A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course FINAL-3-3

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A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

About The Authors ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Ailment No. 1 - Fever .................................................................................................................................... 6
Ailment No. 2 - Cold/Cough/Congestion ...................................................................................................... 8
Ailment No. 3 - Sore Throat ........................................................................................................................ 11
Ailment No. 4 Flu...................................................................................................................................... 13
Ailment No. 5 Ear Aches........................................................................................................................... 14
Ailment No. 6 Colic & Infant Reflux ......................................................................................................... 16
Ailment No. 7 - Teething ............................................................................................................................. 18
Ailment No. 8 - Thrush ................................................................................................................................ 19
Ailment No. 9 - Tummy Bug ........................................................................................................................ 20
Ailment No. 10 - Indigestion ....................................................................................................................... 22
Ailment No. 11 Constipation .................................................................................................................... 23
Ailment No. 12 - Cradle Cap ........................................................................................................................ 24
Ailment No. 13 - Diaper Rash ...................................................................................................................... 25
Ailment No. 14 Lice .................................................................................................................................. 26
Ailment No. 15 Eczema ............................................................................................................................ 27
Ailment No. 16 Warts............................................................................................................................... 28
Ailment No. 17 Stye ................................................................................................................................. 29
Ailment No. 18 Hives................................................................................................................................ 30
Ailment No. 19 Cut & Scrapes .................................................................................................................. 31
Ailment No. 20 Sprains & Bruises ............................................................................................................ 32
Ailment No. 21 Head Bonks ..................................................................................................................... 33
Ailment No. 22 Smashed Fingers or Toes ................................................................................................ 34
Ailment No. 23 Poison Ivy ........................................................................................................................ 35
Ailment No. 24 Nose Bleeds..................................................................................................................... 36
Ailment No. 24 Burns ............................................................................................................................... 37
Ailment No. 25 Sunburn ........................................................................................................................... 38
Ailment No. 26 Anaphylaxis ..................................................................................................................... 39
Ailment No. 27 Conjunctivitis (pink eye).................................................................................................. 40

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 28 Canker Sores ................................................................................................................... 41
Ailment No. 29 Headaches ....................................................................................................................... 42
Ailment No. 30 Bug Spray ........................................................................................................................ 43
Ailment No. 31 Bug Bites ......................................................................................................................... 44
Ailment No. 32 UTI ................................................................................................................................... 45
Ailment No. 33 Sleep Issues ..................................................................................................................... 46
Ailment No. 34 Bedwetting ...................................................................................................................... 48
Recipe No. 1 - Onion Honey Cough Syrup................................................................................................... 50
Recipe No. 2 - Elderberry Syrup .................................................................................................................. 51
Recipe No. 2 - Onion Pack ........................................................................................................................... 52
Recipe No. 3 - Kids Throat Coat Tea Blend.................................................................................................. 53
Recipe No. 4 - Hand Sanitizer ...................................................................................................................... 54
Recipe No. 5 - Kids Cold Care Tea Blend ..................................................................................................... 55
Recipe No. 6 - Garlic Oil .............................................................................................................................. 56
Recipe No. 7 - Rose Hip Syrup for Teething ................................................................................................ 57
Recommended Products & Resources........................................................................................................ 58
Disclaimer.................................................................................................................................................... 60

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

About The Authors

Roxanne King, CHHC

Health Coach, mother and owner of The Holistic
Mama, a blog dedicated to helping parents make
informed choices about natural living. Roxannes
goal is to inspire Moms and Dads to provide a
holistic lifestyle for their children by providing
information and the support they need to make
holistic living a reality.

Wendi Combes, RN
Mom of two great kids, a pediatric nurse for over 20 years
and a passionate advocate to help kids thrive. I help parents
in the journey of wellness for their children. Whether it be
something as simple as a runny nose or as complicated as
autism, I love helping parents find a more holistic approach
to caring for their family.

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

A Parents Guide to Natural Remedies is a program designed for parents who want to avoid
over the counter medicine and help soothe their children naturally.
This program is an integrative approach combining different natural remedies including, but not
limited to, Homeopathy, Cell Salts, Essential Oils, Probiotics, and more. Our purpose in putting
together this program is to provide knowledge to parents who really want to learn about
natural healing and to boost confidence in the safety and effectiveness of natural remedies.
This guide is to act as a supplement to the full program offered. This can be used as a quick
reference guide to choose the remedies needed based on your childs current symptoms. When
your child is sick youll want to pull out this handy reference booklet to start using the
remedies. To really learn and understand all of the remedies be sure to review the videos,
audios, and handouts that come with this program.

