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hreflang IE

id, 67
mailto, 58
source anchor, 6566
URL, 199
hreflang, 69
HSL. See hue, saturation, and lightness
HTML. See Hypertext Markup Language
$().html(), 470
HTML, 394395
<html>, 3, 5, 13, 485
child elements, 22
dir, 12
HTML5, 29
attributes, 8, 597602
<body>, 56
changes, 595602
elements, 49, 595596, 600602
form, 170172
grouping content, 2530
<head>, 56
<input>, 151155, 596
jQuery Datepicker, 427
outline algorithm, 2526
placeholder, 152
Shiv, 1516
tags, 45
backward compatibility, 1516
text inputs, 146
<video>, 95
Video for Everybody, 103104
HTTP. See Hypertext Transfer Protocol
http://, 62
http-equiv, 599
hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL), 316, 539
hyperlinks. See links
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 23
browsers, 3
character entities, 51
class, 196

comments, 51
core attributes, 475476
CSS, 257309
elements, 475514
<form>, 141
forms, 140
$().html(), 394395
jQuery, 390, 400403
<link>, 198
lists, 3035
style, 198
style sheets, 193, 195
<table>, 115116
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 62
forms, 183184
get, 183184
headers, 184
jQuery, 411414
method, 142, 143
post, 184
hyphen selector, 229

<i>, 40, 41, 485
id, 10, 72, 599
$.attr(), 389
$().attr(), 392
CSS, 225
destination anchor, 6668
<div>, 102
<form>, 143144
href, 67
jQuery Tabs, 432
tables, 132133
id = id, 476
identifiers, 356
identity operators, JavaScript, 379
IE. See Internet Explorer

IETF <input>

IETF. See Internet Engineering Task Force

if statements, 357358
if...else statements, 358
<iframe>, 485
inline frame, 96
YouTube, 96
<input>, 155
MIME media type, 585
images, 451454
<a>, 56
accessibility checklist, 442443
alt, 442
aspect ratio, 82
buttons, 157158
CSS, 81, 460
downloads, 85, 91
file size, 9295
formats, 8595
<hn>, 83
<img>, 8084
links, 8485
longdesc, 443
resolution, 85
scaling, 94
search engines, 81
web pages, 8284
<img>, 485486
alt, 81
CSS, 85
height, 8182
images, 8084
src, 80
<video>, 97
width, 8182
implicit labels, 175176
@import, 291292


important, 225
!important, 292293
importantWords, 248
in, 232
indeterminate elements, 170
Index, 69
index pages, 63
indexed color format, 87
index.html, 62, 63, 454, 458
indexOf(), 365, 375
infinite loops, 362
direction, 219
float, 301
overflow, 246
padding, 239
table-layout, 279
vertical-align, 213
inheritance, CSS, 197
inline elements, 2425, 235
inline frame, 96, 485
inline style rules, 198
innerHeight, 376
innerWidth, 376
in-page links, 6574
<input>, 146
accept, 168
attributes, 158
autofocus, 157
buttons, 155157
checkbox, 160
disabled, 157
file, 168
form, 157
hidden, 169
HTML5, 151155, 596
image, 155

<input type="button"> JavaScript

jQuery Button widget, 426

radio, 162
$().serialize(), 413
type, 147, 148, 155157
value, 160
<input type="button">, 486
<input type="checkbox">, 486487
<input type="color">, 487
<input type="date">, 487488
<input type="datetime">, 488489
<input type="datetime-local">, 489
<input type="email">, 490
<input type="file">, 490491
<input type="hidden">, 491
<input type="image">, 491492
<input type="month">, 492493
<input type="number">, 493
<input type="password">, 494
<input type="radio">, 494495
<input type="range">, 495
<input type="reset">, 496
<input type="search">, 496497
<input type="submit">, 497
<input type="tel">, 498
<input type="text">, 498499
<input type="time">, 499500
<input type="url">, 500501
<input type="week">, 501
<ins>, 16, 4950, 502
inset, 237
inside, 269
interfaces, 341
internal links, 55
internal style sheets, 197
International Standards Organization
(ISO), 562
character entities, 566570

attributes, 1112
character entities, 575576
CSS, 538539
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 62
Internet Explorer (IE)
<a>, 85
box model, 246247
Selector module, 314
selectors, 226
JavaScript, 15
<q>, 42
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), 62
IP Address, 62
IPv6. See Internet Protocol version 6
ISO. See International
Standards Organization
italics, 40, 41, 42, 45, 448

