CGBrochure L5162 FinModeling BudgetingImprovedProfitability SG

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Knowledge for the world business leaders

8 - 9 October 2015
15 - 16 October 2015
Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Strategic Financial Planning &

Modeling Series

2 Separately Bookable Sessions in 1 Location:

The two sessions are designed to provide participants with best practices and top strategies on strengthening their organizations
financial planning, by applying best practice Excel techniques in their financial analysis, budgeting and forecasting processes.
Participants are strongly encouraged to attend both sessions to maximize their learning and bring these skills and actionable
plans back to their workplace.

Improved Profitability

Dr. Robert A. Howell

8 - 9 October 2015 (Thursday & Friday) | Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Alan Fell
Alan Fell Consultancy Ltd., UK

Member of Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT) (UK)

Senior Associate of the Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI)
Led over 300 conferences, seminars and workshops over the past 17 years in a wide range of international locations
Recognized by George Washington University for his excellent training programs

Session B: Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting and Budgeting in Excel
15 - 16 October 2015 (Thursday & Friday) | Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Dr. Liam Bastick, FCA, FCMA, CGMA, MVP


Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and Institute of Chartered
Management Accountants (CIMA)
Regular contributor to professional accounting bodies like CPAA and CIMA, Finance 3.0 and various LinkedIn
specialist discussion groups
Headed Ernst & Youngs modeling team in Melbourne and was an Assistant Director in their strategic valuations
team in London

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Strategic Financial Planning: Financial Analysis,

Forecasting and Budgeting for Improved Profitability
Session A: 8 - 9 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Alan Fell
Alan Fell Consultancy Ltd., UK

Member of Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT) (UK)

Senior Associate of the Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI)
Led over 300 conferences, seminars and workshops over the past 17 years in a wide range of international
Recognized by George Washington University for his excellent training programs

Alan Fell is a leading, internationally recognized and respected specialist, with over 40 years of financial and business
experience in strategic performance management both in policy formulation and in practical application roles. Alan
has wide practical experience of budgeting and forecasting techniques and has particular interest in the linkage of
budgeting to other planning and performance measurement disciplines.
For the last 17 years, Alan has been operating as an independent management consultant and trainer, covering a wide
breadth of closely related topics from strategic planning and execution through to detailed budgeting and balanced
scorecard. He has led more than 300 conferences, public training seminars and customized in-house training in a
wide range of international locations, especially in the Middle East/Gulf region, followed by Asia, South Africa,
Europe as well as the UK.
Prior to that, he was a senior executive with a major UK commercial bank and in his most recent line management
role, he was Head of Planning and Finance for a major division with 3,000 sta.
List of companies Alan has consulted with and trained:

Bank of Papua New Guinea

Guinness Anchor Berhad
Pacific Assurance Group
PNG Air Services

Trukai Industries
Celcom Axiata
Bank Indonesia
Thai Oil Energy Services

Valuable knowledge gained - Philip Morris Sdn Bhd

Knowledge and vast experience of the trainer that transformed theory into real life practice approach. Rembell Group
is fantastic organizer that delivers what promises.
- Integrated Petroleum Services Sdn Bhd
Alan is very well versed in the subject areas and I would definitely recommend him National Economic and Fiscal
Commission. Very articulate and has in-depth knowledge on subjects presented.
- Telikom PNG

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Strategic Financial Planning: Financial Analysis,

Forecasting and Budgeting for Improved Profitability
Session A: 8 - 9 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore



Strategic Financial Planning:

Financial Analysis, Forecasting and
Budgeting for Improved Profitability
8 - 9 October 2015
Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Early Bird 1 (Register & pay by 27 August 2015):

Early Bird 2 (Register & pay by 24 September 2015):
Regular Tuition Fee:


Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same

organization. For limited time only by 24 September 2015
register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a
complimentary seat (one discount scheme applies).

