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Clash of Clans Strategy Guide

Farming Tips, Unit Guides, and Oensive & Defensive Strategies

Clash of Clans Town Hall 7 Upgrade Order

Guide: TH7 Priorities

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Going from Town Hall 6 to Town Hall 7 is one of the biggest upgrades in Clash of Clans. This Town
Hall level brings with it a huge number of new towers and upgrades, often leading players to a lot of
confusion and indecision over which building or upgrade to get rst. In this guide, we will be
discussing which upgrades should get priority and what exactly you should be focusing on rst to
maximize your advancement through this Town Hall level.
Builder #1: Laboratory > Spell Factory
Your rst free builder should be used to start the Laboratory upgrade. The level 5 Laboratory
unlocked at Town Hall 7 is capable of researching level 4 upgrades for most of your core units,
making it your most important upgrade at Town Hall 7.
Once this rst builder is done upgrading the Laboratory, start level 4 Archer or Barbarians as your
rst priority for Elixir spending. Once you start that upgrade and have enough spare elixir, take this
newly freed builder and start upgrading the Spell Factory.
Builder #2: Army Camp > Barracks > Barracks Level 2 > Army Camp Upgrades
At Town Hall 7, you get a new Army Camp. This additional Army Camp is one of the easiest ways to
increase your oensive repower. Build this new Army Camp as your second order of business after
starting your Laboratory.
This new Army Camp will only take a few minutes to build. Once it nishes, use the newly freed
builder #2 to start your new Barracks. Upgrade this Barracks to level 2. This will not take very long.
This Barracks will now be able to signicantly boost production and pump out Archers or Barbarians
to help you farm faster.
As soon as the level 2 Barracks nishes, take Builder #2 and go back to the new Army Camp. Do not
stop upgrading the Army Camp with this builder until the Army Camp is maxed out.




Builder #3: Walls > Dark Elixir Storage

Given that your builders will be working on elixir-based upgrades for awhile, you should start to
build up a lot of gold. Before starting any structures with your third builder, go ahead and place all of
your new walls at Town Hall 7. You get 50 new walls at TH7, so there should be plenty to spend your
gold on here.
After placing your walls, use this builder to start your Dark Elixir Storage. While it may seem strange
to place this non-oensive building as a top priority, understand that without it, you actually cannot
collect or store Dark Elixir. You will want to start saving for your Barbarian King (and its upgrades) as
soon as possible going into Town Hall 7, so it is important to get this storage structure down as soon
as possible.

Town Hall 7 Upgrade Priority: The Next Tasks

If you have more than 3 builders, you can start on this section right away with your 4th builder.
Otherwise, when the 3 builders above complete their most important tasks, they can move on to this
section. Note that some builders will get here sooner than the others (namely builder #3). This is
intentional; once the Dark Elixir storage structure is down, we need to work towards protecting it.
Task #1. Place all level 1 towers and traps aside from the Hidden Tesla.
At Town Hall 7, players get 2 new Cannons, 1 new Archer Tower, 1 new Mortar, 1 new Air Defense,
and a number of new traps. Place all of these structures and traps. Do not worry about upgrades;
just build the new structures. It only takes around 14 hours of build time to complete all of these
towers. Hidden Tesla towers will come later; they take too long to build to start now.
Task #2. Rearrange your base to a great TH7 defense.
Now that you have all of your structures down (aside from the Hidden Tesla towers), it is time to
rearrange your base to something more appropriate for a Town Hall 7 player. Check my Town Hall 7
Base Layout Guide for details.
We will not have a Barbarian King or the HIdden Tesla towers yet, but this is okay. Place a gold mine
or storage structure in the Barbarian Kings slot and leave the Hidden Teslas slot open. Your wouldbe opponent has no idea whether or not you have Hidden Tesla towers yet, so no loss there.
Task #3. Upgrade all basic towers to their maximum level that requires less than 1 day of
building time.
Next, work on getting all upgrades for your brand-new towers that require less than 1 day of
building time. This will result in the fastest increase in your defensive capabilities versus upgrading
old towers.




Task #4. Upgrade your Dark Elixir Storage.

