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Brand Renaissance Project

Robert Wheat

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Table of Contents
Part One: The Brand and its Market
Brand History and Overview...3
Current External Environment Analysis4
Current Competition.....9
Part Two: Brand Renaissance

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Part One: The Brand and its Market
Brand History and Overview
Brookdale Soda (The Pride of the Garden State) came into fruition in the 1920s by a
man named Joe Pieretti Jr. In 1927, Pierettis father sold a ring that his father gave him for $500.
He used this money to purchase seven acres of land in Bloomfield, New Jersey, which is where
the business began. At first, the business did not take off, as in the 1930s and 1940s there were
around 40 soft drink manufacturers in New Jersey. However, the brand started to become popular
in liquor stores and other markets, and in the 1960s the company moved to a larger plant in
Clifton, New Jersey where they sold about 3 million cases per year.1
By the time the company reached their peak sales, the soda industry began to change. For
example, Brookdale Soda was sold in glass bottles, while other companies began to use plastic
and aluminum. The company looked into using throw away bottles but the machines were too
old and they did not have the money to replace them. Further, the company had its two largest
accounts with two liquor store chains in New Jersey. Around this time, the state stopped
regulating the cost of liquor prices, resulting in less shelf space for soda.2
In 1988, the Brookdale Soda Company was sold to an area businessman. This businessman had a
beverage business, however he did not bottle the beverages himself. The purchaser did not know
how to run a manufacturing plant, and as a result, Brookdale Soda Company went out of
business six months after it was purchased.3

1 Bill Ervolino, Then & now: Memories of Brookdale soda still fizz within its fans
2 Jeff Frankel, Bloomfield Bicentennial: Business (2012).
3 Ibid.

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Brookdale Soda was sold in a number of different flavors, including Orange, Black Raspberry,
Root Beer, Birch Beer, and many more. One of the reasons Brookdale Soda was loved by so
many was due to the ingredients that were used. This was one aspect of the soda that was never
skimped on. Joe Pieretti also said the well at the location in Bloomfield had the best water, and
that was the secret to the taste.4
The early 20th century showed large sales increases in bottled soda, however as the second half of
the century started to progress, sales of bottled soda began to decrease as the sales of canned soft
drinks rose. Before the 1920s, purchasing soda was most popular in either soda fountains or
single bottles. It was not until the 1920s that Home-Paks were invented, which are six-pack
cartons that are made out of cardboard. Around the same time, vending machines began to
increase in popularity, providing another means for consumers to purchase soda. These machines
have continued to increase in popularity, and today both hot and cold drinks are sold in them.5
In the early 1950s, the first diet soft drink was sold, called the No-Cal Beverage. With the
1960s came the pull-ring tab. The pull-ring tab allowed consumers to open cans without the use
of another tool, making it much simpler to use. On the other hand, this system did not keep the
tab attached to the can, resulting in a large amount of littering. In the 1970s, plastic bottles began
to be used for soft drinks. Also during this period, the stay-on-tab was invented. This drastically
lowered the littering that came alongside the original pull-ring tab.6
Current External Environment Analysis

4 Bill Ervolino, Then & now: Memories of Brookdale soda still fizz within its fans
5 Soft drink Mass market and industrialization (
6 Mary Bellis, Introduction to Pop.

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Socio-cultural Factors
Today, one of the largest concerns the general public has with soda is the negative health aspects
that come with it. This, in turn, has resulted in a large decline of sales in full-calorie soda
products. Over the last 20 years, sales of soda have declined by 25 percent in the United States.
This trend is expected to continue into the future as consumers are attempting to avoid sugary
drinks, instead favoring water.7
In Berkeley, California, a soda tax is in place to help reduce the soda consumption in an
attempt to reduce the rate of obesity. While this is currently the only area in the country with a
successful soda tax, other areas are looking to follow suit. Even without a soda tax being
prevalent, the news about the health impacts of soda has been enough to cause large decreases in
soda consumption, which has been effective in reducing obesity rates in children. It is likely that
the shift in consumer tastes and preferences in the soft drink market will be permanent, and soda
sales will continue to stagnate, if not decrease, moving into the future.8
In the past, soda companies in the United States tried to sell the products in larger
packages so consumers could purchase more at a cheaper rate. While this was previously an
effective strategy, consumers interests in healthier living means they are looking for smaller
packages for soda. As a result, companies are starting to make 7.5 ounce cans of soda, resulting
in a size consumers are comfortable drinking.9
Nowadays, people are willing to spend more money on healthier food alternatives.
Examples of this include gluten-free, non-GMO food, and no added sugar or artificial
7 Margot Sanger-Katz, The Decline of Big Soda (2015).
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.

