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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

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Applications of fuzzy logic in renewable energy systems A review

L. Suganthi a,n, S. Iniyan b, Anand A. Samuel c

Department of Management Studies, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai 600025, India
Institute for Energy Studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai 600025, India
VIT University, Vellore 632014, India

art ic l e i nf o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Received 9 November 2013
Received in revised form
19 March 2015
Accepted 3 April 2015
Available online 28 April 2015

In recent years, with the advent of globalization, the world is witnessing a steep rise in its energy
consumption. The world is transforming itself into an industrial and knowledge society from an
agricultural one which in turn makes the growth, energy intensive resulting in emissions. Energy
modeling and energy planning is vital for the future economic prosperity and environmental security.
Soft computing techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms are being adopted in
energy modeling to precisely map the energy systems. In this paper, an attempt has been made to review
the applications of fuzzy logic based models in renewable energy systems namely solar, wind, bioenergy, micro-grid and hybrid applications. It is found that fuzzy based models are extensively used in
recent years for site assessment, for installing of photovoltaic/wind farms, power point tracking in solar
photovoltaic/wind, optimization among conicting criteria. The review indicates that fuzzy based
models provide realistic estimates.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy AHP
Fuzzy MCDM


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Energy models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fuzzy logic models in energy systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fuzzy models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hybrid models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multicriteria decision models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Applications of fuzzy logic in renewable energy systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bio-energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hybrid systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Introduction
Energy plays an important role in the development of any
country. The source of energy is dominated by fossil fuels. The
20th century witnessed a rapid twenty fold increase in fossil fuel
consumption. Among the fuels, coal and oil are being used for

Corresponding author. Tel.: 91 98412 44331.

E-mail address: (L. Suganthi).
1364-0321/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


electricity generation which in turn is used for lighting, heating

and cooling. Oil is used in transportation, heating and cooling.
According to International Energy Agency (IEA) data from 1990 to
2008, the energy consumption per capita increased by 10% while
the world population increased by 27%. This was mainly due to the
growth in China, India and the Middle East [1]. The growth in
energy consumption in the G20 countries slowed down to 2%
in 2011.
Global warming resulting from extensive fossil fuel consumption has now become a global phenomenon. If developing countries


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

especially India and China are able to efciently use the energy
and bring in a steep declining trend in its energy intensity, it will
benet the respective country, their economy as well as the global
About 16% of the global energy consumption comes from
renewable energy resources. The share of renewable energy in
electricity generation is around 19%, with 16% from hydro and 3%
from renewable energy resources. Renewable energy is environment friendly and renewable in nature. From the end of 2004,
worldwide renewable energy capacity grew at rates of 1060%
annually for various technologies [2]. In 2010, renewable power
constituted about a third of the newly built power generation
capacities [3]. According to a 2011 projection by the IEA, solar
power generators may produce most of the world's electricity
within the next 50 years. Renewable energy technologies are
getting cheaper, through technological change and through the
benets of mass production and market competition. If policies
such as environmental tariff, net metering, emissions trading,
carbon tax, carbon emission trading are introduced, the utilization
of renewable energy can be further increased. Thus it is seen that
energy planning is the need of the hour.

2. Energy models
Proper planning is required at the global, national and regional
level to handle the energy consumption on one hand and consequent emissions on the other. The world has been endowed with
environment friendly renewable energy sources. Academicians,
policy makers and industrialists need to work in tandem for
developing energy models to circumvent the growing energyenvironment predicament.
Energy models are developed for sustainable development of
any nation. Advanced energy models are required for handling
complex phenomena. There are a variety of models used in energy
modeling. Time series, regression, ARIMA, inputoutput, decomposition models, grey prediction, co-integration models are used
for energy demand forecasting. Integrated energy planning models
try and balance the energy supply with energy demand. Articial
intelligent systems namely neural network, fuzzy logic, genetic
algorithm are being used for building optimization models.
Energy models also help in integrated assessment considering
availability, potential, economics, emission, technology, social
acceptance etc. Econometric models deal with the costs of
resources, energy systems, economy of the country, technological
parameters etc. Energy-economic models are used to examine the
wider impacts of changes in the energy system and the economy.
Energy system models are technology based cost optimizing
models that are predominantly used for technology assessments.
Energy-environment models help in understanding the linkage
between energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and climate
change. With several competing energy options, energy models
based on fuzzy logic enable researchers to realistically select the
right mix of energy resources considering the various conicting
criteria like costs, availability, emission etc.

3. Fuzzy logic models in energy systems

Energy projects in developing countries have proved that renewable energy can directly contribute to poverty alleviation as well as
provide for business and employment opportunities. However electricity from renewable energy is argued to be intermittent and hence
unreliable. On the one hand consumers need to be educated on the
necessity of using non-polluting cleaner energy sources while the
policy makers in the government must bring in legislations and

reallocations in the budget spending so as to enhance renewable

energy utilization to a greater extent. If realistic models are developed to provide reliable, environment friendly energy from homespun commercial and renewable energy sources it would aid the
global community and leave behind a healthy environment for
generations to come. Fuzzy logic helps in conceptualizing the
fuzziness in the system into a crisp quantiable parameter. Thus
fuzzy logic based models can be adopted for effective energy
planning to arrive at pragmatic solutions.
Fuzzy logic deals with reality and it is a form of many valued
logic. It deals with reasoning that is approximate having also
linguistic values rather than crisp values. Fuzzy logic handles the
concept of truth value that ranges between completely true and
completely false (01). Fuzzy logic has been applied in many
disciplines. Fuzzy logic and probability are different ways of
expressing uncertainty. Fuzzy set theory used the concept of fuzzy
set membership while probability theory uses the concept of
subjective probability. The various types of membership functions
normally used in fuzzy logic are triangular, trapezoidal, L
function, function, S function, Gaussian fuzzy set. All of these
functions can be used in the modeling of energy systems.
Fuzzy logic based models in energy systems can range from the
most simple to the most complex. They can be broadly classied as

Fuzzy models
fuzzy delphi
fuzzy regression
fuzzy grey prediction
fuzzy AHP
fuzzy ANP
fuzzy clustering
Hybrid models
(a) neuro-fuzzy, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
(b) fuzzy genetic algorithm, neuro-fuzzy GA
(c) fuzzy expert system, neuro-fuzzy expert system
(d) fuzzy DSS
(e) fuzzy DEA, neuro-fuzzy DEA
(iii) Multi criteria decision models
(a) fuzzy VIKOR
(b) fuzzy TOPSIS
(c) fuzzy support vector machine
(d) fuzzy particle swarm optimization
(e) fuzzy honey bee optimization
(f) fuzzy cuckoo search optimization
(g) fuzzy quantum particle swarm optimization
(h) fuzzy ant colony optimization.

3.1. Fuzzy models

The fuzzy logic based models are being used extensively because
it maps the realistic situation to a large extent. Fuzzy delphi method
is used when the experts' response is of a fuzzy nature. Several
rounds are conducted among experts to arrive at a consensus. In
fuzzy regression, the data for the dependent and independent
variables are captured in a fuzzy manner and the effect of the
independent variables on the dependent variable is determined
using the derived regression equation. In fuzzy grey prediction,
similar to regression approach, the fuzziness is used to capture the
grey area in the variables considered for the dependency prediction.
Fuzzy AHP and fuzzy ANP are used to nd the relative importance of
the variables. Fuzzy approach helps in accurately capturing the
fuzziness in the minds of people while ranking the variables. In
fuzzy clustering, the range given to the variables helps in clearly

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

demarcating the clusters and draw boundaries. Each of these

approaches are being used depending on the problem domain. For
prediction purposes, fuzzy delphi, fuzzy regression, fuzzy grey
prediction can be used. Fuzzy AHP, fuzzy ANP can be used for nding
the relative importance of the energy resources. Fuzzy clustering is
used for grouping of resources based on selected criteria such as cost,
availability, pollution etc. These techniques can be classied as
simple considering its complexity involved in the technique and
can be used for prediction or grading the importance of energy
3.2. Hybrid models
Neuro-fuzzy models and ANFIS models have been used extensively during the past decade especially in control systems. As seen


from Table 1, extensive research has been done in neuro-fuzzy and

ANFIS models. In recent years it is found that fuzzy inference
systems are used extensively in solar PV control/smart grid
systems. Fuzzy genetic algorithm is also used in control systems
for solar PV/wind and for nding the best wind energy generation
terrain. Fuzzy expert system and neuro-fuzzy expert systems are
articial intelligent systems used for identifying the best energy
resource or for maximizing the available resource. Fuzzy DSS uses
a combination of various decision models. It helps to identify the
decision model given an energy situation. Fuzzy DEA is an
optimization technique which helps in determining the best
combination of resources that can be used considering the various
constraints present in a situation/region. These models may be
classied as medium in complexity. They can be used for
accurately simulating the system and/or its performance. However

Table 1
Fuzzy models in renewable energy systems.

Area of

Fuzzy regression


Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS

Fuzzy AHP, ANP

Fuzzy clustering

Fuzzy optimization

Neuro-Fuzzy DEA
Fuzzy GA

Neuro-Fuzzy GA
Fuzzy expert

Neuro-fuzzy expert
Fuzzy MCDM


Fuzzy PSO

Fuzzy honey bee

Fuzzy PSO, QPSO, Cuckoo


Martin et al. [47], Ramedani et al. [48]

An et al. [49], Kaneko et al. [50], Wang and Xiong [51]
Mamlook et al. [9]
Alata et al. [52], Arulmurugan and Suthanthiravanitha [53], Cao and Lin [54], Chaabene and Ammar [55], Chaouachi et al.
[56], Chen et al. [57], Kharb et al. [58], Landeras et al. [59], Lee et al. [60], Mellit et al. [61], Mellit and Kalogirou [62], Salah
and Ouali [63], Sfetsos and Coonick [64], Syafaruddin et al. [65], Zarzalejo et al. [66]
Capovilla [67], De Giorgi et al. [68], Haque et al. [69], Hong et al. [70], Jafarian and Ranjbar [71], Lin et al. [72,73], Liu et al.
[74], Mohandes et al. [75], Monfared et al. [76], Osorio et al. [7780], Pousinho et al. [81], Sfetsos [82], Shamshirband et al.
[83,84], Yang et al. [85]
Jurado and Saenz [86], Jurado et al. [87]
Rajkumar et al. [88]
Heo et al. [22], Kahraman et al. [20], Ren and Sovacool [24], Tarsri and Susilawati [23]
Lee et al. [60]
Lee et al. [89], Liu et al. [90], Shaee [91], Yeh and Huang [92]
Chang et al. [93]
Chen et al. [94]
Space heating Jaber et al. [17]
Zare and Niknam [44]
Fuel cell/
Niknam et al. [40,41]
Gomez and Casanovas [95]
Azizipanah-Abarghooee et al. [96], Calderaro et al. [97], Ugranli and Karatepe [98], Ustuntas and Sahin [99]
Ayoub et al. [100]
Ho et al. [12], Li et al. [13], Vahidinasab [14]
Benlarbi et al. [101]
Liang et al. [102]
Balaman and Selim [103], Ng et al. [104], Tan et al. [105]
Malekpour et al. [106]
Azadeh et al. [107]
Azadeh et al. [108]
Kisi [109], Luk et al. [110]
Gonzlez de la Rosa et al. [111]
Ansari and Velusami [112,113], Kalantar and Mousavi [114]
Chekired et al. [115]
Kasiri et al. [116]
Kaminaris et al. [7], Kyriakarakos et al. [8]
Zhao et al. [117]
Dounis et al. [16]
Romeo and Gareta [118]
Agrawal and Singh [10]
Charabi an Gastli [119], Salah et al. [120], Wu et al. [121]
Lee et al. [89]
Bitar et al. [122], Ren et al. [123]
Kaya and Kahraman [21], Sengul et al. [42]
Ahmadi et al. [124,125], Cavallaro [126]
Perera et al. [127]
Moghaddam et al. [31,32]
Sangawong and Ngamroo [128], Welch and Venayagamoorthy [129], Zeng et al. [130]
Aghaei et al. [131], Bahmani-Firouzi et al. [132], Liang et al. [133], Lin et al. [73], Pousinho et al. [81], Wang and Singh [134]
Niknam et al. [3941]

Berrazouane and Mohammedi [135], Bigdeli [136]


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

use of these models can be undertaken only if the accuracy justies the cost and complexity.
3.3. Multicriteria decision models
With the latest advancements taking place in information
technology sector, the multicriteria decision models have gained
momentum. These techniques require the intense computation.
Fuzzy VIKOR and fuzzy TOPSIS are used for renewable energy
optimization. Specialized softwares are being used to arrive at
accurate conclusions. Support vector machine, particle swarm
optimization, quantum particle swarm optimization, honey bee
optimization, cuckoo search optimization, ant colony optimization
are all machine learning tools which helps to unravel the mystery
behind the data and accurately predict the possible outcomes.
These are now being used in renewable energy sector for control
systems, grid applications, emission reduction, to name a few. The
fuzzy based MCDM techniques are classied as complex since it
requires specialists to run the packages and interpret the results. It
is predominantly being used to test models using numerical
analysis and simulation studies.
A review is carried out on the various types of fuzzy models
applied to renewable energy systems.

