Shahzad Anwar Meal Plan Session 9

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For MEAL 1 (Breakfast) you will EITHER be having:
9-11 EGG WHITES (no egg yolks), ONE TABLE SPOON OF
OR, if you are having the Breakfast Protein Power Pump
Shake (recipe given below), use TWO SCOOPS of
SPOON PEANUT BUTTER and the rest of the ingredients
according to the recipe provided in the breakfast recipe
section below.
When preparing the rest of your meals, please refer to the table
given below, which will guide you in terms of food groups. You can
then fit in the desired ingredient where the option is given.

MEAL 2 = High Carb (Carbohydrates from group 2 can also

be used in unlimited quantities and as per liking)
95 grams Protein (Chicken/ Fish/ Beef)
1/4 cup Carbohydrate from Group 1 (Brown Rice/ Brown Atta/
Brown Pasta/ 80 grams Sweet Potato) or if you want to eat a fruit
from Carbohydrate Group 3 (1 apple) then you will have to skip
the Carbohydrates from Group 1 and eat the fruit instead.
2 Tea spoons of Olive Oil (or any of the fats given in the table
(Water 250 ml)

MEAL 3 = High Carb (Carbohydrates from group 2 can

also be used in unlimited quantities and as per liking)

90 grams Protein (Chicken/ Fish/ Beef)

1/4 cup of Carbohydrate group 1 (Brown Rice/ Brown Roti/Brown
Pasta/ 100 grams Sweet Potato)
2 Tea spoons of Olive Oil (or any of the fats given in the table

MEAL 4 = Low Carb (Carbohydrates from group 1 or 3

will not be used here)
85 grams Protein (Chicken/ Fish/ Beef)
Carbohydrates from Group 2 in unlimited quantities (Only
1 teaspoon of Olive Oil (or any of the fats given in the table
Water 250 ml

MEAL 5 = Low Carb (Carbohydrates from group 1 or 3

will not be used here)
75 grams Protein (Chicken/ Fish/ Beef)
Carbohydrate from Group 2 in unlimited quantities (Only
1 teaspoon of Olive Oil ( or any of the fats given in the table
Water 250 ml

1. AFTER MEAL 5 you must consume ONE serving of the

FIGHTER DETOX JUICE (recipe given below). However, you will

not put an apple in the daily juice like you will on Sunday ( detox
2. For those who are buying the Protein Shake, please ensure you
purchase a WHEY AMINO ISOLATE protein powder. Most
recommended brands are Whey Metabolic Extreme 60,
Isopure and On. Make sure you get it in CHOCOLATE as that is
the flavor required for the Breakfast Protein Power Pump
Shake- if you prefer any other flavor let us know and we will send
you a recipe to suit that.
Karachi: The protein powder is easily available at GNC
(Zamzama), Aghas Supermarket, Farids Pharmacy or TEE-EMM
Mart (Creek Vista)
Lahore: The protein powder is easily available at GNC ( M.M Alam
Road), Al- Fatah Super Store ( Liberty Market)
3. Karachi: Whole Wheat Atta, Brown Rice, Oat Bran, Gogi Berries
and Brown Pasta are all easily available from Neco's.
Lahore: Whole Wheat Atta, Brown Rice, Oat Bran and Brown
Pasta are all easily available from Jalal Sons ( Main Market) or Al
Fatah ( Liberty Market). Please ensure that the brand used
for Brown Atta/ Brown Rice is Daali. Diabetic Atta and
Diet Atta cannot be used.
4. You must get 1000 mg L Glutamine pills from GNC, 1800mg
BCAA pills (Branch Chain Amino Acids) and a good MultiVitamin to support your immune system throughout this
workout. With breakfast have one pill of your Multi-Vitamin. Have
one BCAA and one L-Glutamine pill before the workout and one
each after the workout. (If you are having the Protein shake
for breakfast you need not have the L-Glutamine and BCCA
pills as the two are present in the shake. However, you
must still have the Multi-Vitamin). For women the

recommended Multi Vit is Womens Ultra Mega Active from GNC.