The business climate is characterized by change and compounded by global influences spawning
unforeseen stresses and squeezed margins. Economic uncertainty makes it dicult to set clear goals
and objectives and sustain a financial plan which supports them.
Organizations must become more agile with their financial analysis, budgeting and forecasting
capabilities as they are now more critical than ever for success and survival during volatile economic
The two-day Strategic Financial Planning: Financial Analysis, Forecasting and Budgeting executive
program aims to provide you with the analytical skills to build world-class practices into your
companys budgeting and forecasting systems, and describes how to integrate business strategy,
budgeting and forecasting into a single process. Moving away from the limitations often associated
with traditional static budgeting, this program will have a special focus on the growing trend to
Rolling budgets and forecasts. You will get to learn firsthand about the Beyond Budgeting concept
from a member of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT) UK.
The Faculty Director, Alan Fell, brings a highly pragmatic, no-nonsense and robustly disciplined
approach to the subject. The overall approach is that of a higher-level strategic financial management
perspective and is specifically designed for those at management and supervisory level. Throughout
the program, there will be reference to many case study examples, including those from Alans 40+
years of financial and business experiences, that have helped improve the bottom-line for many of his
This executive program is launched with Financial Modelling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting and
Budgeting in Excel. As both programs are designed to help you establish the right finance capabilities
for your organization to pursue growth, you are encouraged to send in multiple participants to these
two highly popular finance programs.

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Strategic Financial Planning: Financial Analysis,

Forecasting and Budgeting for Improved Profitability
Session A: 8 - 9 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
Deloittes research (2014) into planning, budgeting and forecasting found that 37% of respondents admitted to a failure
in aligning their planning, budgeting and forecasting eectively with corporate strategy. In these circumstances, there
is a risk that the activities of the organization will be misdirected as well as lack focus, alignment and cohesion because
expectations have not been properly set. For organizations operating in a world of continuous change, annual budgets
need to be upgraded to include responsive, flexible continuous forecasting. Rolling forecasts oer greater visibility into
future operating performance. Unlike budgets, they reflect the fact that operations dont switch o at year-end.
This two-day Strategic Financial Planning: Financial Analysis, Forecasting and Budgeting executive program aims to
provide you with the analytical skills to build on world-class practices into your companys budgeting and forecasting
systems, and describes how to integrate business strategy, budgeting and forecasting into a single process. Moving away
from the limitations often associated with traditional static budgeting, this program will have a special focus on the
growing trend to Rolling budgets and forecasts. You will get to learn firsthand about the Beyond Budgeting concept
from a member of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT) UK.
The Faculty Director, Alan Fell, brings a highly pragmatic, no-nonsense and robustly disciplined approach to the subject.
The overall approach is that of higher-level strategic financial management perspective and specifically designed for
those at management and supervisory level. Throughout the program, there will be reference to many case study
examples, including those from Alans 40+ years of financial and business experiences that have helped improve the
bottom-line for many of his clients.
CEOs, CFOs, VPs, MDs, GMs, Chief Accountants, Cost Controllers, Directors, Managers and Analysts, involved in:
Financial Planning / Finance Business Partners / Capital Planning
Management Accounting
Product Control
Planning & Budgeting
Forecasting & Financial Analysis
Auditing & Internal Control
Risk & Compliance
Statutory & Regulatory Reporting / Policy Planning
Business Planning / Strategic Planning / Business Development
Portfolio Management
and anyone with vested interests in forecasting trends at the strategic, tactical, operational and planning levels


Overview of the key elements of strategy management and how strategy and finance align. How strategic finance
is a key element of overall business strategy and the linkage between strategy and budgets a common weakness
in too many organizations.
Understand the importance of strategy execution which is often given insucient management focus. Most
organizations fail in successful strategy implementation.
Gain an understanding of how modern budgetary techniques can provide real support to business managers
Learn about the Beyond Budgeting concept from a member of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table
A special focus on the growing trend to Rolling budgets/forecasts
Avoid the traditional limitations often associated with historic/static budgeting
Understand the key aspects of financial analysis and variance analysis
Learn how to use the dierent but aligned disciplines of Forecasting and Budgeting to complement
each other

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Strategic Financial Planning: Financial Analysis,

