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Jamie Link & Carrie Kangas

Newspaper Media Strategies

Black Sheep Coffee


Create a media plan for Black Sheep Coffee during the months of
July and August (8 weeks) targeting key audiences in the Sioux
Falls metropolitan area using newspaper, radio and online

Target Audience:

Adults 25-54
HHI +$25,000
Married with children


-Build audience awareness of Black Sheep Coffee and their


-Efficiently reach target audience in their own type of



-Argus Leader Print, (entertainment and out and about sections)

-Sioux Falls Business Journal

-Cable (Lifetime and ESPN)

-Network (KELO Land)

-Internet Ads (KELO Weather Homepage)

-Outdoor (LAMAR 10’5” x 22’8” poster)

Why use Newspaper?

According to a Newspaper Association of America (NAA) study,

48% of adults 25-54 subscribe to a daily newspaper and 50%
subscribe to a Sunday edition. Sixty percent of subscribers are
married fulfilling the desire to target married adults ages 25-54.

Argus Leader Schedule

The Argus Leader Schedule will rotate the weeks with cable and
run coincidently with network television and the Sioux Falls
Business Journal. We have chosen Wednesday paper to make a
midweek appearance. And Sunday since it has the highest
readership and is before the work week. The Argus Leader
reaches several specifics of the targeted audience.

Argus Leader readers are...

-54% ages 25-54
-69% married
-47% with children
Sioux Falls Business Journal Schedule

“Leave no stone unturned.” The Sioux Falls Business Journal

(SFBJ) will reach those of our target audience with higher
incomes. SFBJ is a weekly publication. A pulsing schedule,
running in conjunction with Argus Leader print and network
television during July through August, will be set up.

Sioux Falls Business Journal readers are...

-81% married
-Average income $78,175
Why use Internet?

Specifically we have chosen KELOs Weather Homepage.

According to a 2009 study completed by Interactive Advertising
Bureau and Bain & Company it is thought that Internet is more
effective then other media vehicles in all stages of the
purchasing funnel. Making it ideal for reaching consumers while
checking the weather throughout the day, which is usually done
in the morning or evening for day planning purposes and
potential purchases.

KELOs Weather Homepage Schedule

The schedule will run the entire eight weeks using a 160x90
Why use Radio?

The Radio Advertising Bureau suggests radio and television

share the ability to emotionally impact audiences. Ads during
morning drive daypart (6 a.m. through 10a.m.) reaches our
audience during their morning commutes often a time someone
would be looking for breakfast type foods; coffee, rolls, bread,
etc. The afternoon drive time reaches consumers while on their
way home. This daypart also reaches those who work the
evening shifts.

Radio Schedule

KTWB, KELO AM and KELO FMs morning and afternoon drive

dayparts are precise to the hours needed to reach our target
audience. The four-hour windows allow one ad per hour during
the quarter or half hours. The schedules will run simultaneously
with each other but alternate with the network schedule
exercising radio’s potential to emotionally impact listeners
equally to that of television.
Why use Cable?

The number of radio listeners and print newspapers has slightly

dropped. Cable will be used to address those of the target
audience who do not tune into the radio. Within recent years
cable has grown. Approximately 261,100 South Dakotan
households watch cable. According to Cabletelevision Advertising
Bureau (CAB), 43% of cable viewers agree “I’m inclined to
purchase products and services from companies that advertise
on these networks.”

Cable Schedule

Adults 25-54 years old are among the target audience of

Lifetime and ESPN. Each cable network also emphasizes on the
opposite sexes; Lifetime reaches females and ESPN reaches
males. Nationwide, 76% of Lifetime viewers are women and
43% of households have children. A daytime daypart has been
chosen to maximize our efforts to reach a target consumer
during their morning hours before they leave home. The cable
schedule runs concurrently with radio but alternates with
network television.
Why Use Network?

Network television will help reach our desired audience. It

broadcasts in a bigger area than local cable television, and gets
the word of Black Sheep Coffee out there.

Network Schedule

The network schedule will run concurrently with Argus Leader

print and the Sioux Falls Business Journal but alternate, the
cable and radio schedules.
Why use Outdoor?

Outdoor advertising reaches the audience during their commute

to make a purchase. According to Arbitron National In-Car Study
2009, 98% of US citizens ages 25-54 drive or ride in a car
during a month averaging 267 miles per week.

Outdoor Schedule

Two, one month flights will be scheduled. During each flight

LAMAR will provide 4, 10’5”x22’8” poster panels to achieve 25
GRPs in a daily basis.
The following chart contains the entire Black Sheep Coffee media

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