5. You must buy a Food Weighing Scale from Agha's (Karachi)
or Al- Fatah ( Lahore). This is very important as you need to
weigh your meat before cooking it. You must also only use
Measuring Cups to measure your uncooked quantities of
Brown Rice, Brown Atta etc. and do not use any old cup you find
in your kitchen.
6. All Protein used ( for example Chicken/ Fish/ Beef) must be
7. To MEAL 4 AND 5 please make sure to add a GREEN
SALAD ( using items mentioned in Carbohydrates Group 2
in UNLIMITED QUANTITIES). This will aid immensely in FAT
LOSS and keep you feeling and looking healthy.
WATER. Then divide it into TWO SERVINGS. Drink ONE
SERVING IMMEDIATELY AFTER the workout. This is very
important to prevent muscle break down while you are following
the intense work out routines.
Here is an example Meal Plan for you (you must follow the timings
of the meals given in this example IF YOU ARE THE MORNING
Have a glass of lemon water as soon as you wake up and a cup of
black coffee or green tea (no sugar or milk)

Meal 1: 9.30 am - Breakfast

Meal 2: 12.30pm - Chicken Sandwich in brown bread
Meal 3: 3.30 pm - Chicken Keema with roti
Meal 4: 6.30 pm - Chicken Breast with Group 2 Carbs (choose a
variety of them)
7.30 pm - Work out
8.00 pm - Work out complete
Meal 5: 9.30 pm - Chicken Kebabs with Group 2 Carbs
After Meal 5 consume one serving of Detox Juice
Saturday MEAL 3 (3.30pm) is CHEAT MEAL. You can eat
whatever you like for a bracket of three hours (example pizza and
a brownie or burger and fries with pudding anything you have
been craving all week). However, at 6.30pm you must have your
regular Meal 4 before the work out and then continue with Meal 5
Sunday is a detox day- you will not be consuming any food (not
even tea or coffee) or working out. Instead, you must consume
the detox juice (recipe provided below), 6 times through the day,
every 3 hours. The recipe provided below will make 1 mug of the
juice which will only suffice for 1 of the 6 meal substitutes. You
must make 6 mugs (one for each meal substitute). Please ensure
you use a vegetable juicer to make your detox juice and NOT a
All the Masalas and Recipes below are an example. You can use
Recipes and Masalas based on your own taste, for example spices
and onions. However, you must stick to your fat, protein and carb
requirement for each meal as provided above.
You can take the quantities (of proteins, carbs and fats) given

above and use your own recipes when cooking your food if you do
not like our recipes.

Make sure to eat a meal 60 to 90 minutes before the
workout (so if the workout is at 7. 30pm, make sure you
have eaten a meal at either 6pm or 6.30pm) and also
make sure that you eat a meal 60 to 90 minutes after your
workout has ended as 60 to 90 minutes after the workout
is crucial for fat burn and eating anything immediately will
greatly alter and interfere with this process (so if your
workout ends at 8.15pm, eat the next meal at either
9.15pm or 9.45pm)
Make sure you always note the EXACT time at which the
workout has ended so that you can be spot on with the
meal timings as mentioned in the above paragraph.
If you are doing these workouts at your own time at home
make sure you follow the same guidelines.

The groups mentioned above on the your quantities page

have been put together in the list below (on the next page
that immediately follows). Please refer to this list every
time you have to make a meal to avoid mistakes.

Recommended Food List:

Skinless Chicken Breast

Skinless Turkey Breast

White Fish

Lean Beef
Egg Whites
Protein Powder (Isolate)
Fat Free Cottage Cheese



Complex Carbohydrates:
Grains, Starch, Legumes (ONLY TO BE USED IN MEAL 1, 2 OR 3)
Whole Wheat Atta
Rolled Oats or Oat Bran
Sweet Potato
Brown Rice( recommended for
use after the first 42 days only)

Whole Wheat Pasta

Beans (recommended for use
Rye Bread
after the first 42 days only)
Lentils (recommended for use
Peas (recommended for use after
after the first 42 days only)
the first 42 days only)
Corn (recommended for use after
the first 42 days only)

Fibrous Carbohydrates:
Vegetables and Salad ( Items from this group can be used in unlimited

Brussel Sprouts
Green Beans



Simple Carbohydrates ( ONLY TO BE USED TO MEAL 1, 2 OR 3):


Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fat:

Fish Oil
Peanut Butter, Butter
Walnuts, Almonds

Olive Oil, Coconut Oil

Almond Butter

Foods found in the Carbohydrate Group 2 section,

namely fibrous vegetables and salads, can be
eaten in unlimited quantities. This will help with
any cravings or hunger pangs.