Forecasting and Budgeting for Improved Profitability
Session A: 8 - 9 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
Business And Financial Strategy And The Linkage To Budgeting
An overview of strategy management:
o Strategic analysis and strategic planning
o Alignment of strategy to annual operating plans and budgets
o The cascade of corporate strategy to business units or departments
o The imperative of successful execution, supported by robust and relevant monitoring of financial and nonfinancial performance
Financial strategy and the use of the Balanced Scorecard to combine financial and non-financial strategic performance
Integrating planning and budgeting: A recent case study on how to implement the general principles of this subject
into a pragmatically managed business
Aligning Budgeting and Forecasting
History and principles of budgeting
Traditional or historic budgeting: Often much maligned, but why is it so widely used and what benefits can it deliver
The common problems associated with traditional budgeting and how they can be avoided or minimized
Top-down and bottom-up approaches
Creating a value-add budget process, where business managers see budgeting as providing genuine help and
benefit or value to the challenges of business management
Forecasting: How it diers from and aligns to budgeting
Newer Trends in Budgeting and Forecasting
What are the newer budgetary techniques and how do they compare with traditional or historic budgeting?
Advantages and disadvantages:
o Performance budgeting
o KPI budgeting
o Value based budgeting
o Zero based budgeting
o Activity Based Budgeting
Creating a Performance Management culture based on good practices, where budgeting is undertaken within modern management practices of accountability, change management, communication, leadership and a performance
or incentive culture
Going Beyond Budgeting - A Growing Concept
The sought-after benefits: How much is about changing the planning and budgeting process and how much is about
management philosophy and culture?
The key principles of Process and Leadership within Beyond Budgeting
Abandoning the negotiated annual performance trap: Incentivizing people to achieve market and benchmark success, not to beat an internal negotiated budget
If budgeting is abandoned, what do we use instead?
What management tools are consistent with the principles of Beyond Budgeting?
How the Beyond Budgeting concept has grown internationally through to the present day the Beyond Budgeting
Round Table

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Strategic Financial Planning: Financial Analysis,

Forecasting and Budgeting for Improved Profitability
Session A: 8 - 9 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
Rolling Budgets and Forecasts
The Rolling concept and its inherent benefits and downsides: If traditional budgeting is replaced by a Rolling approach, what can we NOT do in future
Rolling budgets or Rolling forecasts? Which works better? Understanding the management accountability implications
Dierent aspects and types of Rolling: Explore the range and scope of possibilities. Should Rolling apply to strategic
and capital budgets? If so, conceptually how can this be done?
The behavioral disciplines: Rolling only works when management act professionally and do NOT play the typical
budgetary games. How can this be eectively implemented?
The 9 key decision parameters of practical implementation for Rolling
Financial Analysis and Variance Analysis
Looking at finance from a dierent management perspective: Management accounting, not financial accounting
How do we undertake relevant financial analysis for our organization, unit and department? What is generic and
what should be specific?
How do we align the business needs of financial analysis with budgetary techniques?
Variance reporting is too often a poorly handled aspect of business management, with bundled and generalized
analysis and commentary that strictly limits its usefulness to management. Explore how you can overcome these
common limitations.
Underlying causes, not just symptoms: How variances can be analyzed and presented?
Project and Capital Budgeting
Exploring the challenges of project budgeting and the associated capital expenditure, capex evaluation disciplines
The basic accounting dierences between opex and capex and the consequences in the key financial statements,
including depreciation treatment
The main challenges of project budgeting, combining capex and opex, plus contingency issues
Evaluating capital expenditure: Introduction to the discounted cash flow techniques and their practical application
Incorporating sensitivity analysis to support the decision-making process
Applying the necessary post-audit and post project evaluation discipline

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting

and Budgeting in Excel
Session B: 15 - 16 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Dr Liam Bastick , FCA, FCMA, CGMA, MVP


Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and Institute of Chartered
Management Accountants (CIMA)
Regular contributor to professional accounting bodies like CPAA and CIMA, Finance 3.0 and various
LinkedIn specialist discussion groups
Headed Ernst & Youngs modeling team in Melbourne and was an Assistant Director in their strategic
valuations team in London

