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Compassionate Living
Go ahead, take it.


Undercover at a
California Factory
Egg Farm

at the
An Exclusive
Interview with
Mark Hawthorn
Tantalizing Veganism Goes


Veg Recipes
dearfriends newswatch

Compassionate Living
Want Some Chicken With that Arsenic?
are not unique to the human species. Among A chicken feed additive containing arsenic and used meat, does the same in human cell lines — a critical first
the many residents at Mindy’s sanctuary is a to produce pinker, bigger-breasted birds could cause step in many human diseases, including cancer.
rescued duck named Wuddles and his best human disease, according to a study headed by a
friend Onyx, a chicken. Since the first day
Duquesne University researcher. Although the effect of roxarsone on those who eat chicken
Wuddles and Onyx met they have been a
is still undetermined, Dr. Basu said, chicken-farm workers
bonded pair. Spending nearly every moment
The study is the first to link a human health risk to are likely at risk because they could inhale dust containing
together, Wuddles and Onyx sleep, eat, drink,
play, and enjoy their afternoons and evenings
Contributors the feed additive that has been widely used since the arsenic from feed and waste. About 70% of the 9 billion
side-by-side. Where you see Wuddles, Onyx is Derek Coons 1960s by commercial chicken producers. chickens raised annually nationwide eat feed containing the
not far behind. Maureen Jacob additive, which also is used in turkey and pig feed.
Sangeeta Kumar Dr. Partha Basu, the study’s lead author, said
Though it might be an inconvenient truth, Amy MacKenzie
laboratory analysis revealed that the antibiotic arsenic Chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic has been linked
all animals — not just those society views as compound roxarsone, which promotes the growth of to cancer, heart disease, diabetes and declines in brain
Brooke Mays
companions, cute, or intriguing — experience blood vessels in chickens to produce pinker functions.
Nathan Runkle
the joys and pains of life. Great or small,
Greetings! This issue of CL is endangered or abundant, purebreds or “mutts,” Priya Shanker
filled with uplifting, inspiring, and downright useful or “nuisances” — no matter how similar Anya Todd R.D.
enjoyable cruelty-free lifestyle tips and thought- or different from us they might be — each Freeman Wicklund
Which Came First? The Chicken or
provoking info. These pages are packed with animal deserves to live his or her life free of the Infected Poultry Worker?
recipes for tantalizing treats, an inspiring cruelty and exploitation. Not only do consumers have to be concerned with the
interview with Striking at the Roots author Mark possibility that all those chickens and turkeys they eat
Hawthorn, and answers to your vegan health Through the barrier-breaking work of
might be contaminated, but also if poultry are spreading
questions by resident dietitian Anya Todd. animal behaviorists and ethologists such as
an antibiotic-resistant E. coli strain to workers. You Don’t Want to Get to the Head
Jane Goodall, Marc Beckoff, and Jonathan
In our cover story, you will join a Mercy For Balcombe, we are only now beginning to gain of this Class
Animals undercover investigator as he goes a more meaningful view of the world through U.S. poultry workers are 32 times more likely to carry E.
coli bacteria resistant to the commonly used antibiotic, According to a recent investigation there’s a new subclass emerging in
down the cage aisles of one of the nation’s the eyes of our fellow earthlings. And as our
gentamicin, than others outside the poultry industry, the Carolinas: a disturbing subclass of Latino workers with few, if any,
largest egg producers. Through his daily diary societal understanding and respect for animals
entries and images taken with hidden camera, grows, so too does our moral responsibility to Mercy For Animals (MFA) is according to a recent study conducted by researchers at rights.
you will get an eye-opening tour of an egg protect them. We must begin to bring our daily a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
megafarm — where the true cost of producing actions into line with the nearly universal values advocacy organization that A team of reporters and editors from The Charlotte Observer spent
cheap eggs becomes painfully clear. we all share, such as the Golden Rule — treat believes non-human animals are Researchers note that as food animal production shifted 22 months interviewing more than 200 poultry workers throughout
others as you’d like to be treated. irreplaceable individuals who have from the independent farmer to large-scale, industrialized the Southeast and analyzing industry documents. Their investigation
morally significant interests and soon led them to focus on one of the largest Carolinas-based poultry
As this story yet again illustrates, each time operations, the use of antimicrobials in feeds intended
hence rights, including the right to
we send investigators into factory farms or As Harriet Beecher Stowe once proclaimed, to stimulate growth has increased. Currently 16 different producers, House of Raeford.
live free of unnecessary suffering.
slaughterhouses they emerge with heartbreaking “It’s a matter of taking the side of the weak MFA is dedicated to establishing antimicrobial drugs are approved for use in U.S. poultry
evidence of egregious cruelty. Far from being against the strong, something the best people and defending the rights of all production with gentamicin reported to be the most According to the investigative series titled “The Cruelest Cuts: The
the bad apples of the industry, such appalling have always done.” Choosing to honor and animals. widely used. Human Cost of Bringing Poultry to Your Table,” journalists focused
conditions are standard practice. Current respect animals by embracing a vegetarian largely on workplace conditions at the House of Raeford and found
farming systems view and treat animals as mere lifestyle is not only a powerful boycott of cruel Given that over 97% of animal While drug-resistant bacteria, such as E. coli, are common its plants have been cited for 130 serious workplace violations since
cogs in an out-of-control industrial machine, and exploitive industries, but also a statement of cruelty occurs in the production of 2000. Slaughterhouse workers’ requests for medical care for serious
meat, dairy, and eggs, MFA’s main
in the industrial broiler chicken environment, this is the
driven by the bottom line of increasing profits. ethics, justice, and liberation for the oppressed. injuries such as broken bones and carpal tunnel syndrome were often
function is promoting a vegetarian first U.S. research to show exposure occurring at a high
diet. MFA works to be a voice for level among industrial poultry workers. dismissed by the plant because it would cost the company money.
When corporate representatives from the Thankfully, recent years have yielded
animals through public education
nation’s agribusiness industries look at cows, unprecedented growth in the vegetarian market Illegal immigrants often take the least desirable jobs, earning low
and advertisement campaigns,
pigs, and chickens they see preprocessed — yet another sign of society’s evolution research and investigations, working wages, because those jobs lift them and their families from the poverty
products - mere meat, egg and dairy producing toward a more peaceful and enlightened time. with news media, and grassroots they left behind in their homelands. As a group, they are forced by
machines. activism.
Industries that profit from the blood and fear
circumstances to be compliant, ever-conscious that one complaint
When we look into the eyes of animals we of animals are running on borrowed time. As could lead to their firing, arrest, or deportation.
MFA relies on the generous support
see individuals with their own personalities, a growing number of Americans awaken to the of compassionate individuals to
needs, interests, stories, families, and desires. cruel truth lurking behind every burger, hot carry on our life-saving work. To
Quite simply, “modern” farmers’ outdated, dog, nugget, and omelet, we stride closer and become a member, simply send a
contribution of $15 to: More Tofu Please! Products such as tofu, soy beverages, tortillas
callous, and convenience-motivated view of closer to the day when all beings are treated
animals — which enables such abuse to occur with the respect and dignity they so rightly That’s one of the new food products being offered and brown rice are being offered as alternatives
Mercy For Animals under a major overhaul of the Women, Infants and to meet the demands of more culturally diverse
— is simply out of step with those held by the deserve.
3712 N. Broadway, Ste. 560
majority of Americans. Children program. But primarily, the Agriculture populations.
Chicago, IL 60613
1-866-632-6446 Department wants more fruits, vegetables and whole
Mindy Mallet, a life-long animal protector and grains on the plates of poor women and children, and Anti-hunger advocates praised the changes. Jim
founder of Sunrise Sanctuary, a safe haven for less milk, cheese, and eggs. Weill, president of the Food Research and Action
abused and abandoned farmed animals, knows Nathan Runkle Thank you for your commitment to Center, said the increased number of vegan food
all too well that lifelong bonds and friendships Executive Director making the world a kinder and more The Department calls the change the first major options will reduce obesity and “help nutritionally
compassionate place for all beings. vulnerable children form healthy eating habits
revision of the program in 30 years. The program
2 I COMPASSIONATE LIVING I serves about eight million people. from an early age.”
( Growing
meetmfa Total Recall actionreport

