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Thread: http://www.loverslab...


-------------------- What is this mod?

Defeat aim to give more combat outcomes and alternatives to death, whether the player is the victim, the
aggressor or not even involved. (NPC vs NPC)

----- Player as victim

--- Knock down way
The player can be knocked down in combat, three ways for this to happen:

- Wound
The player can be knocked down on hit using a health threshold.

- Exhaustion
An aggressor will try to grab and choke the player if his stamina value is low, you can the chance on hit and
choose if the aggressors can grab you only from behind.

- Stun
The player can be knocked down by power attacks hits, you can set the chance on hit and the stagger level
at which a weapon can knock down the player.

--- Scenario
When the player is knocked down in combat, 3 different scenarios can happen (MCM):

- All down
If followers are present when the player is knocked down, they all need to be knocked down as well before
the scene continues.
Followers can be knocked down with the NPC vs NPC settings or when entering bleed out. (If NPC vs NPC
is disabled for example.)
When the remaining followers are still in combat you can try to fill the struggle bar to get up before they are

- Original
Your followers will be knocked down at the same time as you, hostiles NPCs will then come at you.
- No transition
You will get instantly sexually assaulted and the fight will continue. (No threesome or multiple animations if
multiple aggressors.)
--- Resist

The player has the possibility of resisting a sexual assault attempt, to do so you need to press and hold
your strafe left or right hotkey until you see the struggle bar appear and then you need to alternatively press
strafe left and strafe right hotkeys to fill the bar, if you manage to fulfil the bar before the aggressor get you
(5 seconds), you will make a resist move that depend of your first main resist skill chosen in MCM then
youll get on your feet and the combat will restart.

You can choose two skills in MCM that will determine how hard the struggle bar will be to fill, depending on
the level, the gender and the two highest skills of the aggressor.
You can resist every sexual assault attempt during a scene but there will be an additional penalty if you
have been sexually assaulted already.

--- Collateral
If there is multiple aggressors, followers can be assaulted too (Depending of the NPC vs NPC settings for
allowed genders and strip options)
If a follower is sexually assaulted during the aggression scene, he will enters in a trauma or an exhausted
state, you will then need to get him on his feet by using the Revive option. (Activate Key or Action Key) or
wait for them to get up by themselves (MCM settings), when the player changes cell the follower exits his
state automatically.

--- Surrender
In combat you can use a hotkey to try to surrender to your enemies (Surrender Key Default: K)

- Human
If you surrender to a human, the nearest aggressor will come to you and a dialogue will start.
Those may vary corresponding to the aggressor and the settings in MCM (Pages Player as Victim and
NPC vs NPC (for followers))

If the dialogue leads to a sexual assault attempt against the player the same rules as if the player was
knock down applies, meaning you can resist.

- Conditions that matter for the dialogue:

Has the player been already a victim of this aggressor?
Change the dialogue if you surrender to a NPC that sexually assaulted you already.

Is the player has a weapon?

Check if the player has weapons equipped.
The aggressor will make you throw your weapon on the floor.

Is the player dressed?

Check if a torso piece is equipped.
Change some dialogues, increase the chances of sexual assault.

Is the aggressor interested by your gender?

Depend of the gender settings in MCM (Page Player as Victim)
The aggressor has a chance to sexually assault the player.

Is the aggressor among the evil factions?

NPCs that are in evil faction will not let the player run away without giving anything. (Evil factions are listed
in MCM, page Post-Assault.)

Is there a witness?
Important condition that you can disable in MCM (page Player as Victim option Witness.)
Normal NPCs will not react the same way if there is a witness around, of course it does not count the NPCs
that are in the scene. (The aggressors, the followers and the player.)
Evil factions don't care if there is a witness or not.

Is the aggressor moral?

A NPC is considered moral if they are unaggressive or met the settings in MCM (Page Player as Victim
options Morality
Those NPCs will react almost the same as the evil faction except when you succeed a persuasion or a
The Aggressivity, morality (MCM) and relationship the player (MCM) are checked.

Is there a potential aggressor?

Check if among the aggressors there is someone that might be interested by more than the gold and if the
aggressor you are talking to isnt interested by your gender he might let the interested aggressor do his
thing, you can also propose your followers in this case.

Is the aggressor interested in one of your followers?

One of the aggressors might want one of your followers, in this case you can sacrifice yourself instead of
the follower, the aggressor needs to be interested in your gender for this to succeed, and this is a
You can also sell out your followers if you want to keep your gold or avoid the worst yourself, the outcome
is random. (He can choose to accept or choose to punish the player.)

- Creature
If you surrender to a creature, your character will take a submission pose to invite the creature, you cant
surrender to creatures that are not SexLab allowed/enabled.

