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My Trip to Costa Rica

I feel like a walking Travel Costa Rica

ad but I havent stop raving about the
underrated country of Costa Rica since traveling there in FebWelcome to the IPsoft Newsletter!! A personal look at the
ruary. My family and I rented a house 120 miles south of San
Jose and it was well worth the 5
IPsoft Chicago office!
hour flight and 3 hour car ride to
the town of Dominical. After a
Meet Kristen!
recommendation from a friend, we
rented a home on a bluff in the
Name: Kristen Roessing
middle of the jungle and woke up
each morning to the sound of rain
Position: Office Manager
and howler monkeys (that sound
more like a gang of gorillas than miniature canopy dwelling
Favorite Restaurant: Blue Fin and Nico Osteria; depending on what Im in
brown monkeys). Since I have trouble sitting still, we spent
the mood for.
each day on new excursions: horseback riding, climbing waterfalls, hiking through national parks to find deserted beaches
Beverage of Choice: Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks or a good IPA on
and my favorite zip lining. We were sixty plus feet in the air
draft if were going that route.
and completed nine different runs, scaled
two suspended bridges and trusted the local
Alter Ego: Crazy Cat LadyWell I have rescued a lot of cats in the past
ticos to repel us down the two massive
and so my friends always joke that I am going to be the crazy cat lady
declines. The local food was delicious each
when I'm older.
meal consisting of beans, rice, plantains and
some form of protein but naturally my faWhat music are you embarrassed to say that you like listening to? I have
vorite part was the local beer cheap and
been listening to the Disclosure station on Pandora for about 6 months
refreshing Imperial. There are not many
straight. Im not embarrassed by it because
places I would commit to going back to as
its an awesome station, but I should switch
there are many places in the world Id love to see, but Costa
it up every once in a while.
Rica would definitely be worth another trip! Also the surfing,
fishing and sloths
A GoT television review from a GoT book enthusiast challenged with keeping it real (and spoiler free).
Jenna Graham

Released every 4 weeks the news-

The season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones is upon us and the show continues to venture further from the books but its not necessarily a bad
thing. The show continues to do a good job of re-interpreting the books primary themes; lessons are being learned in the show that were learned
sight into out of office goings on at in the book, its just fewer characters taking the lumps. The season premiere picks up almost immediately where season 4 left off. Tywin lies in
IPSoft Chicago. Have ideas? Let us wake, Tyrion pooped thru a box, Varys cleaned said poop, Melisandre is hot, Snow is not a virgin, the Unsullied are big softies, and Daenerys has a
developing avian humanoid problem. No sign of Dorne though, which is a shame, Im eager to see how spicy the new Sand Snakes will be. Speakknow!
ing of spice, an abundant amount of eye candy, good for some and bad for others. In the end, the show, like the books, are an exercise in patience,
we are left wanting more. To sum it up Ill quote the great Bon Jovi, You give love a bad name.

letter is designed to offer an in-

Poppers Pet

Tell me about your pet:

Lucy is a 6.5 year old Pit
Bull/Boxer Mix and was a PAWS rescue that is almost blind.
Were you able to help her?
Yes, she is in much better shape and her eyesight is the only
remaining issue. She is great with kids.
Do you think that she would kill the kids if she could
see them?
No, she would not. She does not like other
dogs but whimpers when she sees children.
Did you have any pets growing up?
Yes, we had cats. Lucy is my first dog.
Do you find that you prefer dogs now over cats?
No I still like cats but do like the dog as well.
What is your favorite place to go with the dog?
I live across the street from a beach and we
like to go there.
Can you give me an example of a challenge that you had with the dog and
how you overcame it?
I was taking the dog for a walk and she attacked another dog. As I
pulled her off the Bichon Frise, her collar dislocated a finger on
my right hand. After a good amount of therapy, she is now less
aggressive towards other dogs.
Jonathan Popper
Interview by Bill Lauritzen

Lorenzo Casarrubias

I recently bought a Galaxy gear S. It seems kind of gimmicky at first, but it
really has a lot of great features. It can pair with my Galaxy S5 via blue
tooth, and it will push notifications to the gear S that way; such as texts or
emails. It has it's own SIM card, and act's like a standalone phone if need
be. If you venture outside of blue tooth range the Gear S can use 4G data
(if you purchase a plan for only another $5 monthly) to connect to your
phone, and it will still receive notifications. I
thought this was kind of silly at first, and so
have other people, because most people
always have their phone in their pocket.
But it came in really handy for me recently.
I ran into the store and left my phone
charging in the car; I was expecting an important call. I received the call on my Gear S, and was able to answer and
not miss my call. It has a speaker, or a blue tooth headset can be paired
with the Gear S as well to make talking easier. Battery life is pretty decent,
I can go a day and a half without charging the device. I had to rate it out of
10, I would give it an 8.5, smart watch technology still has a ways to go.
You still need a smart phone to load apps onto the Gear S.
Mike Pappas

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