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 1 - Fever

Aconite- use in first 24 hours or not at all
Belladonna- sudden onset, radiating heat, flushing and redness of skin, glossy eyes,
Chamomile- super fussy, irritable is very irritable and difficult to please. Often one of his
or her cheeks appears red, the other pale, and the child's fever becomes worse at night.
Phosphorus - useful for the child with chills and sweats during the night, and cold limbs.
He or she characteristically craves ice cold drinks despite being chilly and is often quite
Newton Fever-infection kids- combo remedy

Cell Salts
Ferrum Phos - 3 tablets every 15 minutes, then every hour
Calc phos - give ferrum phos then two hours later give calc. phos, rotate back and forth
Kali Phos- delirium type state

Essential Oils

Peppermint -Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead, temples, back of neck
Lemon - Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead, temples, back of neck
Eucalyptus- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead, temples, back of neck
Idaho Balsam Fir- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead, temples, back of
German Chammomile- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead, temples,
back of neck

Warm bath with lavender flowers and/or elder flower

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Quinton Isotonic: 10 ml vial every 2 hours for two-three doses, mix in a little juice or
water, take sips
Rescue Remedy
Warm Bath with Epsom Salt
Wet Sock Treatment
Garlic fever reducer: place a few garlic cloves with 1-2 tbsp. coconut oil in a food
processor, apply to soles of feet

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 2 - Cold/Cough/Congestion

Aconitum - first 24-48 onset, high fever, great thirst
Antimonium tart- mucous in chest, very little come out, week and wheezy, sit up to
breathe cough like bronchitis or pneumonia
Allium Cepa- first stage of cold, watery runny nose (and nat mur)
Belladonna - if fever associated with cold symptoms, helpful w cough
Bryonia- feverish, very thirsty, motion makes worse, painful cough
Cuprum Metallicum whooping cough alternate with ipecac
Drosera rotundifolia - dry, spasmodic, irritating to vomiting (whooping cough)
Hepar Sulph - runny yellow discharge, croup cough, irritable push it out
Ipecacuanha- rattling in chest, wheezing may gag or vomit with cough attacks, loud
noises in chest with breathing
Kali bichromicum - throat irritation from past nasal drip, thick green nasal discharge or
congestion stuck (babies often worse with lying down due to mucus drain into throat
Kali Carb - deep in lungs cough, mucus pneumonia like
Sambucus - snuffly newborns, dryness, no apparent discharge
Spongia tosta - dry, croupy, hacking, barking cough, laryngitis
The Banerji Whooping Cough Protocol is as follows:
Cuprum metallicum 6C, mixed with
Ipecac 30C
Administered every 3 hours when the disease is in an intense state and twice daily for a
milder version
Newton Sniffles or Newton Asthma cough
Boiron ColdCalm
Boirin Sabadil Allergy

Cell Salts

Calc.Phos- croupy cough or suffocating cough

Calc. sulph - for yellow runny noses- keep giving if this is a constant problem
Ferrum Phos - inflammatory cough
Kali mur - for plugged mucous or swollen lymph glands, barking cough like a seal
Kali Phos - Nerve remedy

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Kali Sulph - mucus, rattly in the chest

Mag Phos - spasmodic cough (fits), whooping cough
Nat mur - first onset of watery eyes, allergy type illness, take every hour at first onset
Nat Sulph - chest is sore from coughing

Essential Oils

Lemon- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Thyme- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Lavender- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Peppermint- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Tea Tree Oil- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Eucalyptus- Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
OnGuard / Thieves: Diffuse
Breathe / R.C: Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet

Essential Oil Cold Blend:

5 drops Rosemary
4 drops eucalyptus
4 drops Peppermint
3 drops Cypress
2 drops Lemon

Diffuse or add to carrier oil for topical use


Wise Woman Herbals Cough Elixir

Onion Honey Cough Syrup
Onion Pack
Elderberry Syrup
Kids Cold Care Tea

Rescue Remedy

A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Propolis: 3x a day
Propol air
Bone Broth
Hot Steam Shower for Croup
Raw honey or Manuka Honey


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 3 - Sore Throat


Aconite comes on suddenly, burn and swollen tonsils

Belladonna - red face, fever
Apis- worse on right side, better with cold drinks
Hepar Sulph go to remedy for sore throat start here!
Mercurius- cold that has settled in throat, choking with swallowing
Sulphur - burning pains, offensive breath

