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Typology of extraterrestrial races (according

to Alex Collier and the Andromedans)

by Michael E. Salla, PhD
December 30, 2004
One of the most difficult areas for those researching the extraterrestrial
phenomenon is the large number of extraterrestrial races that appear in the
testimonies of a variety of whistleblowers/contactees/abductees and other sources.
Differentiating between these extraterrestrial races in terms of physical appearance,
motivations and activities is essential for all wanting to fully comprehend the
extraterrestrial phenomenon.
What follows are extracts from the writing of Alex Collier who had numerous contact
experiences by an extraterrestrial race allegedly from the constellation of
An excellent interview of Alex Collier by prominent UFO investigative journalist,
Paola Harris who found him to be credible, gives much background information on
him and can be found HERE.
The extracts concerning the different extraterrestrials races from which this typology
is based are drawn from either Alex Colliers book Defending Sacred Ground [DSG] or
from Letters from Andromeda [LFA].
In what follows, I will cite the source for the extract at the time of publication. I have
not edited these extracts and left them as found in the original documents. Minor
editorial changes have been done in consultation with Alex Collier and Jon Robinson
the former editor of Letters from Andromeda who approved what follows.
The information contained in Alex Colliers description of extraterrestrial races is
consistent with the testimony of many other contactees/whistleblowers that can be
found in another typology of extraterrestrial races which I wrote in July 2004 and
incorporated some of Colliers descriptions.
Based on my own exopolitical research, my analysis of Alex Colliers
writing, a personal interview and follow up communications with him, my
evaluation is that he is a genuine contactee, and offers credible and
accurate information based on his direct face to face experiences with an
extraterrestrial race known as the Andromedans.

I believe understanding the political implications of Alex Colliers information is vital

for developing a comprehensive understanding of exopolitics and for the conduct of
any citizen based diplomatic initiatives with extraterrestrial races.

DSG - Defending Sacred Ground
LFA - Letters from Andromeda
Moraney - Andromedan extraterrestrial
Vasais - Andromedan extraterrestrial
Val - Valdamar Valerian
AC - Alex Collier

The Andromedans from the Star System Zenetae

- [DSG, ch. 2]

All right. I want to start off by reading some information given to me by Vasais. In
short, who the Andromedans are is that they come from the region of the
Andromeda constellation and from a star system in that constellation they call
They are a telepathic race, although during the last 30 years I have tried to teach
Moraney the English language. He has taught me how to "read" their telepathic
communications, which are holographic. Its been an interesting situation. Now,
when I write down what Moraney says, I write it down exactly as he says it.
When you go to the Leading Edge Research Group web site and you see that, it isnt
that it is mis-typed, but its exactly the way they say it. I have made a promise that
is the way I will present it. They are a race with light-blue skin. They were on Earth
some 62,000 years ago for a period of 62 years.
My connection to them is that at that particular time, I was one of them that was
here. I volunteered to come back here and be here for this process, raising third
density up into fifth density. Ive asked to see the "fine print" on my "contract", but
they have yet to produce that.
So, I would like to start off with this material told to me by Vasais on June 5, 1996:

" We have been in communication with many races regarding militant decisionmaking. We all agree that conflict in the end serves one purpose - to create fear.
This, we know, removes the original intent from creations. We are hopeful that
sincerity will gain momentum."
Now folks, what is happening here is happening out there. I have said this over and
over again.

I wish I could just come up to you and say "everything is love and light". It would be
wonderful, but it would be a lie. We have challenges, and as long as we stick
together we will make it. But, we have to stick together. Your neighbors are not the
"enemy". Your government really isnt the "enemy", but they want you to believe so.
They want control over you.

Andromedan vs. Earth Education Systems: Back to the

Future - (DSG ch. 2)
Now, the Andromedan people teach their children everything. The oldest and the
wisest are the teachers, and hold nothing back from their children.
Those with the most experience teach others what they know. This is called by them
the Law of Consistency. They know that their children are their legacy. They dont
"dumb them down" like the educational system here does. They would never ever
think to do that, because they are proud of their lineage and their heritage.
They know that this is who they are, and their young people are who they are.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you have children, you owe it to them to teach them what
you know, and dont let anyone else babysit. Dont let the television babysit,
because it is teaching them what to think, not how to think.
Television teaches them how to spit out numbers like a computer, and it isnt fair.
They arent being prepared for whats coming. Theyre your children, your
responsibility and your future.
There are people waiting for Christ to come.
Suppose he doesnt come? Suppose he changes his mind? Then what? Oops...

When the Andromedans Arrive and the Prime Directive

(DSG ch. 5)
Val: Well, all these species that are trying to help are limited by the Prime Directive.
AC: Yes, they are.
Val: So, one would presume that they are waiting for a certain threshold of a feeling
of wishing assistance to manifest itself, and that the threshold of feeling would
overrule the Prime Directive and allow things to happen.

AC: Well, they are waiting for 10% of the consciousness on the planet to awaken and
ask for some kind of intervention. That may not come until after ... they may come
shortly after Hale-Bopp gets here, or after the World Government and ETs try to
stage the Second Coming.
Val: Obviously, Moraney and all these people have the ability to travel in time and
know everything that is going to happen.
AC: Yes.
Val: So, they must know whether or not, and when, the 10% threshold is reached.
AC: Well, it will be reached no later than August 12, 2003.
Val: So, relative to any world government "games" relative to Jerusalem and the
emergence of the Maitreya scenario toward the end of 1996, wouldnt that
paradoxically contribute toward the movement toward a 10% threshold?
AC: Yes, it will. The regressives are going to mastermind their own undoing. But, for
some reason they are so desperate to try to maintain control of us, and for some
reason they dont want to let our particular solar system and the other 21 go.
Val: What could that reason possibly be?
AC: I dont know, but there is a reason. There is more about us, as humans, that I
dont know, than there is that I do know.
Val: Do you have a particular perception of a relationship between HAARP and the
Montauk projects?

AC: No, but I know that the Andromedans are very concerned about Montauk,
because the humans who are working with this technology are being given specific
coordinates in space, and the regressives that are here can use that same
technology and leave here. The whole point is to track where they are going, so they
do not continue to propagate their belief systems.
Val: If the universe itself is being "jacked up" several frequency levels, then it
doesnt matter where they go to try and get away. They will be stuck in the same
AC: Well, this is true. But, my understanding is that the idea is to limit the damage
they do.
Val: Does this have to do with this 357 year period of tyranny which the
Andromedans are trying to prevent.
AC: Yes.

Val: Well, obviously they must know that it was prevented if they can travel in time.
That sounds like a paradox. They must know that they either were or were not
successful. Here is where we start to drift into parallel lines of reality.
AC: Yes.

Other Races Associated With Andromedans - (DSG ch. 4)

Val: What other races do they associate with?
AC: They are very close with groups from Tau Ceti and from Cygnus Alpha. The group
from Cygnus Alpha know a great deal about acoustic technology. They do a lot with
Val: Phononic sound technology and optophotonic technology, here on Earth, are
becoming part of the mind and behavior control program here.
AC: Some of those from Cygnus Alpha are here on Earth.
Val: Are they interfacing with the Earth groups dealing with this technology?

AC: No, they are totally isolated in very rural communities. They are over 1,400
human Ets here who are only observing that will be apparently leaving in the next
couple of years.
Val: In order to meet the August 2003 deadline set by the Council?
AC: Yes. Many of the planets in the Andromedan system have water. Some of them
are totally covered by water, and they live on the surface of the water and below
these oceans. The dolphins that we have now on Earth are apparently a cross
between a mammal from the Sirian system and one from the Cygnus Alpha system.
Val: What races have the Andromedans talked about to you?
AC: The Pleiadians, the Lyrans, the Arcturians, the Ciakars ....