In February, MFA activists held eye-catching public demonstrations following the
largest beef recall in US history. An undercover investigation of a Westland/
Hallmark Meat Co. slaughterhouse in California revealed that “downed” cows,
too injured or ill to stand, were tortured into struggling to their feet so they could
pass USDA inspection. Meat from downed cows is more likely to be infected with
E. coli, salmonella and mad cow disease. The largest beef recall in US history
included nearly 40 million pounds of meat sent to school lunch programs.

Donning biohazard suits, rubber gloves and face protection masks, MFA
demonstrators urged Chicago Public School officials to prevent animal cruelty
and protect students’ health by adding more vegetarian options to school lunch
CL: You have done investigative work at stockyards menus. In Ohio, MFA activists held a similar demo at the annual Ohio Beef Expo.
and slaughterhouses. How did you become involved
in this work?
HP: I had read how animals are treated behind the
scenes in meat, dairy, and egg production, but I decided
I needed to see it for myself. I will never forget the
deplorable conditions that the chickens were subject to,
Veganizing the Web
nor the look in the cows’ eyes as they awaited slaughter.
Activist spotlight: Heather Patrick CL: You have worked at several farmed animal
Veggie travelers and residents of the Garden and
Keystone states can breath a sigh of relief thanks
Vegetarian since: Birth sanctuaries. Why did you choose to do this work? to two new MFA-supported websites. The launch
Position with MFA: Chicago Campaign Director of and offers consumers
Hometown: Avella, PA HP: I grew up on a kind of animal sanctuary. We always resources that make going and staying vegan a
Email: had lots of chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, rabbits, breeze., a joint project with the Humane
Favorite quote: “The animals of the world exist for their own dogs, cats, and were often rehabilitating an occasional League of Philadelphia, lists over 300 restaurants
reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black wild bird, or, my favorite, raccoons! So I’ve always loved and grocery stores in over 60 cities.,
people were made for white or women created for men.” being around animals and sanctuary work has been produced in collaboration with New Jersey Animal
- Alice Walker some of the most rewarding work I’ve ever done. Rights Alliance, lists close to 400 establishments in
CL: What are your immediate goals as MFA’s new Foie Gras Foes over 115 cities. Both are user-friendly and feature
detailed descriptions of available meatless options,

Chicago Campaign Director? How is the AR climate in as well as price ranges and business hours.
ctive in the animal advocacy community for more Chicago versus the other cities where you’ve lived?
than ten years, MFA’s Chicago Campaign Director, In May, Chicago activists held a
candlelight vigil to mourn the foie gras MFA’s sizzling new website is
Heather Patrick, is a compassionate, experienced and HP: I am excited about the Veg Illinois campaign
ban, repealed by Chicago City Council on vegan cooking with a kick. Hosted by the cruelty-free
committed friend to animals. — working with restaurants around Chicago to provide kitchen warrior, Sangeeta Kumar,
May 14th. French for “fatty liver,” foie
more vegan options. I enjoy doing humane education offers a supportive cyber environment for everyone,
gras is produced by shoving a metal pipe
Heather has witnessed, documented and exposed cruelty to work, and am thrilled with all the on-the-streets work whether they are longtime vegans or just beginning to
down the throats of ducks and geese to
farmed animals through investigative work at stockyards conducted this summer — feed-ins, festivals, protests, explore a plant-based diet. Updated regularly, the
force-feed them in order to enlarge their
and slaughterhouses. As an intern at numerous farmed and leafleting! Chicago has a dedicated and tight-knit blog features recipes, cooking tips, profiles of vegan
livers to 10 times the normal size. Holding
animal sanctuaries, Heather assisted with medical care, community of activists and the city has a lot of potential. products, and mouthwatering photos. Sangeeta’s
signs depicting ducks having metal rods
recovery, and rehabilitation of cows, pigs, and chickens. jammed down their throats, demonstrators candid commentary and passion for cooking are
CL: Do you have any advice for others who might be bound to get readers excited about vegan food!
Heather’s personal interaction with rescued farmed animals urged Chicagoans to reject cruelty to
interested in becoming involved in AR activism?
has strengthened her understanding, appreciation and animals by refusing to eat the “delicacy.”
commitment to protecting these often overlooked creatures. HP: You may not be in a position to be a full-time
activist, but just know that every small act has the
As MFA’s Chicago Campaign Director, Heather works closely potential to spare an animal’s life — a thoughtful word
with members, activists, news media, educators, and here, an hour of volunteer work there, a conversation
businesses in the Windy City to further MFA’s mission. among friends — a single voice of opposition does its
part to end injustice! Chew on This
CL: What inspired you to become a vegan? In July, MFA launched over 600 provocative pro-vegetarian ads on the

