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13th Annual Great Lakes Area Contact Improvisation Enthusiasts Retreat

September 26 - October 1, 2014

What is the Great Lakes Area Contact Improvisaon Enthusiasts
Retreat (GLACIER)?

Each year, GLACIER welcomes a group of about 50 parcipants to sink into the joy of
dancing together with other members of our far-ung contact improvisaon tribe. It is
a me to rejuvenate our creave spirits and relax into our bodies. While dancers of all
levels are welcome to aend the event, parcipants should have a basic CI skill set. Our
me together encourages connecons and re-connecons.

What can I expect?

You are invited to relax, reconnect, invigorate, and enjoy the presence of nature. Come
nd the natural presence of your dancing and discover an unltered experience of touch,
gravity, and momentum. Sweat and sauna and sink into nature. Dance for hours in just a
few minutes. Dance for a brief moment that spans hours. Bear witness to the collapse and
expansion of me, and depart with the deep, saturated sasfacon of having been present
for so much extraordinary beauty.

Where is GLACIER held?

The Chrisne Center, located in central Wisconsin,

is a tranquil, spiritual retreat center on 120 acres of
wooded land. The accommodaons include guest house
rooms, woodland cabins, and camping accompanied
by wholesome vegetarian meals served in a central
dining room. Other amenies include: sauna, hiking
trails, meditaon room, and a beauful dance space.
More informaon about the center, including a map and
driving direcons, can be found at:

Sessions harness and ignite our collecve energy through open, sustained scores and much
me for dancing throughout our day. Acvies provide opons for deepening study, rening
skills, and experiencing a deeper self. Evenings oer me for performance, shied states,
and eager energy.


Weekend: Includes Friday evening arrival (potluck dinner), Saturday, and Sunday unl 4 PM
5 days (whole enchilada): Friday evening arrival, Saturday through Wednesday lunch.
Camping: Full meal plan. Use central bathhouse. Bring your own gear and towels.
Indoor: Guesthouse, cabins, or rusc cabins (use central bathhouse) assigned by coordinators. Full meal plan. Includes bed linens and towels.
Sorry, no pets allowed!
Please feel free to bring musical instruments as there are informal music jams held throughout the retreat!

Teaching Team 2014

Sarah and the Teaching Team are working diligently to oer you a GLACIER experience that is balanced between CI dancing and retreat. The
schedule is designed to support aenon to self-restoraon, arsc inspiraon, and community. Teachers at GLACIER will oer informaon,
support to students of all levels, creave applicaons of CI, and an oer insight into their areas of inquiry and enthusiasm. They are looking
forward to meeng you!
SARAH GOTTLIEB, CLMA is a Chicago-based improviser, dance-maker, and movement educator. She is dedicated to her vision of a world transformed by
somac awareness and expressive movement. Sarah regularly facilitates the Chicago CI Jam, creates duet and ensemble performance scores based in CI,
has taught at Glacier, and will this year be an instructor at the West Coast Contact Improv Jam. In her role as the Arsc/Teaching Director of Glacier 2014,
she is exploring Creave Systems Theory as a foundaon for a dynamic and integrated teaching program.

GREG BURDULIS has taught CI in several states (and states of mind) and
considers CI to be his liveliest form of meditaon. He enjoys the play at
the intersecon of physicality and spontaneity on the dance oor. He will
bring his training in dance, improvisaon and mindfulness to his sessions.

MARIELLE ABELL is a rered professional clogger, a mom, and is the good

fairy of death at her local hospital. She has been doing CI and other forms of
improvisaon, including dancing and storytelling for 20 years. At Glacier she
intends to create the condions for our right brains to have some me on the
playground, one of the aspects of CI she loves most.

KRISTINA FLUTY is a movement arst and educator based in Chicago since 2002. She is a collaborator with Molly Shanahan/Mad Shak, and currently
teaches at Columbia College Chicago, Hubbard Street Dance Center, and The Theatre School at DePaul University. She holds a BA in dance from Point Park
University, and a Master of Arts in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling from Columbia College Chicago. Krisna is also a Laban Movement Analyst
(GL-CMA - Columbia) and a Movement Paern Analyst (MPAC - Columbia). Having been an avid contact improviser for about een years, she is thrilled
and honored to be at GLACIER for the rst me this year. Here at GLACIER, she will be facilitang classes in ulizing Laban/Bartenie principles for deeper
somac awareness and skill-building in CI.
STEPHANIE NUGENT has toured internaonally, performing, teaching and creang contemporary dance and improvisaon since 1991. Arsc Director
of Nugent Dance since 2001, her creave work is invested in intersecons between CI, dance theater performance, and embodied pracces designed
to promote empathy and non-violent communicaon. Since moving to the Midwest, Nugent has found great inspiraon in the GLACIER community,
parcipang in every event she and get to, hosng workshops and Hourglass (hp:// events with partner composer Robin Cox,
and teaching at Universies including The Ohio State University, Indiana University -Bloomington, Anderson University, and Ball State University.
TANYA WILLIAMS is a context arst with a passion for dancing with complex systems in community, on the land, and in the body. She has been
facilitang and performing contact improvisaon for 15 years, along with physical theatre, ensemble improvisaon, authenc movement, drawing on
intensive somac study of Dynamic & Structural Integraon and Alexander Technique movement educaon. She is cofounder of the Ontario Regional
Contact Jam, Friends of the Floor Dance-Theatre and The Living Room Context 24/7 learning community exploring what it means to embody a systems
understanding in everyday life.

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on line A below...


Indoor Housing

Weekend only

($100 deposit)

($175 deposit)

Whole enchilada
5 days

($100 deposit)

($175 deposit)

Form 2014
September 26 - October 1, 2014

Registraon Deadline: August 25, 2014 Registraons must be postmarked by this date or pay a $30 late fee. Deposits are non-refundable.
Please note that we cannot accept credit cards. There is limited space so register soon! You will receive a conrmaon e-mail aer registering.
Registraon quesons contact Ellen Felix: (608) 576-7855.
Financial aid is limited so if you are interested, contact Sarah Shatz by August 15th: (608) 358-6883

Total GLACIER fee (based on option circled above)

Optional voluntary donation to the GLACIER nancial aid fund $

$30 Late fee (if registration is postmarked after September 1)


Deposit enclosed with Registration

Balance due upon arrival

Make check payable to:

Great Lakes Area CI Enthusiasts Retreat, LLC
Send non-refundable deposit check* and this form to:
GLACIER c/o Ellen Felix
924 Truman Rd
Stoughton, WI 53589
*We do not accept credit cards!

Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________________________State ________ Zip ____________________________________
Phone ________________________________________________________________E-mail ________________________________________________
Dietary Restrictions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other special needs __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Registraon deadline is August 25, 2014

Space is limited so register soon!

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