----- Post-Assault

After the player has been assaulted, depending of the aggressor and his faction, different events can
happen, each event has its set of settings.

Events are separated in 3 types:

Base event types are simple event that can happen by default or before another event.
This include:

- End of the scene

This is the default event that will happen if no other events are chosen
After the aggression scene youll need to fill the struggle bar to get up (or wait a few seconds if resist is
disabled) and run away, when you are far enough the aggressors will become hostile again. (If they were
hostile before the scene)
- Robbed
The player is robbed of all his gold and valuables (above a MCM configurable gold value) and a quest to
track your robber down starts. This event can happen before another one triggers.
This Event can trigger before any other event other events can still be triggered after Robbed.
- Jailed
If the last aggressor is a guard, the player is sent to jail after the scene.
- Death Alternative
Triggers Make OnBlackout events from Death Alternative trigger, including Defeats ones. (To be set in DAs
MCM menu)

- Left For Dead
The player and his followers will black out and get up somewhere in the wilderness.
- Rescued
The player and his followers will black out and get rescued by an adventurer and wake up in an inn.

----- Player/Follower as aggressor

Default hotkey for the Modifier key: Shift
Default hotkey for the Action Key: G
Default hotkey for the Activate key: Your Activate hotkey

- Marking
Pressing Action key will Mark your current target, while Marked a NPC can be knocked down by bash
and unarmed attacks every 2 seconds depending of their resistance (MCM configurable), if the target is
unaware of your presence any bash/unarmed attack will knock them down.

You can also order your follower to act on the Marked target (See Registering follower for orders and
follower orders).

- Knock down
3 ways to knock down a NPC:

1 - Pressing Action key while undetected and with your weapon sheathed, will choke and knock down the
target. If witness intervention is enabled, a witness can stop you from choking your target and send the
alarm. This method is silent, you can choke a NPC beside his friend and remains undetected as long as
they dont see you choking their friend.
2 - Bash attack or unarmed attack while undetected and out of combat on a Marked target.
3 - Unarmed hit or bash attack from the player on a Marked target during combat, followers unarmed/bash
attacks do count.

- Trauma/Exhausted/Flee
The victim of a sexual assault will enter in one of those 3 states depending of MCM settings, while in those
states the player can interact with them with the Action Key.

- Knock out
Bash attack or unarmed attack when a NPC is affected by a defeats state.

- Yield
Weapon out, undetected, press Action key on a NPC from behind.
The victim can get out of his yield state if the player enters in combat or gets out of the sight of the victim.

- Kill
Weapon out, press Action key and hold.

- Menus options
If the target is bleeding out /knocked down/sleeping/trauma/exhausted/tied up you can use Action
key/Activate key for a menu to appear:

/!\ IMPORTANT: Using the Action key/Activate key on a Bleeding out target will stop them from recovery of
their bleeding out state and will put them in a knocked down state.

Inventory Opens the inventory of your target.

Rob Opens a submenu where you can choose what equipped piece of armor you wish to steal on the
Rape Will make you sexually assault your target. More options will appear for a tied up NPC.

Rape with player Available if you use Modifier key and Action key to give an order to your registered
follower to take actions on a knocked down/sleeping/trauma/exhausted/tied up NPC.
Tie up Use to tie up your target during a configurable time in MCM.
Tie options Opens a submenu where you can choose to change the pose, Gag/Ungag, change the device
used, tighten the links or permanently tie your target.
Untie Will free the tied up target.
Untie & rape Untie and abuse the tied up target.
Put in a sack Put the victim in a burlap sack, press Action key to release the victim wherever you want.
The victim keep the state they were in. (e.g A tied up NPC stay tied.)
Feed Available for vampires, give you the ability to drink on a knocked down/trauma/exhausted target, the
target enters in an exhausted state afterwards.
Revive Used to remove any Defeats state on an affected NPC or to get a bleeding out NPC on their feet.

- Registering follower for command

Aim a follower, hold Modifier key then press Action key.
The follower remains registered until you register another follower.

- Follower command
Every follower commands are done by holding Modifier key when pressing Action key, the target will
automatically be marked.
- Out of combat the follower will try to sneak up on the target and choke them.
- Hold Action key for the follower to sneak up on the target and attempt to kill them.
- If the Marked target is bleeding out /knocked down/sleeping/trauma/exhausted/tied up a menu similar to
the one of the player will open you will be able to give more orders to the follower. (See Menus options)

- Taunt
You can taunt your target when your weapon is out, aim the NPC you want to taunt then press Action key,
you can also make your follower taunt the Marked target by holding Modifier key and pressing Action Key.
(Only in combat for followers)
- When in combat, the taunted target will target the player or follower the taunt is coming from if they were
targeting another NPC/Creature or follower.
- (Only for the player) Out of combat taunting someone will reduce your relationship with the target by 1,
when the relationship with the target it is at -2, the target will attack you.
USE WITH CAUTION: the target will be attacked by guards and such.
Note: The target is always marked before you can taunt so youll have to press the key twice.