Chicago Transit Authority’s bus and subway systems. The ads reveal images
HP: I was raised a vegetarian in the heart of Pennsylvania I will never forget the HOW MUCH CRUELTY of abused cows, pigs and chickens confined to tiny cages on factory farms,
beef and dairy country, yet I had never heard the word deplorable conditions that CAN YOU SWALLOW ? and asks riders, “How much cruelty can you swallow?”
“vegan” and didn’t know that factory farming or other large- Before being turned into burgers, hot dogs, and nuggets, farm

the chickens were subject

animals suffer painful mutilations, extreme confinement, cruel

The ads read, “Before being turned into burgers, hot dogs, and nuggets,
Order your FREE Vegetarian
handling, and violent deaths. Starter Kit today at:


scale abuse of animals was happening. I learned of the

>> Choose Compassion. Choose Vegetarian.

farm animals suffer painful mutilations, extreme confinement, cruel

ethical implications of our modern agricultural system and the
health and environmental benefits of a vegan lifestyle from
to, nor the look in the handling, and violent deaths.”
reading Diet for a New America by John Robbins in my teens.
I’ve never looked back.
cows’ eyes as they awaited CAN YOU SWALLOW ? The campaign ran for two months – with the ads being viewed over 35
slaughter. Before being turned into burgers, hot dogs, and nuggets, farm
animals suffer painful mutilations, extreme confinement, cruel
handling, and violent deaths.

>> Choose Compassion. Choose Vegetarian.

Order your FREE Vegetarian
Starter Kit today at:

million times.
| veganhealth Most calcium-fortified foods are also rich in vitamin Breast-fed babies tend to have fewer
AskAnya D, so those are win-win choices for you. Folic acid
has always been a nutrient of concern for pregnant
women because it helps prevent neural tube defects
in the baby; however, a vegan who is eating plenty of
infections, allergies and risk for
diseases, such as diabetes and obesity.
Anya Todd is a vegan whole grains, green leafy veggies, and fortified cereals This means millions of calves are born and taken
registered and licensed is likely getting the recommended 600 mcg per day. away from their mothers every year so humans can
dietitian who graduated Like folic acid, zinc helps in preventing birth defects essentially suckle the teat of a cow. Male calves are sent
and is found in many of the same foods. off to become veal, while female calves eventually take
from Case Western Reserve the place of their mothers as milk producers. Poor
University and completed her At no point in time is there a higher need for iron mom is usually turned into low-grade beef patties
than during pregnancy. Between all the blood when her milk production drops, usually around the
internship at the Cleveland formation in you and your baby, iron levels need age of 4 years.
Clinic Foundation. Though constant replenishment. Anemia, or low blood iron,
is a condition that affects vegans and non-vegans
she has no plans to become alike. Your health care provider will monitor your
As with pregnancy, choosing a well-balanced diet
while breastfeeding is crucial. Daily inclusion of
pregnant, Anya has been blood iron levels throughout your pregnancy. Some vitamins D and B12 are extremely important so
known to raid the discounted women will have to take iron supplements, which they are passed onto the baby. Unfortunately, there
can cause constipation. Cooking in iron skillets and are no baby formulas on the market that are 100%
maternity clothes rack at Target eating iron-rich foods such as legumes, green leafy vegan. The soy-based ones include animal-sourced
and have odd cravings for veggies, dried fruit and fortified cereals will reduce vitamin D. Breastfeeding
Most pregnant women become very concerned about the need for supplementation. Remember that
pickles and soy ice cream. weight gain. You have a baby growing inside of you. vitamin C-rich foods enhance iron absorption, so
can pose challenges to a
new mom. Luckily, there
You need to gain some weight in order to sustain adding mandarin oranges to your leafy salad not only are support groups that
it! Weight gain recommendations vary depending is a tasty choice, but also a smart one. assist new moms in the

upon your pre-pregnancy weight. If you were in a
art of breastfeeding. The
Are there nutritional concerns normal weight range before expecting, a 25-35 lb Proper brain development in your baby is an utmost payoff is to know you are
for a vegan during pregnancy? gain is appropriate; underweight, a 28-40 lb gain; and priority, so include daily sources of omega 3 fatty supplying your baby with

overweight, a 15-25 lb gain is ideal. To curb excessive acid-rich foods, like flax oil and walnuts, along with
Well, if you believed all the media’s his or her perfect food.
weight gain, avoid high fat, high sugar foods and opt vitamin B12, found in fortified beverages, snack bars,
negative press with regards to a vegan for high fiber foods such as fresh produce and whole and nutritional yeast.

diet in the past few years, I could grains.
understand your concern. The press I am referring Pregnancy can be a stressful time for mothers-to-be.
to involves a few cases in which parents neglected The last thing you want to do is obsess over what to
their children by way of malnourishment and then
used their vegan diet as their defense. This led to a Choosing a well-varied diet with eat. Choosing a well-varied diet with emphasis on
fresh, whole foods will provide you and your baby
>> Choose whole foods. The more processed a food is, the
less nutritious it tends to be. Excessive amounts of salt and sugar
widespread concern that veganism is inadequate in emphasis on fresh, whole foods will with the necessary nourishment. If it will put your are often found in processed foods, which can cause conditions
meeting the nutritional needs of pregnant women
and infants. However, science and proper planning
provide you and your baby with the mind at ease, by all means, use one of the vegan like hypertension and weight gain. Opt for brown rice instead of
state otherwise. necessary nourishment. prenatal vitamins that is available. white rice, or fresh pears instead of those canned in heavy syrup.