Cell Salts

Calc Phos glands aching, also post nasal drip

Ferrum Phos - red, inflamed A MUST!!!
Calc Sulph - discharge on throat
Kali Phos - white/gray patches on tongue or throat
Silicea - ulcerations of throat

Essential Oils

Lemon: Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Peppermint: Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Tea Tree Oil: Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Oregano: Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Geranium: Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Clove: Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
OnGuard / Thieves: Diffuse

Kids Throat Coat Tea


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course


Gargle with Quinton Isotonic

Gargle with salt water
Raw Honey (not under 1 year)
Propolis Throat spray
Throat Lozenges (non-commercial) Mountain Rose Herbs, Young Living, doTERRA
Probiotic Flush Flora synergy by Energetix 10 capsules opened up dropped in back of


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 4 Flu

Winter Tonic from Celletech
Bryonia alba - muscles aches that hurt with movement and dryness of the throat and
mouth, accompanied with an intense thirst for cold drinks. Dont touch me.
Gelsemium sempervirens - dizziness, weakness, and fatigue. Not thirsty and wants to
lie down and be left alone. The body feels heavy, any motion is an effort, and even the
eyelids droop.
Rhus toxicodenron - for muscle aches with stiffness, but the child is restless and fidgety.
Ocsillococcinum by Boiron
Flu-tone from Energetix

Cell Salts
Calc Sulph toxicity removal and yellow discharges
Ferr Phos inflammation reducer
Kali Mur removes mucus and strengthens lung

Essential Oils

Oregano: Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet

Eucalyptus: Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
Peppermint: Diffuse or Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to chest, neck, feet
OnGuard / Thieves: Diffuse

Quinton Isotonic: 10 ml vial every 2 hours for two-three doses, mix in a little juice or
water, take sips


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 5 Ear Aches


Pulsatilla - More clingy sad and wanting attention.

Hepar-Sulph - Sensitive to pain, touch and irritable
Belladonna - Red face and fever, sudden onset.
Newton Ear Care
Inaflammatone by Energetix

Cell Salts

Ferrum Phos - help with inflammation

Calc Phos - ear pain, glands swollen
Kali Mur - help reabsorb fluid 2-3 tabs every few hours
Kali phos - stinky drainage
Kali Sulph yellow, watery discharge, sharp cutting pains
Nat Sulph Lightening like pain in ear

Essential Oils
Combine 2 Tablespoons of carrier oil with:

2 drops of lavender
1 drop Roman chamomile
1 drop melaleuca (tea tree oil)
Put a drop on a cotton ball, and apply on ear (older kids can place in ear), behind the
ear, and bottom of feet.
2 drops of lavender
1 drop Roman chamomile
1 drop melaleuca (tea tree oil)
Put a drop on a cotton ball, and apply on ear (older kids can place in ear), behind the
ear, and bottom of feet."


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

"Garlic ear oil
Warm 4 tbsp. olive oil on very low heat
Add 2-3 minced garlic cloves
Warm for at least 10 minutes
Strain and use the oil in an eye dropper to drop the oil into the ear.
Repeat every few hours"
Mullein and Garlic Oil compound
Hear no Evil by Trilight Health


Mullein and Garlic Oil compound

Propolis Oil
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Accupuncture or Accupressure


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 6 Colic & Infant Reflux

Chamomilia 30 twice a day
Banerjii protocol
Nux vomica 30 C
Colocynthis 200C (yes, you see that right)
Administer twice a day"
Newton Teething and Colic
Hyland's Colic Tablets
Dr. Kings Spray

Cell Salts

Ferrum phos - calm inflammation

Mag phos - muscular spasms of the stomach
Nat phos - normalize pH, over-acidity
Nat sulph - pancreas, liver support

Essential Oils
Roman Chamomile: Place one drop in olive oil and massage baby's belly or use on a
warm compress
DiGize / Digestzen: Place one drop in olive oil and massage baby's belly or use on a
warm compress

Trilight Health Colic Relief
GI Aid by Vital Force


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course


Healthy gut flora
Nurse upright
Feed from one breast per feeding
Head of bed up
Probiotics: Klaire Infant Probitics, Biogaia, Natogen, Corganic
Colostrum, sedona labs
Quinton Isotonic
Before feeding offer 1 tsp, chamomile, fennel seed, or lemon balm tea diluted in 1 tsp.
filtered water
Infant Massage- follow the path of the intestinal action, up the babys right side, across
middle, and down left
A warm bath with a muslin bag filled with chamomile flowers or dried lavender


