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A synthetic study of sourcing strategies

Amy Zhaohui Zeng

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

Keywords internal operation. First of all, sourcing may

Sourcing, Purchasing, 1. Introduction dictate the beginning of actual production
Globalization, Alliances
Of various activities occurring in a runs, since the availability of raw materials
Abstract corporation's daily operation, purchasing is and other supplies purchased are essential
As more evidence indicates that a an inevitable task that is responsible for for the production facilities to operate. In
corporation is very much defined by addition, the materials sourced have direct
materials moved from suppliers/vendors to
its purchases and benefited by its
close partnership with the suppliers, manufacturing facilities. By one estimate, impact on the final product's price and
the sourcing decision becomes between 50 percent and 70 percent of a quality in a manufacturing setting as well as
increasingly important in the firm's manufacturing company's potential value is the service quality provided by non-
growth and profit. This paper manufacturing companies. It is evidenced
in purchased items; even for service
synthesizes the available sourcing
industries, half of their services are in fact that more buyers rely on their suppliers to
alternatives into four categories,
namely multiple sourcing, single purchased from other companies (Mihaly, improve their products' quality and price
sourcing, single/dual hybrid or 1999). Thus, an organization's profit is (Zeng, 1999) and that by understanding more
network sourcing, and global about the supplier's operation, the buyers
determined and defined by its purchases to a
sourcing, and provides a
large extent, and purchasing has been may see a way to help shave costs on the
comprehensive review of these
purchasing methods based on considered one of the key drivers for a purchasing side (Mihaly, 1999). Second,
extensive literature. Besides the company's survival and growth. sourcing may represent or incur a
discussion of the pros and cons, the considerable amount of capital expense, as
One of the purchasing department's major
paper focuses on the underlying
responsibilities is sourcing or selection of the selection process can be extremely
factors that determine the
preference and suitability of each suppliers. Zenz (1994, p. 120) defines sourcing lengthy and require inputs of managers from
sourcing option. In addition, with the as the strategic philosophy of selecting various departments. Third, the primary
note that numerous companies are advantage of sourcing is increased flexibility,
vendors in a manner that makes them an
switching to do business on a global
integral part of the buying firm for a which is gained in the workforce, scheduling
basis, we attempt to use China as
an example to examine global particular component or part they are to process and product price and quality,
sourcing from the standpoints of supply. This definition pinpoints the and hence, companies of every type are
both buyer and supplier.
profound meaning of sourcing that is beyond virtually all sourcing their necessities from
the traditional view. In other words, sourcing outside.
no longer simply refers to getting the Finally, sourcing is a strategic decision
materials at desired prices, rather, the when the buying firm attempts to establish a
decision should be incorporated into the long-term business relationship with its
buying firms' operating strategies to support suppliers. This supplier-buyer alliance has
or even to improve the firm's competitive received great attention because, as quoted
advantages. Numerous studies have reported by Mihaly (1999), leading companies see their
that a sound working partnership with a success is increasingly defined by the
firm's suppliers improves the firm's relationships and linkages forged with
performance in many areas, such as total cost organizations outside their immediate
reduction, better product quality, and faster sphere of influence.
delivery (e.g. Swift, 1995; Larson and As sourcing plays an important role in a
Kulchisky, 1998; Willis, 1998). firm's competitiveness and growth, it is
The underlying importance and utilization necessary to study and understand different
of sourcing can be seen not only from the sourcing alternatives. This paper synthesizes
above general economic point of view, but the available choices into four categories:
Industrial Management & also from its impacts on the buying firm's multiple sourcing, single sourcing, single/
Data Systems dual hybrid or network sourcing, and global
100/5 [2000] 219±226 sourcing. The philosophy of each sourcing
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
# MCB University Press approach will be examined by citing and
[ISSN 0263-5577]
summarizing current literature. The
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Amy Zhaohui Zeng objectives of this research are threefold. First
A synthetic study of sourcing of all, the nature, the advantages and 3.Single sourcing
disadvantages of each sourcing option are The debate on multiple and single sourcing
Industrial Management & provided. Second, the underlying factors that
Data Systems has attracted many researchers and
100/5 [2000] 219±226 determine the suitability and preference of practitioners and resulted in numerous
each alternative are summarized. Finally, publications. However, one weakness of the
two perspectives of global sourcing are existing literature is that the single-sourcing
provided. Extensive previous research has approach is not addressed completely. This
reported on the benefits of using global paper will discuss this alternative from the
sourcing from a buyer's perspective, following four aspects.
