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N143 Quality Improvement (QI) Research Project Proposal

During the course of the semester, students are required to create and write
up a proposal for a Quality Improvement Research Project. This proposal will
reflect knowledge of the QSEN Quality Improvement competency and QSEN
Evidence-based Practice competency. No actual data will be collected; this is
a proposal for research only.
During your clinical contract appointment with your instructor and the
preceptor discuss the QI project and solicit the preceptors support in
identifying the project topic. This project will be completed in groups of five
(5) students. You will form your own groups based upon similar interests.
Students precepted in different clinical sites or units may collaborate on a QI
The assignments you will turn in related to this QI project consist of three (3)
1. QI Proposal Draft Paper
2. QI Proposal Final Paper
3. QI Professional Poster presentation
1. QI Proposal Draft Paper: A written proposal of your proposed QI
A cover page with the project title and name of students proposing the
Identification and description of the nursing problem
A brief summary of the available evidenced-based practice literature
including a discussion of the evidence as it relates to current policy and
procedure (you will develop your discussion of the literature further in
the final paper).
An outline of the proposed research project. What are your early plans
for studying or alleviating this problem?
An APA reference list including a minimum of 4 related peer-reviewed
research articles
Proposal must be in APA format
Turn in: Have ONE MEMBER of your group submit on N143
SacCT site by midnight, March 11th at midnight.
2. QI Proposal Final Paper: A written 800-1000 word paper of your QI
project/study proposal including:
Introduction: Identification and description of the nursing problem

Literature Review: A brief summary of the available evidenced-based

practice literature including a discussion of the evidence as it relates to
current policy and procedure. Must use a minimum of 6 related peerreviewed research articles
Proposed Study:
o Sample Population: Who will your participants be and how will
they be selected?
o Methods: How will you learn more about the nursing problem
and/or what intervention are you testing in order to attempt to
alleviate the nursing problem? Please provide a copy of the data
collection tool you will use (survey, interview guide, focus group
guide, intervention description, etc).
o Data Analysis: How will you analyze the data you collect? How
will you know if your data is significant enough to act upon?
Please provide dummy tables or charts showing how you would
display relevant data. Dummy tables do not pretend to have
actual data, they simply show, for example, a bar chart with xand y-axis labeled and dummy data to show where actual data
would be presented.
Limitations: Discuss the limitations of this proposed study (is the
sample size small, is there a lack of randomization, for example).
Implications for improving nursing care: Evaluation of the project
including impact on patient care including the QSEN Safety and
Patient/Family Centered Care competencies

Paper must be in APA format and must be kept within the word limit of 8001000 words. These papers will be graded according to the rubric (on SacCT)
and this description with close attention to detail!
Turn in: Please have ONE MEMBER of your group submit on
N143 SacCT site by midnight, April 8th.
3. Professional Poster Presentation:
You will prepare a poster to be presented to your peers and faculty on
the assigned date. This poster presents the information provided in
your QI abstract.
Your poster will be reviewed and evaluated by School of Nursing
o Please print and bring to the QI poster presentations a total of 5
QI Evaluation forms. These are posted on SacCT under
Assignments on the course website.
o You can have your poster printed on campus (for free!) or you
can use a tri-fold poster format.

o Poster should include relevant and sufficient information to act as

an invitation to discuss your proposal. Beware of the too
many words pitfall!
Presentations will take place on Monday, May 2nd.

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