- Rescue
A NPC that is about to get assaulted can be rescued by the player, two ways to do it:
- Weapon out, press Action key on the victim and use the revive option.

- Weapon out, press Action key on the aggressor when they are walking toward their victim to push them

- Other Action key effects

Cheer Close to the target and weapon sheathed, aim a follower involved in a sex scene then press Action
key/Activate key, will perform a cheer animation.
Masturbate Weapon sheathed, sneaking, hold Action key during 1 seconds then release.
Necrophilia While sneaking Action key/Activate key on a dead NPC.

----- NPC vs NPC

A NPC can decide to attempt to sexual assault/Rob or kill his defeated foe when his life drops below a
health value.

You can set the health threshold and the chance on hit as well as some other MCM settings.
Creatures can be allowed too. /!\ Creatures must be allowed in the SexLab Framework MCM menu. /!\

----- SexLab Menu Controller

UIExtension is needed for this to work.
Default hotkey for the Modifier key: Shift
Default hotkey for the Option Key: 0

You can access the SexLab menu controller by pressing Option Key when the player is involved in a
SexLab sex scene or by aiming a NPC involved in a SexLab sex scene.

Pressing Option Key will open a menu where you can choose from all the animations that are playing in this
current scene.
Holding Modifier key and pressing Option Key will open the stage selector.

For more options use my mod SexLab Tools

-------------------- Requirements
Last versions of these mods are REQUIRED :
SexLab Framework 1.60+
SKSE 1.7.3+
FNIS Do no forget to download and install the creature pack under optional files.

-------------------- Installation
/!\ NEEDED: Run FNIS tool to register the animations.

/!\ NEEDED: Make sure to delete any previous version of Defeat (scripts etc).
Use a mod manager to install the installer, Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer will do, Mod Organizer
being strongly recommended.
If you choose to install it manually, dont, download and use a manager.

-------------------- Uninstallation
To do for every save you wish to uninstall the mod from.

1.) Click on mod status in the MCM menu to uninstall the mod.
2.) Close the menu.
3.) Wait until you see the notification. (should be really fast if not instant)
4.) Save.
5.) Quit the game.
6.) You can now delete the mods files.
7.) Run FNIS tool.

-------------------- FAQ
Q. Is it safe to upgrade to a new version without doing anything?
A. It is always recommended that before uninstalling a mod and installing its new version you should make
a clean save but I try to make my mod so it can be upgraded without uninstalling it, though if I say in the
change log that a clean save is required you need to do it.

Clean Saving:

Follow these steps:
1.) It is generally best to go to an interior cell, and smaller cells are best. An interior cell is apparent
because you have a loading screen when you "open" the door from the outside (such as when you enter
most buildings).
2.) Save your game to a new save slot (do not overwrite an earlier save) and quit the game.
3.) Uninstall the mod.
4.) Start the game and load your last saved game.
5.) After the game full loads, make a SECOND new save (do not overwrite an earlier save) and quit the
6.) If you're upgrading the mod that you uninstalled, you can now install the new version.
7.) Start the game and load your previous saved game.
8.) Just to be safe: make one more new save (do not overwrite an earlier save).
9.) You have a cleaned save? Ok lets clean it a little more with Save game script cleaner and you will not
forget to endorse the mod of course. (See screenshot at the end of the post)

Your save is now fully cleaned from Defeat.

Q. Why is there some spelling/grammar mistakes?

A. English isnt my first language, if you see some errors or a sentence that could benefit from a better
formulation please let me know so I can fix it.

-------------------- Incompatibilities
Mod that deal with OnHit events can cause problems.

As for player as victim, Defeats knock down mechanics can enter in conflict with Death Alternatives ones,
but keep in mind that they can be disabled and Defeat can start through Death Alternative, Death
Alternatives knock out scenarios can also start after a Defeats scene, its just a question of right settings of
both mods.

-------------------- Recommended
Devious Capture By Ms Leeches
Zaz Animation Pack By Zaz & Xaz
Death Alternative By BralorMarr
EFF - Extensible Follower Framework By Expired - Very good mod to handle followers.
UIExtension by Expired -Menu framework, this mod is already included in Extensible Follower Framework.
Free Death Camera by gp160 - Cool mod to remove the useless camera effect when the player dies, also
work on ragdoll, go endorse the mod it did not get enough attention imo, the guy has some good ideas for

-------------------- Credits & thanks

Ashal for creating the SexLab Framework and answering my questions about it.
Cmod for Sexis Defeated mod which served this mod as a base.
Camila and Meowcakes for the logo.
Cyndi for the body bag meshe.
AwfulArchdemon for the spell check.
CGi for his help with translations, the installer and the German translation.
Aravis7 for the French translation.
Expired for his UIExtension mod. (And all his mods really ^^)
Xaz & Zaz for the Zaz Animation Pack, used some of their (nice) resources.
Germanicus who helped me as a beta tester and moral support. :p
Cotyounoyume for some of his animations from Estrus.
Arrok for his resist animation.

