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ISO Country Code SL

Verification Date: 15-March-2013
Designated Authorities
Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)
Sierra Leone Embassy to the United States
United States Embassy to Sierra Leone
Flight Information
Airports of Entry
Entry/Exit Requirements
Additional Flight Information
U.S. Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices
Country Specific Travel Information
Public Health Requirements
Public Holidays
Additional Links
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

Designated Authorities
Civil Aviation Authority
Director of Civil Aviation
Ministry of Transport and Aviation
Leone House, 3 Floor
20 Siaka Stevens Street
Sierra Leone
Tel: 232 033 612 288
Commercial Telegraphic Address: AIRCIVIL FREETOWN
The Director
Meteorological Department
F8 Charlotte Street
Sierra Leone
Telegraphic Address: DIMETEO
The Comptroller of Customs and Excise
Customs House
Sierra Leone
Telegraphic Address: Customs Freetown
The Senior Collector of Customs and Excise
Freetown Airport
The Principle Immigration Officer
Immigration Headquarters
15 Siaka Stevens Street
PMB Freetown
Sierra Leone
Telegraphic Address: SUPOL Immigration
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health
15-March-2013 / SL

5, Gloucester Street
PMB Freetown
Sierra Leone
Telegraphic Address; Minmed Freetown
Enroute and Airport Charges
Enroute Charges:
The Secretary General
Roberts Flight Information Region
P.O. Box 79, Robertsfield
1520 Harbel, Margibi County
Republic of Liberia
Tel: 231 886 783706
Airport Charges:
The Operations Manager
Sierra Leone Airport Authority
Freetown Airport
Telegraphic Address: AIRCIVIL LUNGI
Agricultural Quarantine
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture 7 Food Security
2 Floor Youyi Building, Brookfields
Sierra Leone
Aircraft Accidents Investigation
The Secretary General
Roberts Flight Information Region
P.O. Box 79, Robertsfield
1520 Harbel, Margibi County
Republic of Liberia
Tel: 231 886 783706

Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)

Central AIS Office
P.O. Box 79, Robertsfield
15-March-2013 / SL

1520 Harbel, Margibi County

Republic of Liberia
Tel: 231 886 702427/887160
International NOTAM Offices
NOTAM service is provided by the AIS above. NOTAMs and related monthly checklists
are issued via Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) and are available at the airport AIS

Sierra Leone Embassy to the United States

Embassy of Sierra Leone
1701 19th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
Tel: (202) 939-9261

United States Embassy to Sierra Leone

Flight Information
The accuracy and currency of information contained in this guide is uncertain due to the difficulty
in obtaining the information and the rapidly changing environment. Aviators should always check
with a country's aviation authority or a local aviation handler to determine any specific aircraft
airworthiness/equipment and crew/passenger entry requirements.

Airports of Entry

Lungi International Airport

Entry/Exit Requirements
Entry and exit requirements are for aircraft departing the United States non-stop to country of
destination. These requirements do not include any technical stops. Please refer to
Technical Stop section in Additional Information for the country at which the technical stop
will be made.
Entry and Exit documentation forms vary from country to country. In general, however, ICAO
member countries will accept the following standard ICAO Annex 9 Entry/Exit documents:

General Declaration
Passenger Manifest
Cargo Manifest
Embarkation/Disembarkation Card
Certificate of Residual Disinsection
15-March-2013 / SL

Examples of these documents can be found at IFIM Home>General Information>International

Flying Overview> ICAO Annex 9 Entry/Exit Documents. The acceptance of these ICAO
documents must be confirmed by the appropriate AIS.
Entry Requirements (Departing the U.S.)
File an eAPIS manifest outbound (recommend inbound at this time, too)
File and activate international flight plan
Land at a designated airport of entry (AOE) customs and immigration
The following entry documents are required:

Visa - required for U.S. citizens
Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate - at least 10 days prior to arrival
Embarkation/Disembarkation Card

