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Data Dictionary

ABAP Dictionary enables all of the type definition used in SAP system to be managed centrally.
Database table:

Select Database table radio button to create Transparent Table.

Short Description.

Delivery Class to control transport of the table data for an installation, upgrade or client copy
and transport between customer systems.


A: Application table (master and transaction data).

C: Customer table, data is maintained by the customer only.
L: Table for storing temporary data.
G: Customer table, SAP may insert new data records, but may not overwrite or delete
existing data records. The customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC.
e. E: System table with its own namespaces for customer entries. The customer
namespace must be defined in table TRESC.
f. S: System table, data changes have the same status as program changes.
g. W: System table whose data is transported with its own transport objects (e.g. R3TR
PROG, R3TR TABL, etc.).

Data Browser/ Table View Maint:-describe whether maintenance should allowed or not.

Field (name of the field).

Check Table:-The Check Table is the table used by system to check if a data exist or not exist.
While creating a table if you want to be sure that a field can have some values and these are in a
certain table, you can give IT this table as CHECK TABLE.

When you enter the AMOUNT the CURRENCY must be given. For example, if you give 1000 for
AMOUNT but it should know whether it refers to Rupees or Dollar or Pound. So for CURR the
CUKY (Currency Key) must be given. Similarly, when you enter a QUANTITY say 1000, we should
specify the UNIT for this. Whether it refers to METER, or CENTIMETER or any other UNIT So, for
QUAN, we should specify the UNIT in the Currency/Quantity field.

Technical settings:
Optimize the storage requirements and the access behavior of the Database tables. How Table is
handled (Data class, Size Category, Buffering Permission, Buffering type etc).

Data Class:

a. APPL0 (master data): Data that is seldom changed. An example of master data is the
data contained in an address file, such as the name, address and telephone number.
b. APPL1 (transaction data): Data that is frequently changed. An example of transaction
data is the goods in a warehouse which change after each purchase order.
c. APPL2 (organizational data): Customizing data that is defined when the system is
installed and seldom changed. An example is the table with country codes.
d. System Data: System data is the data that the SAP system needs. The program sources
are an example.


Size Category: - You use the size category to define the expected space required for the
table in the database.




Buffering type: - The data of buffered tables can thus be accessed directly from the
buffer of the application server. This avoids the time-consuming process of accessing
the database.
a. Full buffering: The system loads all the records of the table into the buffer when
one record of the table is accessed. Full buffering is done for small tables. Syntax
select *.
b. Generic buffering: When a record of the table is accessed, all the records having
this record in the generic key fields (part of the table key that is left-justified,
identified by specifying a number of key fields) are loaded into the buffer.
Syntax select *.
c. Single-record buffering: Single record buffering is recommended particularly for
large tables in which few records are accessed repeatedly. Syntax select single.


Log Data Changes: - You can use logging to record and store modification to the entries
of a table. Using the logging flag you can define whether changes to the data records of
a table are logged. If you switch on the logging, each change to an existing data record
(with UPDATE, DELETE) by the user or application program is recorded in the database
in a log table (DBTABPRT). Logging decreases the overall system performance. The
logging table is accessed by many uses, which may lead to lock situations and slow
down system performance.


Enhancements: - When a table is created you need to set enhancement category. The
reason for enhancement category is to say what type of fields you can have in your
table. For the SAP tables when you want to make enhancements (adding your own
fields- append structure) what type of field you can add it depends on how they set the
enhancement category.
1>Can be enhanced deep: You can have any type of fields and if it is a standard table
you can add any type of field whether it may be a character type, reference type or
even a table type ( deep means structure within structure) fields.
2>Can be enhanced (character-type or numeric): Now you can add only flat data
type fields not a reference type or deep structures ( a table type within a table).
3>Can be enhanced (character-type) : In a table for which this technical attribute is
set you can have only character type fields and in standard tables you can enhance
it by adding only character type fields not even integer or float or packed.(C, N, D
and T are the character type fields and your table should contain these type of
4>cannot be enhanced: This table cannot be enhanced means you cannot add
further fields into this table.