-------------------- Change log


Remove the previous version then install this one, no clean save needed.


Added a MCM page to handle animation options, added some settings for necro in it and moved
animation options from the General settings page to this one.

Fixed cowgirl anims.

Player as Aggressor

Fixed controls after rape option.

Added yes/no option for rape option.

Added option of choosing tags for necrophilia in the new MCM page , by default set on 'Sleeping'


Clean save shouldn't be needed but if you have problem just do it.
Some properties have been removed so you might want to run a save cleaner like Save game script
cleaner by Hadoram
And run FNIS.


Fixed 2 or 3 things for clean up to clean better. (Should now properly remove unwanted packages
on some NPC properly if need be)

Fixed distance dragons needs to reach to start a scene, probably will still be buggy though.

Fixed strip option export/import and fixed some grayed option flag problems during the importation.

Rewrite of all the SexLab scenes, grouped most of them in one function to work better/smarter and
be fully compatible with SexLab 1.6+

Fixed Sexuality option, it will now work as intended with SexLab 1.6+ (seeding stats before checking
for sexuality, thanks Ashal to have rewritten this function :)) and will make the scenarios even more
unpredictable. :)

Added a check for female creatures, it will filter female creatures if the option is enabled in SexLab.

Added an option for aggressors to stop the SexLab scene if they enter in combat, enabled by
default, NPC vs NPC feature must be enabled for it to work, always enabled for player as victim.

Reworked Witnesses functions, a companion should not just stand there watching you being
assaulted if there were far away when you went down, NPC vs NPC feature must be enabled for it
to work.

Reworked Redress functions, unequipped items will be reequipped when the victim end their state.
(Does not concern the player, you can redress your char yourself)

Removed some SexLab scene controller menu options except the animation selector and added the
stage selector instead of the options, if you want more options for that kind of stuff check my mod
SexLab Tools

Player as Victim

Found and fixed huge bug that would prevent a knockdown against only one aggressor after been
downed one time (instant restore and player get up immediately, making it impossible to stay
knocked down against a solo aggressor) just because of a misplaced float...

Fixed Accomplices array not being emptied properly during restored() function.

Fixed scene with guards, it will now remove properly the bounty (to put it back after the scene) and
should stop the guard from forcegreeting indefinitely.

Fixed shift to last in array function, it's a huge bug that only happen when there is 5 aggressors, it
could cause duplicate of the same aggressor in the array causing further problems... It now works
as intended.

Fixed knock down as a vampire lord and if knock creature as creature is disabled it will properly
immune to knock down if the player is a vampirelord, had to use a race check, thanks bethesda for
not putting a proper tag on the vampire lord race...

Fixed problem where you could only surrender when there is a sexual aggressor for the player
(Found this bug when trying to surrender to two gay dremoras with sexuality option enabled xD).

Fixed some conditions for the Surrender dialogues.

Rewrite of the multiple aggressors functions, a little more script heavy since it will check if there is
available animations for possible combinations but it shouldn't be that noticable. Now every possible
combination between actors (including creatures e.a : dog/male/female) are possible not just
threesomes (Zyn gay fourway can happen if enabled as aggressive for example, only 4p animation
at the time I'm writing this).

Added notifications if there is a witness around, should be better to understand what is happening.

Added an option to disable the player's commentaries.

Player as Aggressor

Fixed feed option, this time feeding on a defeat state affected npc will have the actual feed effect,
also added dawnguard paired feed animations for companions, making a npc feed on a npc is just
cosmetic though (besides making the victim entering an exhausted state)

Fixed trespassing commentaries during a sexual assault, the victim will call for guard after this
assault, even if in a weakened state.

Added menu to manage tied up and knocked out NPCS, can be accessed through the option menu
(0 by default) in Tools.

Improved necro function, with SexLab 1.6+ it should work fine now, it will now call sleeping tagged
animations. NSAP recommended, I'm not even sure there is sleeping tagged animation in default
SexLab yet.


Fixed the broken script, the NPC vs NPC spell effect was removed after the SexLab scene begins
so the SexLab hook end animation event wouldnt fire so no post assault effects and the victim
would stand there doing nothing

Added new notification system, using SkyUi lib, it will now appear in red and will notify if there is 2
aggressors advancing toward the victim (in case MCM option multiple triggers).