however, little has been focused on the
consequences from a supplier's perspective, 3.1 The evolution of single sourcing
therefore, we attempt to bridge the gap by Single sourcing involves the idea of reducing
using China as an example. The next four the number of suppliers a firm does business
sections are designated to these four with. In the past, industries, especially
strategies in order and provide in-depth western countries, have typically dealt with
discussions. Concluding remarks and future
multiple suppliers for each item. However,
research directions are given in Section 6.
the trend has now begun to move towards a
reduction of suppliers. This concept is
evolved with the growing popularity of
2. Multiple sourcing Japanese just-in-time (JIT) philosophy. To
As indicated by the name, a company is support the central idea of JIT, which is to
implementing a multi-sourcing strategy if it eliminate waste and to emphasize value-
has business relationships with a number of added activities, one of the purchasing
suppliers. In this approach, each of the objectives is to ensure that the orders are
suppliers respond to the demands and placed at the right amount, at the right
specifications of a particular quotation from time, and at the right place with the right
the buying company. It is easy to see that this quality.
purchasing method plays one supplier To accomplish this task a manufacturing
against another and the competition between facility must maintain an excellent working
the suppliers is intense. This may help the relationship with its suppliers. Once the
buyer to bid lowest prices and shipping costs supplier and manufacturer begin working
and increase the buying company's leverage together and a long-term commitment is
over suppliers. Other resultant benefits established, there is no need for additional
include a greater degree of flexibility in suppliers. This has led to the idea of single
technical areas and a better provision of sourcing.
protection in times of shortages against Ansari and Modarress (1990) provide a
failure at a supplier's plant (Ansari and
detailed comparative analysis of single and
Modarress, 1990, pp. 31).
multiple sourcing practices, which has
The consequences of this strategy include a
revealed that the key distinction between
large base of suppliers and very short
these two sourcing methods lies in the areas
duration contracts. From the suppliers' point
of quality control, lot size, delivery
of view, they have the burden of being
frequency, and the term of contract.
responsible for maintaining the necessary
technology, expertise, and forecasting
3.2 The pros and cons of single sourcing
abilities plus cost, quality, and delivery
With regard to the advantages and
competencies (Render and Heizer, 1997,
disadvantages, a number of researchers have
pp. 401-402). For the buyer, dealing with
reported their findings in the literature (e.g.
several suppliers may require a longer time
in negotiation and in return, may delay or Treleven, 1987; Ansari and Modarress, 1990).
disturb the buyer's production schedules. We summarize these results in Table I. It can
Many-supplier approach is a traditional be noticed that the overlapped benefits for
sourcing method and places the emphasis on both buyer and supplier are revealed in cost
achieving the lowest possible price for a reduction, improved communication,
particular product. A study by Swift (1995) flexibility, and stability. As single sourcing
has found that if the long-term partnership is outperforms multiple sourcing from a
not the goal of the buying firm and the initial number of aspects, the former is being
price is more important than the total price adopted by many organizations. What
of a product, then multiple sourcing is a process should a firm follow to qualify such a
preferable and suitable purchasing superior supplier? We will discuss the
alternative. answers in the next section.
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Amy Zhaohui Zeng 3.3 The attributes of single source 8 Contract performance ± how is
A synthetic study of sourcing qualification performance measured?
The question as to which one from the
Industrial Management & It is seen that the process of qualification
Data Systems
supplier base should be selected as the most
appears extensive and perhaps expensive.
100/5 [2000] 219±226 qualified is not easy. The decision must be
But it is better to spend the time and money
based on an extremely careful and sometimes
to do the job right at the beginning than to
painfully lengthy analysis of the total quality
suffer the results of a poor qualification effort
of the potential suppliers. As pointed out by later.
Newman (1988), the decision-making process Another empirical study by Swift (1995)
involves an assessment of the risks of single explicitly points out the selection criteria
sourcing by not only the buyer, but by a team that distinguish the preference of single
of supplier qualifiers who individually and sourcing to multiple sourcing. The study
collectively evaluate the potential supplier. reports that when the supplier's availability
The team may include members coming from of technical support, the reliability of the
quality assurance, design engineering, product, and the total cost of the product are
manufacturing engineering, purchasing, emphasized, single sourcing is normally
industrial engineering, and accounting. chosen as the purchasing method. Ansari and
Newman (1988) further suggests that the Heckel (1987), based on their empirical
following eight areas be reviewed and investigations in a few leading companies,
evaluated to qualify a supplier: suggest that usually A-products classified by
1 Specification review ± is each element ABC-inventory analysis be purchased by
included in material specification really single source.
