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Summative Test

G-10 (SSC)
General directions: Read and analyze each statements and questions carefully. Write your answer in your paper.
I. Identification:
Direction: Identify what is referred in the following statements.
1. He was a French writer whose stories depict a realistic portrayal of the cruelty of human beings to one another.
2. It is a story of a man who spent his lifetime proving that he is innocent.
3. He was a very economical man that everything has value for him.
4. He was the harness maker/ saddler who accused the protagonist of stealing.
5. He was the one who found the leather wallet.
6. He was the owner of the leather wallet.
7. It is the main setting of the story.
8. It is where the announcement of a missing wallet happened.
9. It is where the protagonist found a piece of string.
10. It is where the protagonist accused of stealing.
11. -13. These are the themes of the story.
14. -15. These are the symbolisms in the story.
II. Analogy
Directions: Analyze the following items. Write the letter of the correct answer.
16. The Bet: Anton Chekhov ; A Piece of String: ______________
a. Guy de Maupasant b. Guy de Maupassant c. Guy de Maupasannt d. Guy de Mauppasant
17. The Bet: Russia ; A Piece of String: ______________
a. Norway
b. Goderville
c. Germany
d. Italy
18. Lies: ______________ ; Truth: String
a. shoes
b. bag
c. wallet
d. coin
19. Matre Malandain: Saddler ; Matre Hauchecorne: ______________
a. peasant
b. shoe maker
c. merchant
d. soldier
20. Matre Hauchecorne: a piece of string ; Marius Paumelle: ______________
a. leather wallet
b. leather bag
c. leather shoes
d. leather belt
III. True or False
Directions: Analyze the following statements carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is

A Piece of String is written by Guy de Mauppasant.

Matre Malandain is the protagonist of the story.
Godderville is the main setting of the story.
Marius Paumelle knew how to read.
Matre Haulbreque of Normandy was the real owner of the leather wallet.

IV. Sequencing Events

Directions: Arrange the following in chronological order. Write numbers 1-5 as your answers.
26. He took the bit of thin cord from the ground and began to roll it carefully when he noticed Matre Malandain on the
threshold of his door, looking at him.
27. Matre Hauchecorne was invited at the mayors office, and there, he was accused of stealing.
28. He died in the first days of January, and in the delirium of his death struggles he kept claiming his innocence.
29. Matre Hauchecorne of Breaute had just arrived at Goderville, and he was directing his steps toward the public
square when he perceived upon the ground a little piece of string.
30. All the aristocracy of the plow ate at Matre Jourdain's when suddenly the drum beat in the court and announced
that there was a missing leather wallet.
V. Essay
Directions: Reflect and answer the following questions below.
31-40. If you are Matre Hauchecorne, would you pick up the piece of string? Why or why not?
41-50. Would you spend your lifetime proving to others that you are innocent? Why or why not?
Organization of Ideas 3

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