The Fighter Detox

Use a JUICER MACHINE (and not a blender) to extract juice from all the foods below
and mix together:
1 medium beetroot
3-5 medium carrots
3-4 celery sticks (use the whole stick and not only the leaves)
10-12 spinach leaves
Mint to taste
1 cucumber
1 lemons juice to each serving
On Sunday only, add ONE APPLE (with skin) to each serving of juice. The detox juice you will have
from Monday to Saturday will NOT have an apple in it- all other ingredients must be added though.

1) Eradicate all junk food, sauces, sugar, desserts, white flour, white bread,
high fat dairy products and weaknesses from your fridge, kitchenette, bed
side drawers and even your secret stash! Replace these with more fulfilling
alternative such as black coffee, lots of water bottles, green vegetables,
healthy fats like nuts and peanut butter and lean cuts of protein. Now you
will never have an excuse or the option to binge on processed and packaged
high calorie foods.
2) You have to say that you can, and you will! Setting goals is the first step
to turn the invisible into visible. To set a goal visualize the body you need
and desire and then in order to work towards that keep reminding yourself
why you started! We suggest you maintain a scrap book or daily/weekly log

of how you feel, what you did right and what you did wrong so that you have
a record of the process that turned your dreams into a reality.
3) Ensure that you are working towards speeding up your metabolism and
that requires small and regular meals. Make sure you have a meal every 3
hours. Start with a hefty breakfast no longer than up ONE HOUR within
waking up. We insist that you DO NOT skip any of your five meals or
compromise on your recommended quantities. We are battling a lifelong
habit of bad eating and we only have a few weeks to do so - lets keep our
head in the game against all odds!
4) Always check to see if each meal has one portion of protein, one portion
of fat and one portion of carbohydrates. For meal 4 and 5 carbohydrates will
come from green vegetables ONLY so dont shy away from raw, green salads
or adding inflated amounts of local vegetables like bhindi (okra), palak
( spinach), baingan ( egg plant), turai ( bottle gourd) etc to your meals,
5) Replace MILK TEA, MILK COFFEE, sugary beverages (yes, even those nasty
diet ones), fruit juices (fresh or packed) and energy drinks for WATER. Try and
have no less than TWO LITRES of water each day. You may also have
unlimited amounts of green tea, black tea and black coffee (as well as herbal
tea, flower tea or any other clear tea) throughout the day.
6) Take an oath now to avoid sugar, honey, sweeteners and fruit sugars. Use
Stevia instead.
7) Trans / Hydrogenated and Saturated Fats ( Bad fats) need to be given the
boot! Instead use lean cuts of meat and remove any leftover fat from your
chicken before cooking
8) Stay clear of full fat milk or any other full fat dairy products. Even where
low fat dairy products are concerned try and avoid them in large amounts.
9) Alcohol is a big HELL NO! Alcohol is high in calories and consuming
alcohol slows down your metabolic processes for a whole two days after
wards so lets just stay sober for now!
10) Lets stop fooling ourselves. Most sauces that you can buy off a counter
are high in carbohydrate or fat content and therefore must be avoided as
they add unwanted calories to meals that would otherwise be oh so healthy.
So you must stay away from Nandos type sauces, salad dressings, mayo ,
tomato sauce, BBQ sauce and so on. Instead use mustard, low carb honey
mustard, fresh chilies, hot sauce/ tabasco sauce, vinegar, balsamic vinegar,

apple cider, lemon juice, soy sauce, herbs, local masalas and up to 2 table
spoons fat free yogurt for added flavor to meals.
11) Be the man with a plan. In order to avoid skipping meals you can pre
prepare your daily/weekly meals and refrigerate or freeze them until they
need to be consumed. This might not be as satisfying an option but it sure is
the smart one! Especially if you have a demanding career and work around
the clock it is handy to have prepared meals so you dont waste time making
them and can just reach for the right thing at the right time. An example is to
make a bunch of Kababs and freeze them, then weigh and cook in your olive
oil quantity when the time comes!

Let the taming begin!