2 Equipment capability ± is the supplier's 3.4 Is single sourcing realistic?
equipment capable of producing the A number of reports in the existing literature
product? argue that the single sourcing strategy seems
3 Quality assurance ± is the supplier able to too ideal to be feasible for pursuit (e.g. Hines,
ensure a good output? 1995). Are companies really utilizing this
4 Financial capability ± is it risky to do purchasing method? Presutti (1992) surveyed
business with the firm? 147 purchasing managers and buyers in the
5 Cost structure ±what does the item cost? US manufacturing companies and found that
6 Supplier value analysis effort ± is the nearly all the respondents (70 out of 74 useful
supplier capable of performing value responses) had indicated that they had more
analysis with the buyer's technical than one qualified source. Furthermore, of
personnel? the 70 firms with multiple sources, 51 (69
7 Production scheduling ± what are the percent) indicated a supplier base of two to
supplier's production scheduling and three sources. Is there a convergence
procedures? and between the US system and Japanese system?
The author further argued that:
Table I 1 similarities exist in the area of the so-
Outcomes of single sourcing called ``minor'' suppliers, for under both
systems firms are totally dependent on the
Advantages Disadvantages
major manufacturers; and
Buyers' perspective 2 the US industry is actively pursuing the
1. Improved communication from the close 1. A strike or a production resulted partnership concept.
buyer-seller relationship disruption could cause major difficulties
2. To cooperatively design quality system 2. The absence of bargaining control power Therefore, managing smaller supplier bases,
and to share quality output data a buyer has in dealing with a single which facilitates closer buyer-seller
source relationships suggests that the US and
3. Lower price stemmed from reduction of 3. The relationship must be a genuine Japanese approaches are converging.
costs in ordering, shipping, and material cooperation
4. Improved stability for both parties 4. A single/dual hybrid-network
Vendor's perspective sourcing
1. Quality considerations 1. Without competition the vendor may Based on the above discussion, a hybrid
attempt to cut costs model that bypasses the debate on multiple
2. Cost considerations 2. Vendor needs to exercise great care and single sourcing and overcomes the
when negotiating a contract
drawbacks of the two methods seems
3. Dependability
prevalent. Hines (1995) identified a single/
4. Flexibility of reacting to demand and
dual hybrid sourcing alternative termed
environmental changes
networking, which may suggest a possible
[ 221 ]
Amy Zhaohui Zeng solution. According to Hines (1995), network factories in 31 different countries to meet its
A synthetic study of sourcing sourcing is a system in which companies needs (Mottley, 1996).
maximize the bought in content of their final
Industrial Management & product, relying on the skills and specialized 5.1 Why global sourcing: a buyer's
Data Systems
100/5 [2000] 219±226 knowledge of the subcontractors. The supply perspective
network is constructed in a hierarchical Definition of global sourcing
pyramid with the top tiered suppliers being Interestingly enough, there are a number of
the most skilled and possessing the most terms used to describe the purchasing process
advanced technologies. Communication is from suppliers outside the buying firm's
available not only between the buyer and country. Examples such as foreign sourcing,
supplier but between the suppliers within the international sourcing, worldwide sourcing,
network. Those suppliers at the first tier are and global sourcing have all appeared in the
largely responsible for complete systems literature to date. Dobler and Burt (1996) point
rather than individual components, whereas out that the term ``foreign sourcing'' has
those at the lower tiers become largely been replaced with ``international
subcontractors to the upper level suppliers. sourcing'' in recent years, and at a number of
In this way the number of supply sources can leading firms, international sourcing is being
be reduced. The system typically, but not replaced with a broader international
exclusively, relies on multiple sources for approach called ``global sourcing''. Johnson
any one part or service purchased. The key and Wood (1996) define international sourcing
point is that the purchasing expenditure is as buying components and inputs anywhere in
maximized within a pre-selected and the world in such a way that the manufacturer
relatively long lasting array of sources, some casts out a much wider net in search of sources
of which may be direct competitors. rather than relying solely on its local Yellow
Network sourcing is generally a purchasing Pages. Spekman (1991) cites global sourcing as
choice for an assembly-type of manufacturing the efficient use of worldwide human,
organization. Particularly, Hines (1995) points material, energy, and capital resources. The
out that this purchasing alternative is most definition of global sourcing given by Monczka
appropriate to the industries with a heavy and Trent (1991) has been adopted widely.
