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Chapter 4: "Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems"

Batya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr., and Alan Borning

"Conceptual and empirical investigations can help to shape future technological
investigations, particularly in terms of how nature can be embedded in the desig
n of display technologies to further human well-being. One obvious design space
involves building. then one possible design guideline is as follows."
What I expect to learn:
I expect that in response to the needs a large simulation package for predicting
patterns of urban development for period can resovle in 20 years or more.
Value sensitive design is one effort to provide such a framcework. Our goal in
this chapter is to provide an account of value sensitive design, with enough de
tail for other researchers and designers to critically examine and systematicall
y build on this approach. Value sensitive design is a theoretically grounded app
roach to the design of technology that accounts for human values in principled a
nd comprehensive manner. Values should not be confalted with facts, especially i
nsofar as facts do not logically entail value. More recently, supporting human v
alues through systems design has emerged within at least four important approach
es. Computer Ethics advance out understanding of key values that lie at intersct
ion of computer technology and human lives.In addition, careful working conceptu
alizations of specific values clarify fundamental issues raised by the project a
t hand, and provide a basis for comparing results across research teams. Empiric
al investigations can focus, for example, on questions such as: How do stakehold
ers apprehend individual values in the interactive context? In one form, technic
al investigations focus on how existing technological properties and underlying
mechanisms support or hinder human values. At times, technical investigations-p
articulartly of the first form-may seem similar to empirical investigations inso
far as both involve technological investigations in focus on the technology its
elf. Informed consent provides a critical for privacy, and supports other human
values such as autonomy and trust. Yet currently there is a mismatch beween indu
stry practice and public's interest. One part of a conceptual investigation enta
ils a philosophically informed analysis og the central value constucts. They dre
w on diverse literature.
In many regions in the United States, there is increasing concern about pollut
ion, traffic jams, resource consumption, loss of open space, loss of coherent co
mmunity, lack of sustainability, and unchecked sprawl. Elected officials, planne
rs, and community, lack of sustainability, and unchecked sprawl. Elected officia
ls, planners, and citizend in urban areas grapple with these difficult issues as
they develop and evaluate alternatives for such decisions as building a new rai
l line or freeway, establishing an urban growth boundary. or changing incentives
or taxes. These decisions interact strongly with each other. There are both leg
al and commonsense reasons tp try to understand the long-term consequences of th
ese interactions and decisions.
What I have learned?
I learned that form standpoint of conceptual investigations. UrbanSim as a desig
n space poses tremendous challenge.
Integrative questions
1.) What is Widely Divergent ?
2.) What is Conflictic stakeholer values?
3.) What is legitimation value?
4.) What is technical choices driven by considerations?
5.) What is design for credibility?

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