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ingredients. A poll from Nielsens 2015 Global Health and Wellness Survey shows that 88% of
those polled are willing to pay more for healthier foods, which is true for all demographics.
Executives from Mondelez cited a 30% growth of the U.S. allergen-free market. Further, the
sales of healthy food products are estimated to reach $1 trillion by 2017.10 These statistics show
that the shift to healthy, active lifestyles are not just a fad, but that the trend will continue on into
the foreseeable future.
Technological Factors
Many of the most significant current technological factors in the beverage industry are online
and mobile marketing efforts. According to the 2013 Food and Beverage Outlook Survey by
KPMG, social media, mobile/online consumer engagement, and mobile/online promotions and
coupons are the technology-related trends having the most significant impact on businesses.11
Currently, social media and mobile advertising are channels consumers are increasingly using to
influence their buying decisions. A large amount of data and analytics can also be provided
through online mediums, allowing companies to gain a greater understanding of their target
markets wants and interests.12
Further, companies are using Batch Process Analysis to quickly and more efficiently analyze
whether their products meet food safety standards. This saves hundreds of hours of labor, along
with improving data integrity and minimizing product waste. In turn, this saves a large amount of
money for companies, while also reducing the risk of producing products that do not meet the

10 Nancy Gagliardi, Consumers Want Healthy Foods And Will Pay More For Them
11 Megan Dubrowski, Food & Beverage Executives Say (2013).
12 Ibid.

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Food and Drug Administrations standards.13 While new advanced technologies help in the
automation process for food and beverage companies, they also are very expensive. As a result,
the cost to entry is very high, making it very difficult for new brands to enter the market and
have a chance to compete with the large corporations that already exist.
Political/Legal Issues
Like was mentioned earlier, one of the main legal concerns in the soft drink industry is the
possibility of a tax put on soda. In many other countries, a tax like this already exists, however in
the United States this is only prevalent in one city. Demand for soda has already been swiftly
decreasing over the years, and other countries show that a tax on soda causes demand to drop
even more. In Mexico, for example, sales of soda decreased by 1.9% after the introduction of a
tax.14 As a result of this, soda companies, including Brookdale Soda, will need to potentially
adjust their strategy themselves to help reduce the likelihood of a tax being put into place.
Another prominent legal issue is labeling practices of beverage companies. Over the past few
years, lawsuits have been filed in regards to companies saying their product is natural or
healthy. As a result, Brookdale Soda must be conscious of the wording that is used when
describing the soda that is being marketed. More issues regarding this include deception of
ingredients used in the products. For example, in the energy drink industry investigations were
held regarding deceiving information on the amount of caffeine that was in the beverages. In
many states, laws have been expanded to require more accurate labeling of all food products.15

13 Automated Batch Process Analysis for the Food and Beverage Industry (2014).
14 Stopping slurping (2015).
15 2013 Food and Beverage Industry Outlook (2013).

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Lastly, the Food Safety Modernization Act has made it more difficult for companies in the food
and beverage industries. Companies must now implement risk-based preventative controls to
help reduce any fallacies that may occur with the products that are being sold. Further, it is now
possible for companies to be suspended from selling their products to the public.16 These changes
make careful production and quality control paramount for Brookdale Soda to be a worthy
contender in the market place.
Social/Environmental Responsibility Issues
One of the most prevalent environmental responsibility issues in the beverage industry is the
amount of water that is used during production. It takes approximately 45 to 82 gallons of water
to produce a half liter of soda.17 With water becoming scarcer, and droughts occurring in parts of
the United States, companies must become more and more aware of how much water they are
using during production. Many companies are continuing to reduce their water usage during their
production of soda, but improvements can still be made to reduce water usage even further.
Another concern is the carbon footprint that is left during the production of beverages. In North
America, the total carbon footprint is 550 grams of CO2e per liter of soda. The leading causes of
this are PET bottles, aluminum cans, sweeteners, and distribution transportation.18 During recent
years, climate change legislation has been ramping up, making it a necessity for beverage
companies to be more productive while using less energy. As a result, companies strategies must
be adjusted to reduce their carbon footprint.