Breakfast Protein Power Pump Shake: This is the breakfast
mentioned on page 1 Ingredients:
- 1 banana
100ml skim milk
peanut butter
some coffee
scoops chocolate whey protein powder
Crushed ice cubes to taste
Blend thoroughly in a blender

The Berry Boost: Suitable for breakfast or meal 2

50g strawberries
50g blueberries
handful of goji berries
scoops strawberry or vanilla whey protein shake
Crushed ice cubes to taste
Top with chopped almonds
Blend thoroughly in a blender
If you are unable to find blueberries use 100 grams strawberries instead.

The Energizer: This is suitable for breakfast or meal 2


1 small banana
100g strawberries
2 tbsp finely ground rolled oats or oat bran
scoops vanilla or strawberry whey protein shake
Crushed ice cubes to taste
Add chopped walnuts
Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly

The Plumptress : This is suitable for breakfast or meal 2

2 small plums depitted
100ml fat free yoghurt (no added sugars)
scoops of vanilla whey protein powder
Crushed ice cubes to taste
Flax seeds (1 table spoon for men and 1 tea spoons for women)
Blend thoroughly in a blender

The Kiwi Can: This is suitable for breakfast or meal 2

150gs strawberries
100gs kiwi
Scoops vanilla whey protein powder
Crushed ice to taste
Ground Flaxseed
Blend thoroughly in a blender and gobble!

The Protein Junkie: This is suitable for breakfast or meal 2

1 banana
150 ml fat free milk
150 ml fat free yoghurt
scoops of vanilla whey protein shake
Tiny bit cinnamon
Some Stevia for sweetness
Ground Flaxseed
Blend thoroughly in blender



This is suitable for meal 2 or 3

YOUR QUANTITY OF extra-virgin olive oil
half medium onion, finely chopped
half medium carrot, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
YOUR QUANTITY OF whole-wheat pasta
YOUR QUANTITY OF ground beef or chicken
1 diced tomato
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add onion, carrot and garlic; cook,
stirring occasionally, until just tender, 6 to 8 minutes.
Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add pasta and cook according to package
directions. Drain.
Add minced meat to the vegetables and cook, breaking up with a wooden spoon, until
cooked through. Stir in tomato and tomato paste; reduce heat to medium-low, cover and
simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in salt and
pepper. Serve the pasta with the sauce.
you may also add chopped mushrooms to your sauce

Herby Chicken Breasts This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. If youd like to

have it in meal 2 or 3 add brown pasta or one slice whole wheat bread.
chicken breast, skinned and deboned
2 sliced tomatoes
Basil leaves or oregano
Thinly sliced low fat cottage cheese
olive oil
Place breast on baking sheet. Place tomato, basil and cheese mixture over breast. Drizzle with olive oil
Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.

Chicken/ Beef / Fish Kebabs This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. If youd

like to have it in meal 2 or 3 add sweet potato or one slice whole wheat bread.
chicken or turkey breasts, skinned and cubed
Green chilies, 1 sliced red or yellow pepper
curry powder
fat free yoghurt

Thread the chicken and vegetables alternately on skewers. Mix curry powder and fat free yoghurt into
paste. Brush over skewers. Grill for 5-7 minutes per side

Lemon Chicken Breasts: This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. If youd like to

have it in meal 2 or 3 add brown pasta or one slice whole wheat bread.
chicken breasts, banged with a meat mallet until thin
peanut oil or coconut oil
chopped coriander leaves
15 ml lime juice
Chopped onion
red pepper
Salt and pepper
Mix all the ingredients and spread on both sides of the chicken. Sprinkle with salt, pepper. Grill until
cooked through. Garnish with chopped coriander and lime wedges


CHICKEN MEAT BALLS This is suitable for meal 2 or 3
Spinach Pesto
(This Pesto will be enough for FOUR servings. You can store the unused amount in the
fridge/freezer make sure to cover the pesto before you store it with plastic wrap)

2 cups fresh baby spinach leaves

2 -3 garlic cloves (3, if you want it a bit spicy)
1/4 cup toasted walnuts
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 grated low fat parmesan cheese
1/8 teaspoon salt
freshly ground pepper
Chicken Meatballs

1 pound ground Chicken meat

1/4 cup finely chopped onion
2 large cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
2 tablespoons chopped baby spinach leaves
2 tablespoons crumbled low fat feta cheese ( or Cottage Cheese)
2 egg whites, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt

Freshly ground black pepper


Spinach Pesto
1. Use a knife to roughly chop the garlic, then add it to a food processor. Add the walnuts and pulse
a few times. Add the spinach and pulse a couple more times. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil until
the mixture comes together. Remove the pesto from the food processor and add the cheese, salt
and pepper, stir to combine. Serve over YOUR QUANTITY of hot WHOLE WHEAT PASTA
using a little pasta water to loosen the sauce slightly if needed.
Chicken Meatballs
1. In a medium frying pan over medium heat, saute the onions and garlic until the onions are
translucent, about 6 minutes.
2. Combine the chicken with all other ingredients, and the onion mixture in a large bowl; try not to
overmix the mixture, overmixing will make the meatballs tough and dry. Lightly form the
mixture into 1-inch balls and place them on a baking sheet then put them in the oven to bake on a
middle rack for about 15 minutes. You should stay close to the oven while the meatballs are
cooking since they could easily burn. You may need to raise the meatballs to a higher rack at the
end of the process to brown the tops and to ensure the meatballs are cooked through.
Make sure that after you divide your meat balls into 1-inch balls (before cooking them) you
weigh them on your food weighing scale to ensure that you only cook the amount of chicken
that you require for your meal. The rest of the Chicken Meat Ball mixture can be stored in
the freezer to be used later.


Strawberry Soiree - This Is suitable for meal 2 or 3
chicken breast, skinned and deboned
2 cups of mixed lettuce
100 g chopped strawberries
20-40g of low fat cottage cheese
1 TBS balsamic vinegar
Grill or fry chicken breast for 3-4 minutes per side to taste. Toss the lettuce, strawberries, cheese and
balsamic. Top with chicken pieces.

Apple and Waln Salad

This is suitable for meal 1 or 2

1 chicken or turkey breast, skinned and deboned, cubed
cup of fat free cottage cheese
2 cups of mixed lettuce

1 chopped apple
6 walnuts, chopped
Lemon juice
Stevia to taste
Dry grill or fry chicken breast for 3-4 minutes per side to taste. Mix the chopped
apple and walnuts, cottage cheese, lemon juice and sweetener and then add the
lettuce. Finish topped with chicken pieces.

Good Ol Chicken Salad

This is suitable for meal 4 or 5

Shredded Chicken breast
60g boiled lentils
Some broccoli, cut into pieces
2 egg whites
Pumpkin seeds
chopped avocado
basil leaves
olive oil
Bring a pan of lightly salted water to the boil. Add in the egg and broccoli florets.
After a couple of minutes remove the broccoli and run under cold water. Remove the
egg after another couple of minutes and cool under cold water before peeling and
slicing. Drain the lentils. For the salad: Later the broccoli on the bottom, followed by
the lentils, then egg and the fresh basil. Add the shredded chicken, the avocado and
finally the toasted seeds and then season with salt and pepper. Now add dressing.


Mini Chicken and Tuna Wraps/ Rolls : This is suitable for meal 4 and 5
Lettuce Leaves
Spinach Leaves
Chicken Breast ( sliced) or Tuna
Sliced Onion
Sliced Carrot
Small slice of Avocado ( or some Olives)
Salt and Pepper
To make your wrap, place the spinach leaves onto the lettuce leaf, add the chicken breast slices or tuna on
top, now add the sliced onion and carrot along with the avocado or olives, season with salt and pepper,
and wrap into a roll.

Somethings Fishy! FISH RECIPES

Lemony Fish Fillets This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. For meal 1 or 2 add
boiled quinoa or sweet potato
Boneless fish fillet
Chopped fresh parsley
Grated lemon zest
Breadcrumbs from whole grain bread
olive oil
Place fillets on baking sheet. Mix parsley, lemon zest, breadcrumbs and olive oil and
layer onto fish. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees

Tangy Fish Fillets - This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. For meal 2 or 3 add
brown pasta or sweet potato
Boneless fish fillets
1 tbsp chili sauce
Grated zest of 1 orange
Spring onions, sliced
Chopped fresh coriander
Coconut or sesame oil
Place fish on baking sheet. Mix the chili sauce, orange zest, spring onion, coriander
and sesame oil and add over fish. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.

Tuna Salad - This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. For meal 2 or 3 add chopped apple or boiled quinoa.
Canned tuna in brine ( drained)
1 cup chopped carrots, celery, green peppers, onion
olive oil
Lemon juice
Salt and pepper
Drain the tuna before adding olive oil and mix. Add lemon juice and chopped vegetables.