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 7 - Teething


Chamomilia- especially if diarrhea

Hyland's Teething Tablets
Inflammatone by Energetix
Newton Teething and Colic

Cell Salts
Cell Salt & Homeopathic Teething Protocol
A few doses of Mag phos, alternating hourly, with Chamomilla 30 for pain, can help
from the first cutting of teeth
Ferr phos inflammation and low fevers
Calc Fluor to support teeth enamel
Calc Phos slow dentition (teething) or delayed, with emaciation
Silicea infection, delayed teething, sensitivity to cold water

Essential Oils
Soak a gauze pad or cotton cloth with chamomile tea and let the baby suck on it or use
as a compress.
Offer a dropperful of chamomile tea several times throughout the day
Rose hip Syrup

Rescue Remedy


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 8 - Thrush

Borax at first sign of outbreak
Aresnic- w/restlessness one dose 3x day for 3 days
Sulphur- if overheated 3x day for 3 days

Garlic Oil topical, internal 1 drop 3-4x a day


Quinton 2.5-5ml once a day

Probiotics for Mom and Baby a must! Probiotic containing Saccharomyces boulardii
Remove sugars from diet
Propolis oil swabbed in mouth


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 9 - Tummy Bug


Arsenic alb.- food poisoning or stomach flu, middle of night

Chamomila- infants diarrhea with teething
Mercurius -severe diarrhea burning, watery stools offensive odor, constant urge
Podophyllum- frothy
Ipecacuanha -for repeated vomiting

Cell Salts

Kali Phos -abdomen swollen, foul diarrhea

Kali Sulph- yellow slimy stools
Nat Sulph- green stools or vomit
Nat Mur- watery vomit, craving salt
Bioplasma- replenish electrolytes

Essential Oils

Peppermint: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen in the direction of intestinal action
Ginger: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen in the direction of intestinal action
Geranium: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen in the direction of intestinal action
DiGize / Digestzen: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen in the direction of intestinal

Quinton Isotonic:

10 ml vial every 2 hours for three doses, mix in a little juice or water, take sip


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Mix from Dr. Neustaedter, OMD

1 quart of clean water
teaspoon salt
teaspoon baking soda
8 teaspoons sugar
Give by teaspoon or dropper
Redmond Clay


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 10 - Indigestion


Nux vomica overindulgence: Birthday party

Arsenicum-restless, nausea, thirsty
Bryonia- esp after rich or fatty foods
Calc carb- sour smell
Colocynthis- tantrums, hang on bed or bar for pressure
Pulsatilla after cold drinks or emotionally upset
Newton Tummy Upset

Cell Salts
Calc phos - pale and anxious, fretful
Kali sulph - pain/pressure
Nat Mur excess saliva, crave salt

Essential Oils
Peppermint: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen, chest, or neck
Ginger: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen, chest, or neck
DiGize / Digestzen: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen, chest, or neck

Tummy Glycerite


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 11 Constipation


Lycopodium 30C pass gas, hard poops or long time without, passed with pain
Nux Vomica 30C when alternates with diarrhea
Bryonia 30C large hard, dry stools with distention, burning feeling in rectum
Newton Labs Constipation

Cell Salts
Kali Mur
Mag Phos
Nat Mur

Essential Oils

Rosemary: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen in the direction of intestinal action
Ginger: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen in the direction of intestinal action
Orange: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen in the direction of intestinal action
DigestZen / Digize: Dilute 50:50 and massage abdomen in the direction of intestinal

Food Diary, consider dairy allergy, consider grains
Quinton Isotonic:
10 ml vial once a day, mix in a little juice or water, take sips
CALM Magnesium
Ancient Minerals magnesium flakes, oil, or lotion
Transformation Enzymes for Kids
Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Probiotics, Fermented foods
Olive oil, Coconut oil
Consider the amount of water per day


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 12 - Cradle Cap

Calc carb 6C
Lycopodium- dry skin uninfected

Cell Salts
Kali Mur

Essential Oils
Lavender essential oil, diluted in olive oil

Baby carrot cradle cap salve

Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Olive oil rubbed on the head


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 13 - Diaper Rash

Essential Oils
Mix coconut oil or shea butter with lavender, rosemary, calendula, or roman chamomile
essential oils

Baby carrot diaper cream

Soak cloth diapers in Apple cider vinegar and water solution
Consider food allergies - dairy, wheat, corn, eggs. Etc.
add Apple cider vinegar to bath water


