so if you have

is better. Ursa is the Tank and
sub-DPS of the team. If you choose Dagger to cut in, you can cast Overpower, wait for fire
crossing, then directly blink to the back of enemy team, Enrage, try to kill one of the
intelligence hero then draw fire. If you choose Lothar to cut in, just take it as a advanced Phase
Boots, because your enemy may have
, so don't be away from your teammates
when attacking or defending a tower. You may directly cut into the enemy's team with other
tank to draw fire.
Don't forget Roshan and the wards for detection.

Two combo of Overpower attacks

Level 4
OverpowerProvide 6 attack in limited attack speed. However,
Overpower has a cooldown of 10s, a Duration of 15s. So we can cast Overpower in advance,
when the cooldown time nearly ends, cut into battle. After the 6 attack have passed, cast
Overpower again. Now your Ursa will have extra 6 attacks in limited attack speed.
Roshan Farming:
When the time of the game is 8~15 minute, Ursa's level is 7-10, you have made
, you can
do your first Roshan Farming. You should pay attention to the disappearing enemy heroes from
the lane, and have some wards to observe if possible. With some teammates(Such as Lone
Druid or Enchantress) together, Ursa can farm Roshan on even low level.
Don't forget to give Roshan two combo of Overpower attacks first.

Several Attentions:
Overpower should cast before BlinkDagger and Wind WalkLothar
Overpower should cast after AvatarBKB and RepelOmni
Ursa has a casting backswing of 0.51s, so that cancel casing backswing is important for Ursa.

[VIII]Good Allies:
Heroes have long duration of disable ability for Ursa finishing combo attack:

With Enchantress, Ursa can farm Roshan at level 4-5. She can also provide a 40% slow to
make Ursa get near of the enemy.
He also provides slow and additional damage skill.
Decrease the enemy's speed and armor; Healing and increase the allies' armor and a
Shallow Grave for 5s is excellent for ganker and tank.
He will make Ursa a hot potato with the speed like a rocket.
She gives Ursa unlimited mana and disable the enemies.
And some other heroes who have disable and slow ability.

[IX]Bad Enemies:
Heroes have long duration of disable ability made Ursa hard to get near of them:

The slow ability of them makes Ursa can't get near of them, and they may use
manual orb Hit&Run.
He is ethereal like wind, Ursa is hard to get near to him, I even watch a match: Storm
steal Ursa's Aegis of the Immortal
He makes the enemy like a rocket.
He makes Ursa can't attack.
Pay attention to any heroes with


[X]The End
This guide is translated from my post in Chinese.
Hope you like it.

Strength - 23 + 2.9
Agility - 18 + 2.1 (Primary)
Intelligence- 16 + 1.5
Base damage 45-49
Attack range of 100 (melee)
Base Armor 4.5
Movement speed of 310

Ulfsaar Slams the ground, dealing damage to and slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy
land units.
Lasts 4 seconds
Level 1 - 70 damage, 25% slow.
Level 2 - 120 damage, 35% slow.
Level 3 - 170 damage, 45% slow.
Level 4 - 220 damage, 55% slow.
7 seconds cooldown
75 mana cost
250 AOE
This skill has low cooldown and manacost. Your main weapon to keep enemy from escaping
you. It has 0.5 second casting time required, so use it with great timing.

Sends Ulfsaar into a rage until he can expend his energy on a target. Lasts 15 seconds or 5
Level 1 - 100% increased attack speed.
Level 2 - 200% increased attack speed.
Level 3 - 300% increased attack speed.
Level 4 - 400% increased attack speed.
10 seconds cooldown
45/55/65/75 mana cost
This ability will really help you slice your opponent. 5 hit in just about 2 seconds (when maxed)
is great deal of damage. Especially when combined with Fury Swipes and Enrage. Use it wisely
and you will be owning!
Fury Swipes

Each attack opens the wound deeper in the target, causing subsequent attacks to deal increased
Level 1 - 6 bonus damage per attack.
Level 2 - 12 bonus damage per attack.
Level 3 - 18 bonus damage per attack.
Level 4 - 24 bonus damage per attack.
Orb effect
Fury Swipes will stack additional damage into a target. If you attack an enemy 10 times, you will
have an additional 240 damages when fury swipes maxed! The counter will be repeated if youre
not attack your target in 3 seconds. It is an orb effect, so, do not use any other orb effect (Sange
Yasha, Mask of Madness, Satanic) because Fury Swipes will override it. If you want the lifesteal,
use vladmirs instead.

