Digitalbuddy: Christopher Pitbladdo - Credit List

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Christopher Pitbladdo - Credit List Updated 2nd February 2010

Title Prod. Co. Broadcaster Dur. Work Done

Dispatches: October Films Channel Four 1x48 OG Controversial doc, which caused
The Court Of Ken W quite a media stir, investigating Ken
Livingstone and his office. A cool
head was required with changes being
made right up until transmission.
The Sex Blog Girls W Nobles Gate Channel Four 1x48 OFP Take a bunch of people who like to talk
about their bedroom antics, give them
a platform (the web) to tell their story,
and before you know it you’ve got a
media sensation. We tell the story,
with lots of racey reconstruction!
Robbie Coltrane’s IWC Media ITV 1x48 O Robbie Coltrane travels the length
B-Road Britain W of the country, visiting quirky
people and places. Nominated for a
Scottish BAFTA.
Battle Of Culloden Nobles Gate OS Technically demanding four-screen
HD projection, involving lots of green-
screen work. We turned 200 battle re-
enactors into 2000! Currently being
shown at the newly-opened Culloden
Visitor Centre.
Half-Ton Hospital W Folio London ITV 2x48 O Not just another “let’s put some fat
people on the telly ‘cos they’re always
a ratings winner,”documentary. This
is a job to be particularly proud of,
where we really got the chance to
develop our characters, and to love
or loathe them. It’s the story of The
Brookhaven Clinic in New York,
with as many deaths as there are
success stories.
Sex, Magick Nobles Gate Channel Four 1x48 OFPS Part of Channel Four’s Occult Week,
And Murder W this is the bizarre story of a satan-
worshipping, drug-dealing deviant
with a penchant for sado-masichism.
When his dead body was dragged
from the English Channel, questions
Key to symbols: were raised about how he got there.
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Avid Symphony HD Editing @ 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2DL
Tel: 0131 552 5530 Mob: 07590 570 683
Christopher Pitbladdo - Credit List Updated 2nd February 2010

Title Prod. Co. Broadcaster Dur. Work Done

Car Wars Folio London BBC One 2x29 O Consistenly high-rating television,
(Series Five) and much trickier than you might
think to edit. These aren’t just clip
shows; each episode has a strong
narrative and theme.
Interview With Nobles Gate Channel Four 1x48 ofps This is the story of Janet Hodgson and
A Poltergeist W her family who, in the 70’s became
the centre of public attention when
their house in Enfield got a visit from
a poltergeist. There are as many
believers an there are sceptics, and
it’s provoked quite a commotion
amongst the YouTube community.
Timewatch: Nobles Gate BBC Two 1x48 ofp The story of a respected businessman
The Last Duel W sc who found himself in a field, with a
pistol, aimed at his bank manager.
Nominated for a Scottish BAFTA.
Perfect Ten Nobles Gate Film Four 1x19 of Mark Kermode and Terry Gilliam
have a pint, and discuss their top-ten
favourite movies.
The Ripper Hoaxer: Nobles Gate Channel Four 1x48 ofps The story of John Humble, the
Wearside Jack W elusive man who led police on a wild-
goose chase as he masqueraded
as The Yorkshire Ripper. A very
demanding project, with hundreds of
hours of archive to plough through
and organise. The story was told
through personal testimony and
Brian Cox: Nobles Gate BBC Two 1x29 of A six-month observational, following
Aged 59 3/4’s in the footsteps of Hollywood star,
Brian Cox.
Car Wars Folio London BBC One 3x58 oCd People have a strange tendency to
(Series Four) turn their noses up at ‘cop docs’, but if
you ask any seasoned director who’s
taken a stab at it, they’ll tell you how
tricky it can be.
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Avid Symphony HD Editing @ 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2DL
Tel: 0131 552 5530 Mob: 07590 570 683
Christopher Pitbladdo - Credit List Updated 2nd February 2010

