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7 Be 13, HURST ST, £ syeel Ey oxreRy” 8 Physiclrgic eh. Jey Sreshe cos ona jez, Be B. Dinte Yor wove tine non, I heve been interested in the topic of Cancer, end T've foruidated a theory which T think might explain the observable changoo. J believe the changes to be duo to ax Sneorporation of alien alecules into ‘he DutsA, atrond ~ this effects the otereoshestatry of the DilsA, nolectte resulting 4m a change of the genotic ocustituticn contetned within the double helix. Side 1 suons the DullsA, uolecule thxee dinmaionelly oo « double helix componed of Hceshate-SugarDase molocates erzanged sn auch a way thet the basea epyear in a sequence which rooords the guetic cxnstitution, Rrasining the D. she tose eLovely, Side 2 shoxs the sxrengenent of these i solecules end yartionlesly the distances between the eljocint bases, noting elso ‘he hydrogen bends between the bases. Side 3 chow exactly tho dlotances betwen the besos vith xeapeot to hydrogen onde end also shove the angle between the SugurBase at the Caxbon-Kt gan boats Hy theeny revolves oxound the postulate that en alien eubotance (2) xeplacee my ene oF tho Dane ators (see Slide 4), The subotanoe could be may of the sane rccp slonente within the periodical teble - that is to say ~ if axygen fo replaced em the guanin nolectde by aay of the Group IV elenente, then because of the Gittovent maber of electrons and protens, the electrostatic interaction with the ajeoent bose will be altered, hence e cextain degces of Gisplacecont of the tases wail take place, his dtsplecesent em not only cause « tranacsiptive error Wut yd2 put the Duds into a statically matate state, Side 5 ohove bow the ongmnie compemd teantasid, which 42 used in the trectuet of Tuberoulesis, ca be explained to cavse cancer in mice, If the eychic hexane ert of the guunizete mato vp fron the feuniasi@ molecule, then vhen Sncorporsted Ant the Dats. etrntary the alihetto pact o€ the teentenld natecue wi ease | groan distortion of the Pese-base distance and elvo the eugax-bese angle. Mhe Dateks dw now unler severe static diaigulitriue ~ the dietartion taking place over several tes ox either side of the Anoorporated alien molecule. the effect of this absorption, on the transoriptive mechanten may be to change the exine acid sequence of the would be coten on the (m-RillsA-) molecule, Uhaterer nechansem of en that the foruation of the coden ‘teannaription is adopted, it om be clearly would not be true to for, If we take the mRllsA. polymerization theory then we om s6e that wien the phosphet-sugar base molecules align thenselves on the relevent “senso, part of the open Duets nolecule, tho alien molecule on the D.TL, trond will not be oomatibie with ay of the toseo, hin will have the effect of either misoing out a base so that a codon contains auly 2 bates, or a sequence of 3 Watch fe Aiatorted in ouch a wey thet the codon docs not represent any of the amino aoids evaileble for protein eynthesia, Then the mB.Mk. to yolyuerizet, the constitutional fault is taken to the Ribosoues where either, no amino seid ie swplied for the aftectet coden hence the protein anine acid sequence 8 one axino ‘acid short, or an amino acid 4s supplied which does not correspond to that which should be in the sequence of the protein to be synthesised. ‘he effect of this 49 ‘het the nature of the protein te changed, ‘Mids then explains to ne why the cancerous celle lose thet nomnel function. As the oo22 loses its function the true end products are not being eynthesised by ‘the coll, the mechenions involved in the eynthesie of the protesn continue to ‘fmetion so that protein continues to be eymtheaivet. If the protein ie used for cell stmctarey we can pootulate that the olla divide az eocn es cone region of the Gea es gE rare Canceroas colle have @ higher rate of division than norms] cells, | 1 os or neice sa eee fcc ay al era einply by omsidering stete in which alien incorporation cen take place on any | part of tho Dist, notecule thus giving rise to a vast vartaldlity in the Moskheniotzy | of cancers. one can now postulate on the stove reshanion, the &éfference between nalienant ‘and nonenalignant earcers. A malignant eareer Se one where the incorporation has taken ‘lece on o* nec the region on the DA, molecule veazonsihle far the control of replication ard the nouraslienent cancer is one where the Sxcorporation has tekon race on othor parte of the D.lese snother explanation any 1fe in the degree of elion nolenute smorporation i.e the gxecter the incoxporetion, the greater the activity. Msohanian of Someed of Canees, Tt eects clear fron the above thet @uring mitceie, the genetic fautt ts zemreduced in oxbscquent generetions of celle, Seccnaiy, one can go on to postulate « necheniaa of (w-R.Met,) exchange between oa “Ut appease feensble thet ealle which pecform the cane Auction cen have that enetion co-ordinated by a contimeal exchenge of mosserserR.NAs (SLide 6)+ Any such ‘exchange between eazcercus an norms] celle would coon ease s change in the conststutsen of normal celle, osatnent If what I on postulating in commeot, than it scons logical to eucsest thet the troatnont of cancer should be dizccted tomanlo interfering with eny of the puthnaye which ere concerned with the trensowiption nechanton, but srefersbly by incotivating the DitaA. of concerout celles If tho Ditka, $0 inactivated, the oell would stop functionsne, ‘or nore accurctely, it would be unsble to control the highly gecred dymente equslivesun 4m which cone the cell would coon be deotreyed ty autolyeis, Until the Biochessete find ‘e mutehle compound to echteve the stove, we might Be sble to use the very chanuctentetic vehioh mak thie disede fated ~ naely the rote of sotivity of cancerous cells

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