Added the possibility for another NPC aggressor to be the sexual assaulter in case the aggressor
that knock downed the victim in not interested sexually.

Added 2 options for the post sexual assault, rob & kill events can now happen after the sexlab
animation (both can happen in a row).


To update: Just uninstall V5.0.2 and install the V5.1.0, in game the mod will update itself, no need to
uninstall/reinstall the mod with the MCM option.


- Added Arrok in the credits for his resist animation, added Cotyounoyume for some of his animations from
Estrus. Really sorry to have forgot that.
- Added a security function to try to stop NPCs from hitting sex victim during a SexLab scene.
- Added the possibility to unbind the hotkeys of the mod, youll have to press Escape to unbind a key when
MCM asks you what key you wish to use.
- Fixed some more grammar/spelling mistakes
- Fixed Female on male SexLab animations.

Player as Victim

Overhaul of the system (again) 5 slots for sexual aggressors and 5 slots for accomplices (for collateral,
cheer etc.), it should result in a far more fluid scene progression.

- Added the option Insatiable aggressors, if enabled the aggressors satisfied buff will be removed at the
end of the scene, this way they will always be horny if they knock down the player a second time. (Like the
old versions of the mod basically)

- Rewritten resist function: Changed the chance algorithm for something simpler, replaced the MCM options
for the two primary skills for one option who will let you choose your class.
Can be done automatically, will check for the two highest skills:
Note: if the victim has the raped debuff they have less chance to resist, they also have less chance to resist
if the aggressor is a male and the victim a female. (Not that much)
- Added a gamepad detection so Attack left/right combination is always chosen over Strafe left/right (If set
in the MCM menu)
- Fixed QTE not working with gamepad because the function IsKeyPressed does not take into account
gamepad button press, I have added a workaround that should work.
- Fixed the bug where the script would keep going even if the player managed to escape when they were
waiting for their follower and are watched by the rest of the aggressors.
- Changed OnActivate by OnItemRemoved event for the robber in the robbed quest, should be more
- Fixed Robber quest.

Player as Aggressor

- After loading the game, the player was not able to empty their sack if they had one when saving the game.
If you have a save with this problem just use Clean up function it should fix it.
- Fixed the force sex dialogue line for yield function when the victim resist, nothing was happening because
there was nothing :p sorry yield stuff is pretty much wip.
Now the same struggle phase that is used for the player as victim will trigger.
- Automatically put an unconscious NPC is a Defeat unconscious state so you can interact with the NPC.
- Added missing scripts for yield.
- Added support for paradise halls sexlab extension from blabla11: possibility to use the capture function
through yield dialogues.
- Added rape with player option for tied NPCs.
- Fixed rape with player option transition, added a time limit of 5 seconds so the script doesnt get blocked
when the player moves toward the victim.
- Fixed the broken as fuck permanently tied option. Correct permanently poses menu will now appear.
- Added Loosen links option that will appear only for permanently tied NPCs, if used the NPC will not be
permanently tied anymore.
Tighten links option is also now hidden if the NPC is permanently tied (Since it is useless in this case).
- Putting a NPC in a special device (currently only Pillory) automatically permanently tie the NPC.
- Changed all the names in the poses menu to be something clear (Example: ZapYokePose10 -> (Yoke10)
Sitting squat, legs spread).
- Added Wake and tie option for knockout state.
- Added options to unmark a target or a follower, Ive put it in the masturbate


- Fixed checkactor function, the script should now properly stop when rescue function is used or one of the
actor dies.
- Added the possibility for the follower to ask the player to join the sex scene when they are about to
sexually assault their victim. There is now a new MCM option Auto threesome distance under Settings for
followers in NPC vs NPC.


To update: Just uninstall V5.0.1 and install the V5.0.2, in game the mod will update itself, no need to
uninstall/reinstall the mod with the MCM option.


- Fixed some grammatical and spelling errors (Do not hesitate to let me know if you see other mistakes,
because you probably will ;p).
- Fixed Interrupt scene option
- Witness functions are now working only for Defeat sex scenes to avoid any incompatibilities.

Player as Victim

- The option Witness intervention can now be disabled properly.

- Fixed Rescued event, the player can now get up properly.
- Fixed a big oversight > Defeat scene wasnt reset with Death Alternative events as the post assault event
(thats why aggressor were remaining friendly etc..)
So I have hooked the da_StartRecoverSequence event from DA for it to reset the scene of Defeat, should
work way better now.
The player will also now get all their health points back if Rescued or Left For Dead event trigger through
Death Alternative.

Player as Aggressor

- Added IsPlayerTeammate() for follower recognition, in case some follower are not in the classic follower
- Fixed Creature vs Male option, male npcs were assaulted by creatures even if this option was disabled.