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 14 Lice

Staphysagria to treat and prevent head lice infestations. Also for conditions of
Psorinum if particularly prone to lice infestations

Essential Oils
Tea tree oil: Blend to use in shampoo or mix in olive oil
Eucalyptus oil: Blend to use in shampoo or mix in olive oil
Lavender oil: Blend to use in shampoo or mix in olive oil

Echinacea & Goldenseal to keep immune system strong


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 15 Eczema


Sulfur skin burning, red, hot and itching

Graphites- skin appears infected
Petroleum- deep cracks, watery discharge
Urtica Urens- hive rash
Rhus tox blisters, worse at night

Cell Salts

Kali mur- mucus congestion, lung protection

Kali phos -stress, nerve conditions
Nat mur- dry skin, emotional stress
Nat sulph -liver restorative, relieves rashes

Essential Oils

Lavender: Mixed in coconut oil or olive oil to put on skin

Chamomile: Mixed in coconut oil or olive oil to put on skin
Geranium: Mixed in coconut oil or olive oil to put on skin
Purification (Young Living): Mixed in coconut oil or olive oil to put on skin

Baby Carrot eczema cream



A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 16 Warts

Thuja- soft, fleshy ooze and bleed
Causticum- if on face or fingertips

Cell Salts
Kali mur if warts are on hands

Essential Oils

Tea tree oil: apply undiluted directly on the wart

Frankincense: apply undiluted directly on the wart
Lemon: apply undiluted directly on the wart
Oregano (planters warts on feed): apply undiluted directly on the wart

5 drops cypress
10 drops lemon
2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar
Apply on location twice daily, bandage. Keep a bandage on until wart is gone. "


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 17 Stye


Apis -tears and puffiness

Belladonna - come on quickly, red, dry
Pulsatilla recurrent
Staphysagria - recurrent, more itchy

Cell Salts

Breast Milk


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 18 Hives

Apis-puffiness in face, ITCHING! Esp at night
Nux vomica- with digestive problems, numbness, burning/itching
Urtica Urens- itch, burn prickly heat, worse with heat, want to rub irritations

Cell Salts

Essential Oils
Tea tree oil: dilute 50:50 and apply to area
Peppermint: dilute 50:50 and apply to area
Lavender: dilute 50:50 and apply to area


Rescue Remedy
Fermented cod liver oil
Consider food allergies if reoccurring


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 19 Cut & Scrapes

Arnica- any type of trauma
Ledum- puncture wound

Cell Salts
Ferum phos- inflammation

Essential Oils
Lavender oil: apply to wound diluted


"Calendula salve
cup coconut oil
cup macadamia nut oil
4 tbsp. bees wax
cup calendula flowers
Warm the oils in a pot, add calendula and keep on very low heat for 30 minutes. Strain
the flowers, pour the oils back into the pot, add bees wax and heat until melted. Pour
into a jar or tin."



A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 20 Sprains & Bruises

Arnica- any trauma
Bryonia -more painful with movement
Newton bangs and scrapes

Cell Salts
Ferrum phos- inflammation
Mag phos- spasm type pain

Essential Oils


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 21 Head Bonks

Arnica- best trauma remedy
Hypericum- hurts down neck later

Rescue Remedy


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 22 Smashed Fingers or Toes

Arnica- best trauma remedy
Hypericum, nerve pain
Inflammatone by Energetix

Cell Salts
"Ferrum phos"


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 23 Poison Ivy

Anacardum- with rash outbreak, every 30 minutes if needed
Rhus tox in first 24 hours before rash (if known exposure)

Essential Oils

Jewelweed salve
Calendula salve



A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 24 Nose Bleeds

Cinchona -spontaneous nose bleeds
Arnica - traumatic

Cell Salts
Ferrum phos
Kali phos- blood is thin
Nat mur- excessive dryness in nose

Essential Oils

Frakinsence: Lavender


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 24 Burns

Aconite every 15 minutes x 6 doses alternate with

Cell Salts
Calc sulph secondary remedy
Kali Mur- chief remedy of all degrees, orally or topically

