Usps Attempt To Kill The National Whistleblower Thwarted

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( Exodus 23:20)

This shall serve as yet another tribute to members of my postal /government congressional, federal,
state and local family and their family members; those who lost love ones or will soon lose love ones
and those who may survive the American Holocaust. I write this in persecution with YHVH; your
remembrance and your strength. Kyrie Eleison.

G O D – Government of Deceivers - American Holocaust Perpetrators (AHP).

Today is Friday, April 16th 2010. At around 2:00 PM Allen Carlton went to the Social Security
Administration (SSA) in Cleburne Texas. He went there because earlier he received a certified letter
notification (7002 2003 0004 6016 6133) from them (SSA). This is after being visited by two
Department of Homeland Security (DHOS) Officers who made allegations that he threatened someone
at Social Security. Like this he post that visit.
Security-Visits-the-National-Whistleblower The DHOS officer showed Mr. Carlton a copy of YHVH's
Note Remember Allen Carlton, YHVH's
messenger the National Whistleblower so the TRUTH is a threat to the American Holocaust
Perpetrators (AHP). If you read the earlier posted link Homeland Security visits the National
Whistleblower you would know that he explained to the officers that before they start making
allegations they should read the manifesto / file United States Supreme Court case (USSC) 99-565 &
supplement. Just
like SSA decisionmakers are not reading the file neither are DOHS officers. Now if SSA would have
read the file they would not have sent Mr. Carlton the letter certified.

After Mr. Carlton left the SSA he was surrounded by Cleburne Police Officers and he immediately
pulled off into the Goodwill's parking lot at 1106 West Henderson. Imagine how embrassing that must
have been. Mr. Carlton was addressed by Cleburne Police Department criminal investigator K. Clark,
(report service number is 1002138 or 15020138). Officer Clark spoke to him about not arresting him
for going to the SSA and explained to Mr. Carlton that he was being given a criminal trespass warning.
This was done as Mr. Carlton explained why he went there (SSA) and how all this could have been
avoided if only SSA would have read his file. If SSA would have read the file they would have saw
the copy of Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) on page 3 which is included in this post,
stating that Carlton, Jr. Allen B. “ employee is not allowed on postal premises at any time”. Mr.
Carlton explained that if he was such a threat to government employees why wasn't the mail carrier
who delivered the certified letter notified. It would make since, because he has not been allowed on
postal premises at any time since 07/08/93. If you were the mail carrier wouldn't you want to know if
you were going into hostile territory, perhaps you would want hazardous duty pay. Mr. Carlton
explained that he had filed complaint (service number 1007792) with Detective Terry Dalton, Sheriff
Johnson County ( Mr. Carlton explained that he told Detective Dalton
that the DOHS officers showed up with no local officers. Officer Dalton told Mr. Carlton they did not
need any local officers. Does DOHS need local officer with them before they go to your home? Mr.
Carlton conveyed this to Officer K. Clark who told him that he (Officer Clark) had accompanied the
DHOS officers, but Mr. Carlton was not home on that occasion. After Mr. Carlton was not killed or
arrested he immediately went to the Cleburne Library and made copies of the FERS, the certified
unsigned letter copy he received from Stephan Maddox, District Manager Cleburne SSA and the
response letter he received from the United States Department of Labor (US DOL) Complaint Analysis
Officer, Gwen M. Stroud. Did US DOL Complaint Analysis Officer Gwen M. Stroud read the file
before making a decision?

This may sound redundant, but YHVH instruction is to document the American Holocaust. As
YHVH's messenger Mr. Carlton is familiar with the Liaison Officer position, collateral damage and
misinformation. Do you think Detective Dalton would make a good liaison officer? A liaison officer
or LNO is a person that liaises between two organizations to communicate and coordinate their
activities. Generally, this is done to achieve the best utilization of resources or employment of services
of one organization by another. In the military, a liaison officer may coordinate activities to protect
another unit from collateral damage. For incident or disaster management, a liaison officer serves as
the primary contact for agencies responding to the situation. Liaison officers often provide technical or
subject matter expertise of their parent organization. Usually an organization embeds a liaison officer in
another organization to provide face-to-face coordination.

In 1993 as the USPS was waging terrorism against Mr. Carlton and other members of his postal family.
Attorney Janet Reno emphasized the liaison officer position for collateral damage. This was done after
the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI) Massacre in Waco; the local Sheriff “blew the whistle” that
they (government officials) could have captured David Koresh and the other so called members of the
Branch Davidians in town. “Every Friday David came into town and played with the local band.”
Remember Clint Van Zandt.

Collusion is an agreement, usually secretive, which occurs between two or more persons to limit open
competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to obtain an
objective forbidden by law typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair advantage. It is an agreement
among firms to divide the market, set prices, or limit production. It can involve "wage fixing,
kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties

YHVH's messenger, CooN by YA(YHVH), the National Whistleblower, Allen Carlton continues to
expose Government Collusion (congressional, federal, state and local) responsible for the total
destruction of entire American families. American Holocaust Perpetrators (AHP) placing economics
over justice for personal gain creating terrorism. The American Holocaust (genocide - population
control) suspending the enforcement of the laws of the United States Constitution to avoid government
(congressional, federal, state, and local) liabilities. The deficit (death fix it).

CooN by YA (YHVH)
Allen Carlton (class of 81 -
National Whistleblower –
Revelation receiver of the Peoples Righteous Kill Defense (PRKD)
Peoples Army

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