JavaScript, 339380
for, 361362
accessibility checklists, 444
arithmetic operators, 351352
Array, 373375
assignment operators, 352
<body>, 343
boolean operators, 353354
comments, 344
comparison operators, 353
conditional statements, 357360
console, 347348
CSS3, 320
data types, 378379
Date, 368371
datepicker, 152


JavaScript (continued) jQuery

JavaScript (continued)
DOM, 341342
dot notation, 346
objects, 346347
do...while, 361
email addresses, 58
events, 363364
expressions, 351
external scripts, 345346
Flash, 101
functions, 354357
<head>, 343
identity operators, 379
IE, 15
if statements, 357358
if...else statements, 358
keywords, 379
looping, 360362
Math, 371373
<noscript>, 344
objects, 364377
operators, 351
placeholder, 154
return, 356
<script>, 343344
starting programs, 347349
string, 364368
string operators, 354
style, 11
switch statements, 358360
variables, 349351
while, 360361, 468469
white space, 378
window, 375378
writing, 377379
join(), 374
Joint Photographic Expert Groups (JPEG),
91, 453454
file size, 93

jQuery, 383403
$(), 386
advanced, 407434
Ajax, 407409
animations, 395397
<body>, 385
CDN, 385386
chaining, 386
contact form, 416420
CSS, 400403
$( document ).ready(), 387

DOM, 387397
elements, 389395
events, 397403
event handler, 400
form validation, 414416
GET, 411414, 472
<hn>, 389, 390
HTML, 390, 400403
HTTP, 411414
JSON, 409411
opacity, 396
<p>, 470
POST, 411414
selectors, 388389
sliding doors effect, 396397
text responses, 410411
UI, 420433
Accordion, 425
Autocomplete, 426
behaviors, 421424
Button, 426427
Datepicker, 427
Dialog, 427428
Draggable, 421422, 473474
Droppable, 421422
Menu, 428430
Progressbar, 430431
Resizable, 423

JSON links

Selectable, 423424
Slider, 431
Sortable, 424
Spinner, 431
Tabs, 432
Tooltip, 432433
widgets, 425433
Validation plug-in, 415416
web pages, 384386
XML, 409410
JSON, 409411
justify, 212

lastIndexOf(), 365, 375

leading, 243
left, 531
background-position, 264
box offset, 295
caption-side, 278
clear, 302
float, 301
text-align, 211
<legend>, 176177, 444, 503
Array, 374
string, 365

<kbd>, 16, 45, 502
key phrases, SEO, 437, 438441
@keyframes, 334
<keygen>, 502
keystroke, 248
JavaScript, 379
SEO, 437, 438441

<optgroup>, 167
<option>, 165
<label>, 502
for, 175
accessibility checklist forms, 443
form controls, 174176
labels, implicit, 175176
lang, 12, 599
<abbr>, 43
lang = language_tag, 476
language codes, 577582
:last, 389

lengths, CSS, 231233, 548549

letter-spacing, 217, 518
<li>, 16, 30, 503
line breaks, 2021, 24
linearization, tables, 131132
line-height, 243, 460, 526
line-through, 214
link, 258
<link>, 15, 503
CSS, 198199
external style sheets, 198
<head>, 14, 193
HTML, 198
links, 6, 15
<a>, 56
accessibility checklist, 442
CSS, 258259
pseudo-classes, 258
destination, 65
email addresses, 5758
advanced, 7475
external, 55
images, 8485
index pages, 63
in-page, 6574


links (continued) media types

links (continued)
internal, 55
navigation, 5575
parent directory, 64
relative URLs, 64
root directory, 65
same directory, 64
skip links, 444445
source, 65
subdirectory, 64
subheadings, 67
title, 57
web pages, 5657
lists, 16
CSS, 267271, 529530
HTML, 3035
nesting, 3435, 271
list-style, 271, 529
list-style-image, 270271
list-style-position, 269270, 529
list-style-type, 267269, 529530
$().live(), 400
local variables, 350351
location, 376
logical operators. See boolean operators
longdesc, 443
lookup table, GIF, 87
loop, 9798
looping, JavaScript, 360362
lossless compression. See LZW compression
lossy compression, 90, 91
low, 171
lower-alpha, 268
lowercase, 216
lower-greek, 268
lower-latin, 268
lower-roman, 268
&lt, 44


