Analisis Projecto Aerodinamica

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CP Vs c

In the graph of the pressure coefficient versus the position at the chord, we notice how at higher
angles of attack the separation at the leading edge is greater. That is that at that in between 0
and 0.1 m, the quantity of the pressure coefficient is very different. At low angles of attack, the
situation is opposite. The difference between the pressure coefficient magnitudes are not too
much. Nevertheless, when we get closer to the trailing edge the magnitudes are very similar.
They also tend to go up. This is because they are getting closer to being at atmospheric
pressure. At the first encounter between the airfoil and the air, we can see a brutally jump in
magnitude. This is because the pressure has suddenly change do to the collision between them.
This is how we create lift at the airfoil and the aircraft can fly.

Pressure Coefficient vs. Position (m) for = -10, 0, 18

CP Iso-countours
In the plot that Ansys Fluent provides us from the simulation, we have how the coefficient of
pressure acts across the airfoil. This is to see visually how it acts with colors. We can observe
that at the first impact at the leading edge, the pressure coefficient is very high in comparison to
the rest of the airfoil. In the other situation, we can observe how the airfoil acts respect to
different angles of attack. When it is negative, we can see that theres a negative pressure at the
bottom of the airfoil. This is why the aircrafts goes in the downward direction. When the angle is
positive the negative pressure is at the top, then theres a positive pressure at the bottom acting
upward and creates lift. At the trailing edge there is a small change in pressure. This is because
the flow from the upper part of the airfoil encounters the lower part and creates a small variation
in pressure. As expected, at cero angle of attack the pressure distribution is very similar between
the upper and the lower part of the airfoil. This is why at cero angle of attack the aircrafts remain
steady. At low angles of attack the surroundings of the airfoil does not vary much do to the
similitude of the atmospheric pressure. Although at high angles of attack the pressure changes
greatly do to the disturbance of the flow. Nevertheless, we can see how when we go further out
from the airfoil, the pressure distribution normalizes in a circular manner.

Pressure Coefficient Contour for = -10, 0, 18


In the plot that Ansys Fluent provides us from the simulation, we can observe how the velocity of
the air acts across the airfoil. In all cases, depending on the angle of attach, at first instance
when the air and the airfoil collide, the velocity is cero. This is because it is the stagnation point,
which tells us why this phenomenon happens. Also at the trailing edge the velocity is also cero.
This is because the upper and lower flow encounter and creates an abruptly decrease of velocity
and an increase of pressure. The phenomenon happens at the upper and lower part of the airfoil.
Depending on the angle of attack, the velocity greatly increases where the pressure greatly
decreases. That is that where the pressure is negative is where the velocity is higher. The
velocity contour acts very similar to the pressure coefficient contour. This is because the actions
are correlated between them. In other words, where the velocity changes, the pressure also
changes as mentioned previously. The only difference is that we can see a stream of fluid after
the airfoil. This is because of the wake that the airfoil causes.

Velocity contour for = -10, 0, 18

Skin friction coefficient

From the skin friction coefficient versus position at the airfoil plot we can observe how the drag
phenomenon acts across the airfoil. As expected, the results are very obvious. At the leading
edge, there is a great increase in magnitude. This is because of the collision with the flow and
the airfoil creates a resistance to the flow and the drag is created. As the angle of attack
increases, the skin frictions coefficient magnitude changes between the upper and lower part of
the airfoil. This happens because the Reynolds number magnitude changes between the airflow
and airfoil when they encounter. The velocity changes at that encountering point depending on
the angle of attack as mentioned previously. Then when the velocity increases, the Reynolds
number increases and the skin friction decreases because they are inversionally proportional. As
expected, further to the trailing edge the skin drag decreases.

Skin friction coefficient vs. Position (m) for = -10, 0, 18

Lift, drag and moment coefficient versus angle of attack

As we learn in class, we know the basic behavior between the coefficient forces with respect to
the angle of attack. At higher angle of attack the lift and drag coefficient increases. The lift
coefficient behaves linearly until the maximum and minimum coefficient is reached. In our
results, the lift coefficient behaves exactly like this but because clmax and clmin has not been
reached. The drag coefficient behaves like a parabola. This is because the drag is never
negative. In our results, it behaves in shape of a parabola but because we dont have the same
parameters in negative angle of attack direction as the positive angle of attack direction, we
cannot appreciate exactly the form of the graph. The moment coefficient behaves linearly close
to cero because the rotation of the airfoil is minimum. Increasing the range of the moment
coefficient we can see that it behaves linearly as mentioned. The change is very minimum as it
remains less than 0.08. In the following plots, the blue line represents the SST model and the
orange one line represents the K-e model.

CL Vs.

CD, total Vs.



10 15 20




Cd total

-15 -10 -5-1 0

CM Vs.







Lift, Drag & Moment Coefficients vs. Angle of Attack

-15 -10 -5 0

5 10 15 20


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