Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Online Anonymity

Quote : "Anonymity is a result not having identifying characteristics such as a

name or description of physical appearance disclosed. This can occur from a lack
of interest in learning the nature of such characteristics, or through intentio
nal efforts to hide these characteristics."
What I expect to learn:
I want to learn how Anonymity and Social Situations interact with each other
Online Anonymity have reasons why a person might choose to obscure their ident
ity and become anonymouse. Several of these reasons are legal, legitimate and so
cially approved of - many acts of charity are performed anonymously, as benefact
ors do not wish, for whatever reason, to be acknoledged for their action. Someon
e who feels threatened by someone else might attempt to hide from the threat beh
ind various means of anonymity, a witness to a crime can seek to avoid retributi
on, for example, by anonymously calling a crime tipline. There are also many ill
egal reasons to hide behind anonymity. Criminals typically try to kep themselves
anonymous either to conceal the fact that a crime has been committed, or to avo
id capture. Anonymity may also be created unintentionally, through the loss of i
dentifying information due to the passage of time or a destructive event.
Anonymity may reduce the accountability one percieves to have for their actions
, and removes the impact these actions might otherwise have on their reputation.
This can have dramatic effects, both useful and harmful. In conversational sett
ings, anonymity may allow people to reveal personal history and feelings without
fear of later embarrassment. Electronic conversational media can provide physic
al isolation, in addition to anonymity. This prevents physical retaliation for r
emarks, and prevents negative or taboo subjects or expressing views or revealing
facts which may put someone in physical, financial, or legal danger. With few p
ercieved negative consequences, anonymouse or semi-anonymous forums often provid
e a soapbox for disruptive conversational behavior. The term Internet troll is s
ometimes used to refer to those who do this online. Anonymity maybe deliberately
sought or something that occurs spontaneously from the sheer complexity of mode
rn life. There are three groups of anonymity which Wallace suggested. Those thre
e serve for a specific purpose. They give us guide so that we can judge correctl
y. Anonymouse commercial transactions can protect the privacy of consumers. Some
consumers prefer to use cash when buying everyday goods, to prevent sellers fro
m aggregating information or soliciting them in the future. Credit cared are lin
ked to a person;s name, and can be used to discover other information, such as p
ostal address, pone numer, etc. The ecash system was developed to allow secure a
nonymous transactions. When purchasing taboo goods and services, anonymity makes
many potential consumers more comfortable with or more willing to engage in the
transaction. Many loyalty programs use cards which personally identify the cons
umer engaing in each transaction or which act as a numerical pseudonym, for use
in data mining.
What I have learned:
I learned that Anonymity in charity, there are two aspects, one, giving to a la
rge charitable organization obscures the beneficiary of a donation from the bene
factor, the other is giving anonymously to obscure the benefactor both from the
beneficiary and from everyone else.
Integrative Questions
1.) What is Online Anonymity?
2.) What are the issues facing the anonymous?
3.) What is the "Referring to the anonymous"?
4.) What is Anonymity and the press?
5.) What is Anonymity on the Internet?

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