Your nutritional needs definitely increase while

carrying that little bun in the oven. For starters, Exercise is important even when pregnant. Of course,
Q: Can I breastfeed and still
be vegan?
>> Move that body! Whether it is boxing or biking that you
enjoy, it is essential to include some form of physical activity in

you want to eat enough nutrient-dense calories to you should consult your health care professional to your daily routine. Exercise strengthens your heart, helps control
sustain your baby’s growth. Everyone’s calorie needs discuss appropriate exercises before beginning a new stress, and lowers your risk of disease.
This questions is asked more often
are different; however, the general consensus is that routine. Women who exercise while pregnant note less than I can believe. Human breast milk
you will need an extra 300 calories per day while constipation, more energy, and easier deliveries. No >> Enjoy your food. Yes, you can have vegan cupcakes. Sure,
is nature’s perfect food for human babies, just like
pregnant, which is not that much food. A slice of one wants to be around a constipated grump, so take eating fresh produce and organic tofu is important, but sometimes
cow’s milk is for nursing calves. Breast milk is rich
whole-grain bread and two tablespoons of almond advantage of all the fashionable maternity workout you need a big stack of vegan blueberry pancakes. Deprivation is
in vital nutrients and should be the sole source of
butter equal 300 calories, as does an afternoon snack apparel and get to the gym. no way to live. Indulge and move on.
a baby’s nutrition for the first six months of life.
of a bag of Sour Patch Kids washed down with a can
Breast-fed babies tend to have fewer infections,
of soda — but you want the most nutritional “bang Getting back to specific nutrients, there are some allergies and risk for diseases, such as diabetes and >> Eat for color! Choose from all colors of the rainbow when
for your buck,” so toast and almond butter it is. that are more important than others while pregnant. obesity. choosing produce. Every color is rich with varying phytochemicals
Calcium, surprisingly, is not as much of a concern as that have been linked to decreasing your risk of conditions ranging
Speaking of almond butter, it is also an excellent you would think. During pregnancy, your body’s ability I find it interesting that people balk at the idea of from cataracts to cancer.
source of protein. Surprisingly, your protein needs do to absorb this mineral becomes more efficient. Aim breastfeeding, but have no problem drinking the
not increase substantially during pregnancy – only by for 1,000 mg per day, which is easily obtained from milk of another animal. Nearly 10 million dairy
about 10 grams per day. Again, a nutrient-dense well- three daily servings of calcium-rich foods, including >> Educate yourself. French fries and soda are vegan,
cows are enslaved in the US and live miserable lives
varied diet that includes legumes, nuts, and whole fortified non-dairy beverages and juices, calcium but they should never be the cornerstone of a diet. There is a
of constant impregnation. Remember, to produce
grains will easily meet your new protein requirement. processed tofu and blackstrap molasses. plethora of vegan nutrition information available. Start by visiting
milk, a baby must be born. for more information on maintaining a healthy
vegan lifestyle.
I saw a live hen, who had escaped notice
during de-population of the cages. I
pointed out the chicken to a co-worker.
He said, “I’m going to kill it.” The worker
held the hen upside down by her legs,
as he attempted to break her neck. He
then dropped the bird onto the floor. She
struggled against his boot, as he tried
to push her into the manure pit below
the lowest tier of cages. She struggled
frantically – her wings flapping violently
as he stood on her. Then the worker kicked
her into the pit. I saw her struggle
briefly in manure before sinking in.


This disturbing entry begins the diary of “Sam,” an undercover
investigator for Mercy For Animals. In early 2008, Sam
obtained employment as a maintenance person at Gemperle
Enterprises in Merced County, California. Gemperle is owned
by NuCal Foods, Inc., the largest distributor of eggs in the
Western United States and a major supplier to supermarkets
such as Safeway, Raley’s and Save Mart.
Undercover at a California Factory Egg Farm
During the two-month investigation, Sam worked side-by-side
with other employees, wired with a concealed camera. The
abuses he secretly caught on film include brutal handling, such
as slamming live birds into metal cages and gas chambers,
neglect of birds suffering from deep wounds and broken
limbs, overcrowded cages and dead hens left to rot in cages
with birds still laying eggs for human consumption.

Mercy For Animals chose to investigate a random California

supplier in order to shed light on the cruelty endured by the
state’s over 19 million battery-caged hens. A coalition of
animal advocates succeeded in gathering enough signatures
this year – over 800,000 – to place the “Prevention of Farm
Animal Cruelty Act,” commonly referred to as “Proposition
2,” on the November ballot for direct vote by Californians.
If passed, the Act would not only ban veal crates and
confinement of pigs in small metal stalls, it would make
California the first state in the nation to ban battery cages for During the two-month
MFA investigation, Sam
laying hens.

worked side-by-side with

Most of the daily cruelty Sam witnessed at Gemperle was in
accordance with industry standards. The workers at Gemperle
were simply doing their jobs as part of an inherently cruel
business – where living, feeling animals are treated as mere other employees, wired
egg-producing machines.
with a concealed camera.
Summer/Fall 08 View the hidden camera video at:
I spoke to a worker, who was
collecting dead chickens into a
“shopping” cart. Some of the dead
birds had large bloody or scabbed
wounds on them, and one appeared
to have a prolapsed
uterus. The worker
said that a hundred
birds die every day
These birds, unable to stretch even one wing, are denied nearly every natural behavior, including nesting, dust-bathing, perching and walking.

Population of battery cages is like overstuffing file
drawers. Employees typically thrust 6-8 birds into each
cage, any which way they will fit. Birds that struggle to
the top after being shoved to the bottom are shoved back
A laying hen’s life only begins at a hatchery, while a male down to make room for more birds.
chick’s life begins and ends there. Of no value to the
Feathers and dust permeate the air, such that workers
egg industry, male chicks die grisly deaths when they are Because birds send out alarm calls must wear face protection masks in order to breathe
tossed live into grinding machines, painfully gassed, or Once the cages to one another, the noise reaches without coughing. The birds live in their own excrement
suffocated under the bodies of other males as they are an excruciating level, as more and the spillover excrement from birds in the tiers above Many consumers may be led to believe that “cage-
heaped live into garbage dumpsters. are populated, and more birds become vocal. them. Mice are rampant and their droppings litter the free” means cruelty-free. This is simply not so.