Summers Salmon

This is suitable for meal 4 and 5. For meal 2 or 3 add

boiled sweet potato or quinoa.
salmon fish fillets
olive oil
1 teaspoon ginger
Lemon juice
Parsley, chives, dill chopped

Place fish on baking sheet. Mix the lemon juice, oil, ginger and herbs and then drizzle over the fish. Grill
for 5-7 minutes on each side

MUSHROOM SAUCE This is suitable for meal 2 or 3
Make sure you use only BROWN BUNS (available at Pie in the Sky and Necos)
Depending on your quantity of carbohydrates per meal, use either both halves of the bun or
simply lay your burger patty on the lower half of the bun and eat away ( avoid both sides of
the bun basically- eat only half of it).
You may also substitute the ground beef used for the patty with minced chicken!
1 kg Ground Beef
1 Onion
2 Table spoons Worcestershire Sauce ( easily available at any super market)
1 Tea spoon Black Pepper
2 Tea spoons Salt
1 Table spoon Tomato Sauce ( ketchup)
1 Table spoon Low Fat BBQ Sauce ( optional)
A drizzle of olive oil
Chop the onion finely or grate using a vegetable shredder and add to the beef. Now add the
rest of the ingredients and mix well. Divide and form into patties. Weigh them to ensure
that you have the exact amount mentioned in your protein requirement for each
You can freeze the patties if you like and only defrost them when needed for a specific meal.
To cook a patty, take HALF your specified amount of olive oil for each meal, add to
a non-stick pan and cook the patty for 2-3 minutes on each side.
5-6 Mushrooms finely chopped
1 Cup Water
Half Tea spoon Chicken Stock powder or Half a Chicken Cube
1 Tea spoon Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil
1 Table Spoon Fat Free Yogurt
1 Tea Spoon Fat Free Milk (optional)
To make the mushroom sauce first blend 2 mushrooms in a blender with the water and
chicken stock. Now in a separate pan add THE OTHER HALF of your olive oil
quantity for this meal and saut the left over mushrooms in it. Now add the
Balsamic Vinegar and let it cook until the mushrooms seem dry. Now add your mushroom

and stock mixture to the pan and let it thicken. Once thick add the yogurt and milk.
You may cook the sauce until it reaches the consistency that you most prefer.
Finally, layer your patty onto your brown bun and top up with the sauce for a scrumptious
afternoon meal!

Beef n Mushrooms This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. For meal 2 or 3 add

sweet potato
Steak pieces
1 cup sliced mixed mushrooms
olive oil or olive butter
salt and pepper
50 ml chicken stock
dried thyme
1 crushed garlic clove
Sear the steaks on a skillet or pan on medium high for about 2 to 3 minutes per side while seasoning each
side with a pinch of salt and pepper. Remove the steaks and reduce the heat to medium. Put the olive oil,
thyme and garlic in the skillet, stirring frequently and scraping with a spoon to release the brown bits left
behind by the meat (about 30 seconds). Add the stock and mushrooms and stir until they soften

Beef with Vegetables

- This is suitable for meal 4 and 5 .

beef strips
4 cups of vegetables: broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, red peppers, green beans, onion
minced garlic
olive oil
Herbs and spices
Heat oil in deep pan and add onions and garlic and cook a little before adding beef strips. Add vegetables
and spices and stir fry till ready

Beef Salad - This is suitable for meal 4 and 5. For meal 2 and 3 add sweet
Beef steak sliced
cup sliced mushrooms
chopped walnuts
2 cups ice berg lettuce
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
Heat oil in pan until hot and then add beef slices. Now add mushrooms and balsamic vinegar. When ready
layer over greens and top with walnuts


Mini Wraps/ Rolls - This is suitable for meal 4 or 5

A few slices of Beef/ Chicken/ Turkey Pastrami (thinly sliced cold cuts) to use for the wrap itself
Sliced Onion
Fat Free Cottage Cheese
Salt and Pepper
To make your wrap, place the cottage cheese and sliced onion onto your beef/ chicken/ turkey pastrami
(cold cut), season with salt and pepper, and wrap into a roll.


Make sure you do not have eggs in more than one meal per day as a
substitute for any other kind of protein.

No Cream Creamy Scrambled eggs This is suitable for meal 4 or 5 .