After selecting category just click on save and activate.

Data Element describes type attribute (data type, field length and possibly the number of
decimal places). A data element can be referenced in ABAP programs with TYPE. This permits
you to define variables that take on the type attributes of the data element in an ABAP program.
A. Select Data type radio button.

B. Select data element radio button.

C. Enter short description.

D. In elementary type select domain and enter domain name.

Domain used: If the data element type is defined with a domain, this field contains the domain

Field Label in Data Element (A heading can be defined to output the field values in lists).
Short, medium and long are used in Function Module and Heading is used in ALV and Classical

Domain describes the technical attributes such as data type and length of a table field.

Domain: Domains manage the technical properties of the data elements centrally. Domains
cannot be used directly in programs, tables, and so on.
o Select data type radio button.

Give short description and in definition write data type you want and no.chracters.

Save and activate.

The data from several tables can be viewed together. The table field which is not required can be
hidden. The data of a view is derived from one or more tables, but not stored physically.
There are four types of views: Database views are implemented with an equivalent view on the database.
Projection views are used to hide fields of a table (only projection).
Help views can be used as selection method in search helps.
Maintenance views permit you to maintain the data distributed on several tables for one
application object at one time. All tables used in a maintenance view must be linked with a
foreign key. the join conditions are always derived from the foreign key in maintenance. you
cannot enter the join conditions directly as in a database view.

Select view radio button.

Select type of view.

Give a short description

Write table names you want to view.

Click on Relationship button. You can see relationship of marc table.

Select check box, relationship between marc and mara and click copy button.

You will get the key fields.

In view fields click on table fields you will get a window Field selection from the table
MARC select check box which field you want and then click on copy.

After selecting fields.

Save and activate.

Type Group:
A TYPE GROUP /TYPE-POOL can be used as 'TEMPLATE' - which contains set of constants, Types,
It is like one time creation and multiple usage, you can use this type pool for 'N' - number of your
Search Help:
Search helps are objects that you can use to assign input help (F4 Help) to screen fields. You can do this
by creating a search help in the ABAP Dictionary and attaching it to the corresponding screen field.

Elementary search helps implement a search path for determining the possible entries.
Collective search helps contain several elementary search helps. A collective search help
therefore provides several alternative search paths for possible entries.
Append search helps can be used to enhance collective search helps delivered by SAP with
customer-specific search paths without requiring a modification.

Select search help radio button.

Select the elementary search help.

Write short description.

Give any table name you want to create search help and field name of that table.

Save it, Check it & activate it.

And now execute it.

After clicking f4 you will get the possible entries in that field.


Lock Object:
A lock object is a virtual link of several SAP tables which is used to synchronize simultaneous access by
two users to the same set of data.
Locks are requested and released in the programming of online transactions by calling certain function
modules which are automatically generated from the definition of the lock objects. These lock objects
must be explicitly created in the ABAP Dictionary.
To set locks, you must perform the following steps:
1. You must define a lock object in the ABAP Dictionary. The name of the lock object should begin with
2. The function modules for requesting and releasing locks which are created automatically when the
lock object is activated must be linked to the programming of the relevant online transactions.
Access by more than one user can be synchronized in the following ways:

Exclusive lock:

The locked data can only be displayed or edited by a single user. A request for another exclusive lock or
for a shared lock is rejected.

Shared lock:

More than one user can access the locked data at the same time in display mode. A request for another
shared lock is accepted, even if it comes from another user. An exclusive lock is rejected.

Exclusive but not cumulative:

Exclusive locks can be requested several times from the same transaction and are processed
successively. In contrast, exclusive but not cumulative locks can be called only once from the same
transaction. All other lock requests are rejected.

O (Optimistic):

Optimistic locks initially behave like shared locks and can be converted into exclusive locks.

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