The young hens or “pullets” are often painfully mutilated each bird is left Birds screeching by the thousands
created an environment in which
floors. The cages, feed belts and ceiling are draped in
cobwebs. Sam often found himself brushing spiders out
Most cage-free hens suffer many of the same
abuses that battery-cage hens endure, including:
before transport from the hatchery. The procedure is with less than the Sam had to yell into the ear of of his hair and off of his shoulders.
termed “de-beaking” and consists of searing off the the person next to him in order
tips of the birds’ sensitive beaks with a hot blade. De- area of this page to be heard. Countless dead birds compound the squalor. Sam often
• overcrowded sheds

to live, sleep, eat

beaking mitigates the harm caused when battery-caged traveled down the shed aisles, collecting dead hens • exposure to elements during transport
hens peck their cagemates, a behavior that arises from Once the cages are populated, from the cages and floor. He found live hens living on
the stress of overcrowding. and drink for her each bird is left with less than the top of corpses. Some birds had died entangled in cage • lack of veterinary care
area of this page to live, sleep, wires. Badly decomposed bodies were even found in the
Jammed body-to-body in small cages, stacked seven tiers- entire life. eat and drink for her entire life. egg receptacles, alongside eggs to be sold for human • killing after egg production declines, often
high, the pullets are carted from transport trucks into These birds, unable to stretch consumption. in horrific ways, such as carbon dioxide
the dim, concrete-floored battery “shed,” which spans even one wing, are denied nearly gassing
the length of two football fields. Already panicked birds every natural behavior, including nesting, dust-bathing, Not only do hens suffer with feces-caked feathers, they
become more panicked when workers slam the carts perching and walking. incur further feather damage as a result of overcrowding. What’s more, all hens used for commercial egg
into one another as they load them into a cargo elevator. Constant rubbing against cage wires and trampling by production are born at the same hatcheries. As
Once delivered to the battery cage floor, employees As to the conditions inside the shed, Sam learned to cagemates cause feathers to fall out or snap at the shaft. male chicks do not lay eggs and are of no use to
make quick work of tearing the birds from the transport literally suppress his gag reflex, due to the heavy stench Some hens are left with wings rubbed raw at the joints. the egg industry, these hatcheries practice “culling”
cages and cramming them into battery cages. of manure and decaying birds. – killing of male hatchlings by suffocation, gassing

or grinding; therefore, if one consumes eggs, even
cage-free eggs, one contributes to the cruel deaths
Population of battery cages is like overstuffing file drawers. Employees typically thrust 6-8 birds into each cage, any which way they will fit. The handling method was extremely violent: of countless male chicks.
the workers roughly pushed the birds through
the small openings, with no apparent regard
for causing injuries. Wings, necks and legs
impeded the process, but the workers just
pushed harder, almost certainly causing
blunt trauma at the very least and possibly
fracturing bones in the more severe cases.

- Dr. Nedim C. Buyukmihci, V.M.D.

Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Davis
I found a hen with dried purple skin in large patches on her right side and a
broken right wing with a bulge under her skin that kept the wing permanently up
past a forty-five degree angle. Bloody scabs covered the purple wound, and the hen
would do nothing but lie on her left side, unable to get up, stand, or walk.

A worker hold� LegalLoopholes Moreover, most state anti-cruelty laws exempt

farmed animals from the legal protections accorded
to companion animals, such as dogs and cats. For

Sadly, no federal laws exist to protect hens from the example, the Kansas anti-cruelty statute does not apply
As the bodies of spent hens are badly damaged from abuses detailed above. The Animal Welfare Act explicitly to farmers, who follow “animal care practices common
years in overcrowded and filthy conditions, these birds excludes livestock and poultry from its definition of in the industry.” Louisiana’s anti-cruelty statute states
are rarely slaughtered for meat; rather, they are heaped “Animal.” According to the United States Department of that “for the purposes of this Section, fowl shall not
live into metal bins infused with carbon dioxide. Agriculture (USDA), the Humane Methods of Slaughter be defined as an animal” and in Ohio it is unlawful to
Illness and injury among birds often go untreated. Sam “keep animals other than cattle, poultry or fowl, swine, sheep
Act, which requires “livestock” to be insensible to pain
discovered birds with broken wings and legs, facial lesions, or goats in an enclosure without wholesome exercise and
Spent hens are ripped from the battery cages as prior to slaughter, does not apply to poultry, as the
abscesses and eyes swollen from infection. Perhaps most a change of air.”
violently as they were shoved into them as pullets. USDA does not consider poultry to fall into the category
startling were the cases of complete uterine prolapse, a
Workers grab them by the wings, heads, legs – “livestock.”
condition in which the entire uterus herniates outside of In effect, terms such as “animal care practices common
whichever body parts are most accessible. Rather than
the animal’s vent, becoming infected or necrotic. Among in the industry” license agribusiness profiteers to treat
disentangle stuck birds, they yank harder to dislodge
the causes of this condition are overcrowding, lack of farmed animals in any way they please. No matter how
them, frequently breaking their fragile bones in the
exercise and production of unnaturally large eggs or an cruel a practice is, as long as it is “common” within the
process. Birds are slammed into the carbon dioxide
unnaturally large volume of eggs. industry, it will not be deemed illegal under most anti-
chambers, some missing the target and striking the
floor instead. cruelty laws.
In one instance, a worker stuffed a bird with an obviously
broken leg into a cage with other hens, where she was Unfortunately, the agribusiness lobby often serves as
Death by carbon dioxide, also termed “oxygen
immediately trampled. In other instances, crippled hens a powerful impediment to passage of farmed animal
starvation,” produces symptoms of asphyxia and
found languishing in shed aisles with no access to food or protection laws. Due to the strong influence of
suffocation, undoubtedly creating panic in the hens.
water were ignored by workers and left for dead. agribusiness on our elected officials, ballot initiatives
Carbon dioxide is an acidic, pungent gas that is sharply
painful when inhaled in the quantities used to induce that circumvent state legislatures, such as the one in
Sam also observed workers brutally killing hens, who had California, are crucial to strengthening the animal
been left behind during the loading and unloading phases. cruelty laws in this country. Such initiatives have already
On one occasion, Sam noticed a hen who had become

proven effective in Florida and Arizona. In 2002,
entangled in cage wires during transport. She was barely Florida residents voted to ban gestation crates (two feet-
breathing and weakly lifted her head at Sam’s touch. A The animal handling shown in this wide metal crates in which breeding sows are confined
worker, who regarded her as mere litter to be cleared out,
grabbed her neck and dragged her out of the transport video is demonstrative of gross animal for their entire pregnancies) and in 2006 Arizonians
voted to ban crates for both breeding sows and calves
cage. He held her head and twirled her body until her neck cruelty and violates all standards of raised for veal.