reliance on a high purchased content of parts They define global sourcing as ``the integration
made uniquely for the particular assembler and coordination of procurement
under consideration, such as Mazda and other requirements across worldwide business
auto producers. It has been also noticed that units, looking at common items, processes,
network sourcing may have a profound technologies, and suppliers.'' They also
impact on the transfer of technology between distinguish international and global sourcing
firms. by recognizing that international sourcing is
lack of coordination of requirements between
worldwide business units.
5. Global sourcing Issues in global sourcing
Many companies now are seeking closer, The importance of global sourcing has been
more cooperative trading partnerships with increasing dramatically. It is necessary to
sellers as opposed to the traditional understand this purchasing strategy from a
adversary relationship. Competitive number of aspects, which may include:
pressures from offshore producers, shortened 1 types of companies that source globally;
2 types of items purchased from
product life cycles, and rapid technological
international sources;
change have contributed to the changing
3 reasons for global sourcing; and
nature of the buyer-seller relationship.
4 primary countries of overseas sources.
Another profound change in purchasing is
that with more and more companies We summarize the findings reported in the
competing on a global market, global literature in Table II. In addition, several
sourcing has become an increasingly major obstacles that influence the success of
important part of a firm's purchasing international sourcing have also been
strategy (Ohmae, 1989). Furthermore, as identified as transportation delays, foreign
developed countries are switching from exchange fluctuations, travel costs, quality
manufacturing-oriented to service-oriented, assurance, language, paper work, inspection
sourcing finished goods from outside has procedure, contract terms, culture/customs,
become inevitable. Industries such as political stability, trade barriers, company
apparel, toys, and automobile manufacturers integrity, and nationalism. With the growing
are typical global sourcers. For example, Liz interests in global operations, efficient
Claiborne, Inc. sources broadly, using 240 strategies and solutions for coping with the
[ 222 ]
Amy Zhaohui Zeng Table II
A synthetic study of sourcing Issues in global sourcing
Industrial Management & 1. Types of companies that source internationally 2. Types of items purchased from international sources
Data Systems Wholesale trade, durable goods Finished goods
100/5 [2000] 219±226
Fabricated metal products Electrical components
Industrial machinery and equipment Mechanical components
Wholesale trade, non-durable goods Capital equipment for in-house use
Electric and electronic equipment Subassemblies
Chemicals and allied products Raw materials excluding fuel
Furniture and fixtures Chemical components
Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products Services
Stone, clay and glass products Textiles
Instruments and related products Technology
Business services
Engineering, accounting, research and management
Source: Frear et al. (1992) Source: Min and Galle (1991)
3. Reasons for global sourcing 4. Principle country of overseas sources
Improves competitive position North America
Global attitude Canada, Mexico
Lower prices Europe
Enhanced company image UK, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland,
Countertrade obligations Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia
Better availability South America
Better quality Brazil, Venezuela
Local content requirement Asia
Higher level of technology Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong,
Better terms of delivery China, India, Malaysia
Unavailability of items in the US Caribbean Basin
More advanced technology abroad Puerto Rico
Association with foreign subsidiary
Geographical location
Government assistance
Source: Frear et al. (1992) Source: Frear et al. (1992)

problems in global sourcing will become and sourcing to specific worldwide

available. business units.
Implementation of global sourcing strategy It is seen that the level of worldwide sourcing
To be successful in implementing global in these four phases span from none to low, to
sourcing, it is important to understand the medium, and finally, to high. When
stages in the development of this strategy and companies intend to implement global
the information sources about overseas sourcing, the first task is to search for
suppliers. Monczka and Trent (1991, 1992) overseas suppliers capable of satisfying these
classify the international procurement into companies' needs. Min and Galle (1991) have
four phases: conducted a survey and found that a variety
Phase 1: domestic purchasing only; of sources of information about potential
Phase 2: foreign buying based on need, where overseas suppliers have been utilized, of
companies use subsidiaries or other which the most popular ones are private
corporate units for international sources, such as professional contacts, trade
assistance and designate domestic journals, directories, trading companies, and
buyers for international purchasing; import brokers.