The Arcturians

- (LFA, vol 2, no. 2)

This group of beings settled in the constellation of Arcturius.

These races of humanity are very private, and for very specific reasons do they get
involved with Earth. They think of themselves as healers. They carry a strong pride
of technology in the arts of physical healing, and emotional and spiritual bodies.
They have been known to intervene in the ancient past to help resolve very serious
conflicts in our area of the Universe by sharing their unique ability to show others
how to integrate their belief systems and feelings to resolve conflict. They can be
very silent, and can and will keep very much to themselves.
They as a group, have done much to help raise the overall levels of consciousness in
our Universe. At this time the Andromedans have added little more than this

Draconians - The Race from Alpha Draconis

- (LFA vol2, no. 3)

The Draconis race is probably the most misunderstood. I have witnessed a deep
respect for this race which is generated out of admiration and fear.
The Draconans are the oldest reptilian race in our Universe. Their forefathers,
somewhere in our most ancient past came to our Universe from another separate
Universe and/or reality. When this actually occurred no one really knows.
The 11 (Council of Eleven) have said that the Draconans themselves arent clear
how or when they themselves got here, but what is interesting is that they declare
and teach to the masses that they were in this Universe first, before humans beings,
and that they are the true heirs to this Universe and, as such are all royalty.

Most, if not all, human races dont recognize this claim as truth but, none the less,
they dont debate the issue with them either. Alpha Draconans have colonized many
star systems and have created many races by genetically altering the life forms that
they encountered.
The most densely populated area of sub-races of Draconans is the constellation of
Orion, Rigel, and the star system known as Capella.
Here lies a very dangerous part of the Universe for human beings. The mind set or
consciousness of the majority of the races in this region is service to self and as
such they are always subverting, invading and manipulating less advanced races
using their technology for control and domination.
This is a very old and ancient war with the peace that does exist always being tested
by these beings that believe that fear rules and love is weak, that the less fortunate
are meant to be slaves.
This belief system is created at birth in the reptilian races as the mother, at the time
of birth will hide the young and then abandon them to fend for themselves. Most of

the time they are cared for by the warrior class that uses the children for games of
combat and amusements.
They believe that in their ways that if the young ones survive they were meant to
and in the process they have had to fight all the way and at a young age they are
full warriors, used to depending on no one.
Alpha Draconans are very suspicious of all life forms including their own, but not of
course to the extent that they would be of humans. They are taught that Draconan
history of the Great Galactic War.
The version or opinion that the humans were at fault for the invasion of the Universe
and how we selfishly wanted the Draconan race to starve and struggle for the basic
materials for their society to exist.
Therefore they are brainwashed at a young age just like we humans have done to
our younger generations by all human races in the galaxy.

Alpha Draconians - The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy

- [DSG, ch. 1]

There are two schools of thought in our galaxy. There are the regressives, who are
races that carry fear and because of that want to control others. The hierarchy of the
regressives starts with a group from Alpha Draconis.
The Andromedans have no idea where the Alpha Draconians came from, but what
they have learned through interaction with other dimensional races is that
somebody brought the Draconians to this universe and "dumped" them in
the Alpha Draconis system, where they had the highest probability of
According to the Andromedans, the Alpha Draconians have had space travel for 4
billion years. They are an incredible race and have achieved great things, but they
are bullies. They are jerks, and thats a judgment - Im taking that judgment myself.

Thats my judgment based on what I know about them. The Draconians do not
like human beings.
The Andromedans say that Draconians believe that this universe was here for them that their history teaches them that they were left here to rule it. But, when they
started traveling, they ran across other races. They were able to conquer many of
those races through genetic manipulation.
Now, our government, the United States government, the New World Order whatever you want to call it - wants to implant everybody.
From the Andromedan perspective that means ownership. Extraterrestrial dont want
to bother with that stuff, since that is not permanent. Extraterrestrials value
genetics. What they do is they come in, conquer a race and genetically alter it. From
that moment on, that race is genetically altered.
The genetic changes alter the frequency, sound and thought patterns of the race if
they move into a physical form.
Does everyone understand this?
Q: Could you give us an example of this?
AC: The best example I could give you concerns the Greys. Apparently, the Greys
were much more human-looking at one time. What happened was that they, as a
race, were captured 891,000 years ago while leaving Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 to go off and
do their own thing. This is very common, and it is how Earth became colonized.
What happened is that they got captured by a group in Orion that was already
genetically altered and under control of the Alpha Draconians.

According to Moraney, the first thing this Draconian-altered Orion group did was
slaughter almost all of the females of the captured race in order to control the birth
process. They then genetically altered the remaining females, so that all the children
born after that were genetically altered.
The males were enslaved, made to work in mines and slaughtered by the Draconiancontrolled Orion group, who had absolutely no regard for life. What we know now as
the Greys became a natural resource.

More on the Draconian Civilization - The Ciakars

- [DSG, ch. 6]

Val: Another question that has been put to me to ask you is the following. If
withholding love leads a race to regression and devolution, due to the absence of
expressed emotion, then why is it that the Alpha Draconians are two billion years old
and have not yet become extinct? Second, what is the average life expectancy of
the Draco?
Alex: The average life span of the Draconians extends from 1,800 to 4,100 years of
age. The ones that live as long as 4,100 years are the royal line of the Draconians.
Val: The winged Ciakars.
Alex: Yes, because their genetics have been kept totally intact. Now, as far as them
being regressive, yes they are, but what is interesting, Val, is that they are not
regressive with respect to their own people, only against other races. So, what
youve got is that you have this race of beings that are very regressive toward other
races other than their own.
Val: It sounds like a super-model of imperialism.
Alex: They dont turn on their own people and have continued to evolve within their
own race.
Val: One of the recent themes in orthodox media, especially movies, is that reptilian
species have a penchant for pituitary and adrenal type substances, and that they try
and get these substances any way they can, even to the extent of ripping
somebodys brain out of their head in order to acquire these hormones.
Alex: Well, these hormones, in essence, hold emotion. The brain and spinal
fluids hold emotion. It is what nourishes the nervous system and the brain.

Val: So, is this media portrayal have any accuracy at all? Do reptilian humanoids
have to supplement their own internal production of adrenal hormones from outside
sources? If so, what does this contribute to them physiologically? If this process does
exist, as has been inferred before, is it a function of a need or just as cosmic joyride
for them?
Alex: Well, they dont make the same type of spinal fluid as humans do. As far as
their physical needs, I dont know. I do know that they get a "rush" from
hormones from other species that have been in terror.

For example, if they capture a human being, they will not usually kill the
person right away. What they usually do is terrify them as much as
possible in order to jack up the level of emotion and hormones.
Then, when they consume the physical body of that psychologically
terrorized being, not only are they feeding themselves but the hormones
impart a physiological and psychological "rush" which they enjoy. Its
essentially a "drug high" for them.
Val: So, they couldnt use hormones from animals, because they dont have the
emotional range of embodied spiritual entities...
Alex : Cattle dont have the extremes of emotions we have. They do have
emotions, but the more extreme the emotions, the "higher the high" when
the substances generated are consumed by the reptilians.

The Draconians

- [DSG, ch. 1]

AC: The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human
populations everywhere in this galaxy instilling fear-based belief systems
and restrictive hierarchies. I asked Moraney about them, and he said, "the
Draconian race is probably the most understood race of beings. I have witnessed a
deep respect for this race."
The Andromedans consider the Draconians the "ultimate warriors," in a negative
sense. Moraney continues, "the Draconians are the oldest reptilian race in our
universe. Their forefathers came to our universe from another separate universe or
reality system.
When this occurred, no one really knows. The Draconians themselves are not really
clear on when they got here. The Draconians teach their masses that they were here
in this universe first, before humans, and as such they are heirs to the universe and
should be considered royalty.