4. Applications of fuzzy logic in renewable energy systems

Groscurth and Kress [4] have adopted fuzzy set theory and
fuzzy c-means clustering to compress the data which is used in
energy optimization for minimizing the primary energy inputs and
emission of pollutants. Cai et al. [5] have identied optimal
strategies in the planning of energy management systems under
multiple uncertainties using fuzzy-random interval programming
model. The method integrated interval linear programming, fuzzy
stochastic programming and mixed integer programming. Fuzzy
logic has thus helped in effectively capturing and compressing the
data and uncertainties present in energy modelling.
Ludwig [6] has used a novel fuzzy based method for assessing
the various energy conversion technologies taking into account
the environmental aspects and have concluded that renewable
energy needs to utilized for sustainability. Kaminaris et al. [7] have
developed a fuzzy based expert system model to determine an
unique fuzzy project priority index for prioritizing Renewables-toElectricity system. The variables consider the life cycle analysis and
hence this priority index will be highly useful to practitioners to
choose a renewable energy based electricity system. Kyriakarakos
et al. [8] have presented the design and implementation of fuzzy
cognitive maps based decision support toolkit for renewable
energy systems planning and has tested it in Crete Island. This
toolkit will be very useful for decision makers to critically evaluate
their investments in renewable energy systems in local communities. It is found that fuzzy logic is also being used extensively as
an assessment/evaluation tool.
When various options are thrown open to policy makers, it
becomes imperative to rationally and optimally choose the best
resource considering several constraining factors. Fuzzy logic based
models have emerged as an effective tool to meet this need.
Mamlook et al. [9] have used a neuro-fuzzy program to assess the
different electricity power generation options for Jordan. The
options considered are fossil fuel, nuclear, solar, wind and hydropower systems. Based on the cost-to-benet ratios, the results
indicate that solar, wind and hydropower are the best options while
nuclear and fossil fuel based electric power are the least preferred.
The energy allocations for cooking considering economic, environmental, technical factors have been determined by linear fuzzication of multiple objectives [10]. LPG, biogas, fuelwood, solar thermal

energy, grid electricity are considered in the model. A new concept

operational adequacy measure as a measure of the degree of
satisfaction has been introduced in the optimization model. ElTamaly and Mohammed [11] have determined the impact of
interconnecting photovoltaic/wind energy system from reliability
point of view using fuzzy logic based reliability index for each
hybrid electric power system.
Fuzzy based multiobjective optimization models are being used to
nd the best combination of resources to be used in a constraining
environment. A multiobjective linear programming model has been
developed by Ho et al. [12]. It uses a fuzzy two stage algorithm for
energy conservation and increased renewable energy utilization so as
to reduce CO2 emission. This model can be used for selecting a low
carbon energy conservation system in buildings and campuses. Tradeoffs among system costs, energy utilization and GHG emission control
were determined by Li et al. [13] using a fuzzy dual-interval multistage stochastic (FDMSP) optimization framework. The model helps to
effectively balance between system costs, energy utilization and GHG
emissions to arrive at optimal renewable/non-renewable energy
solutions. Vahidinasab [14] have presented a probabilistic multiobjective optimization model for distributed energy resources (DER) (which
includes wind turbine, photovoltaic, fuel cell, micro-turbine, gas
turbine and diesel engine) planning in electricity networks. A hybrid
fuzzy C-mean/Monte-Carlo simulation (FCM/MCS) model is used for
scenario based modeling of the electricity prices. Veena et al. [15] has
done a review of grid integrated schemes for renewable power
generation system including fuzzy logic control mechanism.
Fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy based hierarchical processing
have been adopted in buildings to increase the comfort level with
minimum energy use resulting in passive building designs. Dounis
et al. [16] have proposed a fuzzy logic expert system in the design
of solar buildings to achieve optimal thermal and visual comfort
conditions within the living and working space. Jaber et al. [17]
using benet to cost ratio from fuzzy AHP evaluated conventional
and renewable energy based space heating systems using multicriteria analysis. It was found renewable energy (namely solar and
wind) based heating system was more favorable. Yu and Dexter
[18] have used hierarchical fuzzy supervisory controller for optimizing the operation of a low energy building which uses solar
energy for heating and cooling the interiors.
Cai et al. [19] have developed an interval-parameter superiorityinferiority based two-stage programming model for supporting community-scale renewable energy management (ISITSPCREM) considering system cost, reliability and energy security. The
method integrates interval linear programming (ILP), two-stage
programming (TSP) with superiorityinferiority based fuzzystochastic programming (SI-FSP). Such integrated models will be
highly useful in analysing competing scenarios to determine
various decision alternatives.
Kahraman et al. [20] have utilized multi-criteria decision
making methodologies and found wind to be the best alternative
for Turkey considering the four main criteria economic, environment, socio-political and technological. The uniqueness of their
research is in the use of fuzzy axiomatic design and fuzzy AHP in
the selection of alternatives from among the renewable energy
sources. Kaya and Kahraman [21] have determined the best
renewable energy alternative for Istanbul by using an integrated
fuzzy VIKOR and AHP methodology. The same approach is also
used to determine the energy production sites. The uncertainty
(fuzziness) in human preferences creates vagueness in the decision making process. This is overcome using the proposed fuzzyVIKORAHP methodology which clearly brings out the relative
importance score for each resource.
Fuzzy AHP using fuzziness in the range values determine the
relative importance scores of various renewable energy dissemination programs in Korea based on ve criteria technological,

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

market-related, economic, environmental, and policy-related

and 17 factors [22]. Fuzzy AHP has been used in the selection of
the best renewable energy source for electricity generation in
Indonesia [23]. Ren and Sovacool [24] have used fuzzy AHP to
determine the relative weights indicating the importance of
energy security factors in China. Such range values adopted in
fuzzy based models help in arriving at quantiable crisp scores.
An integrated modeling system (IMS) has been developed for
planning of the energy management system and the climate
change impact analysis in the Province of Manitoba, Canada
[25]. The fuzzy reasoning introduced in their model helped in
visualizing the impact of climate change on energy management
systems. It also helped in proposing adaptation measures.
Zheng et al. [26] have compared the prediction models such as
Kalman ltering, data mining, wavelet transform and articial
intelligence such as neural networks, fuzzy inference and biological intelligence algorithm, their forecasting versatility for wind
and PV power generation. Fuzzy logic technique has not only been
used in identifying alternatives, in forecasting but also in the
control devices in energy systems. Sakhare et al. [27] have tried
power conditioning of fuel cell using fuzzy logic control for
standalone systems and grid connections. Hanmandlu and Goyal
[28] have proposed a fuzzy proportional integration (PI) controller
for micro-hydro power plants to improve its performance. Salhi
et al. [29] have used TakagiSugeno fuzzy system to model and
control a micro hyrdro power plant. To combine efciency and
simplicity of design, PI controllers are synthesized for each
considered operating point. A self-tuning fuzzy PI controller is
proposed for frequency regulation when there are large load
variations on micro-hydro power plants [30].
With the escalation in the computing power several complex
algorithms such as PSO, CLS, GA have become solvable today.
Integrating fuzzy logic with these techniques have been
researched in renewable energy systems. Moghaddam et al. [31]
have presented an expert multi-objective Adaptive Modied
Particle Swarm Optimization (AMPSO) algorithm for optimizing
the operation of a micro-grid with renewable energy sources. The
optimization process has been based on Chaotic Local Search (CLS)
mechanism and a Fuzzy Self Adaptive (FSA) structure. The authors
have compared the above results with conventional PSO and GA
[32]. Benachaiba et al. [33] have applied fuzzy logic technique
within micro-grid energy system. It is used to track the disturbance of the grid and improve the quality of system. Fuzzy logic
technique is found to be very compatible even when used in
conjunction with other complex algorithms for arriving at effective
Smart grid is an emerging topic of interest among both
researchers and practioners. However a major concern in smart
grid implementation is the integration of renewable energy
sources for optimal distribution of electricity. Mohamed and
Mohammed [34] have proposed an algorithm for optimizing the
distribution system operation using a fuzzy based smart controller
in a smart grid considering cost and system stability. The algorithm aims at controlling the power available from different
sources while giving top priority to renewable energy sources.
Three to six fuzzy sets have been used to map the input variable
into a fuzzy set.
Renewable energy unit commitment in a micro-grid formed by
a mix of intelligent buildings of both ofce and residential nature
has been found [35]. The optimization problem has been solved
using simulated annealing heuristic technique. Since there is
always ambiguity in predicting the climatic conditions, estimating
the solar energy was found to be difcult using mathematical and
regression models. A fuzzy model has been used in the constraining condition. Fuzzy logic was used for modeling and estimating
the solar energy using the sunshine availability, temperature,


location etc. for smart grid applications [36]. Rezvani et al. [37]
have performed economic and environmental pareto optimal
scheduling of a micro-grid for using renewable energy sources.
The decision making process adopts fuzzy logic technique. The
scheduling of energy sources in a micro-grid comprising of microturbine, PV, fuel cell, battery units and wind turbine have been
carried out using fuzzy based optimization models with two
objective functions of minimizing the total operation cost and
emission. A fuzzy satisfying method is used for the decision
making process [38]. Normal boundary intersection technique is
used to solve the multi-objective optimization and generate the
Pareto set. The above research indicates how fuzzy logic has been
effectively deployed in optimization problems to arrive at optimal
output either for constraining conditions or for optimal scheduling
of renewable energy resource in grid optimization.
Fuzzy logic has also been tried with other advanced optimization techniques such as honey bee optimization for determining
the best renewable energy resource for electricity generation.
Niknam et al. [39] have considered photovoltaic, wind turbine
and fuel cell based electrical generators to determine the siting
and sizing of renewable electricity generators using pareto based
Honey Bee Mating Optimization (HBMO) algorithm. The objectives
consist of minimization of costs, emission and losses of distributed
system and optimization of voltage prole. The comparison of
various methods indicate how inclusion of fuzzy logic improves
the precision accuracy. The review clearly indicates how linguistic
values are made measurable using fuzzy logic and also when used
along with advanced forecasting/optimization/scheduling techniques, the methodology becomes robust and the decision outcomes
are more accurate. The authors have presented Modied Honey
Bee Mating Optimization (MHBMO) [40,41] to study the distribution feeder conguration (DFR) considering renewable energy
sources such as photovoltaics, fuel cell and wind energy. A fuzzy
clustering algorithm and fuzzy based decision maker is adopted to
select the optimal solution. The effectiveness was checked using
two standard distribution systems.
Earlier reviews indicated how fuzzy AHP has been used to nd
relative scores or ranking of resources. Fuzzy TOPSIS is yet another
MCDM technique which has been used for ranking of renewable
energy supply systems under conicting scenarios. The technique
was adopted for Turkey [42] to rank the resources considering the
amount of energy produced, land use, operation and maintenance
cost, installed capacity, efciency, investment cost, payback period,
creation of jobs, CO2 emission. Twenty four criteria were initially
identied of which nine criteria only were selected for analysis. It
is suggested to run the model with all the criteria depending on
the region chosen for study.
Adaptive chaos clonal evolutionary programming (ACCEP) has
been used by Hong and Lin [43] for short-term active power
scheduling of a stand-alone wind and solar PV system. As fuzzy
logic was found to be an highly appropriate tool in capturing
uncertainties, fuzzy sets was used to model the uncertainties. The
fuel cost and CO2 emission that will result from such systems are
also analysed.
Clustering is used for grouping items of similar characteristics.
Zare and Niknam [44] have developed a multi-objective problem
considering conicting objectives; i.e. the electrical energy losses,
the voltage deviations, the total electrical energy costs and the
total emissions of renewable energy sources and substations. A
fuzzy clustering technique has been used to group the enormous
amount of data into groups for further analysis. This helps in
controlling the size of the repository.
The applications of soft computing techniques (namely fuzzy
logic, neural network, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm etc.)
in energy modeling have increased in recent years. Ishaque and
Salam [45] have reviewed the research carried out for maximum