Phase 3: foreign buying as part of
procurement strategy, where 5.2 Why global sourcing: a supplier's
companies start establishing perspective ± example of China
international purchasing offices; A brief review of US buyer's relationships
and with Pacific Rim sellers
Phase 4: integration of global procurement Since the 1980s, many buyers from developed
strategy, where firms integrate and countries have sought closer, more
coordinate worldwide sourcing cooperative trading relationships with
strategy and assign design, build, sellers on a global scale. Frequently, the
[ 223 ]
Amy Zhaohui Zeng trading partner has been an Asian supplier. every aspect, China possesses the capability
A synthetic study of sourcing Spekman (1991) has conducted a survey of 700 and competence to be a focal point in the
strategies American manufacturing companies and global business.
Industrial Management & found that slightly more than 85 percent of
Data Systems
the trading partnerships reported are focused
Why China is a great supplier
100/5 [2000] 219±226
The fact that it has taken China only 20 years
on suppliers from four Pacific Rim places:
Japan 48 percent, Taiwan 28 percent, South of development to become a great business
Korea 9 percent, and Hong Kong 7.9 percent. partner has fascinated the whole world and
It should be noted that Spekman's study was caught the attention of researchers in
completed nearly eight years ago. Over the various disciplines. From marketing and
past few years, the rapid economic growth of operational points of view, we summarize the
China in the Pacific Rim has enabled this key factors that have made the giant's
giant to gain a great deal of attention from all current status possible.
over the world. 1 China's huge market would attract every
It is believed that more and more businessman to explore the opportunities.
partnerships with China have been It is not only a market of consumer
established and the trend will continue. Why products, but also a supply of various raw
has China received so much attention? Why materials.
is it a great trading partner? We attempt to 2 China is a major producer of industrial
answer these questions through careful and agricultural products: Table V shows
examination of China's current and future why.
economic environment. 3 China has a strong ability to attract
China's current economic situation outside investment owing to the
Since its initial opening up in 1978, China's competitive prices of its labor and raw
economic system has evolved from a centrally- materials: China's foreign investment has
planned economy to a market-oriented one always been ranked top among the
with Chinese characteristics, and the greatest developing countries. In particular,
benefits that China has received from the China's use of foreign capitals has
influx of outside businessmen are the hard increased from $2.31 billion in 1987 to
currency, technical expertise, and increased $45.28 billion in 1997. Table VI supplies
job opportunities. Table III lists the top ten some examples of investment and
countries that possess the highest world trade sourcing activities of a few world-famous
as published by the World Trade Organization companies in China.
(WTO). It is seen that China is ranked number 4 The rhythmic government control of
ten in the world in terms of the total dollars of development has resulted in stable
its import and export. Before 1997, China had
economic environment. The recent Asian
been ranked number 11 for five consecutive
financial turmoil has virtually no
years. This ranking indicates that China's role
significant impact on China's economy
in the world economy is growing and that
because of China's excellent foreign trade
China is an inevitable and competitive trade
and adequate foreign exchange reserve.
partner for many countries. In addition to
world trade, China's seven other indexes are Specifically, the exchange rate of Chinese
top-ranked on a global scale, as reported in currency to US dollars has been very
Table IV. These figures demonstrate that from stable since the beginning of the crisis.
The past and present situations both
Table III indicate and support that opportunities in
Ranking of countries in 1997 world trade China will continue to grow and that
China's role in global business will
Import/export Export Import
continue to be strengthened.
Rank Country (region) (in $100 million) (in $100 million) (in $100 million)
5 Joint ventures and privately-owned
1 US 15,784 6,870 8,914 international enterprises are among
2 Germany 9,490 5,110 4,380 the most popular choices for college
3 Japan 7,612 4,211 3,401 graduates at all levels owing to higher
4 UK 5,906 2,830 3,076 salaries and better benefits. This certainly
5 France 5,520 2,900 2,620
strengthens the competitiveness and
6 Italy 4,452 2,382 2,070
position of these companies in China. On
7 Hong Kong 3,973 1,863 2,110
the other hand, the domestic companies
8 Canada 3,940 2,120 1,820
9 Netherlands 3,810 1,980 1,830 are facing great challenges from those
10 China 3,250 1,827 1,423 joint ventures and how to protect the
domestic industries has become a big and
Source: People's Daily: overseas edition, 22 January 1998 thorny issue.