broke, then flung her several feet into the side of a shed.
She lay on the ground, dying slowly, still breathing and
animal welfare. Animals are crushed to
blinking nearly two minutes later. death, tossed aside with broken bones
and massive injury, and handled with
After 1-2 years of battery cage imprisonment, a hen’s Far from birdbrains, “chickens have hierarchies that chickens establish
egg production begins to decline. Such hens are termed careless brutality. cognitive capacities equivalent to those within their flocks. Mother hens
“spent” and are of no further use to the egg industry. of mammals, even primates,” asserts
- Dr. Christi Camblor, D.V.M. tenderly care for their chicks, looking
avian specialist, Dr. Lesley Rogers. One out for them, protecting them and
fascinating example of this, according guiding them, which is why especially
to Professor of Psychology, Dr. Chris caring and attentive mothers are likened
Birds are slammed into the carbon dioxide chambers, some missing the target and striking the floor instead.
Evans, is “the chicken’s ability to to a “mother hen.” A hen’s relationship
understand that an object, when taken with her chicks begins before they
away and hidden, continues to exist. hatch. A mother hen clucks to her egg-
This is beyond the capacity of young bound chicks, who chirp back from
children.” within their shells. Once they hatch, the
mother hen nurtures and guards her
Not only are chickens intelligent, they young for about six weeks. In the wild,
are highly social. The term “pecking a mother hen will fight with foxes to
order” originates from the social protect her offspring.

Never underestimate the power of an individual to
make a difference. According to USDA estimates,
the typical American consumes an average of 259
eggs per year. A hen must spend an average of 34
hours in deplorable conditions to produce a single
egg; therefore, the typical American could spare It’s time we widened our circle
laying hens over 8,800 hours of suffering per year,
simply by adopting an egg-free diet.
of compassion to include all
animals. We must take a stand
Laying hens are not the only victims of factory against injustice and declare
farming. Cattle and poultry raised for meat, dairy
that farmed animals will not
cows, pigs, goats, sheep, geese, ducks and aquatic
animals are all subjected to suffer in our names.
routine abuses similar to those
we have seen for laying hens; The typical As thinking, ethical people, we must ask ourselves: If
therefore, if we are to adopt we would not carry out the abuses Sam witnessed at
truly cruelty-free diets, we must American could Gemperle, can we in good conscience pay someone
adopt not only egg-free diets, spare laying hens else to carry out such abuses on our behalf ? When we
but vegan diets, free of all purchase factory-farmed products, this is exactly what
animal products. over 8,800 hours we do.
of suffering per
Observing a vegan diet is Thanks to a burgeoning market for vegan food
more than a private protest. year, simply by products, transitioning to a vegan diet is easier now
Consumers have the power to adopting an egg- than ever. Faux meat products abound, soymilk is a
greatly impact the plight of staple of most mainstream supermarkets and a tofu
farmed animals. As with any free diet. scramble is a healthy and delicious alternative to
other business, agribusiness scrambled eggs.
is based on the principle of supply and demand.
Agribusiness profiteers will produce meat, dairy and It’s time we widened our circle of compassion to
eggs only in quantities that they can sell. According to include all animals. We must take a stand against
some estimates, the average vegan spares the lives of injustice and declare that farmed animals will not suffer
over 50 animals per year. in our names. We can begin with our very next meal.

Eggs in a recipe act as either a binder, To achieve the “thickening” qualities of
thickener, or leavener. There are eggs in pie fillings or custards, use agar-
numerous egg substitutions depending agar, kudzu, arrowroot, cornstarch, or flour.
on what you are trying to achieve with
the replacement. Here are a few basic suggestions for
substituting one egg:
For instance, in veggie burgers or
casseroles, you would want a “binding” • ¼ C. Mori-Nu silken style, firm or extra
or “thickening” effect, so you could firm tofu, pureed until smooth
add arrowroot, cornstarch, flour, oats, • ¼ C. applesauce or pureed bananas with
or breadcrumbs to reach your desired ½ t. baking powder
consistency. • 1 T. cornstarch or flour whisked with
1 T. water
When making cookies, breads, and • 1 T. finely ground flax seeds + 3 T. water
baked goods you can use applesauce, blended in a blender until frothy
pureed bananas, pureed dates, or Ener- • 1½ t. Ener-G Egg Replacer whisked with
G Egg Replacer when you need the 2 T. water
“binding” properties of eggs.
Ask Urge
Serve Soymilk! Despite the fact that Donna Karan has promised
to stop using fur in her designs in the past, animal
advocates have learned that she continues to use
and sell fur. Please urge Karan to discontinue the
The run-off from factory farms pollutes our air and water, sale of all fur items and to institute a permanent
and common factory farming methods contribute to
fur-free policy.
global warming through deforestation and the emission of
greenhouse gases.
It’s time that Karan steps into the 21st century and joins
other leading designers and retailers — including her top
Dunkin’ Donuts Soymilk, the tasty and competitors Calvin Klein,
is the world’s cholesterol-free option for the Tommy Hilfiger, Ann Taylor,
largest coffee and cruelty-conscious consumer, and others — who have
already adopted permanent
baked goods chain saves the world a lot of hurt. fur-free policies.
with more than 5,500
stores throughout the Dressed to Kill
United States; yet, it’s
Animals on fur farms
one of the only national Get Soymilk in a Dunkin’ spend their entire lives
coffee chains lacking a Donuts Near You! confined to cramped,
policy to make soymilk available to all filthy wire cages, where
Try these steps to take action to they are exposed to all
encourage Dunkin’ Donuts stores weather conditions.
near you to start serving soymilk: They often go without
To the delight of dairy-free coffee consumers, the chain
veterinary care, and they
is starting to offer soymilk at a number of its locations.
are denied the opportunity to
Thirteen Dunkin’ Donuts across the country have 1 Visit your local Dunkin’ Donuts store. Stop
engage in natural behaviors.
recently began offering this popular alternative. A few in and ask to speak to the manager about
stores near Washington, D.C. recently added soymilk to adding soymilk to its menu. Be sure to express Fur farmers use the cheapest killing
their menus after working with animal advocates and that other Dunkin’ Donuts stores are already methods available, including neck-breaking,
learning about the increasing demand for healthy and making this option available to customers. suffocation, poisoning, and electrocution. Crude
humane options.
killing methods aren’t always effective, and sometimes
Though the company has been nudged to make progress 2 Email Dunkin Donuts’ Consumer Care animals “wake up” while they are being skinned.
Office and thank them for adding soymilk to
on this vegan-friendly option, it still needs gentle
a number of their locations, and ask them to
encouragement to catch up to speed with the growing
make soymilk available in all locations, like
demand for cruelty-free fare.
most national coffee chains already do. Send Take Action Now!
Why Soy in your Espres so? comments to: Please contact Karan and let her know
that you will not buy any of her designs
For the cows, our health and the environment, more until she goes fur-free for good.
and more consumers are ditching the dairy and
opting for soy in coffees, cappuccinos, espressos and 3 Call Dunkin’ Donuts’ Consumer Care hotline: 1 Write a letter to:
all former dairy drinks.
1-800-859-5339 Donna Karan International Inc
Soymilk, the tasty and cholesterol-free option for the 550 7th Ave
cruelty-conscious consumer, saves the world a lot 4 Write a letter to: New York, NY 10018
of hurt. Modern dairy cows, who often spend their
entire lives standing on concrete floors or crammed Dunkin’ Donuts Consumer Care
into massive mud lots, are pumped full of hormones 2 Call:
130 Royall Street
and antibiotics and forced to produce three times
Canton, MA 02021 1-800-231-0884
more milk than they did in the 1950s.