When activated, greatly increases Ulfsaar's damage based on his current life.
Level 1 - 4% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
Level 2 - 5% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
Level 3 - 6% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
15 seconds duration
25 seconds cooldown
Mana Cost: None!
Ulfsaar ultis. With no mana cost and 25 seconds cooldown, you can use it for hero kills and
neutral creeps without worrying your mana pool. The skill will give Ursa additional attack before
his primary one. It is counted like a normal melee attack, therefore it will trigger Centaur return
Skill build
1. Fury Swipes

2. Earthshock
3. Fury Swipes
4. Overpower
5. Fury Swipes
6. Enrage
7. Fury Swipes
8. Overpower
9. Overpower
10. Earthshock
11. Enrage
12-13. Earthshock
14. Overpower
15. Stats
16. Enrage
17-25. Stats
Fury swipes taken first, since it will help you boost your damage early. We take Earthshock at
level 2 to ensure you will have a mechanism to prevent your enemies from escaping. At level 4,
Overpower taken to help you net a kill. Enrage maxed early since it use no mana and give you a
nice bonus damage. Some people debating about taken the last level of Overpower, since 300%
is already fast enough with Ursa agility and items. I leave the last level of Overpower to your
own judgement, but in my build I will take it.
Item Build

1. Stout Shield, Tangos

2. Ring of Health
3. Vitality Booster (Finish Vanguard)
4. Boots of Speed
5. Belt of Giant Strength
5. Blink Dagger
6. Glove of Haste
7. Finish Power Treads
8. Ring of Basilius
9. Finish Vladmirs Offering or rush
10. Heart of Tarrasque

Other Possible Items

Black King Bar

When there are more than 3 stunner, you can skip Vladmir's or Tarrasque. This item will keep
you from disabler while keep your burst attack on.

The Butterfly
When the games hold long enough, buy this items. You got damage, attack speed and evasion.
What else do you need? Your survival will increase highly. Especially when a lot of DPS heroes
on the enemies.
The core item for Ursa Warrior is Vanguards, Blink Dagger, and Boots. If you already farm
Vanguards, you will rarely go back to fountain. Neutral creeping will be very easy, because you
can kill them easily with Enrage and Overpower. Vanguards will block almost all their damage.
If your lane mate has a slow or a stun, you can have an early kill. Just Overpower, and run
straight at them while your Lane-mate slowing or stunning them. If they trying to escape,
Earthshock is good enough to hold and finish them.
After you got your dagger and boots , you are ready to pawn some low HP heroes in mid-game.
With Blink-Earthshock combo, you can finish a low HP hero before he realize what happened.
For a better use of Overpower, after activate it, wait several seconds before approaching the
enemies. Therefore, after 5 hits, your Overpower cooldown already over and you can give 5 hits
again. If your enemy get careless, it is better to approaching him without using the dagger,
therefore where the enemies try to escape or suddenly you have a gangbang, your dagger is
After getting your treads, start builds your Vladmirs. The lifesteal will help you winning a 1-1
battle since the Vampiric Aura is working well with Fury Swipes. You can solo Roshan easily
with this items. In the Late-Game team war, don't get careless. Wait for a perfect timing. Let the
war begin and choose your prey wisely. Some low HP heroes like Rhasta, Kardel will be your
target. Prepare your Overpower, Enrage and then Blink, Earthshock and tear him apart. After it,
you still can chase the other enemy. You can also act as tanker and tank the damage, since you
will have a tons of HP with HoT. If your team don't have any other tanker, get your second one
and you will be very hard to kill. And with your current HP, your ulti's will hurt them greatly.
Overall, Ursa can be deadly with the right items and use his skill wisely.

Ulfsaar the Ursa Warrior

Author: Black_Paradise
Map Vers.: 6.64

Great Ursa Guide

A guide to Ursa Warrior
Date Posted: 12/15/09
Last Comment:17/12/2009
Total Votes: 0
Current Rating: 0.00
Views: 32820

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FunnyWarfare: Finally you use pictures, nice^^ Your guides are ... they will not get ratings about
5 I think, improve them a bit^^
Black_Paradise: I might take this guide down, i forgot what Ursa's 6.64's stats are. By the way,
crit. stacks and bash does not.(At least I think so).
mitnick91: Can somebody comfirm me that whether or not if fury swipes works fully with MKB,
bash or buriza Because in this link, the guy confirm that and then there are so many opinion, so
which one is the right ?
Morbius: Take out the double vanguard, or no one is going to take this guide seriously. Seriously.
Furthermore, overpower is taken at level 2 because earthshock is a bitch to get off so it hits
without another stun, and if you do have another stun, 3 attack...
icu^^: 1. Vanduard is an item. Vanguards = several items named Vanguard. Noone needs several
Vanguards. Why have you written "Vanguards"? 2. Enrage is not just +X damage depending on
your current HP. It is not just a skill with 0 manacost and 0 casting tim...

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