For meal 2 or 3 add one slice whole wheat toast.
5 egg whites
1 table spoon skim milk
Chopped chives
Salt and pepper
Mixed herbs
Beat the eggs and milk and then dd seasoning and herbs. Pre-heat pan and then fry until cooked

Simple No Fuss Omelets -

This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. For meal 2 or 3

add one slice whole wheat toast.

5 egg whites
mushrooms sliced
low fat cheese slice ( Happy Cow) shredded
Salt and pepper to taste
Mixed herbs
Beat the eggs with seasoning and herbs. Add mushrooms. Fry until cooked and top with cheese.
You may also add green chili, red chili, olives, onions and coriander.

Breakfast Protein Oats
meal 3

This is suitable for meal breakfast, meal 2 or

1/3 cup or cup oatmeal (100 percent whole grain oats or oat bran)
scoops protein powder (any flavor desired: strawberry or vanilla)
50g chopped strawberries
Water according to desired consistency
Nuts ( almonds and walnuts)
Gogi berries handful
Combine oats in water and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. When oats are cooked and cooled stir in protein
powder.Add strawberries, nuts and gogi berries on top.

Oaty Pancakes This is a suitable for breakfast, meal 2 or meal 3

raw oats
5 egg whites
Stevia sweetener (optional)
peanut butter (optional) or otherwise use olive oil
Beat egg whites and add the raw oats and continue to mix. Leave to cool for around 10 minutes. Heat a
nonstick pan and add some olive oil to it. Pour pan cake mix onto pan and griddle on medium heat on
both sides. Add optional peanut butter spread on cooked pancake

Tuna/ Shredded Chicken Sandwich - This is suitable for meal 2 or 3
30 grams softened fat free cottage cheese
olive oil
150g can chunk tuna or Shredded chicken
chopped green onion
shredded carrot
15ml lemon juice
One slice of Rye Bread or Pumpernickel bread ( or whole wheat bread)
Combine cottage cheese and olive oil and beat until smooth. Then add in tuna or shredded chicken,
onions, carrot, and lemon juice and blend well to combine. Add on slice of rye bread

Caper Sandwich - This is suitable for meal 2 or 3

Flattened chicken breast
30ml lemon juice
Olive oil
150 ml clear chicken stock
Salt and Pepper
Rye bread or Whole Wheat bread

Flatten the chicken breast using cling fling ad hammer and then season on each side. Heat olive oil in a
pan and add the chicken breast. Cook until crisp. Now mix lemon juice in chicken stock and add. Cook
until stock thickens. Now add a few capers. Remove from pan and let the chicken cool. Slice and add to
bread or eat it with a salad.

suitable for meal 4 and 5

1 small onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 slice fresh ginger root
Your quantity olive oil
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper or to taste
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 (1 inch) piece cinnamon stick, chopped ( or a pinch cinnamon powder)
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 bay leaf
skinless chicken cubes
1-2 whole peeled tomatoes, crushed


Place onion, garlic and ginger in a food processor and process into a paste. Heat oil in a large skillet over
medium heat, add onion paste and saute, stirring continuously, for about 10 minutes.

Stir in the cumin, turmeric, salt, pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and bay leaf. Saute, stirring, for 1 to 2
minutes. Place chicken pieces in skillet and stir them around with the spice mixture until they are well coated.
Saute for another 4 minutes, then pour in the tomatoes with some water and stir. Reduce heat to low and
simmer for a while, or until the oil has separated from the liquid. Stir occasionally. (Note: If you simmer
uncovered, the sauce will thicken; add water, or keep covered while simmering.)

Serve with Brown rice or for a Low Carbohydrate Meal serve without rice!

Home Made Keema

Minced chicken

2 onions
1/2 table spoon garlic paste
2 tomatoes peeled, sliced
1 1/2 table spoon keema masala ( Shan or any other brand)
olive oil
Slice onions and saut until brown . Add the minced meat and garlic paste. Cook until the chicken does
not smell and turns brownish. Add masala and tomatoes. Cook for five minutes on low flame and add half
cup water. Let it cook on low flame for five more minutes. Add coriander once cooked

NEW ON THE MENU - TANDOORI CHICKEN - This is suitable for mea 4 or 5


2 table spoons non-fat plain yogurt

Boneless chicken pieces
onion, minced
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
1 tea spoon ground turmeric
1 tea spoon ground cumin
1 tea spoon ground ginger
1/2 tea spoon salt, or to taste
freshly ground pepper
1/2 tea spoon ground cinnamon
Pinch of ground cloves
Olive oil