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

power point tracking (MPPT) for PV systems while Roy and Saha
[46] have reviewed the research in soft computing techniques to
optimize the various parameters and the efciency of Savonious
wind rotors.
Fuzzy based hybrid models used in renewable energy systems
are categorized based on the techniques used and the areas of
research wherein they were adopted and presented in Table 1. The
applications of fuzzy logic in solar and wind energy research are
found to be more than in other energy systems.
It is clear from the table that neuro-fuzzy and ANFIS models
were predominantly used in the early years. The increase in
computing power and advancement of technology has resulted
in the extensive use of MCDM techniques, especially in the
emergence of integrated models such as fuzzy expert, fuzzy AHP,
fuzzy ANP, fuzzy genetic, fuzzy DEA, neuro-fuzzy-DEA, fuzzy
VIKOR, fuzzy TOPSIS, fuzzy PSO, fuzzy ant colony optimization
etc. Table 2 clearly highlights how fuzzy based integrated models
have increased tremendously over the years in various application
domains. The table clearly highlights how the number of research
papers that have been published using fuzzy based models in
renewable energy systems have increased several fold in the
recent years.
The applications of fuzzy logic in renewable energy systems
have been reviewed and was found that fuzzy logic based AHP,
ANP, DEA have been used for ranking of renewable energy
resources, to nd the relative importance of the resources.
Neuro-fuzzy, fuzzy genetic algorithm, fuzzy simulated annealing
have been used for optimization. However researchers are exploring newer and complex techniques in recent years to accommodate heuristic based reasoning and obtain better results. This has
led to the emergence of techniques such as ant colony, particle
swarm, honey bee optimization etc. When fuzzy logic is integrated
to these techniques the results are found to be more precise and

4.1. Solar
Mamlook et al. [137] have presented a fuzzy set methodology
for comparing the benet to cost ratios of different solar systems
for various applications in Jordan. Overall fuzzy weights is given
for each solar system. GIS based spatial fuzzy multi-criteria
evaluation was carried out at Oman by Charabi and Gastli
[119,138] to assess the land suitability for large PV farms implementation. The electricity generation potential using solar PV
technology on highly suitable lands have been estimated. Similarly
Gunderson et al. [139] have adopted graphical method based on
fuzzy logic to determine the potential sites for PV power plants.
Wu et al. [121] have used fuzzy measure to weigh the important
criteria and linguistic Choquet operator to rank the various solar
thermal power plant sites. Fuzzy densities have been obtained for
criteria and sub-criteria. The criteria used are energy factor,
infrastructure factor, land factor, environmental and social factor.
Each of these criteria has its own sub-criteria. Dynamic fuzzy
reliability models were used to resolve the problems in dealing
with the interaction between the fuzzy stress process and the
stochastic strength process in folded solar array system [140].
Fuzzy logic is found to be an adequate tool to handle spatial data
from GIS, simulation data, index data from reliability models to
identify potential sites for solar system installations.
Zhang et al. [141] have proposed an energy management
strategy in buildings which uses PV. The energy management in
buildings using PV power becomes complex because of several
reasons such as intermittent supply, storage, power variation. The
modelaims to reduce the cost of energy bill and CO2 emission
using fuzzy logic.

The rating scale incorporates the fuzzy ranges for various

parameters in survey based studies measuring consumer's preferences. Zhai and Willaims [142] have developed a fuzzy logic
inference model relating consumer perception variables to the
probability of purchase of energy from solar PV. The survey was
conducted among consumers in Arizona, US. Purchasing probability distribution has been obtained among adopters and nonadopters using fuzzy logic model. Liu et al. [143] have evaluated
the challenges for solar energy utilization in Taiwan and have
identied strategies for energy development in the future using
fuzzy delphi method. Eight objectives and forty ve criteria have
been studied to determine the strategies. The fuzzy ranges are
then converted to crisp accurate values using the fuzzy set
methodology. This conversion from fuzzy to crisp value helps in
accurately sieving through the decisions existing in the minds of
the consumers.
Fuzzy logic based controllers have been compared with conventional PI controllers and in various combinations thereof for
maximum power point tracking in solar PV systems. A fuzzy logic
power tracking controller has been developed for a standalone
photovoltaic energy conversion. Altas and Sharaf [144] state that
the fuzzy logic design proposed can also be used for other power
system applications such as voltage control, power system stabilizers and speed control application. Nafeh et al. [145] have
evaluated the controller performance for maximum power point
tracking using conventional PI controller and fuzzy logic controller
using an experimental setup.
An online fuzzy optimization procedure [101] has been designed
for maximization of the efciency of a photovoltaic water pumping
system. The model in turn maximizes the drive speed and the water
discharge rate of the centrifugal pump. Simulation studies indicate
the proposed fuzzy controller provides a highly accurate online
tracking system for nding the efciency of the PV pumping
system. Alata et al. [52] has utilized Sugeno fuzzy inference system
for modeling and controller design in sun tracking system. A
subtractive clustering algorithm is used with least square estimation (LSE) to generate fuzzy rules that are again tuned by adaptive
neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The Simulink and Virtual
Reality toolboxes of MATLAB are used in the simulation studies.
Chaabene et al. [146] have proposed a new switching approach
using fuzzy logic for obtaining optimum output when connecting
domestic appliances to either the electrical grid or a photovoltaic
panel. A fuzzy management algorithm has been proposed in this
paper. In addition to conventional fuzzy, neuro-fuzzy controllers,
fuzzy cognitive, online fuzzy dynamic search are being researched
into. Karlis et al. [147] present a Maximum Power Point Tracking
Method (MPPT) using fuzzy cognitive network. The authors state
that power point trackers play an important role in photovoltaic
(PV) power systems because they maximize the power output from
a PV system for a given set of conditions such as changing insolation
and temperature, and therefore maximize the array efciency. The
authors claim that the numerical results show the effectiveness of
the proposed algorithm. An on-line fuzzy logic-based dynamic
search, detection and tracking controller for a standalone solar PV
is developed to ensure maximum power point (MPP) operation for
variations in solar insolation, ambient temperature and electric load
[148]. It is found that any system incorporating fuzzy approach
gives better results in terms of tracking efciency.
Larbes et al. [149] have presented an intelligent fuzzy logic
control method for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of a
photovoltaic system under variable temperature and irradiance
conditions. The fuzzy control is made intelligent using genetic
algorithms for optimization. The optimized fuzzy logic MPPT controller is evaluated under varying conditions and was found to be
more robust giving better performances as compared to conventional perturbation and observation (P&O) MPPT algorithms. The

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607


Table 2
Applications of fuzzy logic in renewable energy modeling over the years.


Area of research



Fuzzy expert
Fuzzy GA
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy MCDM
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy clustering
Fuzzy optimization
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS

Building design

Fuzzy expert
Fuzzy clustering
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy AHP, ANP
Fuzzy clustering
Fuzzy MCDM
Fuzzy PSO
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS

Space heating
Fuel cell/solar/wind
Fuel cell/solar/wind

Dounis et al. [16]

Luk et al. [110]
Sfetsos [82]
Mamlook et al. [9]
Agrawal and Singh [10]
Jurado and Saenz [86], Jurado et al. [87]
Gomez and Casanovas [95]
Benlarbi et al. [101]
Alata et al. [52]
Zarzalejo et al. [66]
Kaminaris et al. [7]
Ayoub et al. [100]
Cao and Lin [54], Chaabene and Ammar [55], Mellit et al. [61]
Jaber et al. [17]
Calderaro et al. [97], Ustuntas and Sahin [99]
Salah et al. [120]
Wang and Singh [134]
Syafaruddin et al. [65]
Monfared et al. [76]
Kahraman et al. [20]
Chang et al. [93]
Romeo and Gareta [118]
Bitar et al. [122]
Martin et al. [47]
Chaouachi et al. [56]
Haque et al. [69], Hong et al. [70], Lin et al. [72]
Heo et al. [22]
Chen et al. [94]
Ansari and Velusami [112,113], Kalantar and Mousavi [114]
Kaya and Kahraman [21]
Cavallaro [126]
Welch and Venayagamoorthy [129]
Kaneko et al. [50]
Lee et al. [60], Mellit and Kalogirou [62], Salah and Ouali [63]
De Giorgi et al. [68], Lin et al. [73], Mohandes et al. [75], Pousinho et al. [81], Yang et al. [85]
Rajkumar et al. [88]
Lee et al. [60]
Niknam et al. [40]
Liang et al. [102]
Azadeh et al. [107]
Gonzlez de la Rosa et al. [111]
Charabi an Gastli [119]
Moghaddam et al. [31]
Liang et al. [133], Lin et al. [73], Pousinho et al. [81]
Niknam et al. [39,40]
Landeras et al. [59]
Lee et al. [89], Liu et al. [90]
Niknam et al. [41]
Azizipanah-Abarghooee et al. [96]
Tan et al. [105]
Malekpour et al. [106]
Kasiri et al. [116]
Lee et al. [89]
Moghaddam et al. [32]
Niknam et al. [41]
Chen et al. [57]
Liu et al. [74], Petkovi et al. [78]
Zare and Niknam [44]
Ugranli and Karatepe [98]
Ren et al. [123]
Ahmadi et al. [124,125]
Perera et al. [127]
Aghaei et al. [131], Bahmani-Firouzi et al. [132]
Ramedani et al. [48]
An et al. [49], Wang and Xiong [51]
Arulmurugan and Suthanthiravanitha [53], Kharb et al. [58]
Capovilla [67], Jafarian and Ranjbar [71], Petkovic et al. [79,80], Shamshirband et al. [83,84]
Ren and Sovacool [24], Tarsri and Susilawati [23]
Yeh and Huang [92]
Ho et al. [12], Li et al. [13], Vahidinasab [14]
Balaman and Selim [103]
Azadeh et al. [108]
Kisi [109]
Chekired et al. [115]
Kyriakarakos et al. [8]



Fuzzy AHP, ANP


Neuro-fuzzy expert
Fuzzy MCDM
Fuzzy regression
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS





Fuzzy PSO
Fuzzy regression
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy AHP, ANP
Fuzzy clustering
Fuzzy optimization
Neuro-Fuzzy DEA
Fuzzy GA
Fuzzy MCDM
Fuzzy PSO
Fuzzy PSO
Fuzzy honey bee optimization
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy AHP, ANP
Fuzzy clustering
Fuzzy clustering
Fuzzy optimization
Neuro-Fuzzy GA
Fuzzy MCDM
Fuzzy PSO
Fuzzy honey bee optimization
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy clustering
Fuzzy MCDM


Fuzzy PSO
Fuzzy regression
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy AHP, ANP
Fuzzy optimization
Neuro, Fuzzy DEA
Fuzzy GA
Neuro-Fuzzy GA
Fuzzy expert


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

Table 2 (continued )



Area of research


Fuzzy MCDM
Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy AHP, ANP
Fuzzy optimization
Fuzzy PSO
Fuzzy PSO, QPSO, Cuckoo optimization


Zhao et al. [117]

Wu et al. [121]
Osorio et al. [77]
Shaee [91]
Ng et al. [104]
Sengul et al. [42]
Sangawong and Ngamroo [128], Zeng et al. [130]
Berrazouane and Mohammedi [135] Bigdeli [136]

research by Lalouni et al. [150] have proposed a maximum power

point tracker (MPPT) method, based on fuzzy logic controller (FLC),
applied to a stand-alone photovoltaic system which is run on
battery storage. The method was found to give good results when
the PV system was operating at maximum power regardless of the
weather variations with good tracking mechanism. The above
research conrms the usefulness and effectiveness of fuzzy based
controllers in maximum power point tracking. The review also
highlights how when fuzzy logic is integrated with other techniques
such as genetic algorithm better performances are obtained.
DSouza et al. [151] have discussed the use of fuzzy logic and
non-switching zone schemes for implementing variable size
perturbations for improved transient and steady-state responses
in the tracking for solar PV system. A fuzzy P&O MPPT algorithm
yielded improved outcomes. A fuzzy logic-incremental conductance (FL-IC) MPPT scheme for PV array is proposed by Niapour
et al. [152]. The proposed system was simulated for various
conditions and the effectiveness of FL-IC MPPT was validated.
The review thus indicates that whenever fuzzy logic is integrated
to conventional methods, the model gave better results.
Fuzzy controllers are synchronised with neural networks to check
its performance against the conventional MPPT in grid connected
systems. Chaouachi et al. [56] have presented a methodology for
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) of a grid-connected 20 kW
photovoltaic (PV) system using neuro-fuzzy network. The neurofuzzy network is composed of a fuzzy rule-based classier and three
multi-layered feed forwarded Articial Neural Networks (ANN). The
simulation results proved that the proposed MPPT method resulted
in higher efciency as compared to a conventional neural network
and Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm. Salah and Ouali [63]
compare two types of controllers fuzzy logic and neural network
controllers, for maximum power point tracking. The authors have
concluded from the simulation and experimental results that fuzzy
logic controller gave better results. As already found the results again
conrm that when fuzzy logic is integrated with neural network the
performance of the system is better.
Mazouz and Midoun [153] have proposed a technique for
deriving maximum power point (MPP) in a photovoltaic array
using fuzzy logic. The system consists of a photovoltaic array and a
DC engine connected to a centrifugal pump, through a DC
converter. The electricity is used for solar pumping. Their experimental results validate the theoretical model and highlight the
utility of the fuzzy controller for system optimization.
The functioning of fuzzy logic controller is analysed among
different types of PV systems and modules [154157]. Messai et al.
[158] in their paper describe the hardware implementation of a fuzzy
logic controller on a Xilinx recongurable Field-Programmable Gate
Array (FPGA). The FLC is aimed to derive maximum power from
photovoltaic modules. Messai et al. [159] have adopted Genetic
algorithm optimized fuzzy logic controller for maximum power
point tracking on a Xilinx recongurable Field-Programmable Gate
Array (FPGA) chip for a standalone PV system.
Gheibi et al. [160] have proposed a MPPT method for obtaining
maximum power from solar PV cells based on type-2 fuzzy logic