[ 224 ]
Amy Zhaohui Zeng
6. Discussion and future research Table VI
A synthetic study of sourcing Examples of international businessmen in China
Sourcing is one of the purchasing
Industrial Management & Company Investment and sourcing activities
Data Systems department's responsibilities and plays a
100/5 [2000] 219±226 critical role in an organization's survival and Motorola Has invested $1.2 billion so far and is
growth, since the materials sourced from planning to invest $25 billion by year
outside rather than produced by the in-house 2000
Has plants and factories in more than
facilities determine the service quality and
three cities
the profitability of the buyers. Recent
recognition of the impacts of a close buyer- GE Has 22 joint and private enterprises
Has employees in nearly 20 cities
seller alliance on both parties' benefits has
Primarily invests in aircraft, polymer
also given sourcing strategy a great deal of
products, banks
attention. This paper studies four sourcing
strategies and examines them in a synthetic Volkswagen Produced 46,000 cars in 1997 and
received $22.5 million as profit
manner. These four strategies are multiple
15,000 engine cylinders produced in the
sourcing, single sourcing, network sourcing,
China plants in 1997 were sourced by
and global sourcing. It is not the objective of
the paper to conclude that the four sourcing
approaches would converge, rather, there
In addition to the discussion and review of
exist important factors that determine the
the advantages and disadvantages of each
suitability of each method.
sourcing approach, the paper is focused on
global sourcing. In particular, we explore the
Table IV scope of global sourcing from two
China's top-ranked indexes
perspectives: the buyer's in general and the
Index Rank Figure Remarks supplier's using China as an example. We
1. Population and 1 1.22 billion (1996) 21% of the world population conclude that as the market is becoming
land area 3 9.6 million km2 7% of the world land area globalized, global sourcing would become an
2. GNP 7 $697.6 billion (1995) 1.8% of world GNP important purchasing strategy and deserves
3. Economic growth 1 8.8 % (1997) Average growth rate during further study.
rate 1993-1997 is 11% while world While a better understanding of the
average is 3.7% sourcing strategies is provided in the paper,
4. Major industrial and top 5 a number of issues need to be addressed for
agricultural future research. First, would the available
products sourcing approach converge to one method
5. Import/export 10 $325billion (1997) or should a company employ a combination
6. Foreign investment 2 $64billion (1997) Increased by 64% from 1993 of the current methodologies? Second, how to
7. Foreign capital 2 $139.9 billion (1997) cope with the problems occurring in global
reserve sourcing? Finally, what is the magnitude of
Source: People's Daily: overseas edition, 3 March 1998 social, economic and cultural impacts of
global sourcing on the supplying countries?
Table V The answers to these questions should be
China's major industrial and agricultural production volumes useful for any organization that seeks
efficient purchasing outcomes.
Production volume Rank in the world
Unit 1993 1996 1993 1996
Wheat 10,000 ton 40,517 45,127 1 1 Ansari, A. and Heckel, J. (1987), ``JIT Purchasing:
Cotton 10,000 ton 374 420 1 1 Impact of Freight and Inventory Costs'',
Vegetable seeds 10,000 ton 694 920 1 1 International Journal of Purchasing and
Meat 10,000 ton 3,842 5,915 1 1 Materials Management, pp. 24-8.
Steel 10,000 ton 8,956 10,124 2 1 Ansari, A. and Modarress, B. (1990), Just-in-Time
Coal 100 million ton 11.5 14.0 1 1 Purchasing, The Free Press, New York, NY.
Crude oil 10,000 ton 14,524 15,733 5 5 Dobler, D.W. and Burt, D.N. (1996), Purchasing
Electricity 100 billion watts-hour 8,395 10,813 4 2 and Supply Management, 6th edition,
Cloth 100 million meter 203 209 1 1 McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Cement 100 million ton 3.7 4.9 1 1 Frear, C.R., Metcalf, L.E., and Alguire M.S. (1992),
Fertilizer 10,000 ton 1,956 2,809 3 2 ``Offshore sourcing: its nature and scope'',
Sugar 10,000 ton 771 640 3 4 International Journal of Purchasing and
TV sets 10,000 sets 3,033 3,542 1 1 Materials Management, pp. 2-11.
Hines, P. (1995), ``Network sourcing: a hybrid
Source: People's Daily: overseas edition, 3 March 1998 approach'', International Journal of

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pp. 143-54. Inc., New York, NY.

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