Title Prod. Co. Broadcaster Dur. Work Done

Scene Of Crime Folio Scotland BBC One 3x58 o A gritty observational series, following
Scene of Crime Officers as they
investigate serious crime. A delicate
hand was required in the edit suite
as very sensitive issues were dealt
with... Like murder.
Cops, Robbers And Folio London BBC One 1x58 ocg A particularly strong example of
Videotape W how to make a good cop-doc. The
viewer gets a real insight into crime-
fighting, as we deal with a 14 year-old
persistent offender, and a 93 year-old
man who’s attacked in his home.
OAPs On ASBOs Mentorn Sky One 1x47 o The ASBO, normally associated with
unruly teenagers and neighbours
from hell, has found a new home,
with the wayward old-age pensioner.
A great little doc with a particularly
eclectic, and fun, soundtrack.
Cheating At Athens: Mentorn Channel Four 1x94 O Take 24 young amatuer athletes
Is It Worth The Risk? from around the world. Fly them to
Australia. Inject them with anabolic
steroids. Watch what happens. This
highly controversial scientific study
examines the effects of testosterone
enanthate on the human body.
BBC Parliamentary Mentorn BBC Two 1x29 O Hosted by Andrew Neil, this yearly
Awards event is seen by the most prominent
parliamentary figures.
What? Where? When? BBC BBC One 1x29 o Kids television that can keep adults
amused, and educated too!
Heathrow Terror Mentorn NHK (Japan) 1x46 OF With recent world events in mind,
this doc takes a close look at the
circumstances surrounding the
British government’s decision to
deploy troops at Heathrow airport.
Lost:Revealed Nobles Gate Channel 4 1x28 os Shown after the first episode of Lost,
this was a thrilling taster of things to
Key to symbols: come.
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Sound Design Camera Direction Click to watch online
Avid Symphony HD Editing @ 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2DL
Tel: 0131 552 5530 Mob: 07590 570 683
Christopher Pitbladdo - Credit List Updated 2nd February 2010

Title Prod. Co. Broadcaster Dur. Work Done

Tabloid Tales W Endemol BBC Two 1x39 o Piers Morgan gets tabloid celebrities
perspective on their tabloid hell.
MTV European MTV Europe MTV Europe 15x3 of Fast turnaround, straight-to-online
Awards packages for MTV’s European Awards
Mediterranean Tales Lion BBC Four 1x29 o A travel series, following in the
footsteps of Mark Twain in his journey
around the Mediterranean, meeting
literary figures along the way.
Drug Wars Folio BBC One 3x58 o With unparalleled access to the Drug
Squad, this series of fly-on-the-wall
programmes took a close look at how
the police are tackling drug dealers in
our cities. A high level of organisation
was required, with shooting ratios of
around 95:1.
Readers And Lion BBC Four 3x29 OF Studio based multi-camera series,
Writers Roadshow showcasing writing talent from
around the country, with an invited
audience of readers.
Top Dogs IWC Media BBC One 3x29 O Fun series, showcasing some of the
(Scotland) nation’s finest pedigree pups.
Grasping The Thistle Colour TV BBC One 1x58 O RTS award-winning documentary,
(Scotland) charting the rise and fall of Scottish
football team Partick Thistle. The
show focuses on the charismatic
boss John Lambie, who in typical
managerial style likes to let the
expletives fly at half-time.
Weekend Away Madmac UK Style 13x28 OFG Quick turnaround travel series.
Edited and, believe it or not, presented
by Christopher Pitbladdo.
Catering Challenge Madmac UK Food 20x28 OFG Fast and fun multi-camera cookery
Gardens Unplugged Madmac UK Style 13x28 Of An irreverent gardening show, with a
great soundtrack!

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Sound Design Camera Direction Click to watch online
Avid Symphony HD Editing @ 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2DL
Tel: 0131 552 5530 Mob: 07590 570 683
Christopher Pitbladdo - Credit List Updated 2nd February 2010