16 Ibid.
17 Beth Gardiner, Beverage Industry Works to Cap Its Water Use (2011).
18 Research on the Carbon Footprint of Carbonated Soft Drinks (2012).

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Beverage packaging accounts for the largest percentage of a beverage companys carbon
footprint (30-70%). Further, approximately 6% of all packaging waste by weight in municipal
waste streams is attributed to beverage containers.19 As a result, companies must increase the
recyclability of beverage packages, and attempt to help in the recovery process of these
Lastly, the agricultural process of beverage production is very taxing on the environment. All
soda production begins with crops, and is where a large portion of a companys environmental
footprint exists (more so then direct operations). Many issues arise during this process, including
soil fertility/loss, harm to biodiversity, energy usage, and waste.20 Each of these factors can
heavily impact the environment negatively. As a result, soft drink companies must participate in
sustainable agricultural initiatives to help reduce the impact of the farming aspects of their
Current Competition
Currently, there is a large amount of competition in the soft drink industry. Hundreds of brands
exist, varying in taste, healthiness, price, and lifestyle. Three major players exist in the beverage
industry today: The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, and the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. These
three companies have market shares of 42%, 28%, and 17% respectively. Within these three
organizations, many brands exist that will be competing with Brookdale Soda. However, that is
not the only competition that Brookdale Soda will have. Jones Soda is a company that will be
competing with Brookdale Soda in a number of ways, including the healthier ingredients they
use, along with the large number of flavors that the brand promotes. Further, bottled water will
19 Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (2013).
20 Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (2010).

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be a large competitor, as it is the healthiest beverage option along with being the most affordable.
Many other competitors exist in the market and will continue to sprout up, however the focus
will be on the three largest beverage companies, along with Jones Soda and bottled water.
Below is a perceptual map which describes the current competition in two ways: by the
healthiness of the beverage that is being offered, along with the price of the beverage. The health
aspects of the beverages were evaluated by the amount of calories in the beverage, the amount of
sugar, along with other ingredients that could have negative health impacts on consumers, e.g.
artificial sweeteners. Next, price was evaluated by looking at the retail price of all of the brands
in a single grocery store to ensure that each brand was being evaluated evenly and fairly.


seen from the perceptual map, there is a wide range of alternatives in the soft drink industry

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today. When evaluating the healthiness of the drinks, bottled water obviously ranks on top. Next
are the diet soda options (Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, and Coke Zero). These all rank highly as they
have zero calories and zero sugar, however the artificial sweeteners negatively impact health.
Both Vitaminwater and Snapple rank fairly high due to a relatively low amount of calories and
sugar, along with Vitaminwater supplying vitamins in each beverage. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite,
Dr. Pepper, and Jones Soda all rank similarly, with about average levels of calories and sugar.
Lastly, Fanta, Mountain Dew, and A&W Root Beer are the three least healthy popular sodas, all
above average on the amount of calories and sugar they provide.
The health benefits of these beverages also tend to paint a fairly accurate picture of the
target market and segmentation of these brands. For instance, the middling brands
(Coke/Pepsi/Sprite/Dr. Pepper) have very broad markets, as they are fairly average soda brands
with no traits to make them stand out besides flavor. Each of these brands target everyone from
children through adults, and focus on both males and females, not significantly skewing in either
direction. Next, the diet sodas (Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, Coke Zero) also have broad footprints, but
tend towards an older audience who are on diets and looking to reduce their sugar and calorie
intakes. In this area, Diet Coke tends to skew slightly more towards a female audience, while
Coke Zero skews slightly towards male consumers.21
Furthermore, the least healthy drinks (Mountain Dew, Fanta, and A&W Root Beer) target a
young market, focusing mainly on people aged 18 through 24 years old. Fanta also tends to have
an emphasis on multicultural markets, differentiating themselves slightly from other brands.22
Continuing, Snapple and Vitaminwater both tend to focus on younger audiences looking for
21 Breaking Down The Chain: A Guide to the Soft Drink Industry (2012).