They find disgust in the fact that humans do not recognize this as a truth. They have
conquered many star systems and have genetically altered many of the life forms
they have encountered.

The area of the galaxy most densely populated with Draconian sub-races is in the
Orion system, which is a huge system, and systems in Rigel and Capella. The mind
set or consciousness of the majority of races in these systems is Serviceto-Self, and as such they are always invading, subverting and manipulating less
advanced races, and using their technology for control and domination.
This is a very old and ancient war, and the peace that does not exist is always being
tested by these beings, who believe that fear rules, and love is weak.
They believe that those they perceive to be less fortunate, in comparison to them,
are meant to be slaves. This belief system is promoted at birth in the reptilian races,
wherein the mother, after giving birth, will abandon the offspring to fend for
themselves. If they survive they are cared for by a warrior class that uses these
children for games of combat and amusement."
So, you can see that the reptilians are forever stuck in survival mode. This means
they have no boundaries in what they will do to other beings.
Moraney continues, "it is engrained in them never to trust a human. They
are taught the Draconian version of the history of the Great Galactic War,
which teaches that humans are at fault for invading the universe, and that
humans selfishly wanted the Draconian society to starve and struggle for
the basic materials that would allow them to exist."
AC: Now, there are some real similarities there. The expression Draconian thought
is an expression on our world. I would suggest you research that.

Grays - (LFA vol 3, no. 1)

The Greys made contact with a world governmental body for the first time
in 1933 in Germany.
However, they were turned away by the German government because it had
already committed itself to involvement with the Giza intelligence. A
renegade group of human extra terrestrials that were headquartered
under the Giza plateau in Egypt. They were predominantly Pleadians. They
were on their own, doing their own thing.

Ashtar, Commigal, and even Jehovah were a part of the group, for some time. They
came down here and played God with us. People worshipped them because they had
technology which they used it as their power, big time.
During the 1930s, the Germans were building rockets and starting a space program
due to their contacts with the extraterrestrials of the Giza intelligence. The
technology developed however, was used to create weapons because the German
governmental body involved were concerned that there was going to be an alien
The Giza intelligence had told them that the Greys were here to invade,
but this actually did not occur. Plans for weapons such as sound devices, lasers,
neutron bombs, particle beam weapons, etc. were designed. Although many of these
weapons were not created until much later in history, a lot of other technology
was shared with the Germans, by the Giza Intelligence, like how to do:
anti-gravity, free energy, etc.
The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known
as the Greys. I have been told of only one contact in 1934, where the Greys
made their presence known to the U.S. government, in the state of
Washington. I dont know the particular details but somehow the
government knew that the Greys were there. It wasnt until 1947, that
actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials.
The first face to face contact was due to the shooting down of an alien craft, namely
the Roswell incident. This pressed the Greys into a contact earlier than they had
actually anticipated doing themselves.
After the crash in Roswell, the United States, the Soviet Union, and the
British, at the very highest levels, became blood brothers. By the way,
none of these governments knew what Germany was really up to. The
Germans were very, very secretive about their contact with the Giza
The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program to
defend the earth.
The United States and the Soviet governments thought that this alien presence
could be a threat, because these aliens were so technologically more advanced. But
the Greys in their own fashion, really back doored these governments through
deceit. The true space program, this underground program that we are just now
beginning to hear about, was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome.
Now, youll need to do some homework, to find out who those members are. And
dont be surprised at who you see. We will talk more about that later, when we

discuss the moon. Prior to this, in the 1850s to the 1950s, a hundred years,
there had been some utilization of cattle and humans in experiments by
the Greys. The NSA, which was created in the 1950s learned that the Greys were

In 1952, the U.S. government prepared itself for the realization of ongoing alien
contact when our military radar system started to down their craft.
The Greys knew that in order to perform their experiments on such a large scale, to
save their race, they would need the cooperation of a high political body. In other
words, they had to come to terms. A select politically structured body, created
secretly within the United States Government, was designed to be the
liaison between the Greys, the technological gods, and the earth humans.
The military was very enthusiastic for communication with the aliens, in hopes of
exchanging technology for raw materials. This liaison group, this political structure,
is and was the NSA, the super secret National Security Agency. For contact and
study of the aliens was its original purpose.
In May of 1954, at the Holliman Air Force Base, the United States Government made
a formal agreement with the Grey alien race. Some of the terms of this agreement
were the exchange of technology, of anti-gravity, metals, alloys, and environmental
technologies to assist the earth with free energy and medical application regarding
the human body.
All the Greys asked for in return, was to be allowed to study the human
development, both in the emotional consciousness makeup, and to reside
here on earth. This single act of signing a contract with an extraterrestrial
race was the most significant act in human history because it launched us in a
direction we were never intended to go in the first place and it thrust us into a role
that we were not prepared for either. Being hosts to an alien race.
Essentially, what this contract has also done, has handcuffed the
Andromedan council and those benevolent extraterrestrial races from
being able to take a more active role in the earths evolution. It has placed
the burdens squarely on the shoulders of humanity to enlighten itself of the facts,
and to consciously create ascension on an individual basis.
Because this particular treaty was agreed upon between the aliens and the "ULTRA"
units in the NSA, which actually is a government unto itself, they in affect turned

away help from outside benevolent races that we could have obtained
Now pay close attention, because this is the first time Ive ever mentioned this. The
particular document and original exchange material may be found today in
the NSA facility, called Blue Moon, under Kirtland AFB, New Mexico
(3502'N 10636'W). Its exact entrance is in the Monzoni Mountains.
This location houses the private department of energy technological labs.
The story of Kirtland AFB is really the story of three bases,since the merger in 1971
of Kirtland, Manzano and Sandia Bases which brought the three installations
together under one command.

Currently, the building of free energy devices for use in space and on the Moon and
Mars is ongoing, in this particular area.
Much of the alien technology has been reconstructed and sent via a connecting
tunnel to Los Alamos and an area located underneath the cliff sides of Los Alamos
canyon, where huge vaults are built into the earth.
This facility is twenty-nine thousand square feet in size. There are also laboratories
equipped to study light, thought and pure energy there. This facility is also used
as a jail for aliens captured by the black (secret) government.
Corporations that are currently assisting the aliens and the black government
are,Standard Oil,Lockheed,Northrup,McDonald Douglas,AT&T,IT&T,The A.A.
Matthews Construction Company,
The Robins Company,The Utah Mining Company,...and numerous more...
The NSA is exempt from all laws in the United States unless the NSA itself
is specifically mentioned in any creation of law.
This is due to its interaction with aliens and its sometimes necessary infringements
of civil rights and constitutional rights of the American people. In other words, to
make it exempt from breaking any laws and hurting anybody here, they made it
completely separate.

And it is completely separate, even though your tax dollars pay for the running of it.
There was also a great deal of private money used by the NSA to build the alien
technology and to keep humanity under control. The status quo secure. Even the
CIA doesnt know much about the Ultra or Blue Moon units of the NSA.
These are the two highest units the NSA has that deals directly with alien
technology and information.
Now realize that the Greys are genetic engineers, though not the only ones. Most of
the aliens from off planet are genetic engineers because they value life
forms as opposed to gold and silver. Genetics, life forms and things of that
nature is their wealth. A lot of the genetic engineering and
experimentation is going on here, on earth and on Mars moon Phobos, by
the Greys.