- Fix installer for NMM


/!\ MANDATORY: This is a major rewrite of the mod so if you are using a previous version of the mod you
NEED to make a clean save and use the save tool and delete any files from previous versions. (see FAQ)

Probably forgot some:


- Sex scene are now using the gender check from SexLab. (That will fix animations for futa.)
- Different states for the NPCs that are used in all the features of the mod -> Knocked down / Unconscious /
Tied up / Trauma /Exhausted/ Escape / Yield, you can interact with all of those states with the hotkey from
Player as Aggressor. (Except for Yield, this one is handled through dialogues)
- Import/Export settings option.
- Added a SexLab scene controller (pose selector etc.), UIextension is needed to access its options.
- Aggressive SexLab scene detection system for any of the features, also detect aggressive SexLab scene
from other mods if the option is enabled.
- Zaz framework support.

Player as Victim

- Dialogues lines for collateral with beast as aggressors no more display.

- The player is no longer stuck when robbed at the end of the assault if the Resist feature is disabled.
- Left For Dead event should now recognize the outside markers and then teleport properly the player if the
scene happen in an interior, manual points of teleportation have been removed, the event now detects
intelligently the nearest point and dont trigger if no point is found.
- If you have Dragonborn DLC, Defeated event (which is now Rescued event) will no longer teleport the
player to a solstheims inn if you are in Skyrim and conversely.
The event has been remade and now picks intelligently a nearest Inn if there is one.
- Robbed function will now pick up properly stripped items on the floor and put them in the robbers
- General animations compatibility for Zaz Framework /Devious Devices, thanks to Ms Leeches for the

This will make the player use different animations depending of the bounds they wear and their state.
- Commentary dialogue lines to the aggressor before a sexual assault that will depend of the type of
aggressor and their experience with the player.

Player as Aggressor

- Fix for victims of necrophilia that were impossible to hit when the cell resets after 31 in game days, necro
function has also been remade to work better, sort of?
- You should no longer have problems to knock down a NPC or a creature since the system has changed,
see description part Player/Companion as aggressor.
- Revamp of the player and follower as aggressor feature, everything can now be done using only one
hotkey, PLEASE take a look at the description part Player/Companion as aggressor.
- Revamp of the tie up system, now a state (see General) you can now tie up up to 50 NPCs, you can also
choose to tie up someone permanently.
- The animation of tying up a target can be disabled in MCM.
- Added a pose selector for the tie up state that change depending of the device they are wearing
(Cuffs/Yoke/Armbinder) Zaz animations pack is needed for this menu to appear.
- You can now knockout NPCs, check Player/Companion as aggressor.
- The player can now make a NPC yield when undetected, new dialogues for it have been added, check
Player/Companion as aggressor, not really advanced for now.
- Reintroduced the sack option, you can put tied up, sleeping, knocked out or dead NPCs in a burlap sack
and release them wherever you want.


- Revamp of the whole system, if Last Enemy is ticked NPCs will now be knocked down during combat then
aggressors will take action after the combat.
Since the states are common for all mods features you can interact with a knocked down victim during
combat to revive them for example.

V5 beta 3.3fixed

/!\ You need to make a clean save for this update and clean it with the save tool. (see FAQ)

Player as Victim
Fixed - Robbing scene.
Fixed - A few dialogue inconsistencies.
Fixed - If resist is disabled your char will normally stand up when a Left For Dead event triggers.

V5 beta 3.3

/!\ You need to make a clean save for this update and clean it with the save tool. (see FAQ)

Player as Victim
Fixed - Removed the "Run Away!" message, for some unknown and VERY annoying reason the message
could get stuck in the middle of the screen constantly refreshing resulting to a unfixable bug that stick in the
Fixed - The steal option for the player's weapon wasn't available. (Thanks to antbank123 for letting me
Fixed - Instant post assault that should not happen when you are knocked down and you get up before
your follower is downed in the All Down scenario.
Fixed - Redone the knock down phase, if one aggressor is still in combat you'll have a chance to stand up
before they reach you.
If you have at least one follower it will be harder for you to stand up.
If the Resist options are disabled with the new option the player is knocked down during 15 seconds
or 30 seconds with a follower.)
All in all the "All Down" scenario should work better. Need feedbacks on this though.
Added - An option to entirely disable everything struggle bar related.
Added - Riekling threeway animation support.

Player as Aggressor
Fixed - Tie up system changed again with a couple of new options in MCM.
Fixed - Changed calm system, follower shouldn't attack the victim anymore.

Added - Separated category for followers, they have now their own threshold and chance on hit.
V5 beta 3.2

/!\ You CAN install this update without doing a clean save.
/!\ Make sure you have the latest version of SKSE installed.

Player as Victim

Fixed - Beast Form Immunity option.