control. Type-1 FLC was being conventionally used to model

complex nonlinear systems. In this paper the authors have tried
modeling with type-2 FLC to minimize uncertainties. They found
Type-2 FLC performed better when noise was present. However
because of the complex analytics involved the processing took
more time than type-1 FLC. Ramaprabha et al. [161] have presented a modied Fibonacci search method with fuzzy controller
for MPPT of a partially shaded solar PV system. Larabi et al. [162]
have designed a fuzzy logic based (DC/DC) converter for MPPT of
solar PV. To adapt the rotor time constant a fuzzy tuning
mechanism is designed based on the reactive power of the
machine. Subiyanto et al. [163] have used Hopeld neural network
(HNN) optimized fuzzy logic controller (FLC) for MPPT of PV
energy harvesting system. The review clearly illustrates the
usefulness of fuzzy logic controllers in all types of PV systems
for MPPT. Also fuzzy logic integrated approaches were found to be
even more versatile.
Eltawil and Zhao [164] have compared the major characteristics
such as PV array dependent, true MPPT, analog or digital, periodic
tuning, convergence speed, implementation complexity etc. for
various MPPT techniques in PV applications and have concluded
that intelligent methods (namely fuzzy logic with heuristic reasoning) are efcient in obtaining maximum energy from varying
temperature and irradiance conditions. They have presented the
type of MPPT technique to be adopted under certain conditions.
Altin and Ozdemir [165] have proposed a system which consists of
three-level neutral point clamped inverter, output lter, line
frequency transformer, PI current regulator and fuzzy logic based
maximum power point tracking algorithm. The simulation and
experimental results show that even when the atmospheric
conditions vary the system is capable of tracking the maximum
power point of PV system.
Fuzzy logic was explored with articial intelligence algorithms
and the results were analysed. Adly and Besheer [166] have
analysed the problems of MPPT for stand-alone solar PV systems.
A meta-heuristics search algorithm using ant based controller
optimization is proposed for maximum energy transfer after
comparing with PI and fuzzy control mechanisms. Rajkumar
et al. [167] have carried out simulation and experimental investigation of space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) in PV
systems. The MPPT algorithm is solved by fuzzy logic controller.
The proposed system was designed and testing using MATLAB/
Simulink. Such systems which mime human reasoning were found
to produce higher precision accuracy.
Several research has compared the use of fuzzy logic controller
with various types of controllers for MPPT in PV systems. The
results clearly indicate the superiority of fuzzy based controllers.
Dounis et al. [168] have proposed a methodology of designing a
MPPT controller for photovoltaic systems (PV) using a Fuzzy Gain
Scheduling (FGS) of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) type
controller (FGS-PID) with adaptation of scaling factors (SF) for
the input signals of FGS. Rebhi et al. [169] have compared the
electrical performances of DC-DC converter for MPPT of PV
systems. The comparison is made between Perturb and Observe,

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

PID and fuzzy logic controller (FLC) to loading a storage battery.

Fuzzy MPPT control is found to provide quick stability and higher
performance precision. The simulation study indicate fuzzy PID
control is the best method.
Lalouni and Rekioua [170] have presented MPPT algorithms for
grid connected PV system. To determine the optimal energy that can
be drawn under varying solar irradiance and temperature conditions,
Perturb and Observe (P&O), Incremental Conductance (Inc Cond)
techniques and fuzzy logic controller (FLC) are adopted and the
results compared. Houssamo et al. [171] have analysed the impact of
MPPT methods for PV systems: Perturb and Observe (P&O) and
Incremental Conductance, as tracking step constant, and improved
P&O and Fuzzy Logic based MPPT, as variable tracking step. The
MPPT algorithms for PV power system have been compared experimentally. Improved P&O operates better in terms of energy efciency
and cost effectiveness. Ramasamy and Thangavel [172] have proposed a PV based dynamic voltage restorer (PV-DVR). The use of low
step-up DC-DC converter with fuzzy based Perturb and Observe
(P&O) MPPT algorithm helps in mitigating the voltage sags and
swells. Punitha et al. [173] have presented a neural network based
modied incremental conductance algorithm for MPPT in PV system
under partial shading conditions. The results are compared with
Perturb and Observe, and Fuzzy based Modied Hill Climbing
algorithms. The PV system along with the proposed MPPT algorithm
was simulated using MATLB/Simulink. All the above research indicates the primacy, the exibility, the integratability of fuzzy logic.
This has been established using theoretical models, simulation
models as well as in experimental research.
The various applications of MPPT based articial intelligence
techniques such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm,
particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization etc. for
photovoltaic systems over the years have been reviewed [174].
The review clearly brings forth the emergence of fuzzy logic and
fuzzy logic integrated models as a robust tool for renewable
energy modeling. Rajesh and Mabel [175] propose a multi-fuzzy
logic based maximum power point tracking controller to track the
maximum power from PV system. A fuzzy PI controller is used as
power lter for grid connected photovoltaic system [176]. The
shunt active lter (SAF) topology consists of ve level cascaded
multilevel inverter with fuzzy PI controller to regulate the DC side
voltage. The control system operation was simulated using
MATLAB/Simulink. Experimental results conrm the efciency of
this method. Visek et al. [177] have used fuzzy PID control with
TRNSYS and MATLAB simulation for improving energy efciency in
a solar cooling system. Yahyaoui et al. [178] have proposed a fuzzy
logic methodology for off grid installation with PV panels. Detailed
tests were carried out using the data on irradiation, temperature,
power consumption etc. measured in a household. The results of
the study indicate battery protection and power supply stability is
achieved by the system. The results from the simulation [179]
show the effectiveness of advanced fuzzy MPPT controller during
both steady-state and varying weather conditions for a standalone
PV system. Several softwares have been developed integrating
fuzzy logic with AI techniques in their toolbox. The review
indicates fuzzy based controllers for MPPT helps in tracking
maximum power.
Researchers are experimenting with different techniques in
isolation and in combination and comparing it with fuzzy and
fuzzy integrated systems for MPPT in PV modules. Arulmurugan
and Suthanthiravanitha [53] have proposed an optimized fuzzy
logic controller coupled with Hopeld neural network maximum
tracking technique to extract maximum amount of power from PV
modules. Simulation studies were carried out using MATLAB/
Simulink. The results validate the effectiveness of the Hopeld
NN using the optimized fuzzy system. Kharb et al. [58] have
proposed an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based


on maximum power point tracking controller (MPPT) to extract

maximum power. Chekired et al. [115] have compared the various
intelligent methods such as neural networks (NN), fuzzy logic (FL),
genetic algorithm (GA) and hybrid systems (e.g. neuro-fuzzy or
ANFIS and fuzzy logic optimized by genetic algorithm) for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of PV systems. Simulation was
performed using ModelSim and ISE. It was found that fuzzy logic
optimized by genetic algorithm was the best.
Zeng et al. [130] have used fuzzy approach to deal with
uncertainties in the levelized cost of electricity from solar PV.
FMEA is used to calculate the RPN for each failure in power
generation. A multiple objective particle swarm optimization
(PSO) method was then deployed to deal with the uncertainties
in levelized cost of electricity and the risk levels of failure modes.
This was then used to evaluate the investor owned solar PV
projects. Sangawong and Ngamroo [128] have highlighted how
the frequency can be stabilized in multi area grid-connected large
PV farms using a PSO based optimal Sugeno fuzzy logic controller.
The above research has validated the claim that any heuristic
based (namely PSO, GA, ANN) fuzzy approach yielded better
Fuzzy logic has also been used to predict solar radiation. Sen
[180] have developed a fuzzy algorithm using linguistic variables
for estimating solar irradiation. The fuzzy approach is applied at
three sites to measure the solar irradiation in Turkey. Sfetsos and
Coonick [64] have adopted univariate and multivariate techniques,
linear, feed-forward, recurrent Elman and Radial Basis neural
networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference scheme to forecast
hourly solar radiation. Gomez and Casanovas [95] have carried out
fuzzy clustering of solar irradiance on inclined surfaces. The use of
fuzzy optimizes the number and denition of the sky categories.
Santigosa et al. [181] have used three models based on multivariate linear regression, non-linear regression and fuzzy inference
system to evaluate the daily ultraviolet radiation using data from
three Spanish locations. It was found fuzzy inference system gave
good results. The studies have indicated that fuzzy inferencing
helped in better prediction capability.
Fuzzy logic and neural networks have been used to measure
global irradiance in Spain. The authors [66] state that this model is
found to give better results as compared to multivariate regression
based model. A diagonal recurrent wavelet neural network
(DRWNN) is developed by Cao and Lin [54] using recurrent neural
network (RNN) and wavelet neural network (WNN). Fuzzy logic is
used for mapping nonlinear functions to forecast hourly and daily
global solar irradiance. The magnitude of solar radiation is essential to determine the size of solar PV systems. Mellit et al. [61] have
adopted neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for estimating the
sequences of mean monthly clearness index and daily solar
radiation in remote areas. The system can also be used for
estimating other meteorological parameters such as temperature,
humidity and wind speed. Thus fuzzy logic has been used with NN
to improve the predictive ability of the models.
Traditional forecasting tools such as regression, time series,
winter's method and ARMA were being used to predict solar
irradiance. However it was found that when fuzzy, neuro-fuzzy
was integrated to these traditional models, the algorithms though
complex yielded higher accuracy. A neuro-fuzzy model has been
used by Chaabene and Ammar [55] to dynamically forecast
irradiance and temperature for solar energy systems. Capture of
dynamic behavior is ensured by the Auto-Regressive Moving
Average (ARMA) model associated with Kalman lter. Paulescu
et al. [182] have used fuzzy logic algorithms for evaluating atmospheric transmittances for use of solar energy. Martin et al. [47]
have predicted global solar irradiance for applying in solar thermal
power plants using autoregressive, neural networks and fuzzy
logic models.


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

Since the meteorological data has various seasonal, monthly

and daily changes, ARMA model was adopted for prediction. Mellit
and Kalogirou [62] have developed a ANFIS based model for
modeling and simulating the photovoltaic power supply system.
Measured climate data and electrical data had been used in
modeling the system. The authors state that when they compared
it with NN and ANFIS models gave better results.
Further advanced algorithms were tested for solar radiation
predictions. Landeras et al. [59] have estimated the daily incoming
solar radiation in the Basque Country (Northern Spain) using Gene
Expression Programming, neuro-fuzzy and neural network. A
comparison has been made among the techniques and it was
found GEP. GEP approach when used to model global solar
radiation using daily atmospheric variables resulted in higher
predictive capability. Chen et al. [57] have forecasted solar radiation using fuzzy logic and neural network under varying weather
conditions. The model is validated by testing the model using data
from four different scenarios. The review indicates that fuzzy logic
not only helps in capturing the fuzziness in the environment but
also enhances the accuracy of prediction when used with other
Ramedani et al. [48] have predicted the solar radiation using
fuzzy linear regression and support vector regression in Iran and
found SVM gave better results. Feature space, radial basis function
kernel, support vector regression were all adapted in the model to
enhance the predictive power. Kisi [109] has determined the solar
radiation in Turkey using fuzzy genetic (FG) approach. A comparison is made with the results obtained from ANN and ANFIS
models and it was found the results from FG model had higher
predictive capacity. The review indicates that whether it is fuzzy
GA or fuzzy SVM or any fuzzy based model helps in effective
modeling of any system.
In addition to solar PV systems, fuzzy logic has been used in a
variety of applications. Luk et al. [110] have proposed a genetic
algorithm based fuzzy logic control of a solar power plant using
distributed collector elds in Almerfa, Spain. Kaushika and Reddy
[183] have investigated the performance of a low cost solar
paraboloidal dish steam generating system. Semi-cavity and modied cavity receivers which are thermally optimized, with the
fuzzy focal image have been investigated. Kumar and Reddy [184]
have investigated using a 2-D model the natural convention heat
loss in modied cavity receiver for fuzzy focal solar dish concentrator. Kumar and Reddy [185] have studied the natural convective
heat loss from three types of receivers for a fuzzy focal solar dish
concentrator. Reddy and Kumar [186] have proposed a 3-D
numerical model to estimate the natural convection heat loss
from modied cavity receiver (WOI) of fuzzy focal solar dish
concentrator. Fuzziness has been used in the focal image in solar
dish concentrators and the theoretical investigations revealed that
in such systems the heat loss was better optimized using fuzzy
A multi-objective thermodynamic based optimization from the
Solar Dish-Stirling engine using evolutionary algorithms have been
proposed by Ahmadi et al. [124,125]. Three objective functions
namely maximization of output power and overall thermal efciency and minimization of the rate of entropy generation of the
Stirling engine have been considered. The optimal solution is
obtained using various decision making techniques such as fuzzy
BellmanZadeh, LINMAP and TOPSIS methods. An optimization
model for extension of the operation time of the water pump
using fuzzy rules has been presented for a photovoltaic water
pumping system [187,188].
Fuzzy based approach have been investigated in various disciplines such as solar air conditioning, solar water pump etc. Sozen
et al. [189] present performance prediction of a solar driven
ejector-absorption cycle using fuzzy logic controller. Fuzzy logic's