They are using this opportunity to try to satisfy their own agenda, which is
to create DNA and genetic stock that is clean enough to foster new
physical life forms that are capable of regeneration and birth for their
As of right now, the Greys are most interested in female genetic stock
because all family lineages follow the female rather than the male.
Why? Because you always know who your mother is, you may not always know who
your father is.
Many new races have been created this way throughout our galaxy. Its not
something thats new going on here. This has been going on for a very
long time. Few races today have actually remained as pure genetic stock,
with the exception of two races that the Andromedans say are really
genetically clean.
That is the Reptilians from Alpha Draconis, and the other is what we call,
or know as the Elohim, which are a very ancient race of humans that
survived Lyra. All other races are a varied degree of hybrid or mixture of
races of different genetic stock.
Another point is that, the Greys themselves would like to be free from the Orion
empire. They will have no chance of survival themselves if they do not

create or match their body type or genetics with ours. You see, time is quickly
running out for them and we as a race is also evolving at a tremendous rate.
On a spiritual conscious level, we are evolving dramatically, making our genetics
harder to use while they are dying out like theres no tomorrow. And they are very
aware of this fact. So, even though what theyre doing is wrong, they really are
caught in a very tough position themselves.
Because what theyre doing to us has been done to them. Im just trying to draw
parallels. Im not justifying it in any way. By the way, when any of the aliens give
birth to a child, they take that child outside of the earths atmosphere so the child is
born fully aware of its reincarnational history, so it realizes who it is, and it doesnt
carry the veil. Why is this? Apparently, there is some kind of agreement; if youre
born within the earths atmosphere, youve got to be veiled. Its just part of what
comes with being born here.
The Greys masters assigned agenda, is to create a slave race which is currently in
full swing, for the purposes of control, physical services, labor and, sexual energy.
Now I will explain this. The acts of feeding, war, anger, psychic energy, genetic
experiments, hybrids as a food source, genetic and biological materials. The Greys
and their Masters feed off this, our energy. As examples: If two people are
fighting, they create a lot of emotional negative energy.

And this is why you will find, that whenever there are wars going on,
theres a lot of UFO activity. Negative energy! They just feed off it. Its liken
to when your making love to your man or to your wife, and you reach that moment
where you are both at the same place at the same time, in a loving benevolent way.
Thats how it feels for them regarding negative energy release. The energy of fear,
that rush of adrenaline, young teens on a battlefield running around scared, this is
what they crave, all of the negative emotional aspects.
They have also been doing extensive research on the human brain and its
capabilities as well as study of the soul. Many people who have been implanted by
the Greys, those who are aware of it and those who still arent, must become aware
of the fact, that they have actually been on a kind of machine and are being shown
and trained to do something.

According to the Andromedans, the Greys are training us to fight their war
against the Draconians (One of their masters) when they get here, because
they are going to use us as their soldiers. Just like when our military sends in
the infantry and marines, those implanted will be the first ones on the beach.
While the Greys sitting back on board their ships drinking champagne or having a
gin and tonic, and wondering how the battle is going. And they have chosen our
world to be the battle ground.
At the same time they are still going about preparing the earth for its new
owners. Apparently, the Greys are going to make this attempt, but the
inevitable truth is that the Reptilians from Alpha Draconis are on their way
here now. And this has very serious implications for us.
Now, honestly, Im not here to promote fear. I dont believe in it. But Im telling you
what Ive been told to tell you. We have boxed ourselves into a corner and the only
way we can change the outcome is that we have to consciously become
aware of what our world is really about, whats really going on here. And
we have to create a space of love. Folks, thats the bottom line.
By creating a space of love, the Greys, the Draconians, the Orions wont be
able to handle the vibration. They have got to leave, or were going to
have to ask for some serious intervention here. In which case, theres going to
be war in the heavens as the Bible has predicted. It will be all about saving us! You
know, this talk about ASHTAR coming down here to save you. Ladies and gentlemen,
it isnt going to happen. Its just another belief system.
Or how about Commander Hatton, who is saying we will take you to Mars. No
thanks! I dont want to go to Mars, it just isnt going to happen that way. Nobody is
going to save you, because according to the Andromedans, if youre sitting here
waiting for a savior, youre not doing the work yourself. And who would come
down here to take you off the hook? For what purpose? You will only
recreate the situation again someday.

If you havent permanently evolved to that level of becoming your own

savior, your own messiah, then you havent learned your lifes lessons. And
this is what the Andromedans strongest message is. You have got to do
the work yourself. You are only responsible for yourself. Nobody is going to
take you off the hook. Matter of fact, if they do end up intervening on our behalf,
they are not going to stick around afterward and baby-sit us.
That means we have got to get it straight. That we as a race, have got to come
together and decide what it is that we want and how we want to live. How are we

going to raise our children? What moralities, what laws, etc. Not to be told by
somebody else out there, what is best for us. Folks! Its never worked before, and it
isnt going to work now.
Most human beings would rather die than live being a slave. Thats just our nature,
our soul, to be free. Were at that point again. What will we choose?
You see, the Greys are currently monitoring the brain waves of those they have
implanted. They have done this for the better part of a hundred years on earth. So
generations of family members have had implants. The cloning of human beings, of
life forms and the art of subversion was taught by the Greys to the NSA.
On the two highest levels of human interaction with the Greys within the NSA, there
exists cloned human beings and humans so heavily implanted, that
according to the Andromedans, they do not consider them human beings
anymore. They have joined the group mind of the Greys. They have lost free will.
They are clone robots! Their soul is trapped and they are no longer considered
compassionate human beings.
The Greys clone their own race into a cast of slaves, just like ants. They all basically
think the same things at the same time. Their minds are like radios. If there are no
radio waves, they dont do anything. They have computers which transmit the radiolike waves, telling them what their jobs are, their functions that they must carry out.
If the computers, their group mind, were shut down, the Greys would no longer know
what to do for themselves.
They do not possess individual intelligence like us, although they would very much
like to create us to be like them. The Greys also consider what we call God, a mind,
like we think of our own mind. They have completely detached themselves
from their spiritual essence, so long ago, that their physical existence and
personality has become pure ego. The Draconians are pure ego, as well.
Many other races genetically altered by the Draconians, are also
experiencing the separation from their own essence too.

Now, I dont understand the process or exactly how it works, but the Greys no longer
believe themselves to be spirit, to be in essence. Theyre trapped mentally,
emotionally, physically in a physical existence, therefore, thats all they see. They
literally disown and fractionalize themselves away from their spiritual essence.

Its no longer a part of them. Human beings have also been known to do that
themselves, as well. You know we can fractionalize ourselves into many different
personalities. The Greys are pure ego!
They are very sophisticated in mathematics and energy sciences. It has been said,
that our military at the time of the Holloman Air Force meeting, that there was an
exchange of personnel. Our military gave the Greys sixteen military personnel and
that were supposed to be taken to the Greys point of origin and that they left us one
or two guys or something of theirs along those same lines.
Well, according to the Andromedans, it was really a hundred and nine
human beings that were taken at that particular exchange. They have not
returned. As a matter of fact, they did not go to the Greyss point of origin,
which was Zeta Reticuli 2, rather they went to the motherships and Phobos
where they were experimented on.
The Greys gave virus technology to the NSA, which then was handed on to
lower levels within our military complex. In Africa, we find the testing ground
for the AIDS virus. Theres a reason for this. This virus technology was given by the
Greys to the biological unit in Ultra within the NSA.
One of NSAs underground facilities is underneath Fort Mead in Maryland. At that
location there are nineteen acres of underground caverns, with some of the most
highly technological and sophisticated super computers in the world, that were built
and designed inside the facility.
They have never seen the light of day. This area, and the one in Mt. Hood, Oregon
are engaged in massive surveillance of the worlds telephones, telegraph, telex, fax,
radio, television, microwave communication, NORAD and also space radio waves.
The complex in Mt. Hood is where our military is cloning human beings and
aliens. I dont know what alien races.
Jumping back in history a bit. In the late 1950s, the Greys also approached the
Russians regarding the signing of treaties and mutual exchange. The Russians,
however, already at the time, were included in the proceedings of the NSA, chose
not to sign this independent treaty because they knew full well that the Greys
would try to pit the United States against the Soviet Union. It is in fact the Soviet
Union that informed JFK of the Greys presence, during the Cuban missile