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healthier alternatives to soda. Both have a large number of flavors for consumers to choose from,
allowing a diverse choice depending on the occasion. Lastly, Jones Soda fits somewhere between
the Snapples and Cokes of the world, focusing on a younger audience that is looking for soda
with real sugar as opposed to high fructose corn syrup as a replacement. The brands high price
makes the products more niche compared to others however. Further, Jones Soda offers a diverse
selection of flavors in varying colors that easily catches the attention of younger consumers.

Part Two: Brand Renaissance

Recommendation One: Two Brands Brookdale and Brookdale Lite
Justification: Brookdale Soda will be comprised of two main brands, Brookdale and Brookdale
Lite. Brookdale will be a traditional soda brand consisting of both calories and sugar, however
these will be greatly reduced in comparison to other soda alternatives that are currently on the
market. For instance, a 12 ounce can of Coca-Cola has 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar. An
equivalent can of Brookdale will consist of 95 calories and 25 grams of sugar, greatly reducing
the main aspects consumers are concerned with when consuming soda. Further, Brookdale will
use real cane sugar as opposed to high fructose corn syrup to better accommodate the current
wants of consumers.
Brookdale Lite will be similar to diet versions of soda that are currently on the market.
Brookdale Lite will have 0 calories and 0 sugar for those looking to cut those aspects of soda
from their diet completely. Further, no aspartame will be used, as this is currently a major

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concern of consumers that are in the market for a diet soft drink. As a replacement, Splenda will
be used as a healthier alternative.
Further, each of these two brands will have a large selection of flavors, which is
something that Brookdale Soda was known for in the past. All flavors will be available in both
Brookdale and Brookdale Lite, so no sacrifice needs to be made for consumers looking towards
the healthier option. By breaking Brookdale Soda into two brands, it will be easier to market to
different target markets. Further, consumers will be able to instantly differentiate between the
two options, knowing Brookdale Lite will be the soda of choice if they are looking to eliminate
calories and sugar from their beverage diet.
Predicted Outcome: It is likely that younger consumers (teenagers to early thirties) will
be more likely to purchase Brookdale as opposed to Brookdale Lite. The opposite is true for
Brookdale Lite. This is a result of older audiences tending to focus more on their health, and also
being more aware and conscious of diseases like diabetes.
Recommendation Two: Positioning
Brookdale Soda will be positioned as an affordable, healthy alternative to all other soda
brands currently on the market. The perceptual map below demonstrates where both Brookdale
and Brookdale Lite will be positioned compared to current competition.

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Justification: Currently, a large portion of the competition leans more heavily on the unhealthy
side of things, with much less competition leaning towards the healthier side. Further, current
socio-cultural trends show more and more of the population looking to live healthier, more active
lifestyles. Reducing the amount of calories and sugar in Brookdale will help to differentiate it
from the competition, and help to influence people transitioning to or currently utilizing a
healthier diet to drink Brookdale as opposed to the alternatives. Further, the removal of
aspartame from Brookdale Lite will make it more appealing and healthier than the competition,
further giving the brand competitive advantage.
Predicted Outcome: It is likely that consumers looking to reduce calorie and sugar
intake will be more interested in Brookdale Soda compared to the competition as a result of the
healthier benefits that come with the two brands of the company.
Recommendation Three: Packaging

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Justification: There will be two main types of packaging for Brookdale and Brookdale
Lite: glass bottles that will be sold individually, and 12 packs of 12 ounce cans. On the
packaging, the amount of calories, sugar, and the fact that real cane sugar is used will be
emphasized, as these are sources of Brookdale Sodas competitive advantage. For Brookdale, the
different flavors of soda will be colored differently to make them stand out, similar to the vast
amount of colors Jones Soda comes in. For Brookdale Lite, however, the colors will be
standardized so they better appeal to the older market. The packaging will be relatively simple,
with the main goal being to highlight why Brookdale Soda is a better alternative than other soft
drinks on the market.
Predicted Outcome: It is likely that the brightly colored drinks of Brookdale will make
the beverages stand out next to the competition. Also, by making the amount of calories and
sugar clear on the front of the packaging, it will help to influence buyers that are still wanting to
drink soda, but are looking for something that will be healthier for them than other products on
the market today. Appendix 1 demonstrates what an example bottle design for Brookdale Soda
will look like.
Recommendation Four: Pricing
Justification: Both Brookdale and Brookdale Lite will be priced slightly higher in
relation to comparable brands (Coca-Cola/Diet Coke). Currently, consumers are willing to pay
higher prices for food and beverages that are healthier for them. With both Brookdale and
Brookdale Lite being healthier compared to the current competition on the market, along with
the great amount of flavor selections, consumers will be driven to Brookdale Soda products.
Currently, a 12 pack of 12 ounce Coca-Cola retails for $5.49. Brookdale Soda will retail both
Brookdale and Brookdale Lite at $5.99 for a 12 pack of 12 ounce sodas. Consumers are price