linguistic terms were used to dene the operational characteristics

of the solar driven ejector absorption refrigeration system (EARS).
Lygouras et al. [190] have presented a fuzzy logic controller
implementation for a solar air conditioning system. Lygouras
et al. [191] have presented a Two-Input/Two-Output (TITO) variable structure fuzzy-logic controller for a solar-powered air-conditioning system. A coupling fuzzy controller is incorporated into
the traditional fuzzy controller. This mixed fuzzy controller is
found to improve the control performance.
Kishor et al. [192] have used three inputs: (i) inlet water
temperature, (ii) ambient temperature (iii) solar irradiance; in
the three models each with one, two, three inputs and found
how a three input fuzzy model improves the accuracy in the
prediction of performance of a thermosyhon solar water heating
system. Salah et al. [120] have proposed a multi-criteria fuzzy
algorithm which makes decision for energy management using a
domestic photovoltaic panel. The behavior of a three phase grid
connected photovoltaic system using fuzzy logic controller is
investigated by Hamzaoui et al. [193]. The simulation results were
found to be consistent with theoretical analysis and conrmed the
excellent performance of the proposed scheme. Chekired et al.
[194] using fuzzy logic has optimized the storage and distribution
of energy of a standalone photovoltaic system.
Syafaruddin et al. [65] have used real-time simulation technique of PV generation system by using dSPACE real time interface
system. ANN and fuzzy logic controller are adopted and the system
used polar information to verify the availability and stability of the
system. The simulation was conducted using MATLAB/Simulink.
Welch and Venayagamoorthy [129] have adopted particle swarm
optimization algorithm to optimize the membership function of
the fuzzy logic controller for a grid independent photovoltaic
system. Cavallaro [126] has proposed fuzzy multi-criteria TOPSIS
approach for assessing thermal-energy storage using different
heat transfer uids in concentrated solar power (CSP) systems.
In all these research, the authors have claimed how fuzzy based
algorithm is a technique which aids in accurate modeling of any
Saglam et al. [195] have converted the DC electrical energy from
solar photovoltaic panels to AC electrical energy using fuzzy logic
based controller. Ammar et al. [196] have used neuro-fuzzy method
to forecast the energy need for the subsequent day using the
previous few day's generation from a household photovoltaic panel.
Fuzzy ANP, fuzzy DEA are techniques which help to systematically optimise and arrive at relative scores among several
competing criteria. Lee et al. [60] have developed a conceptual
model using fuzzy analytic network process with interpretive
structural modeling and benets, opportunities, costs and risks
to analyze strategic products for photovoltaic silicon thin-lm
solar cell power industry. The authors claim their results are able
to realistically match with the future solar PV plans. Azadeh et al.
[107] have used a exible neuro-fuzzy approach for location
optimization of solar plants. The exible approach is composed
of articial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy data envelopment
analysis (FDEA). FDEA is found to be a better model in the
presence of uncertainty and noise in the dataset.
Table 3 gives a comprehensive picture of the various fuzzy
based models used in solar energy applications.
The review indicates that several researchers have worked on
fuzzy logic controller for MPPT in solar PV systems. Some
researchers have used fuzzy logic modeling for solar farm site
selection. The review clearly highlights how fuzzy based models
are better in terms of realistically assessing the site, resources, or
optimise the functioning, or predict the radiation, or evaluate the
alternatives, or for maximum power point tracking. The review
indicates the varied elds (solar PV, solar pumping, solar desalination, solar concentrators, solar site selection to name a few) in

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607


Table 3
Applications of fuzzy logic models in solar energy.


Fuzzy regression

Martin et al. [47], Ramedani et al. [48]

Alata et al. [52], Arulmurugan and Suthanthiravanitha [53], Cao and Lin [54], Chaabene and Ammar [55], Chaouachi et al. [56], Chen et al. [57], Kharb
et al. [58], Landeras et al. [59], Lee et al. [60], Mellit et al. [61], Mellit and Kalogirou [62], Salah and Ouali [63], Sfetsos and Coonick [64], Syafaruddin
et al. [65], Zarzalejo et al. [66]
Lee et al. [60]
Gomez and Casanovas [95]
Benlarbi et al. [101]

Fuzzy AHP, ANP

Fuzzy clustering
Neuro-Fuzzy DEA
Fuzzy GA
Neuro-Fuzzy GA
Fuzzy MCDM
Fuzzy PSO

Azadeh et al. [107]

Kisi [109], Luk et al. [110]
Chekired et al. [115]
Charabi and Gastli [119], Salah et al. [120], Wu et al. [121]
Ahmadi et al. [124,125], Cavallaro [126]
Sangawong and Ngamroo [128], Welch and Venayagamoorthy [129], Zeng et al. [130]

which researchers have experimented with. The use of fuzzy based

systems will improve the functioning and performance of any
system. It is for this reason, several researchers have started
experimenting with fuzzy integrated systems either in the form
of controllers or with techniques. There is still wide scope for
using fuzzy integrated systems such as neuro-fuzzy, fuzzy AHP,
fuzzy ANP, fuzzy DEA, fuzzy GA, fuzzy PSO in several solar energy
applications. Also the computing power has increased exponentially in recent years which give a greater impetus to use these
techniques for effective energy modeling.
4.2. Wind
Fuzzy approach has been applied in wind energy for site
identication, economic analysis, capturing uncertainties, wind
prediction, wind energy assessment etc. The probable sites where
wind energy conversion systems can be located have been
identied using fuzzy based risk analysis [197]. The variables used
in the analysis are wind speed and its frequency of occurrence. As
already noted Charabi and Gastli [119,138] had used spatial data
with fuzzy logic to identify solar PV farm site at Oman while Aydin
et al. [198] have used GIS data and fuzzy sets to determine the site
for installation of wind energy systems in Western Turkey.
Fuzzy set theory has been used to combine the economic and
investment options. Skikos and Machias [199] have developed a
fuzzy based economic criterion, for evaluation of wind energy
conversion systems (WECS). This method can be used for developing a Decision Support System. A fuzzy controller has been
adopted [200] to mitigate the response of a structure subjected to
environmental excitations (wind). The quality of the fuzzy controller with respect to parameter evaluation is conducted using
FORM\Sorm probability estimates of performance. The impact of
the uncertainties in wind generation and its penetration are
analysed using fuzzy sets by Mangueira et al. [201]. The approach
is based on a multi-linearized fuzzy power ow. Fuzzy approach
was found to effectively analyse the uncertainties present in wind
Fuzzy modeling has also been used for estimation and optimization of wind energy. Jafarian and Ranjbar [71] have adopted
fuzzy modeling techniques and articial neural networks to
estimate annual energy output of a wind turbine. The accuracy
of this method when compared with conventional methods was
found to be higher. Siahkali and Vakilian [202] have developed
fuzzy optimization method for electricity generation scheduling
from large scale wind farms. The problem was rst formulated as a
crisp problem. Then using fuzzy membership function a fuzzy
optimization problem. This was then converted to a crisp

optimization problem using GAMS software as a mixed integer

non-linear programming problem. The proposed approach was
tested and the robustness of the model was established. In both
instances fuzzy approach gave good results.
To capture the thought pattern among individuals in analysis
and decision making fuzzy approach was adopted. Zhao et al. [117]
have carried out a fuzzy cognitive mapping methodology to
establish a exible operating mechanism for wind power industry.
The model is based on questionnaire surveys and expert interviews. A fuzzy ANP model based on Chang's extent analysis is
developed by Shaee [91] to mitigate the risks associated with
offshore wind farms consisting of 30 wind turbines of 2 MW. Yeh
and Huang [92] has identied the factors that determine wind
farm location using GQM, DEMATAL and ANP. It is found that
safety and quality, environment and ecology are the two major
factors. The results from the review revealed how fuzzy approach
can clearly capture the heuristic reasoning among individuals.
Liu et al. [90] have used fuzzy AHP for ranking the different
types of integration schemes among wind power projects. A
tolerance matrix is introduced in the fuzzy AHP and then the
judgement matrix is obtained which helps in nding the relative
importance of each scheme. Lee et al. [89] have evaluated using
multi-criteria decision making technique the criteria for installation of wind turbines in wind farms in Taiwan. The techniques
used are interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and fuzzy analytic
network process (FANP). The increased integration of wind power
into the electric grid poses new challenges due to its intermittency
and volatility. The model using FANP helps in selecting suitable
turbines for a wind farm. Pousinho et al. [81] have proposed a
novel hybrid approach for Portugal, combining particle swarm
optimization and ANFIS, for short-term wind power prediction in
Portugal. Yang et al. [85] have used wind shear coefcient and
ANFIS and found using MAE and RSME, that the accuracy of the
results was higher when ANFIS was used. The model was used to
interpolate the missing and invalid wind data in North China. As
already seen in solar systems, fuzzy based models are used for
nding the relative importance among alternatives (using fuzzy
AHP, fuzzy ANP), prediction (ANFIS) and optimization (ANFIS and
PSO) of wind energy systems.
Gonzlez de la Rosa et al. [111] state that local wind climate is
usually measured using regional wind climate modulated by local
topography effects, roughness and obstacles in the surrounding
area. The authors in their paper have used fuzzy logic and genetic
algorithm based method to generate the local wind conditions and
to optimise the wind by creating terrains. The genetic fuzzy learning
mimes human intelligence and is found to provide the best solution
according to the variables and conditions imposed.


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

It was seen from the review of literature that several research

has been carried out since the early 90s on fuzzy logic controllers
in power generation. It was established that fuzzy controllers gave
better performance and hence researchers started exploring it in
renewable energy systems. The review here presents the use of
fuzzy logic controllers in wind energy systems. Mohamed et al.
[203] have adopted fuzzy logic control technique for tracking wind
energy and sending this power to a wind energy conversion
system having an asynchronous (DCACDC) link. Dadone and
Dambrosio [204] have developed an adaptive fuzzy logic control
technique for a wind turbine-generator system. A numerically
simulated wind power plant is considered. The wind power plant
is composed of a three blade horizontal axis wind turbine
connected to a three phase synchronous generator. Velusami and
Singaravelu [205] have used graph theory and fuzzy logic based
steady state analysis of wind driven single phase single winding
self-excited induction generator. Li et al. [206] have evaluated the
stability of micro-grid operation and discussed the control techniques of combining a micro-turbine with the fuel cell and
electrolyzer hybrid system using a fuzzy PI controller. The proposed control and monitoring system acts as a power quality
control system. It improves the frequency uctuation caused by
random power uctuations on the generation side and in the
interconnected microgrid power system. Besheer et al. [207] have
developed the design of fuzzy state feedback controller that not
only stabilize the fuzzy model but also the transient behavior in
the wind energy conversion system. Stability conditions are
expressed as linear matrix inequalities and solved using convex
optimization techniques. Li et al. [208] have proposed a direct
current based d-q vector control technique by integrating fuzzy,
adaptive and traditional PID control design for direct driven PMSG
wind turbines. The model not only helped in achieving the desired
PMSG control objectives but also improved the performance of the
overall system.
Kamal et al. [209] have developed maximum wind power
extraction algorithms for variable speed wind turbines in hybrid
winddiesel storage system (HWDSS). The proposed algorithm
utilizes TakagiSugeno (TS) fuzzy controller. Wind power
smoothing has also been done using fuzzy logic pitch controller
and energy capacitor system for improving the micro-grid performance [210]. Comparison is made with conventional PI pitch
controller to evaluate the effectiveness of the two controllers
using MATLAB/Simulink. Kamel et al. [211] have adopted fuzzy
logic pitch angle controller for enhancing the micro-grid performance during islanding mode using storage batteries. The performance between the fuzzy controller and the conventional PI
controller is compared.
In addition to the conventional fuzzy controllers, online fuzzy
neural network controllers are proposed and analysed for wind
energy conversion systems. Lin et al. [72] have presented an online
fuzzy neural network controller for output maximization in a wind
energy conversion system. The sliding mode observer has been
used. The system delivered maximum power with light weight,
high efciency and high reliability. The design of fuzzy sliding
mode loss minimization control for optimizing the speed of a
permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) in a wind
generation system is carried out by Lin et al. [212]. Further the
fuzzy inference mechanism with center adaptation is used to
determine the optimal bound of uncertainties. The authors [73]
have also presented the design of an on-line training recurrent
fuzzy neural network (RFNN) controller for wind generation
system with a high-performance model reference adaptive system
(MRAS) observer for the sensorless control of an induction generator (IG). Particle swarm optimization (MPSO) is used to adapt
the learning rates in the back-propagation process of the RFNN
and to improve the learning capability. It is found that when fuzzy