The Andromedans have stated that the Russians were trying to blackmail
the U.S. into sharing the alien technology, thus the Bay of Pigs. Thats
when they put the missiles there pointed at the United States. The Russians
became increasingly aware that the NSA and the CIA were developing incredible
technology and were not sharing it, as was their agreement, shortly after the
Holliman agreement. Apparently, JFK asked the CIA three times if the Russian
allegations were true.
The CIA lied twice to the president, even though nuclear weapons were only
eighteen minutes away from striking the U.S. They just flat out lied to him and said,
"No. Theyre nuts." This prompted JFK to want to scatter the CIA to the winds. This is
one of the more important reasons the "black" government found JFK as a threat and
had him make a physical transition prematurely.
It was JFKs desire that some of this technology would reach the common people and
be used for the betterment of mankind and that it be made known to the American
people that the alien presence was upon us. This is one of the reasons why he
successfully launched a civilian space program so that all Americans and people of
the world could share in the discovery.
In 1953 satellites and radars showed large objects coming towards the earth. They
were Grey motherships. These time traveling space crafts were the same crafts seen
near Venus in 1787, 1788, 1789. In 1645, it was reported that a large moon was
seen near Venus. For other times, as well in the same year, it was seen coming and
going. The last time it was reported was in 1767. The same type of occurrence
happened around Mars, on November 25, 1894.
A large ship was seen illuminating part of Mars. The same occurrence for Mercury in
1799. The same large planetary body crossed the sun on August 26, 1859 and this
same body today, thats still there, is called Volcan. Its a mothership. It isnt a
planet. During the total eclipse of July 29, 1878, astronomers saw two large glowing
planetary bodies, about the size of Venus, between Mercury and Venus.
According to the Andromedans, these were Pleadian and Andromedan
motherships that had gone back in time. They were observing the Greys
orbiting around the sun. They wanted me to share all these dates with
you. I dont necessarily know why, but here are some more.
In 1783 and 1787, huge bright lights were reported on the moon. They were
mistakenly reported as volcanoes, at first. But then they moved and lit up the dark
side of the moon which cause a noticeable glow around the top portion of the moon.
In February of 1894, a comet was apparently photographed striking a huge dark
object in our solar system. It happened to have wings and, according to the

Andromedans, this was a Draconian mothership. The same phenomena occurred in

April 4, 1892 and it was about one third the size of the moon, six to seven hundred
miles in diameter. As it crossed astronomers thought that it was a bird, but its wings
didnt flutter.

Again, this was a Draconian mothership. This was observed again on January 27,
1912. A ship two hundred and fifty miles long, fifty miles wide, resembling a crow,
was sitting on the moon. According to the Andromedans, this again was a craft from
reptilian Alpha Draconis.
Many operations have been created by the Greys over the past five hundred years
for the purposes of manipulation and control of our religious belief systems. I dont
want to offend anybody, but Im going to tell you just the way its been presented to
me. All you have to do is listen. If it doesnt feel right for you, then dismiss it. If it
does feel right, and you get the chills, then maybe you should start paying attention
to it.
To have us morally and spiritually compromise our free will to a savior-like image,
the Greys by allowing us to compromise ourselves under these false pretenses, they
are absolved from the creating any Karma for themselves. Instead, they let us create
the Karma to ourselves. It really is such a set-up.
The power of belief systems can be used as fuel for the game of seducing people
into believing that certain things are true. By the power created by the conscious
thoughts, we can literally make these things occur and come true, whether they
benefit us or not.
These are real spiritual dynamics at work here and theyre being used against us.
Our physical matter (physical body) is the embodiment of ideas or belief systems.
Our Universe consists of ideas and thought systems, condensed and turned towards
itself, inwards. We turn it towards ourselves to create and originate spirit and energy.
Now if I need to say it again I will. This is our definition again, word for word.
Our physical matter is the embodiment of ideas (belief systems). Our universe
consists of ideas and thought, condensed and turned towards itself, inwards. To
create and originate spirit and energy. In other words, we really are gods. We
really can do anything we want to do.
We, of earth, have evolved only in technical and material sciences. Our spiritual
evolution, for the most part has been suppressed from us by a group of
extraterrestrials, and now the black government and its plan for a New World Order.

Because upon learning these spiritual truths, the NSA and the black world
government, realized that everything that they have been trying to do can be swept
According to the Andromedans, and their exact words were, "Could be swept away
in a day,should humanity become enlightened."
If a billion people come to the realization and a decision that we no longer
want this reality, it can literally change with the setting and the rising of
the sun.

But, they stress, we need to be clear of what we want, which is part of the decision,
and our responsibility factors. That is ours. In other words, if were going to create it,
we take responsibility for it.
The Shroud of Turin. According to the Andromedans, this is one example of the
extra terrestrial manipulation or assault of our belief systems. This holographic
image on the shroud was created by the Greys to strengthen a belief
system in a savior or messiah. This belief system assists their plan for
control because humanity would love to give their power away to someone
that appeared to be a true and legitimate messiah, because weve been
taught to do that.
The Greys know that few people truly want to accept responsibility for their own
evolution. Most would rather be told what to do, than to realize the situation and
take the appropriate action necessary to free themselves.
To further realize the Grey manipulation on a belief system level, there is also a plan
in development to play out a staged second coming. This will occur shortly after the
destruction of the world economy, maybe six years, tops. This being will be a clone
human being, a biological, who will holographically be imprinted with everything
from spiritual truths regarding information about all religions, metaphysics, and he
will come out speaking about all of these great wonders.
He will strongly profess the Hindu philosophy. Why, I dont know, but this
is what theyre saying. The intent is evil; this being will not have a soul. He
is not spirit. He is robotoid, a clone, a robot, a synthetic. The Greys have this
kind of ability to stage this kind of action using their technology. He will be the
image of the man on the Shroud of Turin.

The Anti-Christ will not be the evil soul portrayed in the Bible. The Anti-Christ will
truly be someone who tried to express the truth on the true matters and seize the
United States government as the cause of all this evil. This is what theyve said.
Now, I have to add this, in defense of that belief system.
The Vatican, in 1960, admitted that there were fourteen plagiarisms in the
New Testament. They refused to say what they were, but they said that
there were fourteen.
That means you cant believe by it as gospel, so to speak, because they changed it.
It wasnt God who wrote it. The church changed it and they admitted it.
So, you do with that what you want. But everyone is believing it has to happen, and
by us believing it has to happen, ladies and gentlemen, were going to create it!
Were going to make it happen, and theyre sitting up there laughing at us, saying
look at those idiots. Look what theyre doing to themselves.
The Greys were responsible for the Fatima episode in Portugal, where the
Virgin Mary supposedly spoke to the children. This was a holographic
image of a woman who professed to be the Virgin Mary, the mother of
Jesus Christ. The sun supposedly fell from the sky and miraculously healed people.

