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Mind Power

How does alternative Therapy Work

Sreekanth Vasudevan Pillai

Mind Power Trainer & Personal Coach

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Did you ever talk in your sleep?

If you did, you might not hear it but someone else some one else.. who
will be that?
Can you imagine what will happen if your wife heard what you have spoken
in your sleep
It has happened..
One day
a lady visited to a doctor;
She asked, my husband has the habit of talking in sleep!
What should i give him to cure?
Doctor replied Give him an opportunity to speak when he is awake
Sometimes some alternative methods will help us while conventional modern
scientific methods were failed.
Some times medicines will not work for some diseases,
Some times medicine doesnt required at all.. just give an opportunity to heal
the body is enough..
Just allow your body to heal itself. Body has a self healing capacity.
Of course, I agree that our modern medical science have great achievements.
Has exciting achievements in public health, diagnosis, prevention and
treatment such as, X ray, Scanning, immunization, Family planning, Antibiotics,
antiviral vaccines, steroids etc etc etc..
But still it lacks something.
When my father was sick he was suffering from lungs infection and doctor said,

We are trying our best, all the available treatments are provided, but his body
is not responding to the medicines. My father passed away after one week.
What does it mean?
Medicines are useless unless the bodys internal life force activated.
Basic principle of most of the alternative health practices is that:
An invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a
state of good health
This invisible vital energy is known as different names in different traditions. In
India it is called Prana, in China it is called Chi and Japan it is called Ki.
Modern medicine has no belief that the body has a self-healing capacity and no
ways to boost that capacity.
But Modern medical science is rejected all other therapies which is not fit its
scientific model.
A boy came back home from his school and said to his mother,
My maths teacher is a liar
Mother wondered.. and asked..what happened.. ?
Yesterday he told 4+3 =7.
Today he is saying 5+2=7
How both will be right?
Modern medicine is based on a scientific model.. and arrogantly reject to all
other therapies that dont fit this model.
It is a childish philosophy..
Other methods also have its own science.. that may not be fit with the modern
scientific models.. but that doesnt mean they are wrong.
One of my friends was suffered from severe back pain long term. He tried
conventional modern medicine with many expert doctors. He was getting

relief while having medicines. Whenever he stoped the medication he would

have back ache again.
As advised by some of his friends he tried Acupuncture treatment and he got
relieved with in 3 months. He was immensely attracted by the Acupuncture
and become practitioner of it.
Most of the alternative medical practitioners have the same kind of stories,
once they were sick and miraculously healed by any of the alternative medical
Once he was interviewed by media, they asked;
Do you really believe that acupuncture works?
What is the science behind it?
He answered, I believed in this not because of scientific proofs, because of my
own experience. When I was ill, I was not concerned about its science. I want
to be cured. Whether it is scientifically proven or not it doesnt matter.
Acupuncture has its own science it may or may not be fit with the modern
scientific models. For me , I have cured, that is it.. So I believe.
Yes ;
Alternative health methods are important because it produces positive results.
Alternative health methods are important because it produces positive results
with no side effects or less side effects than modern medicine. If we are
advised by an expert that particular field it is completely safe without any
It is important not because it has been proved by modern scientific models.
Now a days the traditional Indian & Chinees therapies such as Ayurveda, Yoga,
chikung, acupacture, taichi , meditation and massage therapies are widely
popular many other countries.
Instead of treating the underlying causes or imbalances, Modern medical
Doctors often merely manage symptoms.

Modern conventional medicine see the human body as a machine with

separate parts that can be treated independently while alternative healing
methods believe that human body as an integrated whole .
Studies say 90% of physical illnesses are psychosomatic. Psychosomatic means
a physical illness that caused by mental factors such as stress, guilt, etc .
Modern conventional medicine cannot cure these diseases because it see the
mind and body are as separate independent entities and emotions are often
Mind and body are so deeply interconnected. The ancient Indian yoga books
say that body and mind are not twothose are one. Body is the visible part of
the mind and mind is the invisible part of the body. Some studies in the
modern psychology also agreed with this.
So the faith healing systems can make miracles
I am not here to preach about God or any religion whether you believe in
God or not it is your personal thing. Whether you believe in any other
supernatural phenomena or not.. I am not going to interfere ..
But I have witnessed many miracle cures by Faith Healers, Energy healers, and
These systems magically cured impossible health conditions, even cancers and
Belief is so powerful..
An old man and his daughter go to the doctor for his monthly checkup.
During examination, the doctor asks about his nightly involuntary
Its fine, says the old man, I just get up and go to the toilet, and God
turns on the light for me.
Doctor finishes up the examination, and then calls in the daughter to tell
her the God-light thing.
Oh my God! Says the daughter. Hes been using the fridge again!

Even some beliefs are seems to be so blind and so irrational.. Beliefs are
immensely powerful.
Belief is an unquestionable command to your subconscious mind. So what
ever your belief it will be your reality. So be careful about your beliefs. Develop
positive beliefs.
Faith healing systems helps to develop hope and positive beliefs in human
minds and allow release their emotional tensions.
Opponents of alternative health methods usually argue against that.. all
alternative methods are unscientific and if it produces results only because of
placebo effect.
What is placebo effect ?
Placebo effect means .. a chemically inert substance such as saline solutions or
starch tablets, that produces the same effect of real medicine because of the
patients firm belief and expectancy of desired results.
Here opponents agreeing that alternative health methods are creating an
atmosphere of placebo effect
Mind and body are so deeply interconnected. So it is great to create an
atmosphere of placebo effect.
Before I conclude I would like to suggest two things;
1. Get benefit from alternative system of health care for wellness and
health care rather than treating diseases.
2. The combination of Alternative Medical practices with conventional
modern medicine can be a great help. It is already been a trend that is
called integrative medicine. Then we will be benefitted from all the
virtues of both systems.

By Sreekanth Vasudevan Pillai

Mind Power Trainer & Personal Coach
Contact : sreevidhukanth@ , Ph : 00965 66327487

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