1. Take a shallow bowl and nicely blend together yogurt, garlic and onion. Now, add lemon juice,
cilantro, turmeric, ginger, salt, pepper, cinnamon, onion, garlic, cloves and yogurt and mix all the
ingredients together.
2. Add chicken to the mixture bowl along with your quantity of olive oil and let it marinate for 2
hours or preferably overnight.
3. Set the oven at 500F. Wrap the marinated chicken in aluminum foil and place it in a baking dish.
Roast the chicken until nicely browned for around 25 to 25 minutes.

Chicken Kofta

This is suitable for meal 4 or 5. For meal 2 or 3 add Whole

Wheat Roti
Minced chicken
Half onion sliced thinly
3/4 table spoon Kofta masala
Green chili, finely chopped

Olive oil
Mix all the ingredients together and form meat balls.
Take another thinly sliced onion and brown in oil. Add 2 table spoons of low fat yogurt and 3/4 table
spoon more kofta masala and cook. Add the meat balls and brown for twenty minutes. Now add 1 cup
water and cook on a low flame. Once cooked, add coriander.
Mild Chicken Pulao This is suitable for meal 2 or 3
Brown rice (left in water for 25-30 minutes)
Chicken, cubed
1 onion
1 table spoon garlic paste
1 1/2 table spoon Pulao masala
Olive oil
Brown the sliced onion in olive oil and add chunked chicken. Now add garlic paste and wait till it turns
brown. Add pulao masala and cook until mixed. Add 1-2 cups water and rice and cook on low flame for
25-30 minutes


(to add some spice to your desi meals)

1 1/2 table spoon grounded red chili
1/4 tea spoon garlic paste.
1 lemon
Salt to taste.
Mix through, add fat free yogurt (optional)

Whole Wheat Roti

(to be used in breakfast, meal 2 or meal 3)

How to do it: Take your quantity of Whole Wheat Atta ( Daali is the best brand to use) and add some
water to make a dough. The dough will not have the sticky consistency of white flour when kneaded but
will form into a firm ball. Roll out the ball of whole wheat atta onto your work surface and cook on a
tawa like normal white roti.

Palak Chicken

This is suitable for meal 2 or 3 with a Whole Wheat Roti

Chicken, cubed
Spinach, according to chicken (around 1 cup boiled)
1 onion
2 tomatoes
1 1/2 tbsp grounded red chilies
Salt to taste
Olive oil
Brown the onion in olive oil. Add chicken, grounded chili and salt. Brown the mixture. Add spinach and
keep cooking until the water dries up.

Spicy Chicken Roast

This is suitable for meal 2 or 3 and best eaten in a

roll with whole wheat roti

2 table spoons low fat yogurt
1 1/2 tea spoon grounded red chili
1/4 tea spoon salt
Olive oil
Chicken, cubed
Mix all the ingredients together with the chicken.
Wrap in aluminum foil. Bake in a preheated oven, leave for 45 minutes on 150 degrees.
Can also be sauted in a pan.

Chicken Biryani

This is suitable for meal 2 or 3

Brown rice (left in water for 25-30 minutes)
1 onion sliced
1 1/2 table spoon biryani masala
Olive oil
1/2 table spoon garlic paste
Brown the onion and add chicken . Add garlic paste and brown. Add biryani masala and 1 1/2-2 cup
water, until the water reaches a boil keep cooking and then add the rice. Leave on a low flame for 25-30

Boiled Brown rice

This is suitable when added to meal 2 or 3 ( try and

consume brown rice dishes up to two times per week only or after the first 42 days
Leave the brown rice in water for 25-30 minutes. Drain this water and clean the rice. Put the rice into a
pan and top with more water, add salt to taste. Boil for 25-30 minutes on low flame

Chicken Karhai

This is suitable for meal 2 or 3 best eaten with a whole

wheat roti
Chicken, cubed
1 1/2 table spoon grounded red chili
1/4 tea spoon salt
Olive oil
1 onion sliced
2 tomatoes
Brown the onion in oil and add chicken and garlic. Add salt and chili to brown further. Add tomato and
leave on low flame for 5-10 minutes. Now add 1/2 cup water. Once cooked, add coriander

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