Crew Same as passengers

Note: Other requirements may be applicable in lieu of those stated. Contact appropriate
AIS for further clarification prior to flight
General Declaration - 1 for Customs, 1 for Immigration, 1 for Health
Passenger Manifest - 1for Customs, 1 for Immigration, 1 for Health
Cargo Manifest - 1 for Customs, 1 for Immigration, 1 for Health
Note: If no passengers are embarking/disembarking and no articles are laden/unladen,
only the General Declaration need be submitted to the authorities.
Exit Requirements (Departing Sierra Leone)

General Declaration - 2 for Customs, 1 for Immigration, 1 for Health

Passenger Manifest - 2 for Customs, 1 for Immigration, 1 for Health
Cargo Manifest - 2 for Customs
Depart from an AOE
File eAPIS manifest if inbound to the U.S.
File an international flight plan
Call U.S. Customs at filed U.S. airport of entry

Note: If no passengers are embarking/disembarking and no articles are laden/unladen,

only the General Declaration need be submitted to the authorities.

Additional Flight Information

Aircraft Instruments and Equipment
U.S. airworthiness and certification requirements may not meet other country
requirements. It is the responsibility of the pilot to determine if the aircraft meets those

15-March-2013 / SL

The items listed below are for the pilots reference to determine if the aircraft meets the
minimum instrument and equipment requirements of the destination country. Additional
equipment may be required to comply with the airspace navigation requirements.
Note: Relevant information on aircraft instrument equipment and documents is contained
in the Sierra Leone Air Navigation Regulation. Contact the Sierra Leone Director of Civil
Aviation for details.
Commercial air transport aircraft operating in Sierra Leone must adhere to the provisions
of ICAO Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft, Part 1 International Commercial Air Transport
Aeroplanes, Chapter 6 (Aeroplanes Instruments, Equipment and Flight Documents)
and Chapter 7 (Aeroplane Communication and Navigation Equipment)
ICAO Documents can be purchased from ICAO at:
Technical Stop/Overflight
Non-scheduled flights:
Prior permission is required, 120 hours in advance, from the Director of Civil Aviation (
see Designated Authorities).
Private flights require advance notification of arrival.
Non-scheduled Flights (Charters)
Prior permission is required, 120 hours in advance, from the Director of Civil Aviation (
see Designated Authorities).

Private Flights
Private flights require advance Notification of arrival.
Float Planes
The IFIM Staff is not aware of any Float Plane requirements or restrictions.
Light Sport Aircraft
The IFIM Staff is not aware of any Light Sport Aircraft requirements or restrictions.
Users should anticipate varying fees for landing, infrastructure, parking, lighting and
passenger service (arrival and departure) fees. A 50% surcharge of the landing fee is
charged for operations outside of 0800 - 1830 UTC
Jet A1 is the only fuel available at GFLL.
Night VFR

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The IFIM staff is not aware of any requirements or restrictions for Night VFR flying.
Contact the Civil Aviation Authority (see Contacts) for information.
Aeronautical Charts
Aeronautical charts may be obtained from the AIS (see Contacts)

U.S. Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices

U.S. Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices may be found on the IFIM main page under
General Information. Click HERE to open.

Country Specific Travel Information

Public Health Requirements
Aircraft Pilots should refer to the DOT website below for any current requirements.

Aircraft Disinsection Requirements

Passengers Please refer to the Center for Disease Control and the World Health
Organization websites below for any current requirements.


Public Holidays
New Years Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Independence Anniversary
End of Ramadan
Feast of Sacrifice
Birth Anniversary Prophet Mohammad
Christmas Day
Boxing Day

01 Jan
27 Apr
25 Dec
26 Dec

An application for importation and exportation of animals are to be forwarded to:
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Transports and Civil Aviation
Ministerial Building
George Street, Freetown
Republic of Sierra Leone

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Upon approval of application, the chief Veterinary office issues permission for importation
upon receipt of a health certificate from the country of origin. Permit must indicate that the
animal is free from all infectious diseases. Permits are obtained from:
The Chief Veterinary Officer
Ministry of Agricultural and Natural Resources
Tower Hill
Republic of Sierra Leone

Additional Links
CIA World Factbook:

Aeronautical Information Publication AIP

The IFIM staff is not aware of a free-access Aeronautical Information Publication website for this
country. The country Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) may be contacted for information.

15-March-2013 / SL

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