Essential Oils

Tea Tree Oil
Blend: 1 drop geranium, 1 drop helichrysum, apply on location


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 25 Sunburn

Cantharis every 3 hours till pain subsides, give again if comes back

Cell Salts
Ferrum phos every 3-4 hours
Kali mur every 3-4 hours
Kali sulph

Coconut Oil
Lavender Sunburn Spray:

cup water
2 Tbsp. Aloe
10 drops lavender essential oil


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 26 Anaphylaxis



A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 27 Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Aconite - after exposure to cold wind, dust
Allium cepa inflammatory conjunctivitis, sharp, irritating nasal secretions. Better in the
open; worse warmth.
Apis - eyelids are puffy and inflamed, heat feeling, stinging, burning pains, feelings of
foreign body, hot body, and thirsty, extreme photophobia better for cool
Argentum nit - chronic conjunctivitis, inflammation w, desire sweets. Burning, splinter
feeling, pus, eyes glued in morning, raw meat looking.
Belladonna - high fever, dilated pupils, Redness
Euphrasia - red swollen, burning, itching. Tears are sharp and sore. Sensitive to light
Pulsatilla - better cold on eye. Bland yellow discharge spreading to other eye

Cell Salts
Calc sulph thick yellow discharge, corneal ulcers
Ferr phos acute or traumatic without discharges, red, painful
Nat sulph sensitive to light, burning, hot, granular feeling, and for liver support


Quinton directly in eye

Good raw honey or Manuka honey (can burn)
Breast milk (works best if you have it)
Infusions of chamomile or elderflower
eyebright used as eyewash


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 28 Canker Sores

Arsenicum album- stress lead to sores
Borax- hot and sensitive.
Calcarea carbonica- kids who tend to get canker sores, slow on developmental
Hepar sulphuris calcareum- seems easily infected, sensitive to cold.
Mercurius solubilis- lots of drooling/saliva, bleeding gums
Natrum muriaticum-corners of the mouth, craving for salt
Nux vomica-overindulgence remedy- causes canker sores
Sulphur- bitter taste, red lips.

Cell Salts
Ferrum phos- gums hot and swollen too
Kali Mur- rawness of mouth
Kali phos- offensive breath... Rotate with kali mur

Essential Oils

Roman Chamomile
OnGuard / Thieves
Tea Tree Oil

Quinton Isotonic


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 29 Headaches


Belladonna- head fells full, face flushed

Bryonia- slightest motion makes it worse, wants dark
Gelsemium felt in back part of head, eyes half open, flu like
Nux Vomica along with nausea
Hyland's Headache

Cell Salts
Ferrum phos - inflammation
Mag phos- spasm
Calc phos

Essential Oils
Peppermint (over age 2)

Quinton Isotonic


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 30 Bug Spray

Ledum- can be preventative OR use with irritated bug bites

Essential Oils
Bug Spray Recipe

1 Cup distilled water

2 tbsp. glycerin, or witch hazel
10 drops eucalyptus essential oil & Geranium essential oil
12 drops lemongrass essential oil & cedar essential oil
Mix together in a spray bottle, shake well"
Lemongrass & tea Tree oil soap


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

Ailment No. 31 Bug Bites

Ledum- can be preventative OR use with irritated bug bites

Essential Oils
Tea Tree oil
Lavender & Tea Tree Oil Salve


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Ailment No. 32 UTI

Cantharis- go to remedy for UTI, burning/pain with urine
Mercurius-violent pain and blood in the urine
Bladder Well by Native Remedies

Cell Salts
Ferrum phos- initial stage
Kali Mur- second stages

Essential Oils


Chamomile Tea

Probiotic flush with FLORA synergy 10 capsules opened up into mouth
Unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry powder and blueberries


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Ailment No. 33 Sleep Issues


Kali Brom- before bed fear of darkness

Stramonium -nightmares
Belladonna -sweating at night with nightmares
Coffea Cruda sleeplessness with metal hyperactivity

Cell Salts
Ferrum phos - sleeplessness
Kali phos- great nerve tonic
Silicea - sleeplessness/jerking of limbs

Essential Oils
1-5 year olds: lavender+ roman chamomile
5+ years clary sage, geranium, ylang ylang
Older kids or adults - (mom especially) frankincense 2 drops under the tongue before
Mountain Rose Sleep Ease


Chamomile Tea
Passion Flower
Quiet Child tea


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Quinton - 1 vile a day
Magnesium - Flakes, oil, lotion


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Ailment No. 34 Bedwetting

Benzoic acid bed wetting, toxic state with strong smelling urine. Yellow stains wont
wash out. Irritating.
Causticum bed wetting before midnight; better for boys; domineering parents-history
of holding urine; urinary sphincter faulty.
Cina bedwetting before midnight, dark circles under eyes, picks nose. Parasites.
Equisetum bedwetting first part of night; clear copious urine, odorless; #1 remedy for
kidney-bladder weakness.
Lycopodium- difficult intelligent children, soak late in the night
Phosphorus sensitive, fears of dark, suggestible. Thirsty for ice cold water.
Sepia bed wetting right after sleep; sleeps too deep; weak bladder, dribbling from
laughing. Dreams of urination. Sleeps better with socks on. Irritability and exhaustion.
Newton labs Bedwetting
Native Remedies Bed Dry

Cell Salts

Ferr phos inflammation and exhaustion

Kali phos nervousness
Nat sulph to regulate the urinary system.
Calc phos- restless, small amounts, seldom wakens

Essential Oils
Cypress mixed with coconut oil rub on abdomen at bed time.