:lt(), 389
Ltr, 12
ltr, 219

LZW compression, 8990

mailto, 58
main_image, 460
map(), 375
<map>, 503
margin, 233, 240241, 460, 528
margins, CSS, 528
margin-right, 460
<mark>, 46, 504
marker-offset, 530
Math, 371373
matrix, 332
<meter>, 171
<progress>, 170
max-height, 244245, 526
maxlength, 148, 151
max-width, 324, 526

CSS box model, 244

Me, 70
media, 199, 599
@media, 323
Media Queries, CSS3, 323334, 542543
media types, MIME, 583594
application, 590594
audio, 586588
image, 585
message, 589
model, 590
multipart, 586
text, 584585
video, 588589

MENU navigation

MENU, 72
<menu>, 504
Menu, jQuery UI, 428430
menu.html, 448449
message, 589
<meta>, 14, 438
<meta charset>, 504
<meta http-equiv=content-type>, 504
<meta http-equiv=default-style>, 504
<meta http-equiv=refresh>, 505
<meta name>, 505
<meter>, 171, 505
method, 142, 143, 183

methods, 341
Date, 368371
DOM, 342
string, 365366
middle, 213
milliseconds, 368
accept, 168
media types, 583594
application, 590594
audio, 586588
image, 585
message, 589
model, 590
multipart, 586
text, 584585
video, 588589
type, 71
min, 171
min-height, 244245, 527
min-width, 244, 527
mm, 233
MNG. See Multiple-image Network Graphics
model, 590
Modernizr, 16, 152, 385
modes, 13

modules, CSS3, 312326

monospace, 205
monospaced fonts, 2122
<code>, 44
CSS, 204
move, 289
moveBy(), 377
moveTo(), 377
MP3, 99, 104
Multi-column Layout Module, CSS3, 321
323, 541542
multiline text input controls, 146, 149151
multimedia, accessibility checklist, 442443
multipart, 586
multipart/form-data, 144
multiple, 164, 166
Multiple-image Network Graphics
(MNG), 92
muted, 9798

name, 376

attributes, 7
buttons, 157
checkbox, 160
destination anchor, 6668
<form>, 144
form text inputs, 148
<param>, 105106
radio buttons, 162
<select>, 164
<textarea>, 150
name/value pairs, 142
<nav>, 16, 27, 31, 59, 505
navigation, 450451
accessibility checklist, 442
CSS, 459460
links, 5575

ne-resize <option>

ne-resize, 289

elements, 6
lists, 3435, 271
tables, 129130
Next, 70
no-close-quote, 284
border-style, 237
clear, 302
float, 301
list-style-type, 267
text-decoration, 214
text-transform, 216
no-open-quote, 284
no-repeat, 263
normal, 218

normal flow, CSS, 294

<noscript>, 344, 505
novalidate, 145
nowrap, 218
nw-resize, 289

<object>, 104105, 506
classid, 105
data, 105
<embed>, 101

Flash, 100
height, 100, 105
<param>, 101
tabindex, 105
usemap, 105
width, 100, 105
YouTube, 97
objects, JavaScript, 364377
DOM, 346347
object model, 341

object-oriented programming, 341

:odd, 389
$().off(), 398399
Ogg/Vorbis, 99
<ol>, 16, 3132, 506
$().on(), 398399
$().on, 431
onblur, 364
onchange, 364
onclick, 360, 363
ondblclick, 363
onfocus, 364
onkeydown, 363
onkeypress, 363
onkeyup, 364
onload, 363
onmousedown, 363
onmousemove, 363
onmouseout, 363
onmouseover, 363
onmouseup, 363
onreset, 364
onselect, 364
onsubmit, 364
onunload, 363
opacity, 315, 317318, 396
open(), 377
opener, 376
opening tags, 4, 8
open-quote, 284
Opera, 99
operands, 351
operators, JavaScript, 351354, 379
<optgroup>, 166167, 167, 506
optimum, 171
<option>, 506507
attributes, 165
<datalist>, 171

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