Online Topic I and II (2011)

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Topic - I

The gift of a common tongue is a priceless boon - it is our task to safeguard this boon.
To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and
use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
Anthony Robins

Man is a social animal. He needs to communicate.

To exchange ideas.
To understand others.
To project some views (written or oral).
It is goal oriented.
It conveys more than the immediate words.
It holds people together.
Communication through any language is not only for competition and
exclusion but also for sharing, inclusion and interaction.
Communication opens the gates of future knowledge and broadens ones
Communication is used for various other purposes like negotiation,
persuasion, teaching, interaction etc.
Good communication gives one access to all stratas of society.


As connectivity expands, time and distance have collapsed. The world

situation today demands a global language. A global language is a
language which has significance beyond geographical boundaries and
English is a link that holds the world together.
Knowledge of English gives greater opportunity to a person.

English opens the window to science, technology, internet, information and communication.
English is the language of trade and commerce, globally.
Some of the best books of recent world knowledge are in English.
The knowledge of the world today is stored in English Language.
English as the medium of instruction plays a major role in acquiring scientific knowledge.
English helps one to attain competitive edge in the global job market.
Almost all telex messages and telegrams are sent in English.
80% of Computer Data are processed and stored in English.
Satellite communication takes place in English.
Professional practice is carried out in English internationally.

Imperfect knowledge of English, is a cause for concern to the Teachers and employers.
Inadequate knowledge of English hampers the social growth of a person in modern times.
Knowledge of English grants better opportunity to the students.
Perfectly spoken English leaves an enduring mark on the employers.
Students appearing for CAT, SAT, MAT, TOEFL, CDSE, GRE and other competitive examinations
are expected to have a sound knowledge of English.
English has a major role to play in international political deliberations.
English is very important for International travel. It is the most extensively used language by
globe-trotters. Most Tourist Information is readily available for all countries in English.
English is a unifying language along with Hindi, in India.
English builds a bridge within the country and its people as a second language.
English is no longer considered as a foreign language.
English music and its closeness to Indian music has built a new bridge of understanding. The
same role has been played by American and British movies.
Hindi and Regional films have gained popularity globally through dubbing and subtitles in English.
Use of English in the entertainment world has raised the knowledge of English of the common
Indian, American and British films have raised the standard of cultural awareness and mutual
English is a must for all students as it is the stepping stone to all other subjects of any technical
Technical knowledge and terms have been capsuled in English. Thus, serious technical
communication between the students and the teachers is naturally in English.
English teaching in PDPM IIIT DM aims at greater exposure of students to the world environment.
English learning begins with:


Topic - II
Effective Communication Skills

If one is searching for results while working with other people, it is essential to direct and develop
ones abilities and skills in three inter-related areas: communication, decision making and
All living organisms communicate in some way or the other but among the humans it is not only a
highly developed skill but is also an integral part of all existence. Human communication is as old as man
though it has evolved and almost perfected itself through the ages. Sounds, actions, gestures, facial
expression, spoken words, reading, writing, speaking, listening and the modern sophisticated
methods of communication have not only expanded the world of communication but has also brought it
to the level of near perfection. Its significance cannot be underplayed especially in all commercial
activities and intercourse. Communication is the means to an end. Communication is always goal
oriented and thus, it depends upon the person or group or the object of transferring certain ideas to the
Communication is a multidimensional word that covers everything like interaction, casual
conversation, persuasion, teaching, negotiation etc. The communication is not only done with words
but also with voice quality, designing of sentences, body language and even silence.
Communication conveys more than the immediate words used for the purpose. It is not what we
say but how we say that makes all the difference. But we must understand clearly that no matter what
methods we use for communication, the important factor is what we convey finally and so it is not only
essential to communicate effectively but also to ensure that the receiver is receiving it in the right
perspective and is being made aware of the communicating idea.
Infact, communication is the life line of all successful and meaningful actions in the commercial
world and the work area of the engineers. Communications of various types can be simple, complex,
conscious and unconscious. For some, verbal communication is a simple task but for others it may be
as strenuous as climbing the Mount Everest. One may ask the reasons for these opposite reactions. The
reasons are many and one can conquer the negative reasons with strong determination and some
physical practice.
It is true that all kinds of barriers are demolished by communication, silent or vocal. Once
the barriers are demolished one can move easily on the path of global interaction and understanding, the
need of the hour. Before one is able to reach this happy and ideal state one has to destroy the
communication barriers. A communication is ineffective because of many factors like physical
problems, weak vocabulary, insufficient knowledge of grammar, behavioral distractions,
differences in understanding etc.
The Process of Communication:
Communication has a definite process with distinct steps. It begins with the communicator who
sends the stimulus and then after decoding the message it is received by the listener. The process of
communication is completed when the feedback is sent to the original communicator. The whole process
can be explained through a diagram. One very broad diagram is Message is sent by the sender
received by the listener.
The more detailed flow diagram can be presented in the following manner:
The sender gets an idea encodes through written or spoken words, the receiver receives the
encoded message through reading, listening and viewing decodes the message reacts
sends the feedback to the original sender. The process is cyclic as the last step brings back the
first step.
Methods and Channels of communication are many:

Methods of Communication:
1. Oral
2. Non-verbal
3. Visual
4. Audio-Visual
5. Silence
6. Written
7. Body Language
Oral can be further sub-divided into following channels of communication: (a) Talks (b) speeches (c)
discussions (d) meetings (e) seminar (f) counselling (g) interface
These activities are carried out through a (a) Telephone (b) Microphone (c) Loudspeaker (d) Amplifier (e)
Tape Recorder (f) Radio (g) Plain speaking.
Written form of communication has a great variety: (a) Letters (b) Memos (c) Circulars (d) Notes (e)
representations (f) reports (g) brochures (h) books (i) telex (j) fax (k) mail (l) telegram (m) photocopy (n)
Communication includes all forms of expressions which serve the purpose of mutual
The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines communication as the activity or process of
expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information. If this purpose fails, one has to look
into its reasons. The reasons may lie in the problem of Communication Barriers. The following may
cause communication barriers.
(1) The power of expression of the communicator determines the quality of communication.
Barriers may rise due to faulty expression and faulty construction.
(2) Lack of conceptual skills, may dilute the power of communication. Improper balance of words
and thoughts may result into structural imbalance. It may hamper clarity and precision.
(3) All kinds of conceptual vagueness may result into incoherence. The communicator may lack the
power to think and imagine worthwhile ideas to communicate.
(4) Faulty transmission may take place due to errors in use of words, incorrect pronunciation,
punctuation errors, illegible hand-writing, wrong spellings, physical incapabilities
(stammering). This is difference in vocabulary skills.
(5) Effective communication presupposes that there must be interesting communication and
an attentive listener who has to be created in certain cases. If the level of understanding is
different, problems can rise.
(6) Free flow of communication may be hindered because of man related factors. Authority, status,
time, etc may create barriers for communication because of fear, bias, suddenness etc.
(7) The organization/situation may not be conducive to communication.
(8) Behavioral distraction, like stammering, awkward movements and gestures, repetitive
vocabulary like I mean, you understand etc may effect communication.
Types of Communication: (1) personal, (2) business, (3) formal and informal communication, (4)
internal communication, (5) interactive communication, (6) mass communication, (7) Grapevine
communication. Communication may not be total.
Making conversation on different occasions successfully is an art. While speaking on the telephone or
making a speech or conducting a productive meeting or presenting a product/idea, one has to use
different methods. Conversation in an office is quite different from casual communication. Though in
recent years, the distance between the two has been reducing rapidly.
Effective Communication depends on the following major factors:
(a) For Effective Communication one must have a clear idea of the purpose. That is the
communicator must know what he has to communicate and then, follows the next step of how
to communicate.
(b) One can never ignore the target audience. Accordingly the level and quality of communication
have to be adjusted.
(c) It would be foolish to forget the basic communication skills which should be mastered to be an
effective communicator: reading, writing, listening, speaking, body language, presentation
(d) Visual and verbal communication when combined, reaches the audience effortlessly.