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sensitive in the soft drink industry, however enough incentives exist to make the switch to
Brookdale products.
Predicted Outcome: Consumers who are interested in consuming soda, but are looking
for a reduction in calories and soda will purchase Brookdale Soda over the competition. This
reduction is significant enough that the slight price increase over similar products will not turn
off consumers that are wanting to live a healthier lifestyle.
Recommendation Five: Distribution
Justification: Brookdale Soda will be available in all large grocery store chains, along
with convenience stores. Further, Brookdale Soda will be sold on college campuses. Nowadays,
many college students are health conscious, and will be intrigued by the brands reduction in
calories and sugar compared to the competition. Next, Brookdale Soda will be available online at
the Brookdale website. These days, consumers are looking for as much convenience as possible
when making their purchasing decisions. Even groceries are being delivered to peoples houses
in this day and age. As a result, it will be a smart, influential move for Brookdale Soda to have
their entire product line available for purchase online.
Predicted Outcome: While many people will continue to purchase soda, including
Brookdale Soda, in-stores, some amount of competitive advantage will be had by allowing the
purchase of Brookdale Soda online. Further, it is predicted that sales of Brookdale Soda will be
positive in college campuses as a result of many students wanting to still consume soda, but that
do not want the health impact that goes along with it.
Recommendation Six: Television Campaign
Justification: Two main television campaigns will exist: one for Brookdale and one for
Brookdale Lite. They will be fairly similar in nature, with a few differences. First of all, the

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Brookdale television campaign will show groups of people playing sports like soccer, football,
hockey, and baseball. These groups of people will range in age from 18 to early 30s. Afterwards,
the group will go to the sideline, each opening a different flavor of Brookdale, showing the
variety that exists in the product line.
The Brookdale Lite campaign will be similar, however will have older people in the
commercials comparatively (40+). Further, people in the Brookdale Lite will be playing golf,
hiking, and fishing. Again, a pan of everyone in the commercial will occur, showing the different
flavors that Brookdale Lite has to offer.
Both of these campaigns will not only appeal to those currently living active, healthy
lifestyles, but people who are interested in transitioning to one. At the end of the commercials,
the important nutritional information will be shown for Brookdale and Brookdale Lite. For
Brookdale, the low calories and sugar will be emphasized, along with the fact that real cane
sugar is used. In the Brookdale Lite campaign, the fact that no aspartame is used in the soda will
be emphasized. Lastly, social media information will be displayed, pushing people to connect
with the brand.
Predicted Outcome: It is likely that these commercials will cause most younger
audiences to be interested in Brookdale, and older audiences to be swayed towards Brookdale
Lite. On the other hand, older audiences will very likely still be interested in Brookdale, as they
will be made aware of the fact that there is less calories and sugar compared to comparative soft
drinks. Further, the younger actors in the Brookdale commercials will likely cause an emotional
experience that brings them back to their past, which may also influence older audiences to be
interested in the Brookdale brand.
Recommendation Seven: Internet Campaign

