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Steps for setting up a repeater Access Point

Cisco Help Note:

Repeater (AP1100, 1130, 1200, 1240, 1310)

Choose this setting if the access point is not connected to the wired LAN. Client data is transferred
to the access point selected as the repeater parent. The repeater parent may be configured as an
access point or another repeater.

RADIO-802.11G OR RADIO-802.11A

Select radio button = Repeater

Remember, with each repeater hop the data rate is divided in half.
Also, a repeater can be a Parent to another repeater. See notes on last page.
Message will appear on screen about Set Infrastructure SSID (see next page)

Click OK then
Go to the SECURITY
SSID Manager page
(Once the warning message has been seen one can start on the SECURITY SSID
Managers page in the future.)

Scroll down to the bottom of the page

Cisco Help Note:

Set Infrastructure SSID
When the access point is in repeater mode, this SSID is used to associate with a parent access point.
Check the check box by the drop-down menu if you want to force infrastructure devices to associate only to
this SSID.

Under Guest Mode/Infrastructure SSID Settings select the radio and then the SSID from
the drop-down menu you want the repeater to associate to
Click Apply button
RADIO-802.11G OR RADIO-802.11A
Select the radio button = Repeater (Once the Apply button is clicked, a message
will appear Warning that the hardwired Ethernet port will be disabled.) Be sure, be
really really, sure you know the IP address, SSID, and Encryption, if applicable, of the
repeater. That will be the only way to get back into the Access Point via the web
browser screen wirelessly without defaulting the unit and starting all over again.)
Next scroll down to the bottom of the page. (This can be a little confusing. The screen
says Root Parent MAC but the help info says Repeater Parent AP MAC, same thing.)

Cisco Help Note:
Repeater Parent AP Timeout
If this timeout is enabled, the access point in repeater mode looks only for the parent access point specified
in the following Repeater Parent AP MAC definition for this given amount of time. If the timeout expires, the
list is ignored, and the unit associates to an access point that matches its requirements, regardless of its
MAC address. If the timeout is disabled, the repeater associates only to parents in the list and continues the
Repeater Parent AP MAC 1-4
Normally, a repeater access point (without a wired LAN connection) associates much like a normal client,
choosing the best access point it can find. Enter MAC addresses in this list if you want to control the parent
access point to which a repeater may associate. If MAC addresses are entered in this list, a repeater
associates only to a parent whose MAC address matches an entry in the list. If the first MAC address is not
available, the access point continues through the list and waits the amount of time specified in Repeater
Parent AP Timeout field before trying the next.

Enter the MAC address of the Parent AP the repeater should associate to
Click Apply button
The nice thing about the Repeater Parent AP MAC entry is one can force the repeater to
associate to one particular Parent AP. You enter the MAC address of the Parent AP (We
use to call it the BASE radio in 900 MHZ terminology.) in the Repeater. However, if
more than one MAC is listed (up to four) the Repeater will try to associate to the first
entry and if it doesnt connect will try to associate to the next entry. Whats nice about
this is if there is more than one repeater they can be set to run either in series or parallel
depending on their distance from the Parent (again, similar to the 900 MHZ technology).

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