Fixed - Aggressors should now gather properly around the knocked down player, before, some NPCs would
simply walk away.
Fixed - Necro should work better, still weird ragdoll bugs that I can't fix. (for now?) Added some animations.
Fixed - Check if the creature can be registered as an aggressor, the function was broken and would let any
creature be an aggressor.
Fixed - Surrender hotkey can now properly be remapped.
Fixed - When stripped, the player does not equip a second armor piece in his inventory if it is the same as
the one he is currently wearing.
Fixed - Fix Immunity after a scene, for good this time. (The script was checking the aggressor instead of the

Player as Aggressor
Added - Modified the assault to use a new function of SKSE 1.7.0, does not make a lot of difference
gameplay-wise but it should be a little faster and maybe fix the CTDs that some were experiencing.
Added - Modified kill command, the player or follower will use the sleeper animation, if it fail aggressor will
perform the old animation.
Fixed - Male on female rape was triggering cowgirl animations when the option "Animation Female is Male"
is enabled.

Fixed - NPCs involved in a sex scene are now properly registered so interruptions on hit can work.
V5 beta 3.1

/!\ A clean save IS required.

See FAQ Clean Saving" part and follow the instructions.

Player as Victim
Fixed - Onhit event that would not listen after Player As Victim feature is disabled and then reactivated.
Fixed - Removed Wounded debuff.
Fixed - Male player can't be considered
Fixed - QTE resist, you have now to properly hold down one of the two hotkeys in order to start a struggle
resist fill bar QTE event.
Fixed - Rob function, added "$" in the string "$Value" so the function can actually work...
Added - Revamp of the knock down system, there is now 3 different way the player can be knocked down,
they all can be enabled of disabled separately. Some options for each way.
- Wound -> The player can be knocked down on hit using health threshold.
- Exhaustion -> The aggressor will try to grab the player.

- Stun -> The player can be knocked down on power attack hits.
See Player as Victim part of the description.
Added & Fixed - With Stay Down option disabled, the player can now staggers randomly (20% chance
every 1 second), this fixes the full stagger after 5 seconds.
Added - Surrender function changed, you can now choose a new key to surrender, you no longer have to
aim the NPC you want to surrender to, the closest NPC will come to you.
Added - Lines of dialogues for surrender, more outcomes.
Added - Followers support for surrender.

Post Assault
Fixed Corrected some teleport points for Left For Dead event.

Player as Aggressor
Fixed - Victims do not stay friendly when they get up from a knock down anymore.
Fixed - Strip function, the player or the follower will not ignore MCM options when they strip the victim.

Fixed - Improved Last Enemy option
- Take less ressources and check last enemy after the gender check.
- Included a distance limit, if a NPC has not any friend nearby he'll get knocked down. Same goes
for a follower and the player.
Added - All Down option for followers, if the player is in combat and near when the follower is knocked
down, the fight will continue, the follower get up after 30 secs if the player is not knocked down during this
time, the player can also Revive the follower.
The follower can be knocked down with the health threshold of NPC vs NPC.

Fixed - Grayed out options that are not used when DA is detected, otherwise gray out DA options.
Fixed - All combinaisons of genders sex scenes for every situations are now working as intended.

V5 beta 3
Should be safe to upgrade from V5b2.1
Player as Victim
- Added - Death Alternative category in MCM with some more options for it.
|- DA Defeat Chance : The chance for Defeat scene to be chosen On Bleedout event from DA if the
conditions are met. (gender, cooldown etc.)
|- DA Cooldown : If enabled if knocked down by a satisfied NPC (NPC that raped the player already and
then has a 5 minutes buff) that NPC will not be able to trigger a Defeat scene again, letting Death

Alternative trigger other events.