at the
Animal activists are ambassadors for the largest and
most abused population on the planet.

Moreover, corporate media tends to paint animal activism You end the book with a chapter on
with a wide brush, depicting us all as radicals. We need to preventing activist burnout. What
debunk the tired myth that we’re all “angry activists.” So advice can you give activists to help
it’s important that people see animal activists as affable them stay active for the long haul?
Animal activist and and compassionate, and veganism for what it is: fun and
life-affirming. Because animal activists are by nature sensitive to the
author Mark Hawthorne suffering of others, we tend to push ourselves too hard,
Why did you choose to write a how-to lest we feel guilty we’re not doing enough. I think the
chats with MFA’s manual for animal activists? most important thing to remember is that activists are
animals too, and to be in this struggle for the long haul,
Freeman Wicklund about When we learn about animal abuse, through books we need to take care of ourselves.
like Animal Liberation or from shocking undercover
his latest book, Striking You start your book with a chapter on investigations or documentaries or whatever, we’re Focus on the victories. Take a real vacation. When you
at the Roots: A Practical leafleting because you feel it is one outraged. But when we want to take action, beyond going feel down, open up to people you trust. Get enough
of the most effective forms of vegan, well, it’s more of a challenge learning what we can sleep. Eat well. Do things that produce clarity and relieve
Guide to Animal activism. What is it, and why do — and how. stress, like meditation and exercise. Spend time laughing
do you feel it is such a powerful with friends. Visit an animal sanctuary. In fact, spending
Activism, and how we tool? So I gathered advice from activists around the world and time at a sanctuary is my favorite tonic for avoiding
created a resource for people who are motivated to get burnout, and I’m shocked by how many activists have
can be effective, joyful, Leafleting is distributing vegan or animal rights active and speak out against factory farming, vivisection, never rubbed a pig’s belly or seen a hen take a dust bath.
literature to the public, ideally in a place with blood sports, and the countless other ways humans exploit
life-long activists. a lot of foot traffic. It’s a very cost-effective animals. Although these may sound like obvious
method for reaching people, you can leaflet recommendations, we often forget to nurture ourselves.
almost anywhere, and it doesn’t require any setup You interviewed over 100 activists in We all want to be superheroes for animals, but we have
or even much of your time. On a college campus, your book. How did you decide whom to physical and emotional limits we must respect.
What led you to become a
for example, you could hand out 200 or more interview?
vegan animal advocate?
leaflets in an hour. And each person you inspire What is next for you?
to go veggie saves over 50 animals a year, doubling I began with about 20 activists in the US and Australia
It began with two important bovine encounters I had in
your own commitment to helping animals. It’s also – people I’ve done rescues with or protested with or
the ‘90s. The first was in Spain, when I ran with the bulls I’m working on a new book, which will focus on the
a great way for the public to see animal activism at interviewed for magazines or just knew were committed
in Pamplona. I felt ashamed after the run, seeing people lesser-known abuses animal exploiters engage in. I’m
work. to the animal rights movement. During the interviews,
mock the bulls. It made me consider the many ways we hoping to have it out in 2010. Readers can learn more
people would frequently recommend I speak with
exploit non-human animals. about my work at
A repeated theme in your book is for some other activist I didn’t know, and so the circle grew
Flier Power
A few months later I was in the Himalayas of India, living activists to be friendly, respectful, and
with a Buddhist family. Nearly everything I ate for two joyful when interacting with others.
Why are these things important? I avoided interviewing heads of large organizations, but
months came from their garden, and I felt fantastic. One Spread the vegan message by doing weekly
only because I wanted the focus to be on grassroots
afternoon a cow wandered into the garden to nibble on
activism. When I spoke with someone at groups like leafleting at a local college or on a busy
some plants, and we just looked at each other. She was so Two reasons, I think. First, animal activists are
PETA or HSUS, I made sure to ask how others can
alive and aware. I had an awakening, I suppose. Standing ambassadors for the largest and most abused sidewalk. Order bulk quantities of the
accomplish what they are doing. I want people to read
next to her, I truly understood that all animals have the population on the planet. If we want to show people excellent Why Vegan? brochure by clicking the
Striking at the Roots and say, “Yes, I can do that.” And then
right to live in peace. When I got back to the US, I visited how easy it is to make our world a kinder place and
do it. “Catalog” menu bar at
Animal Place, a sanctuary for farmed animals, and went prove that veganism is not some eccentric, austere
vegan that day. lifestyle, we must be friendly and approachable. and following the instructions. This simple
action could save thousands of animals!
mustknow | veganflavor
•8 flour tortillas •1 ½ cups rice (uncooked)