Using Grey technology, these somewhat miracles did occur. But they used light and
sound, which they beamed from their ship to the various people affecting these
cures in their physical bodies. Now, this is technology that has been here on the
earth, at least the last hundred years or more.
But it is against the law now, in most places in the United States because it works.
And thats color and sound, And the reason for sound work, is because the
entire universe is a holographic projection turned inside of itself. Its all a
holograph. Virtually all the people present were implanted during the missing time
phase of this episode. A large mothership positioned itself in front of the sun to
create this occurrence.
The reasons this is not a true is because the biblical Jesus is a composite character.
And as such, is an allegorical myth. The Virgin Mary is also a composite
character and these composites were made for the purposes of uniting the
religions of the ancient Roman Empire so that their resources were not
being used to constantly stop religious wars between different factions.
In the 1950s the so-called meetings of the Jason Society were triggered by
information given to the Ultra unit in the NSA by the Greys about the worlds
situation regarding pollution and population. It was at this particular time that the

Greys offered little assistance or sharing of technology regarding environmental

issues. This has persisted even today.
The Pleadians have in fact, offered more solutions than any other group to
date, but they were turned away by the NSA. This prompted the first of
three alternatives that have been discussed in UFO circles already. These
alternatives are in fact, and were in fact, a reality. Thats alternative one,
two, three and four.
The New World Order is in a major predicament. The Greys are twenty-five hundred
years ahead of us technologically. The black government is afraid to tell us the truth
concerning this reality because they fear a revolution, overthrow, and desire selfpreservation form the people who will want their scalps.
Two large motherships are on the planet right now, hiding in the oceans.
One is in the Pacific Ocean, below the equator and the other one is in the
Atlantic. I dont know where. I dont know whose they are, but theyre
here. My sense is that theyre benevolent because the government has actually
talked about implementing alternative four which was creating a controlled pole
The Andromedans have said no way would they allow this to happen. So my
sense is that there are benevolent ships that are anchoring the planet on its axis.
Thats my opinion. The military know that this is why theyre testing sound in the
oceans, especially in the Pacific.

Aliens have been attacking us more openly in space.It started with the Russian
Phobos probe when it was destroyed.
The Mars observer was captured by Reptilians on Mars. It isnt going to come online. Its gone.
Also, closer to home, in December 1993, a Landsat satellite disappeared in orbit,
just vanished.
In August of 1993, the European space agency lost two communications satellites,
again, they literally just vanished from orbit.
The Canadian Telstar was destroyed in our atmosphere on January 15, 1994. It was
seen crashing to earth. This was shot down by the Greys. Again, I dont know

A NASA Satcom 3 communications satellite vanished in May of 1979. It was just

Two Soviet Millennia satellites were also taken. They just vanished from our orbit,
from our atmosphere.
Heres our scenario.
The benevolent races have told the world governments that they would help us but
world governments have to dismantle their nuclear weapons. The earth
governments did not want to do this because they dont know who to trust. They
created this situation and they do not know who to trust now. However, the world
government is so desperate to get rid of the Greys, that they apparently have put a
call out for help, using satellites.
The Andromedans say there is a group that has offered to help our earth
governments with the problem of the Greys, even by giving us weapons to fight the
Re-enter, the Reptilians from Alpha Draconis, the only real enemies the Greys have,
and that humankind has. The Reptilians from Alpha Draconis have answered the call.
But the Greys actually work for the Draconians. Its all part of the set-up. When we
invite them in here there will be no battle. And once theyre here well never get rid
of the Draconians.
The Pleadians are assisting the Andromedan Council in attempting to
quarantine our solar system from invading forces, namely the Orion group
and Alpha Draconis.
The quarantine line, the defense line, is between Uranus and Pluto and
consists of a mixture of benevolent races, both physical and non-physical.
There are:
Pleadians,Andromedans,Arcturians,Syrians from Syrius A,Reticulin Ummites from

This line of defense is really like a last resort.

Apparently, two huge Grey motherships have already been turned back that were on
their way to Earth and Mars. And apparently there were casualties on both sides in
the exchange of turning them away.
Please realize that currently, there are fifteen thousand Greys underneath
the United States. The Greys (Dows) are in fact, a renegade group of
Reticulans. They are not from Reticuli and havent been back there for
hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years. They have been travelling
through space in their arcs.
Before they came to Earth, they were residing on Sirius B. That was their
originating point before coming here. There are approximately eighteen
hundred and thirty-three Reptilians living beneath the United States.
Their habitat is from one hundred to two hundred miles beneath the surface of the
earth. They generally live in caverns and the ancient tunnel systems created
hundreds of thousand of years ago. The are not benevolent. And, every once in a
while, they come up for a contact. They have been seen in New York City, Missouri,
Chicago, and in the southwest United States. These areas happen to be the
largest areas where missing children occur, numbering in the thousands.
The Andromedans state that thirteen thousand seven-hundred and twelve children
have been taken by these Reptilians over the last twenty-five years. In Linda MoltenHowes book, "Alien Harvest", there is mention of human body parts seen in
underground bases. The Andromedans confirm that we are being used for
food. The Greys use our blood and it is the Reptilians that consume the live
human flesh. Their favorite food is children because they lack nicotine,
caffeine, and other environmental pollutants. Like we eat veal, they eat us.
The Greys are searching for walk-ins for they want to learn about spirit. Im speaking
about benevolence and not satanic possession or that kind of stuff. Walk-ins are
necessary at this particular time. They are higher evolved souls. Seventy-two
thousand walk-ins are on the planet right now and are a part of the
Andromedan Council.
Seventy-two thousand more are coming in the next three years to balance the
negativity that is being created. Because of the Councils laws of non-intervention,
the Andromedan Council found it necessary to intervene in another way without
violating its council directives.

Thus, the walk-ins who are actually earth human beings, are here to do that kind of
work. Its a backdoor approach. There are fifteen hundred and thirty-one
actual benevolent human extra terrestrials on our planet right now. Where
they are, I dont know. But they are here to record, report and observe,
and possibly assist some of the walk-ins. And at some point, they will be
leaving. But, apparently they live just like us, and theyre in our every day lives.
Keep these facts in mind.
There are eighteen thousand Greys: fifteen thousand here on the Earth and three
thousand on the Moon.
The regular government which makes up the majority of Washington, D.C.,
doesnt have a clue as to whats really going on.
The black government, consists of various levels. At the top, they know
everything, The lower levels only know small pieces, on a need to know basis,
usually just one piece of the puzzle. The total picture is one outrageous secret based
on deliberate deceit that creates the subversion of the public trust. Forewarned is
What are we going to do about it?

The Race of Greys Called the DOW

- (LFA vol 2, no. 3)

The Dow are a small group of Greys that are responsible for many
They have very little emotional development, but do possess very strong telepathic
powers. These powers are often used to deceive and conceal their true motives and
Their race is struggling to assure their own self-preservation but, as of yet, they
have not met with any true success.
Unable to attach a soul to their own hybrid bodies, they must strip off
energy layers of abductees soul bodies. This energy is then "fed" to infant
hybrids in attempts to sustain their life. This same technology is also used
to disembody, capture, and contain a soul for future use. They are clearly
regressive in nature.

The Dow have their heritage in the system of Zeta Reticuli, with their original place
of origin being the star called M-2, in Zeta Reticuli II. Their home sun had burned out
and their planet destroyed many thousands of years ago. The exact date hasnt
been give yet.
They were Reticulans originally, loving healers with tremendous skills in technology
and analytical powers. Their cousins, the Zetas, who are still there are very much
the healers in the Universe, especially on a third and forth density level. This group
is said to be very gentle. However, this is no longer the case for the Dow.
As a small group, the Dow ventured out on their own and were captured by the
Orion Group. Genetically altered many times through many generations, the
Dow became the slaves and pirates in service to the reptilian species,
specifically the Orions and the Draconians.
The Dow were deliberately altered genetically so that they couldnt reproduce,
ensuring they wouldnt rise up in force against their captors. This forces them to
stay very much in the survival mode, making them much easier to control. They
would like to be free, but instead have become wanderers. They are no longer
Reticulans, nor honored in their home systems, because of their abuse of power
(service to self) and the fact that they are now on the same side as their owners.
They, like their owners, have left a wake of destruction and slavery in their path.
Be very clear about this! The Dow are out for their own survival and will do
anything to us, without compassion or understanding of what their actions
will or have done to us. I have been told to have understanding of their situation
and possibly some inner compassion for their plight, but to fight and stay very clear
of them as they are very dangerous to the human Terran race on Earth.
The Dow assignment is to go out in groups as biological and genetic
engineers to find underdeveloped worlds and civilizations and then
conquer them without force. The Earth fell victim to these plans. The Dow
broke Cosmic Law as decreed by the Andromedan Council by interfering with a
developing world.
The only group originally given permission to be here was Pleiadian. Since then,
several other groups have also been granted permission. This type of interference is
typical of the Orion Group.
Here is how the plan was explained to me.