While you will be no where near maxing out on your Dark Elixir Storage space this early into leveling
up, upgrading your Dark Elixir Storage serves another purpose: it increases the health of this
Consider that loot stolen is a percentage of damage dealt, and that the rst 10%-20% of the damage
dealt to a Dark Elixir Storage structure results in little loot for the attacker. Increasing the health of
the Dark Elixir Storage means that 300 damage dealt to this structure will result in less loot being
taken by the opponent.
When would just 300 damage be dealt to this structure? From a Lightning Spell of course! Upgrading
your Dark Elixir storage structure actually oers a signicant reduction in the amount of Dark Elixir
stolen during Lightning Spell attacks as much as 20-30% less loot stolen if you are not carrying
much in the rst place! This style of attack is extremely common you will be surprised how much
Dark Elixir you save in the long-run by maxing our your DE Storage.
Task #5. Place your Hidden Tesla Towers.
After placing all of your new towers, getting early upgrades on those towers, and setting up a TH7
defense, you are now ready to add your Hidden Tesla towers. Start building them as you save
enough gold.
Task #6. Pull 1 Builder for Barracks & Dark Barracks Upgrade Duty
You should strive to upgrade all of your Barracks to level 9 during your time at Town Hall 7.
However, if you upgrade too many Barracks at once, your production will be so low it will be hard to
raid. It is easiest to just pull 1 builder at this point and have this builder always upgrading Barracks. It
will take about 3 weeks to max out all 4 Barracks, but it is worth it.
When this builder nishes upgrading all of the regular Barracks, have this builder start on the Dark
Barracks. When the Dark Barracks is nished, have this same builder upgrade it to level 2.
Note: Only upgrade the Barracks as you have the spare Elixir. Upgrading units at the Laboratory still
takes precedence.
Task #7 (Final). Upgrade existing defensive structures and add additional structures as
resources build.
By this point, upgrade priority is not terribly important. Slowly work on maxing out your existing
defensive towers. I recommend trying not to upgrade more than 1 Mortar or more than 1 Air
Defense at once; upgrading both Air Defense towers or multiple Mortars will leave your base
vulnerable to certain attacks.




As your Elixir builds, you can start on the Dark Barracks and upgrade it to level 2. This is a very low
priority building as I do not recommend spending Dark Elixir at this level on anything other than the
Barbarian King. Speaking of the Barbarian King, the altar should be placed as soon as you get
enough Dark Elixir. The king should be upgraded immediately each time you reach the Dark Elixir
requirements for the next level.
Walls should be upgraded as your resources build. Never let your resources fully max out; if this is
happening, you should be spending some resources on walls as you go along to keep your resources
from being wasted.
Your base should be mostly maxed out before moving on to Town Hall 8. The exceptions are Gold
Mines, Elixir Collectors, the Barbarian King, and all research that requires Dark Elixir. These do not
need to be maxed out in order to move onto Town Hall 8. It is much easier to get Dark Elixir at TH8
as opposed to TH7; you can max out your Barbarian King at TH8 much more readily than TH7. Even
at TH8, you will not max our your Dark Elixir research before moving on to TH9.
This entry was posted in Uncategorized on September 11, 2014
[] .

23 thoughts on Clash of Clans Town Hall 7 Upgrade Order Guide: TH7 Priorities

September 11, 2014 at 5:18 pm

Perfect timing for me. My TH7 build completes in a couple days.

Should the rst sentence:
Going from Town Hall 7 to Town Hall 8
be this instead:
Going from Town Hall 6 to Town Hall 7


Post author

September 11, 2014 at 5:23 pm




Fixed, thanks!

September 11, 2014 at 11:28 pm

Im wondering about how high to upgrade walls initially. Ive read your wall guide, which suggests
level 5-6. That is signicant gold. For the TH7 base layout, I was thinking of using my existing level 6
walls for the main core walls and then use level 3 or so for the outer west, north, east walls and
prioritize the gold for new buildings and Teslas. It seems those outer walls wouldnt be commonly
attacked by ground troops, as theyd moved to the funnel openings. Eventually, those walls would be
upgraded just looking to get all new structures in place more quickly. What do you think about
that plan?


Post author

September 12, 2014 at 2:55 pm

Well you should never delay buildings in lieu of walls, but I found it very easy to get all walls up to
level 5. Were talking 40k per wall * 50 walls thats only about 2 million resources. Spread over a
few days, upgrading walls as builders become free, it should be pretty easy to get.

September 13, 2014 at 11:18 pm

I did mostly a similar build as Mark; happened to have over 1 million gold after TH upgrade so I
wasted it all on a hidden tesla. After that made a town with your TH7 layout and placed all the new
level 1 structures at their proper places (now in the middle of upgrading them). I used my old TH6
maxed walls for the inner core (theres nicely enough tiles for this) and built the outer rim with new
wall pieces (currently mixed with lvl 3 & 4 pieces). Havent yet been even close to a 50% defeat; most
people just destroy the town hall and leave.