Dr. Liam Bastick has over 25 years experience in financial model development, auditing, valuations, M&A, strategy,
training and consultancy. He has headed Ernst & Youngs financial modeling team in Melbourne and was an Assistant
Director in their strategic valuations team in London. He was also a senior member of the UK Post Oces M&A
and strategy teams and has assisted various other Australian modeling companies including BPM, Corality, Navigator
Project Finance, PKF and SumProduct.
Liam has considerable experience in many dierent sectors including banking, energy, mining, oil and gas, private equity,
transport and utilities. Liam has worked in the UK, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, New Zealand and Australia, with many internationally recognized clients, constructing
and reviewing strategic, operational and valuation models for many high profile IPOs, LBOs and strategic assignments.
Liam is a regular contributor to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA), Certified Practising Accountants
Australia (CPAA), the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Finance 3.0 and various LinkedIn
specialist discussion groups. He is also an experienced facilitator for ICAA. He has previously contributed to the Best
Practice Spreadsheet Modeling Standards, providing key principles for modeling adopted by many finance professionals.
Liam is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW), a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Management
Accountants (CIMA) and is a professional mathematician. He was named one of Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) in
Excel by Microsoft.
Partial List of Articles Written:

Analyzing Multiple Data with Multiple Criteria (Microsoft)

Forecasting Tips (CIMA)

Rolling Budgets (CIMA)

Strategic Budgeting and Forecasting (CPA)

Working Capital Adjustments (SumProduct)

Very well run, clear, interactive and doubtless will be extremely useful - M. Ross, Boston Consulting Group
A lot to take in a very well structured course - B. Jackson, Orchard Funds Management
Easy to follow lecturer with well-paced examples - E. Reinstadler, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Excellent trainer, very enthusiastic. If only Id known this years ago! - J. Ezard, KPMG

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting

and Budgeting in Excel
Session B: 15 - 16 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore



Financial Modeling for Financial

Analysis, Forecasting and Budgeting
in Excel
15 - 16 October 2015
Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

Early Bird 1 (Register & pay by 27 August 2015):

Early Bird 2 (Register & pay by 24 September 2015):
Regular Tuition Fee:


Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same

organization. For limited time only by 24 September 2015
register 3 participants and the 4th participant will receive a
complimentary seat (one discount scheme applies).

The ever changing landscape of financial management demands that professionals entrusted with
such duties equip themselves with the advanced working knowledge of financial models as a means
to facilitate smoother financial analysis, forecasting and budgeting. The move to Excel financial
modeling has become a globally embraced journey that has empowered thousands of leading and
small businesses alike, becoming the cornerstone of both short and long term business decisions that
dictate a companys financial future.
Led by Dr. Liam Bastick, one of the Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) in Excel bestowed by
Microsoft, this Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting and Budgeting in Excel
executive program is woven in a manner that is both engaging and vastly instrumental, placing
emphasis on delegates gaining solid, practical experience in designing and constructing financial
models in MS Excel. By turning historical data into future management information, you will be able
to identify revenue opportunities, reduce or reallocate costs, explain variances, identify key drivers
and ratify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and subsequently produce objective budgets and
forecasts understood by senior management and bought into by operational and divisional heads.
This interactive two-day executive program is launched concurrently with the Strategic Financial
Planning: Financial Analysis, Forecasting and Budgeting program. As both programs are designed
to help you establish the right finance capabilities for your organization to pursue growth, you are
encouraged to send in multiple participants to these two highly popular finance programs.

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting

and Budgeting in Excel
Session B: 15 - 16 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
According to Deloittes research (2014), collecting, aggregating and analyzing data via the ubiquitous spreadsheet still
constrains most businesses, making the process of dynamic forecasting and planning slow, opaque and prone to error.
Where purpose built software is employed, its modeling and analytical capabilities are often not properly exploited.
Although the use of Excel spreadsheets for designing financial models is widespread, many users are not aware of, or
do not maximize the features built into the Excel package. This leads to costly errors, undetected errors in worksheets
that have a negative impact and decisions based on scanty information which have not been fully analyzed.
Aimed at all finance professionals involved in the analysis and preparation of budgeting and forecasting, this Financial
Modelling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting and Budgeting in Excel executive program will show you how to
reduce the risks in your decision-making and provide recommendations with proven practical quantitative tools and
techniques. With hands-on examples throughout, this course provides a pragmatic approach to turn historical data
into future management information that help identify revenue opportunities, costs, explain variances, identify key
drivers and ratify KPIs.
This program caters to all levels of financial modeling analysis knowledge as well as Excel proficiency. Aside from the
program booklet, you will receive numerous practical Excel example files that you can refer to and practice with back
at the workplace, designing and constructing financial models in MS Excel.
CEOs, CFOs, VPs, MDs, GMs, Chief Accountants, Cost Controllers, Directors, Managers and Analysts, involved in:
Financial Planning / Finance Business Partners / Capital Planning
Management Accounting
Product Control
Planning & Budgeting
Forecasting & Financial Analysis
Auditing & Internal Control
Risk & Compliance
Statutory & Regulatory Reporting / Policy Planning
Business Planning / Strategic Planning / Business Development
Portfolio Management
and anyone with vested interests in forecasting trends at the strategic, tactical, operational and planning levels