integrated techniques are adopted, models gave better predictive

capability. This further justies the inferences also drawn in
Section 4.1 for solar energy systems.
Calderaro et al. [213] have compared two voltage control
methods one based on sensitivity analysis and the second based
on fuzzy control system for wind power distributed generators. It
was found that fuzzy method was more efcient than the
sensitivity method. Chowdhury et al. [214] have proposed smoothing wind power uctuations using fuzzy logic pitch angle controller. Simulation results indicate the effectiveness of the
controller in smoothing output power uctuations with a very
small drop of output power.
Kasiri et al. [116] have obtained fuzzy rules from neural
network using genetic algorithm. The Fuzzy Rule Extraction from
Neural network using Genetic Algorithm (FRENGA) rejects wind
disturbance in Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) input
with pitch angle control generation. A sensorless MPPT fuzzy
controller is developed for a doubly fed induction generator
10 W (DFIG) wind turbine system by Bezza et al. [215]. The model
was validated using MATLAB/Simulink. An adaptive lter with
fuzzy logic based MPPT controller is used for handling the
uctuation of wind speed and wind rotor inertia for small-scale
WECS by Narayana et al. [216]. Hamane et al. [217] have compared
two types of controllers PI and fuzzy PI for wind energy
conversion systems (WECS) in terms of tracking and robustness
of the system. Reference tracking and robustness was checked
using simulation analysis. Kairous and Wamkeue [218] have used
the sliding mode control technique with fuzzy logic to study the
performance of a DFIG of WECS. The effectiveness of the proposed
DFIG WECS control is compared with ywheel energy storage
system (FESS) using computer simulation. The results show that in
fuzzy controlled SMC there is enhancement of power quality and
produce more clean power to the grid. Qi and Meng [219] have
applied the theory of fuzzy control and PID control to the control
of generator speed and blade pitch angle of a wind turbine.
MATLAB simulation was carried out in the mathematical model.
The above review presented the various fuzzy based NN, GA, PSO
techniques and how these models helped in the optimal functioning of the system.
To derive maximum power from the wind energy system,
studies have been carried out to compare the energy output from
different types of wind energy conversion systems by adopting
different controllers/generators/pitch angle/wind speed etc. Fuzzy
based systems are compared and analysed. Pichan et al. [220] have
proposed two fuzzy logic based direct power control (DPC)
strategies for wind energy conversion system. The fuzzy DPC are
found to be robust against machine parameters mismatches and
grid voltage disturbances. The effectiveness of the proposed
method is conrmed using MATLAB/Simulink under transient
and steady state condition. Eltamaly and Farh [221] have proposed
a variable speed control scheme that adopts fuzzy logic for
obtaining maximum power from a grid connected wind energy
conversion system. Two computer simulation packages (PSIM and
Simulink) are used to carry out the simulation effectively. Aissaoui
et al. [222] have developed a fuzzy-PI speed controller to extract
optimal power from wind turbines. The simulation results conrm
the effectiveness of adaptive fuzzy PI speed controller. Deraz and
Kader [223] have suggested a current controlled voltage source
inverter (CC-VSI) with an electronic load controller (ELC). This is
based on fuzzy logic control principles. Three fuzzy logic PI
controllers and one hysteresis current controller are used to
extract the maximum energy from the wind turbine. Abdeddaim
and Betka [224] have proposed two objectives a MPPT algorithm
based on fuzzy logic to optimally extract maximum energy from
DFIG wind turbine; and a sliding mode control to achieve smooth
regulation of both stator active and reactive power quantities. In

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

all instances it was found that fuzzy logic integrated systems gave
better performance.
Fuzzy logic based power management strategy was investigated with various types of generators namely DFIG, SCIG. SarriasMena et al. [225] proposed power management strategies for wind
turbine system working on a multi-MW doubly fed induction
generator (DFIG). Fuzzy logic based MPPT method is used for
extracting maximum power from a wind turbine system driven by
a DFIG [226] while Varzaneh et al. [227] proposed a fuzzy PID
controller with a DFIG for a variable speed wind farm. The fuzzy
PID controller helped in delivering optimal rotational speed of the
turbine and smoothening of output power. A rotor inertia is used
for energy storage. In order to improve the power output of
Squirrel-Cage Induction Generator Wind Turbine (SCIG WT)
Duong et al. [228] have proposed a hybrid controller for pitch
angle based on PI and fuzzy technique. Considering the variable
speed from wind turbine the research presented the merits and
demerits of a certain type of generator.
For xed speed wind energy conversion system Krichen et al.
[229] have presented the design of a fuzzy logic supervisor for the
control of active and reactive power. It was found that a good
damping performance has been achieved with the fuzzy supervisor during wind speed variations. Jerbi et al. [230] have worked
on fuzzy logic for a variable wind speed conversion system. A
fuzzy logic supervisor is established to control the Flywheel
Energy Storage System (FESS) operation and the DC bus voltage
in order to smooth the active power uctuations due to the
random wind speed variation. The authors state that the results
show an enhancement of the power quality. The research reveals
that fuzzy logic controllers are very adaptive to both variable
speed and xed speed wind energy conversion systems.
Fuzzy logic methodology is very versatile in handling uncertainties and unknown parameters since it captures human reasoning and tries to mime human beings. Kamal and Aitouche [231]
have proposed a Fuzzy Dedicated Observers (FDOS) method. They
have adopted a Nonlinear Unknown Input Fuzzy Observer (UIFO)
with a Fuzzy Scheduler Fault Tolerant Control (FSFTC) algorithm
for fuzzy TakagiSugeno (TS) systems. This is subject to sensor
faults, parametric uncertainties, and time varying unknown
inputs. The effectiveness of the system is tested using a wind
energy system with doubly fed induction generators (DFIG). Kamal
et al. [232] have proposed a fuzzy scheduler fault tolerant control
to deal with the multivariable non-linear systems that is subject of
sensor faults, actuator faults and parameter uncertainties. Takagi
Sugeno fuzzy model has been employed to represent the nonlinear
wind energy systems. Since there are several unknowns present in
these systems TakagiSugeno fuzzy models are found to be very
appropriate as it handles both fuzzy and crisp values.
Wang and Xiong [51] have used a hybrid forecasting model
comprising of outlier detection and bivariate fuzzy time series to
predict the daily wind speed in one of the China's largest wind
farm. Fuzzy rough sets consisting of fuzzy partition, fuzzy approximation and estimation of regression values were also used for
accurate wind speed prediction [49]. The methodology using fuzzy
set theory has been established as an accurate forecasting tool.
Sfetsos [82] have performed a comparative study of various
forecasting techniques such as time series, ARMA (autoregressive
moving average Box Jenkins) feed forward and Elman recurrent
neural networks including ANFIS and Neural Logic Networks on
mean hourly wind speed data. It was found that the AI based models
(namely fuzzy logic, neural networks) gave better results and among
the AI models, Neural Logic Network gave the least error. Ustuntas
and Sahin [99] have found cluster center fuzzy logic model gives
better accuracy than classical least square polynomial model for
estimation of the power curve of a wind turbine. An adaptive neuro
fuzzy control [67] is used to optimize the use of wind energy in smart


grids. The proposed system used wireless coded power control with
quarternary phase shift-keying modulation and low density parity
check. The system is found to improve system robustness and
reliability. The review further conrms how fuzzy integrated models
can be used as a good predictive and optimization tool in wind
energy systems as seen in solar energy systems.
Advanced complex techniques such PSO, GA, recursive LS and
TSK have all adopted fuzzy logic integrated algorithms to enhance
the functioning and performance of systems. Wang and Singh
[134] have used multi-objective particle swarm optimization
(MOPSO) algorithm to balance system risk and operational cost.
Fuzzy membership functions are used to capture the dispatcher's
attitude in economic power dispatch toward the wind power
penetration. A TakagiSugenoKang fuzzy model has been used
for extracting maximum energy from variable wind speed turbines. To arrive at the fuzzy model Calderaro et al. [97] have used
fuzzy clustering methods for partitioning the inputoutput space,
genetic algorithm (GA) and recursive least square (LS) optimization methods. The adaptive characteristic of the fuzzy controller is
found to continuously optimize its internal parameters in order to
compensate for all the non-linearities and the time variances of
the system under control. Monfared et al. [76] have predicted wind
speed using fuzzy logic and articial neural network. The authors
state that the model provides signicantly less rule base and
increased estimated wind speed accuracy when compared to
traditional models. The experiment results indicate that the
proposed model performs in less computational time with better
wind speed prediction. Galdi et al. [233] have adopted an adaptive
TakagiSugenoKang (TSK) fuzzy model for extracting maximum
energy from variable speed wind power generation systems. The
design methodology uses fuzzy clustering to partition the data and
is then integrated with GA and recursive LS optimization. Fuzzy
reasoning is used to dene output power control corresponding to
wind speed condition and changing capacity of power system by
Senjyu et al. [234]. The simulation results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
Fuzzy logic has also been tried with stochastic and probabilistic
modeling among wind energy systems. As the wind power
generation is intermittent Hong et al. [70] have forecasted hour
ahead wind power and speed using simultaneous perturbation
stochastic approximation algorithm and neural network with
fuzzy inputs. Output power of wind turbine generator (WTG) is
not constant and uctuates due to wind speed changes. The
simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation algorithm is
used to train the multi-layer feed forward neural network (MFNN).
Kaneko et al. [50] have presented an integrated control method for
a wind farm to reduce frequency deviations in a small power
system. To regulate the output power command of the wind farm
according to changing wind speed, short-term ahead wind speed
is predicted by using least-squares method. The predicted wind
speed adjusts the output power command of the wind farm as a
multiplying factor with fuzzy reasoning. The authors have validated the model with numerical simulations. Mohandes et al. [75]
have used ANFIS for wind speed proling while De Giorgi et al.
[68] have used ANFIS for wind power prediction. A hybrid
possibilisticprobabilistic uncertainty model has been used to
study the impact of stochastic renewable and controllable power
generation on energy losses in distribution networks [235]. The
model has used Fuzzy and Monte Carlo Simulation to model the
uncertainties. The model considers probabilistic presentation of
wind speed using a Weibull PDF and possibilistic description of
loads and generation pattern of dispatchable DG units for modeling the uncertainties. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the
models the theoretical simulation study is compared with a
realistic distribution system and the results indicate the supremacy of the proposed models.


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

To further enhance the predictive and optimization capability

more intense techniques such as PSO, convex optimization,
RBFNN, wavelet transform etc. are being explored and found to
be very effective. Liang et al. [133] have presented a fuzzy based
hybrid particle swarm optimization approach to forecast load
demand and wind speed errors to obtain optimal power ow.
Similar to Gheibi et al. [160] work type-2 fuzzy modeling was
carried out by Siahkali and Vakilian [236] to handle the linguistic
uncertainty of type-1 membership function.
Liang et al. [102] have used fuzzy optimization approach for
solving the Volt/Var control problem in a distribution system under
uncertain environmental conditions. The study used wind turbines
for power generation. Bououden et al. [237] have developed a fuzzy
model based multivariable predictive control (FMMPC) using linear
matrix inequalities (LMI) technique for wind turbine generators. The
conditions are designed as a convex optimization problem.
Haque et al. [69] have predicted wind speed using soft computing
models formulated on a back propagation neural network (BPNN),
radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) and an adaptive neurofuzzy inference system (ANFIS). This method is augmented using
similar day (SD) mechanism which indicated that there is a 48%
improvement while using this method. The adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system (ANFIS) has been used to estimate optimal power
coefcient value of the wind turbines by Petkovi et al. [78]. Liu et al.
[74] have forecasted wind speed using three hybrid models [Wavelet
Packet-BFGS, Wavelet Packet-ARIMA-BFGS and Wavelet-BFGS] based
on the theories of wavelet, wavelet packet, time series and Articial
Neural Networks. It was found that the Wavelet Packet-BFGS is better
than the Wavelet Packet-ARIMA BFGS. Also the Wavelet Packet-BFGS
is better than the Wavelet-BFGS. They have the compared the results
with Neuro-Fuzzy, ANFIS, Wavelet Packet-Radial Basis Function (RBF)
and Persistent Model (PM) models. The Wavelet Packet-BFGS was
found to give the best performance.
Wake effects are specic to wind turbines and neuro-fuzzy
approach is adopted to include the wake effects in wind power
generation systems using ANFIS approach [83,84]. An adaptive neuro
fuzzy estimation was used to simulate the augmented power and
wind velocity [79] and an ANFIS based regulator to maximize the
power extraction from a wind turbine was designed [80].
Multi criteria decision models (MCDM) are used for wind energy
optimization. Azizipanah-Abarghooee et al. [96] have investigated the
wind-thermal electrical cost and emissions minimization using multiobjective economic emission dispatch (EED). A population based
optimization algorithm is used to nd a set of non-dominated optimal
solutions. This set is kept in external memory and the size of this is
controlled using fuzzy clustering. Aghaei et al. [131] have presented a
scenario-based multi-objective dynamic economic emission dispatch
(DEED) method with fuzzy adaptive improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. To improve the quality of the solutions obtained
from PSO, a self adaptive probabilistic mutation strategy is used. The
method minimizes the total electrical energy costs and emissions from
wind turbines. Particle swarm optimization using fuzzy or fuzzy
clustering, helps in balancing between the costs against emissions to
arrive at maximum power output.
Bahmani-Firouzi et al. [132] have adopted a multi-objective
optimization approach wherein the total electrical power generation
costs and combustion emissions are minimized. A fuzzy self-adaptive
learning particle swarm optimization approach is used considering
load and wind power uncertainties. The proposed model can resolve
the tradeoff between the conicting objectives of the SDEED (stochastic DEED) problem through an interactive procedure. Osorio et al.
[77] proposed wind power forecasting in the short term using an a
new hybrid model which integrated the evolutionary PSO, wavelet
transform and ANFIS. This model showed signicant improvements
over other conventional methodologies.

