Dec 2011

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Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2011

Surveying - II
Max. Marks:lOO

Time: 3 hrs .

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting

at least TWO questions from each part.

a. Introduce the terms, with a theodolite. Transit, suing face change, normal position, inverted
(OS Marks)
b. What is "double transit method"? Describe the extension of a straight line in the field by
this method.
(07 Marks)
c. Explain the method of 'Repetition and reiteration' for measuring horizontal angle. (08 Marks)

a. What do you understand by statement that - 'theodolite is in adjustmenf? Explain the plate
level adjustment pointing out its necessity.
(07 Marks)
b. What is an 'index error'? Why it is necessary to be adjusted? How the error may be
(06 Marks)
c. The following observations weremad e dunn2
the testin2 of a dumpy level.
Instrument at

Staff reading on


Is the instrument is adjustment? If not, to what reacting on the staff at A should the line of
sight be adjusted when the instrument is at B?
(07 Marks}

a. How would you determine the difference in elevation of the instrument station and the top of
a chimney by single plane method, if the base of the chimney is inaccessible, when the
instrument axes are at the different level?
(06 Marks)
b. The top of signal spire ' P' was sighted from two points A and B , being at very different
levels and in line, with ' P'. The angle of elevation from A and B to P were 4020' and 2030'
respectively. The angle of elevation from B to a target 2.5m above the foot of the staff held
at A was 1615' . The heights of the instrument at A and B were 1.750m and 1.545m
respectively. The horizontal distance between A and B was 1OOm. The R.L of B was
150.SOOm. Determine the RL of P and horizontal distance of the signal spire from B.

c. List out the advantages of total station over conventional instruments.



(10 Marks)
(04 Marks)

What is tachometry? Derive an expression for the horizontal distance ' D' and the vertical
intercept 'V ' when the line of sight is inclined at an angle of elevation and the staff is held
normal to the line of sight.
(10 Marks)
b. To determine the gradient between two points A and B, a tachometer was setup at another
station C and the foliowmg
o bservations were taken, keeom2 the Staff vertical.
Staff at Vertical ang:le
Stadia readinas
1.300, 1.610, 1.920
+ 420' 00"
+ 0 10' 40" 1.100, 1.410, l.720
If the horizontal angle ACB is 3520', detennine the average gradient between A and B .
(10 Marks)
Take K = 100, C = 0 and RL ofinstrumentaxis = 100.000m.

1 of2



What are different methods of designation of curves? Derive relationship between the radius
and the degree of curve.
(06 Marks)
b. Describe the method of setting out a right handed simple circular curve by tangential angles.


Two tangents AB and BC intersects at B of chainage 1150.40 meter. Calculate the necessary
data for setting out a curve of 652' to connect the two tangents if the angle of deviation of
the tangent BC at B is 4630' . Take the peg interval as 2Qm. Use the method of offsets from
the chords produced.
(08 Mar ks)

a. What is a reverse curve? Derive relationships between various elements of a reverse curve
(10 Marks)
between the parallel straights.
b. The following data refers to a compound curve which bears to the right.
Total deflection angle= 5945'
Degree of first curve = 2
Degree of second curve = 5
Chainage at point of intersection= l 500.450m.
Determine the chainage of tangent points and the point of compound. Curvature given that
the point of compound curvature is 107.Sm from the point of intersection at a back angle of
29432' from the first tangent. (30tn chain being used)
(10 Marks)

a. What are the basic criteria for the design of a transition curve?
(05 Marks)
b. A Bernoulli's lemniscates is used as a transitional curve through out between two straights
having a deflection angle of I 02. Compute the data for setting out the curve if the apex
(10 Ma rks)
distance is 25m.
c. When would you use a vertical curve? Define the role of change of gradient.
(OS Marks)


What is meant by ''area of zero circle" of a planimeter? How would you determine it?
(OS Marks)

b. A planimeter was used to determine the area of a plan, with an irregular boundary. The
initial and final readings were 8.348 and 1.435 respectively. It was observed that the zero
mark of the dial passed the fixed mark twice. The tracing point was moved in the clo_ck wise
direction and the needle point was out side the plan. Calculate the area of the plan if

M = 100cm2 .


{05 Marks)

An embankment is to be formed with its centre line on the ground sloping upwards at 20to l .
If the formation width is 12M and ifthe formation heights at the beginning, middle and end
of the embankment are 6M, 4.5M and 3M respectively at intervals of30M and the side slope
is 2 to 1. Find the volume of earth work by prismoidol rule. Assume the ground be level
transverse to the centerline.
(IO Marks)


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