Quick Black Bean Burritos

•2 15-ounce cans refried •2 tablespoons oil

Spanish Rice
black beans •1 medium onion, chopped
•2-3 cups shredded lettuce •1 green bell pepper,
•4 tomatoes, sliced chopped
•6 green onions, sliced •2 medium tomatoes,

is •1 cup salsa

Heat a tortilla in a large,

•1 8-ounce can tomato sauce
•ground cumin, black pepper,
ungreased skillet until it is and chili powder to taste
warm and soft. Spread a line
•½ teaspoon salt or to taste
of black beans down the
Mainstreaming Veganism and center of the tortilla, then
Compassion for Farmed Animals
“Wow, wow, wow! I never imagined top with lettuce, tomatoes,
Cook rice according to package
directions and set aside. Sauté
meatless meals could be so satisfying.” onions, and salsa. the onions and green pepper in
an oiled frying pan until soft. Add
The prestigious Pew Commission released - Oprah Fold the bottom end toward cooked rice, tomatoes, tomato
a report two-and-a-half years in the the center, then roll the sauce, seasonings and salt.
making which concluded that factory Another New York Times bestselling book, Quantum tortilla around the filling.
farms pose unacceptable risks to public Wellness by Kathy Freston, also promotes a vegan Repeat with the remaining Cook over medium-low heat for
health, the environment and animal diet and convinced talk show powerhouse Oprah to tortillas. 10 more minutes.
welfare. It recommends phasing out try veganism for 21 days. “Wow, wow, wow! I never
the use of battery cages, farrowing imagined meatless meals could be so satisfying,” wrote
crates, and veal crates. The Pew panel was Oprah on her blog, “I had been focused on what I
chaired by former Kansas Governor, John had to give up — sugar, gluten, alcohol, meat, chicken, •2 8-ounce containers Preheat the oven to 375ºF.
fish, eggs, cheese. ‘What’s left?’ I thought. Apparently of plain vegan cream

Sublime Key Lime Pie

Carlin, and included former U.S. Secretary of
Agriculture, Dan Glickman, as well as farmers, a lot. I can honestly say every meal was a surprise cheese (try Tofutti) at Blend the cream cheese,
scientists, veterinarians, and public officials. and a delight, beginning with breakfast — strawberry room temperature sugar, vanilla, lime juice,
rhubarb wheat-free crepes.” •1 cup sugar lime zest, and cornstarch
Vegan diet book, Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman •1 teaspoon vanilla in a blender until smooth.
and Kim Barnouin, touted as “a funny foul- •4 tablespoons lime Pour the mixture into the
mouthed ode” by the New York Times Book juice crust.
Review, climbed to the No. 1 position on
•2 teaspoons lime zest Place the filled pie shell on
the New York Times best-seller list of
paperback advice books. It has been •2 tablespoons a cookie sheet and bake for
translated into 20 languages, become cornstarch 45 minutes. Let cool.
an international bestseller, and has one •1 9-inch vegan graham-
million copies in print. cracker crust Refrigerate overnight, then
•3-4 kiwis and/or top with the sliced fruit and
When Ellen Degeneres had the authors strawberries, sliced serve.
on her show, she told them that the book
changed her life and that she is a different
person, leaving many to speculate that Ellen
is now vegan. FeaturedProduct
Committed to your compassion for cows but have a craving
for a cool, creamy cone? Go ahead and give in to your
temptation — Temptation Vegan Ice Cream, that is. The
indulgent treat is not only dairy-free, but egg-free, tree-nut
free, peanut-free and kosher. An all-vegan Chicago-based Their selection serves up something to
company, Chicago Soy Dairy manufactures Temptation please all palates — try French Vanilla,
Vegan Ice Cream on dedicated vegan equipment — so Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Peach
you can trust that your pint of velvety indulgence is 100% Cobbler, and many more — including
cruelty-free. soft serve mixes and seasonal Pumpkin
Pie. Look for Temptation Vegan
columbus, ohio In addition to supporting animal rights, Temptation Ice Cream at Whole Foods or other
614.784.cake (2253) is also committed to protecting human rights and the natural food stores, and be sure to visit

100% deliciousness environment. Only fair trade, organic, and local ingredients for the whole are used in creating their delectable lineup of flavors. scoop!


marketplace >>
“Not Cool” T
Spaghetti Tank $20 (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL)
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features the etchings of the human
Spread the message of
rib cage, a dotted line delineating
compassion with this
the stomach, and a swallowed
fashionable MFA logo
chick-with-attitude declaring “Not
American Apparel spaghetti
Cool.” A larger chick rests on the
tank. Sweatshop free and
back bottom corner of the T who
made of 100% combed
concludes “Go Vegetarian.” The left
cotton. Size Medium fits
sleeve bears the MFA logo.
approximately 80% of
Beef Cuts 101 T
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Parodying the classic Beef Cuts
$25 (S, M, L, XL, XXL) diagram used by butchers, this
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inside :

herer ian

hooded sweatshirt.
I join us
I join Iusjoin us
an enie
other nt Global Warming Brochure Vegetar
Ve ge ian
es inside:
Vegetarian Starter Kit
you can make a difference
e! e !
ininco nv nient Sta rte r
tips tips

:nve Starter
you can make a differenc
e a differenc

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Luckily, all of us can help fix
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can changing
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Luckithis problem
our diet. According to a 2006
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our diet. According r ofaMercy today

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of Mercy Animals

studyding researchers at Becom e a membe
Become a member
Become member Mercy of Animals today
our diet. Accor
study the done by researchers at at an ide our thousa
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rchersof Chicago, strong alongsalongside
byUniversity andstrong
and stand stand strong alongside ourof thousands of

done resea of Chicago, an and stand the rights
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we defend the rights of
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can reduce more more
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otherother other supporters as we defend the rights of
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Amerigreenhouse gas emissions MFA sustains
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green becoming vegan
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eliminate please
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thefrom your ______________
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The livestock
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Before being turned into
burgers, hot dogs, and
nuggets, farm animals suffer
painful mutilations, extreme
confinement, cruel handling,
and violent deaths.

>> Choose Compassion

Choose Vegetarian


3712 N. Broadway, Ste. 560, Chicago, IL 60613

Postage required unless mailed by MFA.

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