Provide a thorough understanding of data forecasting and budgeting

Quantify the risks and rewards of estimating future assumptions
Explore dierent forecasting and trending methods
Teach you several practical and eective ways to analyze and present key outputs
Provide a practical process for undertaking ratio and other financial analysis

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting

and Budgeting in Excel
Session B: 15 - 16 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
Key concepts of best practice quantitative budgeting
Understanding the factors that govern the model structure
Setting up the foundations of a budget model
Why templates dont work
Importance of budgeting and the budget cycle
Types of budgets and budgeting methodologies
o Zero Based Budgeting
o Incremental
o Top Down
o Bottom Up
o Top Down and Bottom Up
Budget risk
Factors to consider in developing a budget
Practical issues
Developing a budgeting model
Budget management
Managing costs
o Understanding the drivers of cost
o Variable versus fixed cost issues
o Cost Volume Profit (CVP) and breakeven analysis
o Activity Based Management and Activity Based Costing principles
o Inventory management
o Debtor factoring
o Value chain analysis
o Cash discount / price incentive schemes
o Inventory management, e.g. Just In Time
o Optimizing assets economic lives
o Lease vs. buy
o Reducing controllable costs (budget cuts)
o Refinancing / amending capital structure
o Accounts Payable teams
o Credit collection agencies vs. debt factoring
o Supplier negotiations
o Vertical integration / partnerships
Variance analysis
Flexible budget variances
Operational versus planning issues
Key variances
o Sales price
o Sales volumes
o Sales mix
o Materials
o Labor
o Overheads
Modeling variance analysis

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |


2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting

and Budgeting in Excel
Session B: 15 - 16 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
Risk management
Risk versus uncertainty
Types of risk
o Business risk
o Operational risk
o Financial risk
Tools of the trade
Working capital management
How scoping and outputs determine the order of construction
Benefits of a quantitative model
Keeping the level of granularity consistent in the budget model
Model bias how to get stakeholder ownership
Methods of building model assumptions
Building a working analysis from history
Being able to update with actual data as it becomes available
Forecasting in context
Dierences between forecasting and budgeting
Common methods of financial forecasting
Objectivity is everything
Obtaining management buy-in
Alternative to point estimate modeling
o Scenarios
o Sensitivities
o Simulations
Getting the basics right
Cash versus accrual
Purpose of financial reporting / financial statements
Key stakeholder expectations
Three key financial statements:
o Income Statement
o Balance Sheet
o Cash Flow Statement
Using control accounts properly
What three-way integration means
Correct linking
Key outputs of a budget model
Income Statement versus Cash Flow
o Confirming key outputs
o Deriving key inputs
o Developing Key Performance Indicators

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |

2015 Clariden Strategic Financial Planning & Modeling Series

Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting

and Budgeting in Excel
Session B: 15 - 16 October 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
Considering financing requirements
Returns on capital
Returns of capital
Key concepts of financing:
o Risk
o Return
o Ranking
Analysis of results
Accounting ratios
Data analysis
Using trend analysis
Using PivotTables
Using 1-D and 2-D data tables
How Goal Seek, Scenario Manager and Solver may help
Revisiting scenario, sensitivity and simulations analysis
Strategic Options Analysis
Reporting and charting
Introducing the Dashboard Summary
Chart examples
How to plot trends and determine relationships
Say it with charts: using the right chart at the right time
Analyzing financials
Why methodology is important
How important is history? How much history?
Being objective in forecasting when using historical data
Ratio analysis (e.g. profitability, liquidity, solvency, gearing and investor ratios)
Importance of notes to the accounts
Danger signals: overtrading, business lifecycle, inventory, operating and financial leverage issues
Variance analysis (eciency vs. eectiveness, operational vs. planning)
What financials may not tell you (e.g. cyclicality, seasonality, segmentation, confidentiality)
Is financing information important?
Further application
Understanding equity and enterprise valuations
How statements are used for various valuation techniques:
o Net Present Value
o Future Sustainable Earnings
o Earnings Multiples
o Economic Value Added
o Fair Value of Identifiable Net Assets
o Dividend Discount Model