Dry Bed by wise Women Herbals


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Consider food allergy

Cranial Sacral Therapy
Accupuncture or Accupressure


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Recipe No. 1 - Onion Honey Cough Syrup

Although this might not sound like its delicious, it really is! The sweetness of the honey mixed
with the warmed onions is like a super sweet caramelized onion. You wont have a problem
getting your children to take this remedy, I can promise you that. The anti-inflammatory
properties of the honey and onions help with coughing spasms and soothe irritated tissue.
Onions, as well as garlic and cayenne, produce an effect in the stomach that signals the lungs to
release a flow of secretions that help thin sticky, thick mucus. If youve ever chopped an onion,
you have experienced this by the uncontrollable tearing of your eyes. Here is the recipe:
In a small saucepan mix together

1 cup of honey
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
1 tsp. thyme leaf

Warm on low heat until the onions are cooked. The lower the heat, the better. Honey has a lot
of healing properties that are killed off by high heat. The best way to make this is a longer
process on a lower heat.
Serve by itself, in a teaspoon, or over mashed potatoes or other steamed vegetables. Small
amounts can be eaten several times a day, if needed.


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Recipe No. 2 - Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry Syrup is something we keep around the house all the time. Its an amazing preventative if you
take it as a daily supplement. It also works well to shorten the life of a cold or flu, if it is present.
Elderberries are an excellent source of anti-oxidants which is part of its magic. You may see this sold in
health food stores or drug stores but it is quite expensive. Making it yourself is a much cheaper option. It
is also healthier because the store bought kind is made with cane syrup, not honey.

1 cup dried elderberries, this is where I get mine

4 cups filtered water

1 cup raw honey

A 1-qt. mason jar with lid

Put the elderberries and water in a pot and heat until boiling. Once it boils let it cook for 3 minutes. Turn
off the heat and let it steep for 15 minutes in the pot.
Strain the liquid and pour into the mason jar. Let the liquid sit until completely cooled and then stir in
the raw honey. To make it a thicker syrup, use equal parts honey to elderberry juice. Store in the


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Recipe No. 2 - Onion Pack

This is the perfect remedy if your little one just cant stop coughing. I used this one night when my
daughter was coughing in the middle of the night and could not stop. It really worked like magic, almost
immediately stopping the incessant coughing!
1. Thinly slice a small yellow onion. Place in cheesecloth and fold over to make a pack
2. Place in a 200 degree oven for 2-3 minutes just to warm it up
3. Place on your childs chest, holding it in place with surgical tape. Put a t-shirt on over it.
Sit back and watch the coughing settle down!


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Recipe No. 3 - Kids Throat Coat Tea Blend

Warm tea is the fastest way to sooth a sore throat. This kids throat coat tea will help sooth scratchy
throats and help to get rid of congestion and cough.

1 part Marshmallow root

1 part Sage leaf

1 part Calendula flower

1 part Licorice root

1 part Cinnamon bark

Mix together the dried herbs and store in a mason jar. Use approximately 1 tbsp. tea per cup of boiling


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Recipe No. 4 - Hand Sanitizer

Commercial hand sanitizers should be avoided at all costs. Most anti-bacterial products contain
Triclosan, an antibacterial agent that kills germs. Studies have found that this substance can cause
hormone disruption and growth problems. For more in depth information, read this article:
Hand washing is obviously the best option but this recipe is something that can replace toxic commercial
hand sanitizers with a healthy version. The essential oils in this recipe provide a safe and natural way to
kill unwanted germs.

1/4 c. aloe vera gel

3/4 c. rubbing alcohol (at least 91%)

1/8 c. vegetable glycerin

10 drops essential oil (tea tree oil, thieves oil, lemon oil, or other)

Pour everything into your food processor or blender and let it go on high for a minute or two. Bottle and
use as you would any hand sanitizer. Will keep for 6 months or more.


