Neo-Newbie Mar 17, 11 at 7:07pm: Scizoreon

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Mar 17, 11 at 7:07pm ^


save deck solution!!

total posts: 3
since: Mar 2011

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hello all!if you want to save your deck so that you

can transfer it to another pc or do a format here is
the way.
1)press Start -->Run and write Regedit
2)open the registry editor
3)Press "edit" on toolbar
4)Write konami and press enter
5)in left side you ll see Konami "+"
symbol and "yu-gi-oh!Power of Chaos" will appear
6)press "+" symbol "system" will appear.
7)press it and you ll see this

8)Double click on flcrc and you ll see some

numbers.The combination of numbers is your
deck!!!(only the second line)
if you want to transfer your deck to other pc,after
installing the game you have to do 2 steps.
find where the game saves ( As you can see in my
picture the second file is CommonDir.this is where
the game my pc for example is
C:\Documents and Settings\Electrattack\Yu-Gi-Oh!
power of chaos Common).Go to this direction to
find the save file which have the form
You have to do the same process to find the
direction where the game saves in the pc you want
to do the transfer. Next transfer the save file into
the other pc in the direction it saves the game.
Then go to registry editor on both pc (start->run>regedit) and you have to copy and paste the
combination of numbers in flcrc file of the first pc
to the second pc(they are hexadecimal system).
have a nice game!!

3 years ago#2
1 : Open the deck editor. This can be done from either the Main Menu (First Menu upon starting the game) or the PDA Menu (Menu opened
while walking around)
Main Menu
Select Deck Menu
Select Deck Edit
PDA Menu
Select Deck Menu
Select Deck Edit
2. To save your current deck open the Deck Edit menu (Triangle).
Select Deck & Recipe Menu
(You can select Change Deck name from this menu at this time if you wish to rename your current deck)
Select Save Recipe
Choose 1 of the 200 available slots to save your deck to.
3.To create a new deck open the Deck Edit menu (Triangle).
Select Deck & Recipe Menu
Select Empty Deck. This will remove all cards from your Deck, your Extra Deck and Side Deck.
Select the card you want to include in your deck and you will be given the option of moving it to your Deck or Side Deck (Use Left & Right to
switch between the two) then press x to confirm the move.
Once you have constructed your deck save it to an empty slot (see above) and you will be able to go ahead and use it.
4. To load a previously saved recipe (or a character / downloaded recipe) open the Deck Edit menu (Triangle).
Select Deck & Recipe Menu
Select Load Recipe then chose which deck you want to load using the Up & Down buttons (Shoulder buttons are used to switch the active
Recipe Panel (User Recipe -->Character Recipe -->Downloaded Recipe)). Select your chosen deck with the x button then confirm you

Mar 09, 11 at 2:33pm ^

total re: my deck won't save......
since Oky people, I had the same problem, I just copied the game, wihtout installing it, so what I did, that actually worked (!) is:
2011 Goto start, Run, CMD. enter the following:

CD\ Then Press ENTER.

After that, enter this:
md Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Common Then Press Enter.
(OR you could just create a new folder in your root directory (C:\) called: Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Common)
After this folder is created, copy the file named System.dat (that is located inside the folder from where you run the game!), and paste
it in the folder you just created called "Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos enjoy


quick quote

Aug 03, 12 at 8:07am ^

unwashed heathen

re: my deck won't save......

"run as administrator",. it works for me,

You can put you're most powerful deck and press export so it will be saved and if you want to change some cards in you're deck you
can change it and if you did not like it you press import to put you're saved deck
Try it!!
Click on export, then click on the lower empty field, type the name you want to call that deck, then click export. You can then import
that deck the name will appear in the upper field
Besides you may save and load your deck by hitting export and import respectively, there is another funtion of both of it. If you have
another collections of 'Power Of Chaos' such as 'Kaiba The Revenge' or 'Joey The Passion', you can use your deck that have been
exported (saved) to against other duelists. Which means, you can use your monster from 'Yugi The Destiny' to fight Kaiba, Joey
Marik etc. AND vice versa.

Click "Start," then "Run."

Type in "regedit." Press "Enter."

Type in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE," then "SOFTWARE." Type "KONAMI," then "Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of

Chaos," then "system."

Choose "Registry," then "Export Registry File." Type in a file name and location to save the file. The
file will be saved with a ".reg" file extension.

Open the game's folder through "My Computer." Back up the "system.dat" and "deck.ydc" files.

Use the saved files. Take your backed-up "system.dat" and "deck.ydc" files and place them back into
the game's folder. Double-click the ".reg" file you created. This will reinsert your cards back into the game.

i think you have to put save by pressin escape

raouf_hasan 8 years ago

irnescilany answered:
Go Main Menu and go to Deck Construction.
Then there is new cards at right. So click and drag the new card to your deck.

And dont forget. Your deck at least 40 card. Not less than.
7 years ago10

vyfs answered:
It's because the game sistem is based on joey's system in which you installed first and in that system yugi cards are not installed..i
also have the same experienced with you and what i do is delete the system.dat in yugioh power of chaos common folder and just
start a new game with yugi the destiny but at the risk you will lost all your saved data (cards you have gotten) from your previous
6 years ago00

orwasaker answered:
6 years ago00

chipzanut answered:
Well, I totally understand the problem though it has been 7 years since this thread started. Actually there is an absolute perfect
solution for this. I am going to try to explain carefully now.
1. If you have installed Joey's or Kaiba's first, keep its "system.dat" file intact in the folder Power of Chaos Common Files. Your
whole effort on deck customization and card collection will be retained, no matter what
2. Installing the Yugi's after those two? That 's the problem. The Yugi's will automatically choose the old system.dat and you
cannot use Yugi's organized deck due to the fact that Joey's (or Kaiba) recognizes Yugi's deck organizing system but Yugi's
cannot recognize Joey'
3. However, all cards are still included inside the file system.dat and can be used in all three games as long as those cards have
name in each one's card list. Even cards which don't have name on the list, they still be include in the file, in other words, they are
hidden inside the file.
4. First, you need to access yugi's deck construction and make some draft modifications. You may notice that several field spell
cards from Joey's exist here for the first time you enter the game, I strongly recommend using those cards to make the draft deck.
Next, press Alt+Tab and access Power of Chaos Common File. Move the system.dat file to somewhere or delete it if you want but
Yugi's must still be running. I mean "do not quit or turn off Yugi's". After that, returning to Yugi's deck contruction screen, do
several draft modifications in order to automatically generate another "system.dat". The new system.dat can be both recognized
by Joey's and Yugi's and include your precious card collection.
3 weeks ago00

chipzanut answered:
Nonetheless, if you play Joey's with the new system.dat. Once again it then cannot be used by Yugi's. Repeat the process and try
to collect all wanted yugi's card before get back to Joey's or Kaiba's
3 weeks ago

You have to go to Local Disk (C:) > WINDOWS(folder) > regedit(blue Rubik's Cube-like icon) > (search for the folder named "KONAMI") then
delete that folder named KONAMI. It works like a charm.
Here's where the folder in regedit is if you can't find it: (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > KONAMI) It's arranged alphabetically, so you
won't find it hard to locate the KONAMI folder.
HI Guys,
i accidentally find the solution. I want share this with person whose having problem.
when we typed regedit in start<run. we will find the konami folder but the it exist in the folder last wow6432node.
when u click it and find konami in it and change the common dir name in like above stated.

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