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Justification: An Internet advertising campaign will be used to supplement the television
campaign. This Internet campaign will supply the same message (healthier living and
calorie/sugar reduction) through ads before YouTube videos, banner ads on various health related
websites (for those already living healthy lifestyles), video games websites (for younger
audiences looking to transition to healthier living), and through paid search marketing. Everyone
from young to old audiences use the Internet today, and an in-depth Internet campaign like this
will allow for a great reach. Along with demonstrating the advantages Brookdale has over the
competition, viewers will be pushed to the social media platforms of Brookdale to increase the
dialogue and interactivity with consumers. With many people dropping television and instead
using the Internet for media consumption, this campaign will be essential in targeting those
people, and ensuring that as many people who would be interested in Brookdale Soda become
aware of its existence.
Predicted Outcome: This campaign will likely have a greater reach to younger
audiences, but many older people use the Internet in this day and age as well. People will be
more likely to connect with Brookdale Soda on social media, as it will be simple to see the ad,
become interested in the brand, and quickly follow Brookdale Soda on Twitter and Facebook.
This will help to build interaction with people interested, making it easier to connect with fans of
the company. Appendix 2 demonstrates what an example banner ad will look like for Brookdale
Recommendation Eight: Print Advertisements
Justification: Print advertisements will be used to promote Brookdale Soda to consumers
who tend to consume information through magazines. These advertisements will once again
promote the message of a healthier soda brand with reduced calories and sugar. These

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advertisements will be placed in magazines like Sports Illustrated, Mens Fitness, People, and
Predicted Outcome: The goal is for the print advertisements to supplement the
advertisements on television and the Internet. By having a streamlined message through each of
these mediums, consumers will have a good understanding of who Brookdale Soda is targeting.
Appendix 3 demonstrates what an example print ad will look like for Brookdale Soda.
Recommendation Nine: Social Media
Justification: Social media will be the main hub where current and potential consumers
will go to quickly and easily get the latest information on products, promotions, and contests for
Brookdale Soda. Twitter will be the go to place for consumers to interact with Brookdale Soda,
where a social media team will be able to quickly answer any questions followers may have.
Further, any new information on Brookdale and Brookdale Lite will be posted to Twitter
alongside Facebook to ensure everyone looking for information is reached. Next, contests will be
held on social media (discussed later). Social media will also be used to better understand the
preferences of consumers. Weekly Q&A sessions will take place to ensure an open dialogue is
available for consumers to bring up any concerns or suggestions they may have. These open
discussions will allow customers to participate in the marketing process, and not just solely be
marketed to. All of these ideas will help Brookdale Soda move to a Service-Dominant Logic
approach to marketing.
Predicted Outcome: The goal is for the social media platforms to gain a large following
of interested consumers so that followers feel that they are part of a community. Consumers
should feel that they are helping to contribute to making Brookdale Soda, and that they are part

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of the process of making the company the best it can be. This will generate brand loyalty, and
help to create consumers that take an active role in making the brand better.
Recommendation Ten: Website
Justification: While social media will be the go to social hub for the brand, the
Brookdale Soda website will be the place consumers can go to find more in-depth information on
all of the products, promotions, and contests that are going on in the company. First, all product
lines, along with nutritional information will be available on the Brookdale Soda website.
Further, a section of the website will show any sales that are currently taking place on Brookdale
Soda products. Next, contest submissions will be held on the website, along with complete
details and rules. Whereas the social media platforms will be the place for consumers to get bitesized amounts of information on everything Brookdale Soda has to offer, the website will be the
place to go to thorough comprehensive details if needed.
Predicted Outcome: It is likely that the Brookdale website will be used less often
compared to social media. On the other hand, the website is a necessary place for consumers who
are looking for all of the information they can get. As a result, it is likely loyal Brookdale Soda
drinkers will frequent the website to be up-to-date on any current ongoing sales, as well as to
check in to see if any new products are available.
Recommendation Eleven: Flavor Contests
Justification: Brookdale Soda will hold contests every six months where consumers can
suggest new flavors for the company to offer. This will help to increase brand engagement,
further helping to show what new ideas customers are looking for. A list of the top 25 ideas will
be curated by Brookdale Soda, and these 25 ideas will then be voted on by the community. The
contests will be spread through social media (Twitter and Facebook), and submissions will take