The Dow first make contact with a world that is developing, to what degree I am
They study all of the worlds religions, countries, governments, etc. then decide
which is the strongest and make contact with that nation.

Incredible technology is dangled in the face of this nation or nations in order to get
treaties signed giving permission for the Dow to be here and study the life forms,
Once this is accomplished, they then slowly take control of the governments that
rule the populace and then they become our leaders.
Few in the populace really get to know that it has happened.
Clones or genetic doubles are created and programmed to do what the
Dow want and then they play upon the greed of the beings on this planet.
Frequently, the elite and/or governments sell out their own races to be, or remain, in
favor of their rulers.
Once in control, having done so in a most subversive way, the Dow then invite their
rulers, the Reptilians and the Orion Group, to the planet to continue the conquest.
Here is where it gets difficult for the Andromedan Council.
The Dow are the only group that really violated the Law by coming down in the first
place. The Orion Group and the Reptilians are asked as guests of the ruling race to
come to the planet and colonize. The problem becomes how to get the Orion Group
to leave of its own volition. They technically have not been the ones to violate the
Law of Non-intervention.
The Council cannot hold the Orion Group responsible for the actions of the Dow.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? The Council of Eleven have said that this has
happened to many other worlds in our Universe and it has also happened to us here
on Earth, or Terra, as the Andromedans call us.
The Dow presence here in the United States is strong. While there are less
than two-thousand ensouled Dow, there are thousands of clones. The entire group is
comprised of a "hive" consciousness by which they are all in contact with each other

via a central point where instructions and information is transferred. Presently there
are thousands of Dow on both the Earth and our Moon.
In 1953, 1955 and 1957 large mother ships took up positions along the equator.
Each ship contained thousands of Dow. Several ships went into the oceans. The
largest is still said to be very deep in the Pacific, west of Easter Island. The other two
have left orbit and, Im told, have gone to Phobos and to Mars where they are to
meet the Reptilians from Draconis and Rigel. The Orion Group however, is still here
and will be addressed in a future article.

The Dow have also come here with their own agenda, a survival mission to
find a home and a way to save their own race from extinction by
interbreeding with us - without our consent or real knowledge.
They have been crossing our genetics, both DNA and RNA, and attaching some of
their genetic material to it, along with other chemical components, to alter us to fit
their life forms. They are made up of a combination of botanical genetics and
reptilian DNA. The reason for the addition of our genetics is to stop their supposed
evolutionary decline on a physical level.
Their original agreement was to assist humankind by sharing technology and
information. The government, in turn, gave its promise that the Dow could study our
civilization, in complete secrecy in underground bases (Dow avoid bright light)
built by the government, all without public knowledge. Almost immediately the Dow
broke the agreement and used their technological strengths to take control of events
here on Earth.
The government did not want to tell the people in their respective nations for fear of
retaliation from the masses and the aliens. Out of desperation, the secret
governments started to experiment with time travel i.e.- the Montauk
Projects, to send people into the future to find and acquire future
technology to bring back here to our present that we could use against our
conquerors now in the present. This, the Council of Eleven have said, is the
reason our secret government went to any length to accomplish the goal.
The Dow have created this same type of scenario on 26 other worlds in our
Universes present time. They have enslaved these planets for their rulers and have
broken the will and the spirit of many. We ourselves could suffer a similar fate if we
are not careful about our own belief systems.

Lyrans - (LFA vol 2, no. 2)

The Lyrans are the original white Aryan Race and what is left of the Aryans is
the Pleiadians and Andromedans. Birth of the humanoid race has all of the
genetic DNA from this area. Ancient Lyrans were the Titans. The giants
Bigfoot also descended from Lyrans. All life destroyed on Lyra and the ring Nebula
eye Og God.
Lyra consists of 14 inhabited planets, three planets were destroyed during the wars
Bila, Teka and Merok. 50 million were slaughtered. Lyrans started the Black League.
The Black Dragon.

Lyrans grew into: Sirian,Arcturian,Antarian,Pleiadian,Andromedan,Cignus

Alphan,Alpha Centauri,Sagittarius A & B,Cassiopia
all human evolution...
Based upon genetically human forms in higher realms and very highly evolved
Universes, it was decided that many forms of life would be created here in
Lyra because it appeared to be ideal as far as the age of the Suns and Planets and
the length of probable stability.
The human race would have time to evolve and create space exploration and
gravitate by means of energy and spiritual recognition into planetary civilizations
and that those races would in turn create there own root races and life. It was also
important that these races be allowed to manifest and create different aspects of
ourselves mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Thus we would be creating diversity
and expressing our own need to create.
As the human race fragmented, the races moved, traveled, and settled many
different planets in many systems as space travel evolved. The human became
aware of other planetary civilizations in theses systems. Different cultures meet and
grew. Belief systems clashed or spread. New thoughts of Philosophy or technologies
came into being. Mankind was evolving.
A very strong social community developed between all in the Lyra System. The
Lyrans were a very peaceful race on the whole. There were disagreements and light
conflicts, but much was always cleared and resolved. The Lyrans learned to adapt to
virtually all of the planetary environments that they settled. They learned to live in
complete harmony with their respective planets.

They developed agricultural communities that were literally awesome.

Lyra is a small, dim constellation, but it is home to the 5th brightest star in the sky,
It also contains two messier objects. The most famous of these is M57, The
Ring Nebula. This famous planetary nebula appears as concentric rings of
color with a small white star at its center.
It is this star that shed the material that now makes up the nebula. M56 is a tight
globular cluster cluster of stars. Lyra is the radiant, or origin point, for the Lyrids
meteor shower which occurs every year between April 16 and 25.
Points of Interest in Lyra
ObjectName Type/Translation

V Mag


Globular Star Cluster



Planetary Nebula

Vega "Falling Eagle"













They were not only efficient and could feed billions of beings, but it was actually
enhancing the planet itself and creating an even wealthier environment.
All aspects of life seem to benefit from the Lyrans commitment to be at one with
their home planets. At the same time, the life expectancy was between 300 - 425
years on the average. This was to increase by 3 times later, but everyone worked as
a community.
They were not in service of self, but were a race that beat as one heart, and shared
and moved in the same direction as a whole and would try to make sure that none of
their race would lag or fall too far behind the whole. In other words, "The needs of
the many, out weigh the needs of the few." They were an incredible role model for
all humanity that followed to this present moment. The human race is history.

The works of the mind are a record of that history, for the whole record of the
human race is in one man. If you read these words then you are a part of Lyran
heritage and a part of your carries this history within.

Lyrans - (DSG, ch. 1)

I want to talk to you about Lyrae and how the human race colonized our galaxy.
Based on the age of the Suns and the planets in our galaxy, it was decided that the
human life form was to be created in the Lyran system.
The human race lived there for approximately 40 million years, evolving. The
orientation of the human race in Lyrae was agricultural in nature. Apparently, we
were very plentiful and abundant, and lived in peace.

Then, one day, huge craft appeared in the sky.