Title Prod. Co. Broadcaster Dur. Work Done

Make Me A Virgin Nobles Gate Channel Four 1x48 FP A story of teen abstinence, as we
meet a semi-religious group and it’s
members, calling themselves The
Silver Ring Thing.
Frontline Scotland: BBC Scotland BBC One 1x29 OFP Malawi is a poor country. The
The Malawi Millions (Scotland) Scottish Executive kindly offered it’s
people £3m a year. But much of the
money has been fed into the wrong
places. This program investigates
the taxpayers money that’s being
wasted by needless bureaucracy
and so-called ‘fact-finding’ missions
by Scottish Ministers. The program
was denounced by Jack McConnell
himself, saying that the program-
makers ‘should be ashamed
of themselves’.
Sleeper Cell Nobles Gate Channel Four 10x84 of Channel Four had bought this nicely-
produced 20-part drama about a
terrorist plot, but they rightly reckoned
it could be trimmed to make it
punchier, so DigitalBuddy was tasked
with cutting it down. Each episode had
to be reduced by 35%, which proved
challenging, when you consider that
there were long narrative threads,
that often spanned many episodes.
A satisfying end-result though, and a
nice piece of drama.
Night Cops w Renegade Sky One 1x48 CD Filming cop-docs isn’t easy; you’re
doing the job of Director, Cameraman,
Sound Recordist, and Production
Assistant. And if you’re not thorough,
it’ll cause serious problems further
down the production line. You’ve
got to be precise in your note-taking
of who and what you’ve filmed. See
Key to symbols: mine, by clicking here.
o f G P
Offline Finishing Graphics Picture Grading
S C D w
Sound Design Camera Direction Click to watch online
Avid Symphony HD Editing @ 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2DL
Tel: 0131 552 5530 Mob: 07590 570 683
Christopher Pitbladdo - Credit List Updated 2nd February 2010

Title Prod. Co. Broadcaster Dur. Work Done

The Return Of The Nobles Gate BBC One 1x38 ofp An interesting observational,
Real McCoy W (Scotland) following troubled boxing star Scott
Harrison, as he attempts to rebuild
his career. We shadow him as he
desperately tries to get his boxing
license re-instated, while fighting for
his freedom in the courts of Glasgow,
and Spain.
Films To See Before Nobles Gate Film 4 8x4 of Green-screen HD production, working
You Die closely with effects department
on 3d tracking, and lots of really
complicated, technical stuff...
Robochick And The Nobles Gate Channel 5 1x45 OFP Cheri Robertson is blind, but has
Bionic Boy W been implanted with a unique system
that allows her to see rudimentary
shapes through a video camera that
is connected directly to her brain.
Extreme Fishing IWC Media Channel 5 2x45 O It doesn’t sound extreme, but it is.
Keen fisherman Robson Green travels
the world, in search of the biggest
catch. In our episode, he visits South
Africa, and comes face-to-face with a
First Cut: The Bus Nobles Gate Channel 4 1x23 O The amazing story of Frank Evans, a
Pass Bullfighter Salford-born Bullfighter, who at the
age of 65, returned to the ring.
The Princess and The Nobles Gate Channel 4 1x48 OFP The story of a relationship between
Gangster W a Princess, and a notorious London
gangster, told with dramatic
reconstruction. This project was
graded using Apple’s Color grading
tool... and it’s great.
Motorway Cops Folio BBC One 2x58 O Fast-action fly-on-the-wall doc,
following Birmingham’s Police
Britain By Bike W Lion BBC Four 3x29 O Clare Balding retraces the cycling
routes of author Harold Briercliff.
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Offline Finishing Graphics Picture Grading
S C D w
Sound Design Camera Direction Click to watch online
Avid Symphony HD Editing @ 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2DL
Tel: 0131 552 5530 Mob: 07590 570 683
Christopher Pitbladdo - Credit List Updated 2nd February 2010

Title Prod. Co. Broadcaster Dur. Work Done

Battle of Nobles Gate 1x10 ofps After the success of the Culloden
Bannockburn W film, the National Trust For Scotland
approached the original film-makers
to re-enact another pivotal moment
in Scottish history. Shot and edited
in HD, with extensive cgi work, and a
heavy grade, this is a great-looking
Motorway Cops Folio BBC One 3x58 OCD Back for another series of fast-paced
ob-doc, following cops catching the
bad guys. As an additional bonus,
Digital Buddy was called upon to
spend a few nights in the back of a
police car, shooting on his DSR-500...
Exciting stuff!

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o f G P
Offline Finishing Graphics Picture Grading
S C D w
Sound Design Camera Direction Click to watch online
Avid Symphony HD Editing @ 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2DL
Tel: 0131 552 5530 Mob: 07590 570 683

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