Fuzzy based methods are also used for improving the reliability
and maintainability of systems. Li et al. [238] have proposed a
fuzzy synthetic model that is based on a real-time assessment of a
grid-connected wind turbine generator system (WTGS). The uctuating nature of wind energy has led to stability problems of
power networks. The model improved the operational reliability
and maintainability. Theoretical analysis has been carried out by
Chen et al. [239] using mathematical models. The model captures
the dynamical behavior of the system using fuzzy control. Strategies were proposed to eliminate the chaotic behavior to steady
state. The model is validated through numerical simulations and
theoretical analysis. The proposed methodology can be used for
different power systems that uses wind sources.
Kamal et al. [240] have proposed a TakagiSugeno fuzzy model
for modeling the uncertain nonlinear system of wind energy
conversion systems. Linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) are used
for stabilizing the uncertainties in the nonlinear system. The
design also uses parallel design approach. The effectiveness of
the TS fuzzy model is validated by checking in two different wind
energy systems. Ugranl and Karatepe [98] have used genetic
algorithm for optimal sizing of wind turbines to minimize the
energy loss. The time varying characteristics of both load and
wind-generation prole is analysed. Fuzzy-c means clustering is
used to reduce the execution time and allow long term planning.
However the computational burden of the genetic algorithm is
high. The results show how energy loss can be reduced signicantly by adopting the above methodology.
Azadeh et al. [108] have presented a hierarchical fuzzy DEA
approach for location optimization of wind power generationtransmission system for 25 cities in Iran. The results have been
validated using principal component analysis and numerical
taxonomy methods. The review clearly indicated that fuzzication
of uncertain indicators led to more realistic estimates of any
system/problem domain.
Table 4 gives a comprehensive picture of the various fuzzy
based models used in wind energy applications.
It is found from the table that extensive work has been done
mostly in wind energy as compared to other renewable energy
sources. The research is generally being carried out on wind farm
identication, wind speed estimation, wind power tracking, maximum wind power extraction. Also the review on the applications of
fuzzy logic in wind energy systems indicates, researchers have
worked predominantly in neuro-fuzzy/ANFIS systems, fuzzy expert,
fuzzy genetic algorithm etc. while very few researchers have worked
on fuzzy multicriteria decision models namely fuzzy GA, fuzzy PSO.
There is wide scope to do research in wind energy systems using
MCDM models in addition to hybrid models. Also fuzzy integrated
models help in arriving at realistic values for any parameter chosen,
namely wind farm site identication, power schemes selection,
power controllers, power optimization, cost and emission minimization etc. Realistic estimates helped in more detailed planning and
execution of projects. However advanced MCDM techniques such as
fuzzy GA, fuzzy PSO require higher capacity computing power along
with technical software packages. The costs invested towards this can
be obtained from the benets accrued through the high precision
accuracy and performance of the models,

4.3. Bio-energy
Similar to use of fuzzy controllers in solar and wind, Jurado and
Saenz [86] have proposed a neuro-fuzzy controller for a wind
diesel system which uses biomass. The results indicate the
robustness of the hybrid neuro-fuzzy controller and its superiority
over the linear PID controller. Jurado et al. [87] have proposed a

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607


Table 4
Applications of fuzzy logic models in wind energy.


Fuzzy regression
Fuzzy AHP, ANP
Fuzzy clustering
Neuro, Fuzzy
Fuzzy GA
Neuro-Fuzzy GA
Fuzzy expert
Fuzzy MCDM
Fuzzy PSO

An et al. [49], Kaneko et al. [50], Wang and Xiong [51]

Capovilla [67], De Giorgi et al. [68], Haque et al. [69], Hong et al. [70], Jafarian and Ranjbar [71], Lin et al. [72], Lin et al. [73], Liu et al. [74], Mohandes
et al. [75], Monfared et al. [76], Osorio et al. [77], Petkovi et al. [7880] Pousinho et al. [81], Sfetsos [82], Shamshirband et al. [83,84], Yang et al. [85]
Lee et al. [89], Liu et al. [90], Shaee [91], Yeh and Huang [92]
Azizipanah-Abarghooee et al. [96], Calderaro et al. [97], Ugranli and Karatepe [98], Ustuntas and Sahin [99]
Liang et al. [102]
Azadeh et al. [108]
Gonzlez de la Rosa et al. [111]
Kasiri et al. [116]
Zhao et al. [117]
Lee et al. [89]
Aghaei et al. [131], Bahmani-Firouzi et al. [132], Liang et al. [133], Lin et al. [73], Pousinho et al. [81], Wang and Singh [134]

neuro-fuzzy controller for gas turbine in biomass-based electric

power plant. Two fuzzy logic controllers have been developed
using speed and mechanical power deviations along with neural
network to tune the gains of the fuzzy logic controllers. The neural
network has been designed to tune the gains of the FLC. It is found
that by tuning the FCs using NN, optimum response can be
Ayoub et al. [100] have used genetic algorithm, fuzzy C-means
clustering and decision trees for planning bioenergy production
from biomass in Japan. The above data mining techniques dene
the optimal size and location of the conversion plants and
simulation models with a user interface that evaluates the supply
chain from economical and technical point of view.
Bitar et al. [122] have adopted fuzzy multi-objective mathematical programming to evaluate the problems encountered in the
expansion of isolated electrical system from rewood and diesel in
Amazon region. The costs, CO2 emission, number of direct jobs
generated from both models crisp mathematical programming
and fuzzy based are compared and analysed. Romeo and Gareta
[118] have developed a control strategy with neural network (NN)
and fuzzy logic expert system (FLES) for optimizing the biomass
boiler cleaning for maximizing heat transfer over time. The results
indicate that the AI technique proposed increased the power
production by approximately 3.5%.
Moran et al. [241] have adopted grey relational and fuzzy
analysis to analyse the energy content and emission levels in
burning mixtures of pellet and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) to arrive
at a single variable. The grey relational analysis of different energy
and emission variables led to the denition of a single variable
grey relational grade. This single variable is then optimized. Fuzzy
analytic hierarchy process is used to determine the energy generation from municipal solid waste by integrating with GIS [93].
This method is used to nd the most appropriate distribution
strategy between two towns in Taipei County, Taiwan. The fuzzy
AHP model ensures there is a fair distribution considering political,
socio-economic, technical, environmental, public health and
industrial aspects. The methodology allows for ranking of the
various criteria in the two cities and depending upon the relative
scores, distribution of energy is done. Fuzzy approach helps in
removing the vagueness present in the decision making process.
The bio-energy potential in a region is assessed considering
economic, social and ecological sustainability. Acosta-Michlik et al.
[242] have used different empirical techniques like fuzzy logic,
conjoint, logit and path analyses for assessing the trade-offs and
pathways in bioenergy development. The integration of all these
techniques requires enormous amount of qualitative and quantitative data, temporal and spatial data, opportunities and dilemmas
in bioenergy production for nding the interconnections and

measuring them for decision making. The method is very timeconsuming. However the outcome from the model was found to
be very useful in identifying sustainable determinants in bioenergy production. Cheng et al. [243] have used fuzzy c means
algorithm to determine the biomass energy conversion among
The potential for biomass production is heavily dependent on
the availability of land and water resources. Tan et al. [105] have
used a fuzzy multi-regional inputoutput optimization model. The
model reects biomass production and consumption under land,
water and carbon footprint constraints. The linear programming
model helps in determining the electricity generation from biomass and ethanol based on the regional level biomass inputs.
Fuzzy set theory is also used as an assessment tool for nding
the performance of biogas plants and biomass based technologies.
Djatkov et al. [244] have proposed an assessment methodology
using fuzzy set theory and fuzzy mathematics for assessing the
performance of agricultural biogas plants in Germany. The method
is used to adopt the new developments in biogas technology or
new biogas plant installation in any geographical region. Ren et al.
[123] have developed a fuzzy multi-actor multi-criteria model for
sustainability assessment of biomass-based technologies for
hydrogen production. Four biomass based technologies including
pyrolysis, conventional gasication and fermentative hydrogen
production has been studied. It was found biomass gasication
as the most sustainable option.
Fuzzy logic has been used to assess the crops that can be
protably cultivated for bioenergy generation while fuzzy optimization methodology had been used for maximizing the benets in a
bioenergy park. Lewis et al. [245] has used a fuzzy spatial suitability
model with physical and economic variables to identify nonagricultural areas that can be usefully cultivated with bioenergy
crops that are more drought tolerant. Ng et al. [104] have presented
a methodology for setting up symbiotic bioenergy park. Fuzzy
optimization is adopted to trade-off individual economic interest
(investment vs benet) and stability of each processing plant. The
optimized network conguration achieves the target with minimum biomass value losses. It was found that in both instances fuzzy
based analysis helped in identifying realistic solutions.
Balaman and Selim [103] have developed a fuzzy multiobjective mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model for design
and management of anaerobic digestion based biomass to energy
supply chain. A real world problem was explored using the fuzzy
MILP model and it was found that the model can be effectively
used for bioenergy supply chain design problems. The model has
been designed to handle different types of feedstock and transportation problems. The researchers have highlighted that their
model can be further extended to include district heating network.


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

They have also stated that social objectives such as maximization

of job creation, social acceptability of the energy system, minimization of energy conversion, maximization of system reliability
can also be analysed using their model. The inclusion of fuzzy logic
in the MLIP model has helped in arriving at feasible solutions for
various types of scenarios.
Table 5 gives a comprehensive picture of the various fuzzy
based models used in bio-energy applications.
As witnessed in Table 5, it is seen that the applications of fuzzy
logic in bio-energy are very few in number. The research in
bioenergy is mainly on bioenergy crops identication, biofarm
location, optimal biopower extraction. It has already been established in both solar and wind that fuzzy logic can be used as an
effective tool for realistic energy modeling. Hence there is wide
scope to do research in bioenergy discipline considering techniques namely fuzzy C means clustering, fuzzy multi-objective
programming, fuzzy AHP, fuzzy logit, neuro-fuzzy, fuzzy expert
systems. They can be adopted for optimal planning of the
resources considering economic, environmental, geographical
and climatic conditions. Such criteria can be incorporated into
the models and studied. Also techniques such as PSO, GA can be
integrated with fuzzy logic methodology for predicting the bioenergy needs or for solving optimization problems. The heuristic
search methods will analyse the various options using heuristic
reasoning algorithms to arrive at realistic estimates for any
problem domain/system. In tropical countries where there is a
rich endowment of bio-resources, research can be carried out by
using fuzzy logic based models to optimally use the bio-resources
for national and global benets.
4.4. Hybrid systems
Fuzzy logic controllers have been used for extracting maximum
power from either solar PV systems, wind turbines or hybrid
systems. Bilodeau and Agbossou [246] have presented a model for
standalone renewable energy system with hydrogen storage controlled by a dynamic fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The model
presents an electrolyzer which produces hydrogen and oxygen
using the off peak electricity generated from renewable energy
namely wind and photovoltaic. This is used in the fuel cell to
produce on-peak electricity. The performances of the dynamic
fuzzy logic controller is analysed and it was found that the model
is useful for efcient peak power control. El-Shatter et al. [247]
have used fuzzy logic control to obtain maximum power tracking
for PV and wind energy. The excess power feeds are used to
generate hydrogen to feed the fuel cells. The simulation study
proved the accuracy fo the FLC. Miland et al. [248] have used fuzzy
logic controller in a windhydrogen stand alone power system
wherein the hydrogen subsystem functions as both energy storage
and active load controller. Lone and Mufti [249] have analysed the
performance of a winddiesel power system subjected to various
disturbances. To control the exchange of real and reactive powers
between the superconducting magnetic energy storage and the
winddiesel system, a control strategy based on fuzzy logic has
been proposed. Various disturbances like wind park disconnection,
Table 5
Applications of fuzzy logic models in bio-energy.


Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy AHP, ANP
Fuzzy clustering
Fuzzy optimization
Neuro-fuzzy expert
Fuzzy MCDM

Jurado and Saenz [86], Jurado et al. [87]

Chang et al. [93]
Ayoub et al. [100]
Balaman and Selim [103], Ng et al. [104], Tan et al. [105]
Romeo and Gareta [118]
Bitar et al. [122], Ren et al. [123]

wind gusts, abrupt wind changes and load perturbations was

studied. It was found that the proposed system maintained the
power quality within limits. Fuzzy logic controllers are found to be
useful for building efcient peak power control. The fuzzy based
controllers in power systems either in standalone systems or in
grid connected systems are found to be very useful in dealing with
variable speed and temperature, fuel cells, temporary energy
storage using batteries.
A dual mode linguistic hedge based fuzzy logic controller has
been used for an isolated winddiesel hybrid power system which
has a battery energy storage unit [112] and with superconducting
magnetic energy storage unit [113]. The design incorporates
linguistic hedges and hybrid genetic algorithm simulated annealing algorithms. It was found that such heuristic reasoning methodologies integrating genetic algorithm with simulated annealing
improved the system's performance extensively. This model was
found to be very robust even when it was functioning under
different operating conditions present in the hybrid power system
and was less sensitive to changes in the parameters of the system
such as speed, temperature etc. Kalantar and Mousavi [114] have
optimized the dynamic behavior of a standalone hybrid power
generation system comprising of wind turbine, microturbine, solar
array and battery storage based on economic analysis using
genetic algorithm. A fuzzy logic controller has been designed to
handle the different types of load demands. A comparison is made
between fuzzy logic controller and adaptive controller. The supervisory controller has been designed to manage the energy generated from wind turbine/solar system and energy load demands at
all times.
Fuzzy AHP is being used to nd a suitable solar-wind power
generation unit considering benets, opportunities, cost and risks
[94]. A techno-economical optimization of hybrid PV/wind/battery
system was carried out by Rajkumar et al. [88] using ANFIS. The
results were then compared with Hybrid Optimization Model for
Electric Renewables (HOMER) and Hybrid Optimization by Genetic
Algorithms (HOGA) and their model was found to have a higher
accuracy. It is found that fuzzy AHP, ANFIS, GA are techniques
being used in hybrid systems to nd the optimally operating
parameters and systems.
Rashed et al. [250] have used fuzzy logic controller for the
speed control loop of the diesel engine in the PVdiesel autonomous power system. The performance of the system is studied
under different operating conditions of insolation and load variations. The system produces sinusoidal voltage waveforms with
constant magnitude and frequency. The model highlights the
effectiveness of the proposed model. Datta et al. [251] have used
fuzzy control mechanism for levelling output power uctuations
of photovoltaic diesel hybrid power system. This method has
helped in considering the conicting objective of output power
levelling and maximizing energy captive. Simulation results show
that the proposed model is effective in levelling PV power
uctuations and reducing the frequency deviations. Both research
indicates the robustness of the controller because of the use of
fuzzy logic.
Erdinc and Uzunoglu [252] have evaluated the performance of
a grid independent renewable energy system which considers
multi-source hybrid power system consisting of wind turbine
(WT), photovoltaic (PV) solar unit, proton exchange membrane
(PEM) FC and battery. A fuzzy logic based intelligent controller
considered in the system controls the overall energy ow during
insufcient power and excess power conditions.
Erdinc et al. [253] have investigated energy management using
fuzzy logic in a stand-alone hybrid system with wind turbine,
photovoltaic panels, fuel cell for providing back-up power and a
battery unit for storing the possible excess energy production and
supplying the transient load. The intelligent controller regulates

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

the overall energy ow. In addition to using fuzzy logic being used
as controllers in hybrid power systems, it is also being used to nd
the sizing of energy systems. The authors have conducted real
time performance analysis using fuzzy logic to determine the
optimum sizing of a hybrid renewable energy system comprising
of solar, wind and fuel cell [254]. It is found that the effectiveness
of the system improves for lighter load proles.
Zhang et al. [255] have developed a fuzzy chance constrained
model considering demand response and electric vehicles to
promote the use of wind power. A numerical study was conducted
on the model and it was found that the model promotes the
utilization of wind energy thus making the model more ecofriendly and economical. Mukhtaruddin et al. [256] have used an
iterative pareto fuzzy technique to determine the best combination size for a hybrid-PV, wind turbine, battery system at minimum cost and maximum reliability. The total cost of the hybrid
system is found to be low when the unutilized surplus power is
Malekpour et al. [106] have used a probabilistic approach to
multi-objective Volt/Var control of distribution system considering
hybrid fuel cell and wind energy sources. A fuzzy optimization
method with a maxmin operator nds solutions for distribution
companies considering economical, operational and environmental perspectives. A new optimization algorithm is proposed in this
paper based on Improved Shufed Frog Leaping algorithm (ISFLA).
Garca et al. [257] have developed an optimal hourly energy
management system for standalone wind turbine/photovoltaic/
hydrogen/battery hybrid system with supervisory control based on
fuzzy logic. A hourly energy management system uses a fuzzy logic
control to maintain the energy ow while optimizing the utilization cost and lifetime of the energy storage system. Aydin et al.
[258] have proposed a GIS based site selection methodology for
setting up hybrid renewable energy systems in Turkey. Environmental acceptability and economic feasibility is determined for a
hybrid wind solar-PV system using fuzzy decision making that
uses ordered weighted averaging algorithm for aggregating multiple objectives. Perera et al. [127] have proposed a multi-objective
optimization methodology with multi-criterion decision making
technique. Four conicting objectives namely levelized energy cost
(LEC), unmet load fraction, wasted renewable energy (WRE) and
fuel consumption in hybrid systems are used. The relative weights
of the objective have been obtained. Fuzzy TOPSIS and level
diagrams are used to arrive at optimal solutions. The review
clearly highlights how fuzzy based decision making incorporating
fuzzy values instead of crisp values helps in clearly categorizing
different options, map the realistic situations and accurately
predict outcomes. When MCDM techniques are used along with
fuzzy the capability of the models in handling different types of
problems/situations increases several fold.
Advanced algorithms have been investigated along with fuzzy
and it was found that fuzzy integrated with such heuristic based
optimization techniques (cuckoo search optimization, PSO, ant
colony, honey bee) improves the capability of the model performance immensely. Berrazouane and Mohammedi [135] have
carried out parameter optimization via cuckoo search optimization


(CSO) algorithm and PSO of fuzzy logic controller of a standalone

hybrid power system. The results of CSO were found to yield better
results than PSO. The optimized fuzzy logic controller is able to
minimize loss of power supply probability (LPSP), excess energy
(EE) and levelized energy cost (LEC). Bigdeli [136] compare the
different hybrid techniques for management of a hybrid PV/fuel
cell/battery power generation system. Imperialist Competitive
Algorithm (ICA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Quantum
behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA) were used
to manage the load sharing. It was found that fuzzy logic controller
with QPSO gave the best performance.
Table 6 gives a comprehensive picture of the various fuzzy
based models used in hybrid systems. The review indicates the
techniques adopted gave good realistic estimates and the models
developed using fuzzy based concepts were of high accuracy.
Fuzzy logic controller, neuro-fuzzy controller, ANFIS, fuzzy GA,
fuzzy AHP have been applied in hybrid systems. It is found that
research using fuzzy logic has been done in a variety of disciplines
namely maximum power withdrawal from controllers, selection of
the best energy resource, parameter optimization. Fuzzy PSO,
fuzzy QPSO, cuckoo search algorithm, honey bee optimization
have also been explored. However there is still wide scope to do
further research in this area in several problem domains.
A consolidated review is done on the research papers and a
graphical presentation is given in Fig. 1.
The four quadrants (in the anticlockwise manner) represent the
research carried out in Solar, Wind, Bioenergy and Others (renewable in general, hybrid energy etc.). The gure clearly highlights
how the number of research using fuzzy have increased over the
years. More importantly it is seen that majority of the research
work is near the x axis. Also the size of the bubble is dense near
the x axis for the quadrant Solar and Wind. This indicates that
research work is presently being carried out with simpler fuzzy
models to a large extent. There is very little research work being
carried out with higher order models. However with the advancement of technology in computer hardware and software, researchers have started working on PSO, honey bee optimization in recent
years as witnessed in Solar, Wind and Others quadrant. Still there
is a huge research gap in this area. The gure also highlights how
very little research work has been done in bioenergy eld.
The techniques were grouped as 1fuzzy models, 2hybrid
models, 3MCDM models as mentioned in Section 3. Fuzzy models
will include fuzzy regression, fuzzy AHP, fuzzy ANP, fuzzy clustering; Hybrid models will include neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS, fuzzy AHP, ANP,
neuro-fuzzy DEA, fuzzy GA, neuro-fuzzy GA, fuzzy expert, neurofuzzy expert; MCDM models will include fuzzy optimization, fuzzy
TOPSIS, VIKOR, fuzzy PSO, fuzzy honey bee optimization, fuzzy PSO,
QPSO, cuckoo optimization. The research publications over the
years based on the above grouping is given in Fig. 2.
The gure clearly highlights the extensive research done in
wind sector followed by solar. There is enormous scope to do
research in bioenergy. Also from the gure it is found that majority
of research work has been done using hybrid models in Solar and
Wind energy. MCDM models are very few and they are slowly

Table 6
Applications of fuzzy logic models in hybrid energy systems.


Neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS
Fuzzy AHP, ANP
Fuzzy optimization
Fuzzy GA
Fuzzy PSO, QPSO, Cuckoo optimization

Rajkumar et al. [88]

Chen et al. [94]
Malekpour et al. [106]
Ansari and Velusami [112,113], Kalantar and Mousavi [114]
Perera et al. [127]
Berrazouane and Mohammedi [135], Bigdeli [136]


L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

Fig. 1. Extent of fuzzy based research in renewable energy modeling. x axis denotes year; the origin is [2006, 0]. y axis denotes the techniques in increasing complexity.
The techniques are 1fuzzy regression, 2 neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS, 3 fuzzy AHP, ANP, 4 fuzzy clustering, 5 fuzzy optimization, 6 neuro-fuzzy DEA, 7 fuzzy GA, 8 neurofuzzy GA, 9 fuzzy expert, 10neuro-fuzzy expert, 11 fuzzy MCDM, 12fuzzy TOPSIS, VIKOR, 13 fuzzy PSO, 14 fuzzy honey bee optimization, 15fuzzy PSO, QPSO,
Cuckoo optimization. Note: the number inside the bubble indicates the technique and size of the bubble indicates the no. of research publication.

Fig. 2. Research in renewable energy modeling using fuzzy based techniques. x axis denotes year ; the origin is [2006, 0]. y axis denotes the techniques. The techniques
are grouped as 1 fuzzy models, 2 hybrid models, 3MCDM models, 1 fuzzy models will include fuzzy regression, fuzzy AHP, fuzzy ANP, fuzzy clustering, 2 hybrid
models will include neuro-fuzzy, ANFIS, fuzzy AHP, ANP, neuro-fuzzy DEA, fuzzy GA, neuro-fuzzy GA, fuzzy expert, neuro-fuzzy expert, 3 MCDM models will include fuzzy
optimization, fuzzy TOPSIS, VIKOR, fuzzy PSO, fuzzy honey bee optimization, fuzzy PSO, QPSO, cuckoo optimization. Note: the number inside the bubble indicates the size of
the bubble which is representative of research publications.

L. Suganthi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 48 (2015) 585607

gaining momentum only in recent years. More so, it is being done

in renewable energy or for hybrid energy. The gure clearly
highlights the scope of fuzzy logic research in energy modeling
for various alternative renewable energy sources.

5. Conclusions
The applications of fuzzy logic in renewable energy systems have
been reviewed. It is found that every nation is involved in energy
modeling and planning for sustainable development. The past decade
has witnessed the extensive use of fuzzy based modeling in renewable
energy systems. Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is being widely used in
solar PV applications for MPPT. Also FLC are predominantly used for
controlling the intermittent energy ow from the renewable energy
sources. Neuro-fuzzy logic controllers are being used in wind energy
systems. In addition it is found that other fuzzy based hybrid models
such as fuzzy AHP, fuzzy DEA, fuzzy GA, fuzzy PSO, fuzzy honey bee
optimization are being explored in the modeling of solar, wind, bioenergy applications.
Fuzzy based modeling integrated with time series, ARMA,
regression, neural networks, in forecasting has helped in improving the prediction accuracy of the variables concerned. Fuzzy AHP,
fuzzy ANP had helped in identifying the relative importance of
various renewable energy alternatives, schemes, project plans.
Fuzziness built into the models helps in capturing the heuristic
reasoning happening in the human minds. Fuzzy based GA, NN,
DEA, PSO, TOPSIS, VIKOR, cuckoo optimization, honey bee optimization etc. though are very advanced complex techniques, the
computing capability has made these techniques very user
friendly and simple. Even though the complexity increases when
fuzzy is introduced, yet it is found the results obtained these
models justies the complexity of the techniques. The performance and functioning of fuzzy based models in renewable energy
systems have been found to enhance several-fold be it in power
optimization, site selection, variable speed or temperature control.
The review clearly highlights there is wide scope for research in
fuzzy based modeling in renewable energy systems. Researchers
can adopt fuzzy based modeling to enrich their research to arrive
at pragmatic solutions in solving the energy-environment concern.

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