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From: Terance Lunger <lungert@calhounisd.

Date: February 23, 2016 at 7:06:27 AM EST
To: Jeff beal <>,
Cc:, Richard <>, Richard
Lindsey <>,, Kevin Oxley
<>, Randy Davis <>, JoAnne
Miller <>
Subject: Albion Schools Shared Services Venture
I have just been invited to the Albion Board meeting, March 1, 2015, in which you will be
presenting your detailed plan to provide K-5 Educational Programming through what
you are calling The Jackson Public Schools Shared Service Venture (Shared Service
Venture). The reason for this communication is that it is my understanding that your
plan relies heavily on services provided by the Calhoun Intermediate School District
I would ask that before you include CISD in any of your planning that you get
clarification from me on what will and won't be provided. The only time we have talked
about this was during the one phone call in November 2015 when it was your plan to
open a Charter School. As you recall, I shared with you then that the CISD would not
be a partner or supportive of your Charter idea. That is our position now with the
Shared Services Venture.
For further clarification as you develop your presentation:
Annexation - I want to make it crystal clear to you that the CISD is supporting the two
elected Boards of Education, Albion and Marshall, who have agreed to put the question
of Annexation to a community vote in May. Until that takes place, your plan creates
unnecessary conflict in a community that has seen far too much of it.
Special Education - The CISD will provide Albion resident students with Special
Education services as prescribed by law. Please note, that it is anticipated that we will
be seeking a 1 mill Special Education increase in November of 2016. Also note that we
are renting space in Crowell for Special Education programming. It is not likely we will
continue with that agreement after June 30, 2016.
Technology - As you know, we have an agreement to provide technology services to
Albion Public Schools. This has been a great working relationship, a partnership. This
agreement will be terminated as of June 30, 2016. Even if there remains a Albion
Board of Education, the Shared Service Venture moves all the school control to
Jackson Public Schools. This is not the relationship that we would be willing to support
at this time.
I was a surprised to be asked to this meeting to provide information as to our support of
your agreement. Not only is there not support, but there are several questions as to the

viability of the Business Model. The agreement that I have seen, the draft agreement, is
lacking in details and only opens up questions to how realistic or workable it is.
Jeff, in many ways I might appreciate your Entrepreneurial plan. But like with so many
Entrepreneurs, their idea often can't be sustained economically. In this case, I believe
that you have set up a group of very caring citizens in Albion community with hope that
you won't be able to follow-through on. I believe you are now a roadblock to the one
option, Annexation, that will work and you look like someone trying to take advantage of
a communitys vulnerability.
With that said, Annexation is only the best of a several bad options for
Albion. Please note that the CISD will have to represent the worst option, that of
Dissolution. That is what will happen if there isnt Annexation as I dont believe that you
have thought through all the variables that you wont have control of if the Shared
Services Venture is adopted.
I would hope that you would rethink your position and honor the relationship/partnership
that has been developed with Albion and Marshall for the last four years. They have
done a great job considering the challenges they have had, and have done so with
mind-set of Kids First, Things Second. T.


Dr. Terance Lunger

(269) 789-2450

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