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Recipe No. 5 - Kids Cold Care Tea Blend

This tea is great to drink on a regular basis as a preventative. Its also perfect to serve when your child is
not feeling well. The herbs will help fight off the infection and shorten the life of the cold.

2 parts Elder flower

2 parts Chamomile flowers

1 part peppermint leaves

Mix together the dried herbs and store in a mason jar. Use approximately 1 tbsp. tea per cup of boiling


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Recipe No. 6 - Garlic Oil

Garlic oil is very simple to make since it only requires two ingredients. Both of the ingredients are also
mostly likely already in your kitchen.
Garlic oil can be used for many things. Its most well-known use is as ear oil for an ear ache. This works
extremely quickly to soothe the pain of an ear ache. If using garlic oil for this purpose be sure to
continue using it 3x a day for several days to be sure it is resolved.
It can also be used as a topical remedy for skin issues or rubbed on the feet for some immune boosting
power while a child is fighting something off.
1. Warm 2-4 tbsp. of olive oil in a pan
2. Add 3-4 minced cloves of garlic
3. Warm on very low heat so you dont kill off all the good power of the garlic for at least 10
Strain out the garlic and pour the oil into a glass bottle with an eye dropper.


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Recipe No. 7 - Rose Hip Syrup for Teething


1/4 cup dried rose hips

4 cups water

1 cup sweetener (maple syrup, vegetable glycerin, or brown rice syrup)

Add the rose hips and water to a pot and simmer for 30 minutes. The liquid should be down to about
half. Strain the herbs from the water and pour the water into a mason jar. Let the liquid cool and then
add the sweetener into the jar and shake until blended. A 1-to-1 ratio of sweetener to liquid is
supposed to preserve it longer but I find it way too sweet. If refrigerated, it will last for several months.
The dosage is 4 to 6 drops every hour for infants and a teaspoon for older children.


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Recommended Products & Resources

Boiron found easily at most health food stores
Newton Labs- combination remedies use KIDS line
Cell Salts
Hylands found easily at most health food stores
Essential Oils
Young Living Roxanne is a Young Living distributor

Sign up here to start ordering Young Living oils

Browse Young Living products here

doTerra Wendi is a doTerra distributor

Sign up here to start ordering doTerra Oils will need Wendis number: 967727

Mountain Rose Herbs a great source for essential oils, herbs, teas and more.
Essential Oil Diffuser
Other Remedies
Quinton Isotonic- DRvitaminsolutions use coupon code SAVE5 for 5% discount and free shipping
(Quinton products only)

Beepothecary propolis products

Beehealthy farms Propol AIR diffuser 15% off all products with BEEWELL3 coupon code

Rescue Remedy easily found at health food stores -be sure to get KIDS
Celletech Remedies- winter virus/flu prevention
Energetix Inflamatone
Energetix flu-tone
Wise Woman Herbals can purchase directly from site, most health food stores
King bio- Colic relief spray

Energetix Flora Probiotics


A Parents Guide To Natural Remedies Online Course

HMF Natogen
Klaire Infant Probiotics
Corganic-GUT Pro or infant Pro

Colostrum - Sedona Labs

Catnip and Fennel colic relief Trilight Health
Redmond Clay
Bio-Ray KIDs use JUBILEE in coupon code at check out for 10% discount

Recommended Reading
Homeopathic Medicine for Infants and Children D. Ullman
Holistic Baby Guide by R. Neustaedter OMD
Super Nutrition for Babies, K. Erlich MD
Cure Your Child With Food, K. Dorfman
The Parents Guide to Natural Health Care for Children K. Sullivan
Smart Medicine for A Happier Child J. Zand, R. Rountree
Rhymes for Remedies Jackie G. Synnott
Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies by David Card
Joette Calabrese Cell salt CD/download
Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies: Healing with Natures Twelve Mineral Compounds
Peter Broadhead - Cell Salts pdf


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The information provided in this Booklet and appearing on any associated website is presented
for educational purposes only. Nothing contained therein should be construed as nor is
intended to be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Nothing contained therein
should be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider.
Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other
health care provider promptly. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health
care provider before making any changes in your healthcare routine. You should not disregard
the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider or delay seeking such advice
because of the information provided in this Webinar and any associated website.
You should always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before
starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you
suspect you may have a health problem. Moreover, you should never stop taking previously
prescribed medication without the advice of your physician or other qualified health care
These statements and the information furnished in the Webinar and on any associated
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Thank You!


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