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place directly on the Brookdale Soda website. Further, the contests will be promoted in
advertisements during the times the contests are taking place. The prizes will vary for each
contest, ranging from vacations, concerts, sporting events, and cash. These contests will help to
integrate marketing 3.0 by directly collaborating with the consumers and assimilating their ideas
into the company.
Predicted Outcome: It is likely that consumers will be excited and more engaged with
the company as a result of these contests. By being able to submit flavor ideas, customers will
feel that they are able to improve the company, and have the ability to collaborate in new,
innovative ideas. Further, the rewards will provide an incentive for customers to contribute their
Recommendation Twelve: Digitally Distributed Coupons
Justification: Coupons will be distributed through the Brookdale Soda website and
social media platforms (Twitter and Facebook). For example, every couple of months a 50 cent
off coupon will be posted towards a bottle of Brookdale Soda, helping to incentivize a purchase.
Other coupon examples would be two dollars off of a 12 pack of Brookdale Soda. These types of
coupons would alternative between single bottle offers, and pack offers, so no consumer is left
Predicted Outcome: Consumers will be more likely to go out of their way to make a
purchase of Brookdale Soda knowing that they are receiving a deal on the product. Further, by
making these coupons exclusive to the digital Brookdale Soda platforms, it will help to
incentivize consumers to follow the company on social media, helping to further breed
engagement with the brand.
Recommendation Thirteen: Buy One/Get One In-Store Promotions

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Justification: Buy One/Get One promotions will be utilized to incentivize a short-term
sale to customers in-store. These will be pushed heavily at the start of Brookdale Sodas entry
into the market to try and earn market share, and cause consumers to give the product a try. This
promotion will also be influential in targeting people who are interested in making a purchase
based on price, and who are not completely brand loyal. Further, the promotion can help to earn
new fans of the product, who will then later return to purchase the product in the future.
Predicted Outcome: These promotions will help to influence people who are not
familiar with Brookdale Soda, but want to try it out. Buy One/Get One promotions are very
useful in persuading people to give new products a try, and that will be very important when
Brookdale Soda first enters the market.
Recommendation Fourteen: Corporate Social Responsibility
Justification: Brookdale Soda will be joining 1% For the Planet. This will allow
Brookdale Soda to pledge 1% of its profits, which will then be distributed to charities and
organizations that help to fight climate change and protect the environment. As a company that
wants to inspire healthier living through a reduction in calories and sugar in our products,
Brookdale Soda also wants everyone to live in a healthier, sustainable world. By joining 1% For
the Planet, consumers will better understand that Brookdale Soda is not only about making a
profit, but also about giving back to important causes that can help shape the future.
Predicted Outcome: The goal is for like-minded individuals who are interested in
protecting the environment and fighting climate change will gravitate towards the Brookdale
brand when learning about our affiliation with 1% For the Planet. Brookdale Soda wants to be a
company that helps and gives back to the community, and would like consumers who think and
act in a similar fashion.

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In sum, these recommendations will help Brookdale Soda breakthrough into the highly
competitive soft drink industry. By taking a holistic marketing approach and including the entire
company, along with consumers, in the marketing aspects for Brookdale Soda, there will be
greater insurance that products consumers are actually interested in are produced. Further, this
will greatly help in understanding where customers eyes will be looking, resulting in better ad
placement and better connectivity with Brookdale Soda consumers.
By utilizing experiential dimensions, a specific aesthetic was created for Brookdale Soda
that allows consumers to quickly understand that the companys priority is health for consumers.
The heavy social media use that Brookdale Soda will engage in will also help to push these
ideas, and allow consumers to speak out about any changes they would like to see the company
Further, utilizing the Mutually-Beneficial Exchange Relationship Model will help to
ensure that both Brookdale Soda and consumers of the product are benefitted in the marketing
process. The cost of the product is reasonable for consumers, and also sold in many locations,
allowing for great convenience for anyone looking to purchase Brookdale Soda. Further,
communication through social media will allow Brookdale Soda to send out engaging
information like Q&As and promotions. Also, social media will allow consumers to easily ask
questions and cite concerns with any Brookdale product. In the end, the goal for Brookdale Soda
is to acquire, interact with, and create a consistent dialogue with consumers who are all
interested in engaging in healthier living. Brookdale Soda will be the first step for these
consumers to not have to make large sacrifices to the beverages they consume, while also being
able to improve their fitness and wellbeing.

Wheat 24

Appendix 1 Bottle Design

Wheat 25

Appendix 2 Banner Ad

Wheat 26

Appendix 3 Print Ad

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