|- DA Post-Assault : If enabled, after a Defeat scene the player will get up with low HP, letting Death
Alternative trigger other events if knocked down again. If disabled there will be a normal Defeat postassault behavior.
- Fixed - Followers in a trauma state are now properly detected if another scene start.
- Fixed - Only near followers are now detected and registered, it was a soure of some bugs.
- Fixed - Struggle bar now keep its settings on reloading.
- Fixed - Removed the dance during the escape of the player.
- Fixed - Broken resist function, resist effects will actually do something now... (Dependant of the Primary
skill you choose to resist in MCM.)
- Fixed - Robbing. Need some more tweaking I guess.
Player as Aggressor
- Fixed - Kill option killing the aggressor instead.
- Fixed - Tie up option menu will no longer appear if the NPC is dead whith the action key.
- Fixed - Tie up should be less bugged now. (You can't rob the bonds)
- Added - Some MCM menu optimizations
- Fixed - Female on male rape work now as intended when Cowgirl animations are disabled.
V5 beta 2.1
Make the mod actually work maybe?
V5 beta 2
/!\ To avoid any problem make a clean save before updating (see uninstallation/installation), do not forget to
uninstall the mod before you disable the esp, it is important. /!\
Player as victim:
- Added - Wip, Surrender, the player can now surrender to his aggressors: Weapon sheathed, aim your
aggressor and press Action Key, the dialogues depend of the aggressor faction, aggression level, relation
with the player, his gender and the player's gender,
The player can persuade or bribe his aggressor but he might be interested by other things... Followers are
not supported yet, they will just watch. (But eventually can be collateral victims as normal if the dialogue
leads on a rape.)
- Added - Another turn option, agressors have a chance to want another turn, 0 - 100%, there is a fixed
number of rape possible to prevent an infinite loop: number of aggressors * 2 aggressions can happen. (3
aggressors, 100% turn option -> 6 * rapes)
- Added - Check distance for collateral followers so aggressors will not look for very far followers.
- Added - New dialogues for collateral followers, depending on the class of the follower, and changing if the
follower have been assaulted already.
- Added - Help messages at several part of the mod that will help the player to understand what is
happening, also added couple of MCM options with it.
- Added - Time limit for the escape event, when you get up if the aggressors were hostile the combat will
resume normally after 10 seconds.
- Added - Post assault misc events cannot be triggered when you are in a town anymore.
- Added - The 3 days time limit for robber quest can be disabled.
- Added - Robbing Way option in MCM, you can choose from "Value", "Gold & Stripped Items" or "Only
Gold". This will determine what the robber will take.
- Added - Turn on/off post assault outcomes, including simple escape, the player will get up and the scene
will simply end like in v4.
- Fixed - Like in Defeat v4 you can try to run away between turns when staydown option is disabled, this
should now work as intended.
- Fixed - Every objects on the floor are not picked up anymore if a post assault event is triggered. Only the

stripped stuff.
- Fixed - The player script would not resume in its empty state in some cases making the player unable to
get knock down.
- Fixed - Simple escape event should trigger correctly now, package problem and it will be 2 times easier to
fill the bar to get up.
- Fixed - The struggle bar will no longer momentary apear when knocked down if the player don't have any
- Fixed - Creature can no longer rob the player stuff and speak to him.
- Fixed - Debuff effects work now properly.
- Fixed - Post assault misc events will now trigger only with allowed factions. (including robbing)
- Fixed - DontLook scene, aggressor property was not set properly. (This scene is for a follower that is not
yet knocked down when the player is assaulted for him to save the player, it rarely happens but it can.)
- Fixed - Bed SexLab detection is now properly disabled when a scene triggers, you should not have
SexLab asking if you want to use a bed anymore (If enabled in SexLab).
Player as aggressor:
- Added - Weapon sheathed or unsheathed in message box when action key are used.
- Fixed - Kill option that would kill the attacker instead of the victim.
- Fixed - Message box of Follower on sleeping npcs.
- Fixed - Rape with player option.
- Fixed - "Abduct" should not appear in the companion action menu anymore.
- Fixed - Changed the way you can prevent an assault by pushing the aggressor/victim away with the
action key, should work better.
- Fixed - Companions - Only, Companions - Victims, Companions - Aggressors options now work as
- Fixed - Gender checks for threesomes.
- Fixed - Several adjustments & fixes in the scripts.
- Added - Reorganized Player as Victim MCM page.
- Added - Support for Death Alternative by BralorMarr, will be improved.
- Fixed - Reverse option replaced by two options "Animation Female vs Male" which uses cowgirl
animations & "Animation - Female vs Female" which uses lesbian animation instead of a strapon, you can
now disable the animation you don't want.
- Fixed - Redone all sex scenes to make the best use of SexLab functions & gender combinaisons, thanks
to Ashal. So now is an animation doesen't start, something is not installed properly.
- Fixed - MCM options "threesome NPC vs NPC chance" and "Creatures vs NPC chance", they were
V5 beta 1.1
Safe to update from v5b1 without uninstalling of clean saving.
- Fixed - Player stuck on the floor when the escape event begins.
- Fixed - Dialogue for robbing,
- Added - SendModEvent for blackout, left for dead & defeated events.
V5 beta 1
/!\ A full uninstallation of previous versions is required before installing the V5. /!\
Player as victim:
- Major rewrite of the script, system to handle the resist, followers and aggressors have been changed, Ill
not write every detail in here, read the description.

- Added - Werewolves & vampire lords player can be knocked down.

Player/companion as aggressor:
- Fixed - Tie up option changed, should work better now.
- Did not changed the way NPC are knocked down by the player or his follower but Ive made it more
flexible, so now when the animation do not want to start youll have a different notification (see FAQ)
- Added - werewolves and vampire lords player can also knock down NPC
- Optimizations here and there
- Added - Last enemy option

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