A large ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila, and
reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians and
the Lyrans were afraid of each other.
I told you before that the Alpha Draconians were apparently the first race in our
galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and have had this capability for 4 billion
Well, when the Draconians came and saw Bila, with all its abundance and food and
natural resources, the Draconians wanted to control it. There was apparently a miscommunication or misunderstanding between the Draconians and Lyran humans.
The Lyrans wanted to know more about the Draconians before some kind of
"assistance" was offered. The Draconians mistook the communication as a refusal,
and subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in the Lyran system.
The Lyrans were basically defenseless. The planets Bila, Teka and Merck were
destroyed. Over 50 million Lyran humans were killed. It is at this point in history that
the Draconians began to look at humans as a food source. This is how old the
struggle is between the reptilian and human races.

Now, I must make the point that not all the reptilian or human races are "dark".
There is a mix. When we start meeting these races, you are going to have to trust
your gut instinct. But, they are coming. Hale Bopp is on its way here. It is not a

Nibiru (Anunnaki)

- (DSG, ch. 6)

Val: Heres another question that was submitted to me:

"You mentioned that the Lemurians and Atlanteans were extraterrestrials and you
also mentioned Nibiru. Tell us about Nibiru and its role and relationship to us in this
solar system."
Alex: This is what I have been told about who those connected with Nibiru are. A
very long time ago, colonies on Sirius B and the Orion Group were having trouble
with each other. In order to bring peace, there was a marriage between two
members of each group.

The woman came from the Orion Group, where the hierarchy includes a queen - the
matriarchal paradigm. The male was from Sirius B. Both members were considered
royalty of their respective line. When these two came together in marriage, their
offspring had the genetics from both lines.
Because of these genetics, the new race that was created was given the name
"Nibiru", which I am told by Moraney in the Orion tongue means "divided amongst
two". This is who they literally are - a cross between those from Sirius B and a race
from the Orion system. They formed a new "tribe" which has continued to flourish
for at least hundreds of thousands of years.
So, they are a tribe that has become a race.

Pleiadians - (LFA vol 2, no. 3)

The human species called the Pleiadians evolved from Lyra.
The Pleiadians are our far distant first cousins and ancestral forefathers of some of
our races. It has been said that the Pleiadians as we know them were Lyrans who
migrated from Lyra in large space stations or arks exploring young star systems
seeking the potential for stable longevity.
These Lyrans would send down scout teams consisting of scientists, engineers and
agricultural specialists to explore the surface of possible habitable planets and then
return data and information to the motherships.
Each planet was explored and based upon its unique nature, would be developed for
colonies that were then sent down for settlement. Some these first Lyrans colonized
our Earth for a time, while a larger group of Lyrans eventually found the seven
sisters and other star systems during the Orion Wars. It should be noted that
through the development of effective weapons of war, this helped sustain them
through the Orion Wars and beyond.
So as you can see the Pleiadians are very interested in our world and our races
here. They have been visiting Earth for at least 79,743 years, establishing and
maintaining many large settlements. They have come and gone throughout our
planets history. We are very similar to them in many ways, however, they are
emotionally and spiritually more evolved than us at this time. They too have gone
through their growing pains, as we are experiencing right now.

They have and continue to make attempts to share with us the benefits of their
experience so we ourselves dont have to experience the same kinds of setbacks
and possible destructions. At present, not enough of us are listening.
The Pleiades is an open star cluster consisting of 254 stars and many times that in
planetary bodies. Many of the stars are very young. The Pleiades is located in the
constellation of Taurus. The Pleiadian and Earth alphabets are both very similar. This
was noted about 11,157 years ago.
The script form was developed here on Earth and carried back to the seven sisters.
The original script form is the parent of most of our present day alphabets. All of

Earths languages are derived from a ancient Pre-Sumerian language called Tamil
which was spoken in Lyra and latter in the Pleaides.
Three of the Pleiadian star systems have human life as we know it, with the most
advance system being Daneb of Taygeta. Another system is Taro which circles
Alcyone. Most of the Pleiadians look like us in size and stature, build, color of hair,
etc. They are also very affluent and articulate when speaking any of our languages,
or discussing our sciences, history, and so fourth. We have inherited our
aggressiveness towards each other from them.
Their life spans far exceed our own by at least 10 times our norm. Their technology
has made it possible for them to travel anywhere in our Universe at speeds faster
than the speed of light. They are capable of using our oceans for undersea
operations. They are very concerned about our current misuse of our sciences along
with our complete loss of our spiritual center and harmony with our sciences.
They have no use for money, politics or religions, clearly stating that the later two politics and religions are really the same. The Pleiadians are worried that, as other
benevolent races visit, we will destroy our planet and ourselves and expose their
failure to help create a conscious shift.
The Pleiadians like other groups, have left descendants on the Earth in the past.
They have said they are willing to help us but not to the point of changing our own
evolution and then therefore becoming responsible for us as a race.
They say, that we create our own future as we go and so we need to take
responsibility in correcting our own mistakes ourselves or suffer because of them.

Sirians - (DSG, ch. 6)

Val: What about the beings on Sirius A?
Alex: There is a race of beings on Sirius A, the humans there, are called the Katayy.
They are considered benevolent. There is also animal, mammal and aquatic life on
the planet. Many of the human races there are red-skinned. Their ancestry is some

of the first Lyraens that escaped with the women and children during the war. In
their oceans they have whales, octopus and sharks.
They are a race that is artistic. They have music and are connected to nature. They
are builders and not very political. Their governments are based on "spiritual
technology", which uses sound and color.
Val: And Sirius B?
Alex: The cultures around Sirius B have a very controlling vibration. Some of the
humans are red, beige and black-skinned. The planets around Sirius B are very arid
and are generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type beings. Palm trees
originate from the Sirius B system. The society is more obsessed with political
thought patterns instead of spiritual attributes.
Val: And Sirius C?
Alex: It is now just being terra-formed, so there are as yet only very small colonies

More on the Sirians - (DSG, ch. 5)

Val: On a recent Art Bell show, a fellow named Robert Ghostwolf discussed a Native
American perspective that "the only two ET races that were attempting to help us
were the Sirians and the Andromedans." I wonder whether you had any comment
relative to that?
AC: My understanding is that those from the Sirius A system are trying to be
beneficial and assist, because they feel responsibility in that those who colonized
Sirius B system were originally from Sirius A. Those from Sirius B have come here
and really messed with our heads, and they are the ones who originally gave our
government the Montauk technology.
They have the same belief and brain patterns as those from Orion. Those from Tau
Ceti are also very much involved. Nobody knows exactly what the Pleiadians are
going to do yet, but I will share this with you. Those that live in the system around
Alcyon - some of them cannot be trusted, as they have hidden agendas.

Those from Taygeta, I am told, have a very clear objective: to maintain the idea of
Just because a group is labeled "Pleiadians" doesnt mean they are here to help us.
People confuse that issue.
Know them by their works.
Those from Cygnus Alpha are here. There is a group from Arcturus that is trying to
help. Those from Procyon, who have been liberated, are trying to help. Theyre
pretty gung ho.

The Sirius-B Humanoids

- (DSG, ch. 1)

Q: What about the beings from the Sirius B system?

AC: Some of them are human, and they have eyes like cats. Their skin is grey. They
have long straight red hair. Many of them wear full body garments that cover their
heads. They have extremely bad breath.
Q: Do they mate with humans?
AC: Yes, but the egg needs to be altered in a lab. They are using us. They want the
encoded information in our genetics. We have racial memories and abilities in our
physical bodies. We are moving from third to fifth density. It is the first time it has
ever been done, and we can do this because on a soul level we are the Paa Tal. We
have the genetic coding of 22 different races in our bodies.
When our DNA starts to unlock, we will be able to speak to ETs in their own tongue.
We cannot be lied to any more. We will be able to create and manifest anything.
That takes some responsibility.
Those that are stuck and cannot or will not evolve, those who are stuck on
manipulation and control, will manifest exactly what they desire.
Which means that there is a very heavy responsibility when it comes to what is
behind your intent to create. If you screw up, its going to hit you almost

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