Communication succeeds when one is well informed. All the perspectives of a subject are
available to a speaker/writer when he is well informed. This knowledge is passed on to the
(f) Communication can succeed only through good planning. The speaker/writer must ascertain in
advance the message to be conveyed, the words to be chosen, the order to be followed,
the method to be adopted, the detail to be given and the feedback to be received.
(g) The positive approach in communication is most effective though the pitfalls should be
(h) Extreme feelings have no place in good communication unless of course when a little playacting is required. One should restrain ones emotions.
(i) A good communicator is consistent and logical. This quality increases the trust of the audience
and also enables the speaker to handle the problems individually according to their importance. It
also highlights the sincerity of the speaker.
In modern times, time management has acquired great significance and so, a communicator
must manipulate time effectively. Thus there is a need to train oneself and to speak effectively in
the given time.
(k) Communication becomes effective and simple when right modes and channels are used. The
communicator must decide when he has to use the written method or the verbal method.
(l) Perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, values, norms and experiences have impact on good
communication. A good communicator must consider the above mentioned facts in relation to the
audience also.
(m) Whenever any form of communication is carried out, there is a need to get the feedback. So one
must ensure that through questions, answers, letters or any other process the feedback is
collected to make communication effective, on the next occasion.
Major purposes of communication through writing, speaking and visual presentation are:
to interact small talk
to inform information can be official, formal business like personal.
to find out
to influence
to regulate
to entertain
to record
(i) One must remember the specific purpose and communicate accordingly. To Interact or for Small Talk
for social intercourse one often requires a more leisurely approach.
(ii) To inform one can use official, formal, business or personal, communication system.
The information can be given in two different ways:
(a) Direct communication, (b) Selling some information through indirect ways.
At times, the communication to inform is indistinct. Care should be taken to make it distinct.
(iii) To find out we need to ask questions. The adults and children both need it. To fill up forms we need to
answer questions in formalized situations. We need to use questions while interviewing a person or
meeting the media.
(iv) We speak or write to influence others. Writing and speech of others also influence us. We
communicate to persuade others, or to give opinion. The attempt to influence is very discreetly carried out
in advertising and political communication. To influence others with speech or writing one needs
vocabulary. The meaning, sound, connotation, combination are all combined to influence.
(v) Advertisers and politicians try to persuade, control and regulate the views of others regarding the
rightness of a particular method and manner of action. Doctors and teachers also do the same but it is
done quite frankly.
(vi) To entertain the language becomes a -tool in the hands of the speaker. Humour and emotions are
added to the normal way of speaking. Vocabulary and sentence structure in such conditions are also of a
lighter mode. While speaking/ communicating with a purpose to entertain, the mood and tone etc., is of a
different quality.
(vii) The previous six purposes, pre-supposes that there is an audience. But when one communicates to
record, there is no immediate audience and yet there is a future reader. Different situations compel one to
record. Things are recorded to give it a relative permanency and authenticity. Lists, diary writing,

logbooks, scientific reports, attendance registers, all official documents letters etc., are samples of some
kind of recording.
When we communicate there is usually one major and other minor purpose. It is good to remember the
primary purpose and communicate accordingly. While listening or reading it is useful to analyze the
purpose of communication.
Components of Effective Communication

The purpose should be clear what and how.

Assess the target audience.
Rich vocabulary, right word in the right place.
Correct grammar.
Correct pronunciation.
Correct tonal variations.
Short, simple and interesting expression.
Convincing, confident congenial presentation.
Consistent and logical.
Sense of respect for others.
Ethical vision.
Positive approach.
Correct attitude.
Emotional balance.
Good listener (active listener and not passive /blank listener).
Time management, good planning.

Remember we all have different perspectives so be receptive.

The Process of Communication

The speaker has an idea

Encodes in a language/media
Sends it to the receiver
Receiver, receives and decodes
Sends the feedback.
The circle of communication is thus complete.

The Purpose of Communication


to interact small talk.

to inform information can be formal, business, personal, direct, indirect.
to find out
to influence
to regulate
to entertain
to record

Communication Barriers
1) Faulty expression and faulty construction.
2) Lack of conceptual skill.
3) Incoherence: Improper balance between thoughts and words can create problems. It
hampers clarity and precision.
4) Faulty transmission due to incorrect pronunciation, punctuation, errors, illegible hand
writing, wrong spellings, physical disability.
5) Different levels of understanding.
6) Communication can be hindered due to authority, status, and time.
7) Organizational situations.
8) Behavioral distractions like stammering, extra-grammatical words, awkward body
9) Nervousness.
Communication Learning skills are


1 and 3 are non-verbal skills

2 and 4 are verbal skills.
Non-Verbal Skills are : (1) gestures, (2) postures, (3) attires, (4) eye contact, (5) facial expression,
(6) body language(conscious and unconscious), (7) Space distancing, (8) Sign language.

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