Contact Admissions Oce at +65 6899 5030 | |


8 - 9 October 2015 | 15 - 16 October 2015
Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore


Knowledge for the world business leaders



1st Early Bird 2nd Early Bird
Fee Per
Fee Per
(If payments
(If payments
Regular Fee
& registrations & registrations Per Participant
are received by are received by
27 Aug 2015)
24 Sept 2015)

Strategic Financial Planning:

Financial Analysis,
Forecasting and Budgeting
for Improved Profitability
(8 - 9 Oct)


Financial Modeling
for Financial Analysis,
Forecasting and Budgeting
in Excel
(15 - 16 Oct)




Fax: +65 6567 4328
Call: +65 6899 5030



Group discount of 10% for 2nd participant from the same organization. For
limited time only by 24 September 2015 register 3 participants and the 4th
participant will receive a complimentary seat (One discount scheme applies).
Note: GST is applicable to participants from Singapore registered companies.
Booking Contact (Approving Manager) Mr/Mrs/Ms:_____________________
Job Title:_________________________ Department:_____________________
Telephone:_______________________ Fax:____________________________
__________________________________________Postal Code:____________
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Bank Name:
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Bank Address:
6 Shenton Way, DBS Building, Singapore 068809
Bank Account No: 027-903583-8
Bank Account name: Clariden Global Pte Ltd
Please note that all bank charges are to be borne by participants. Please ensure
Clariden Global Pte Ltd receives the full invoiced amount.
Note: Please include invoice number on all payment types and your companys
name in your payment instructions for our reference.
To make payment by credit card, please call our client services hotline at
+65 6899 5030.


Please register the following participant for this seminar.

(Please tick to select your seminar(s). You may tick more than one.)

An invoice and registration confirmation will be sent within 7 days, please contact
us if you have not heard from us within 7 days. Payment can be made by credit
card, by bank transfer or by cheque. ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN

1st Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________

Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________
Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________
Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

Accommodation is not included in the program fee but you will be entitled to use
our corporate rate for your accommodation. Information will be sent along with
your registration confirmation.


Session A

Session B

2nd Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________

Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________
Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________
Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

Session A

Session B

3rd Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________

Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________
Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________
Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________
Session A
Session B

4th Participant Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms):_____________________________________

Job Title:___________________ Department:_____________________________
Telephone:___________________________ Fax:___________________________
Email:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

Session A

Session B


Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
8 - 9 October 2015 | Strategic Financial Planning: Financial Analysis,
Forecasting and Budgeting for Improved Profitability
15 - 16 October 2015 | Financial Modeling for Financial Analysis, Forecasting
and Budgeting in Excel
22 Orange Grove Road,
Singapore 258350
Tel : +65 6737 3644
Fax : +65 6737 3257



Once we have received your booking, the place(s) are confirmed. No refunds
will be made for any cancellations, however, program credits of equivalent value
only applicable for Clariden Global events will be provided. Credits can only be
redeemed for 1 program and is valid for only one (1) year from date of issue.
Substitution with a qualified candidate is allowed by providing at least 5 working
days of advance notice to Clariden Global. One time substitution is allowed with no
charges. Subsequent substitutions will be charged 10% admin fee.


PLEASE NOTE: CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD reserves the right to change the
content and timing of the programme, the speakers and the date and venue due to
reasons beyond their control. If in the unlikely event that the course is cancelled,
CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD will refund the full amount and disclaim any
further liability.
ENQUIRIES: If you have any queries about registration or payment please do not
hesitate to contact our client services department on +65 6899 5030.
PRIVATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Any information provided by you in
relation to this event is being collected by CLARIDEN GLOBAL PTE LTD and will
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