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Journal week 1 (25-29 Jan 2016)

Rindillah Zainal


This is the first week at school and I only entered the class twice. I noticed that I
have to improve my communication skills. This is due to the reason that my pupils
unable to understand my questions. I need to have the skills to lower down my level
to the pupils level as well as have an effective verbal and non-verbal communication
I realized that it is important for a teacher to have the capability in delivering
the content of knowledge while controlling the students. I might talk in a fast pace
and this hinder the communication between pupils and teacher. This is one of the
reasons that the pupils were unable to understand the questions.
Furthermore, an effective communication skill involves the verbal and nonverbal aspects. I need to equip myself with these aspects in order to effectively
deliver my instructions and imparting the knowledge. Effective teacher help students
learn on their own, as well as from others, from outside the school, and from various
source such technology, (Lowman, 1995).
Suggestions For Improvement
Firstly, I need to improve my English in order to have a good communication skill.
In becoming a good teacher, one must be able to speak fluently and accurately with
hardly grammatical mistakes.
Besides that, I need to keep repeating my instructions and stress out the words
that I want them focus on. This is to ensure the pupils understand the instructions.
On the other hand, I also gain knowledge and experience as I try to understand the
pupils needs and problems. This will be a great help in my teaching practices as I
can help them by reaching out to solve the problem in communicating.

Journal week 1 (25-29 Jan 2016)

Rindillah Zainal

On top of that, I need to speak clearly in order to give chance for pupils to
process the words and hence able to comprehend them. This involves giving simple
words and repeating the words. Effective teacher can take something that is complex
and present it in a way that can be easily absorbed by the students, and through
different verbal and non-verbal communications (Prozesky, 2000). Hence, I also need
to use the nonverbal language to assist my verbal language for the pupils to further
enhance their understanding in that matter.
In solving my problem, I also need the help from the colleagues and the
supervisor teacher to assist me in improving my communication skills with the pupils.
I will try to address this problem as soon as possible in order to effectively
disseminate knowledge as well as delivering instructions. Thus, I hope that the
problem can be overcome in two weeks.
Conclusion / Reflection
Overall, communication skills are vital for the teacher in order to effectively carry
out their lesson.
Prozesky, R.D. (2000). Communication and effective teaching Journal of
Eye Health, International centre for eye health, London, United Kingdom
Lowman, J. (1995). Mastering the techniques of teaching 2nd edit. Jossey-Bass,
Inc. California, United States of America

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