Post author




September 14, 2014 at 4:42 pm

Great, glad its working

September 14, 2014 at 6:05 pm

I decided to follow Osiris recommendations listed in this guide and postpone the Teslas for a bit. I
had about 2.5 million gold going into TH7 with capped 2 million storage and mostly full collectors. 50
level 5 walls cost 2.3 million, so I still had about 300k to spend on the initial tower upgrades. As I
mentioned, I used the gold walls on the most outside walls of the funnel that was 47 wall, so it
worked out quite nicely and it does feel good to have those gold level 5 walls just one upgrade away
from matching the core level 6 walls.


Post author

September 14, 2014 at 11:35 pm

Great, glad it worked out.

September 15, 2014 at 10:22 pm

Great guide. You did not mention when to purchase and build the dark barracks and when to
upgrade. Can you make a suggestion please.


Post author

September 16, 2014 at 1:37 pm




Last (or close to last) structure you should build. I cant fathom spending Dark Elixir on units at TH7.

September 16, 2014 at 12:57 am

Yo Osiris buddy! Remember me?

Heard what happened to your Youtube channel and I dont know what to say. Ive asked Daddy
(another clash of clans Youtuber) and hes never heard it happening before. Usually its a sta
member who reviews the case if the channel has 1000+ views but I guess Youtubes growing and
things have to change.
Anyways are you on the Clash of Clans forums at all? Id love to be friends with you on it? My
usernames ArguedOyster57 if you want to friend me.
Also congrats on the website growing (even if your Youtube channel is out of commission.)
Apparently youre about the 165,000 most visited website worldwide and 70,000 in the US, according
to Alexa from Amazon! Youre about tied with another big Clashing fan,, in that position.
Best of luck in the future!


Post author

September 16, 2014 at 1:39 pm

Thanks, and yes I remember! I think it had to be an automated response, or at least very absolutely
minimal investigation, because the timestamp on the email I received notifying me of the closure
was only 1 minute later than the timestamp on the email notifying me that my video was agged.
I dont have an account on the supercell forums, but I do browse there from time to time. Feel free
to drop in and comment any time, I try to read and reply to every comment. Not giving up on getting
my YT account back yet.

September 16, 2014 at 6:14 am




Im wondering just for reference purposes, what level is considered maxed out in regards to
defensive structures (towers, cannons, mortars, etc). As in what level should i upgrade all of these
defensive structures to before going to town hall 8. Also what order should I upgrade my defensive
structures in? I see a lot online about going splash rst (mortars and wizard towers). So basically
what order should i upgrade my defensive structures at town hall 7 and what level should i upgrade
them all to before going to town hall 8?


Post author

September 16, 2014 at 1:45 pm

maxed out is the highest level the tower can be upgraded to at that particular town hall level. In the
defensive towers section of the site, you can nd tables with the max level for each tower by Town
Hall level. All your towers should be the highest level possible before the Town Hall 8 upgrade
The order isnt terribly important. Splash towers rst is a good idea in general, but its important not
to upgrade more than 1 splash tower type at a time in my opinion. There are other factors to
consider, like cost and time to completion. You want to stagger your builders so that you can
upgrade walls as builders become free, rather than upgrade towers based on tower type. I think that
is more ecient than focusing on one tower versus the other. Air Defense towers need to be
upgraded early though, since they take forever to nish and you never want to upgrade more than
one at once.

September 16, 2014 at 1:23 pm

For task #7, Im thinking it might be good to prioritize the Wizard Towers rst, while there is little to
no dark elixir to raid. Better than upgrading them later when there is a decent amount in storage. I
guess they could also be upgraded just after spending dark elixir, as well.


Post author

September 16, 2014 at 1:50 pm




Sounds like a good idea. It needs to t in with time to completion if you want to stagger builders to
save resources for walls.

September 19, 2014 at 9:25 am

Would you make any changes to this piece, taking the newest update in to consideration? Walls
upgrading with elixer for example?


Post author

September 27, 2014 at 1:29 pm

Same sort of thing applies.. farm to gold/elixir cap if you can while builders are busy, then spend
spare Gold/Elixir on walls, leaving just enough to start your upgrades. Repeat the process over and
over throughout TH7 and youll have maxed walls right as TH7 is nishing up.

ren yap
September 21, 2014 at 7:11 am

thank you for this page, i nd this very useful for me most specially upgrading dark elixir storage. i
understand this applies to other storage type as well.
i actually speedup my base to townhall 7 so i am still catching up and just completed maxing out all
up to th6 level (including new added except for lab and spell factory) because this is the advise of my
friend for various advantage reasons over the cons.
with the recent update and the diculty of looting elixer, any changes of order for the above
particularly on air defense?


Post author

September 27, 2014 at 1:38 pm




No, no changes here. I am still nding it easier to loot elixir over gold honestly.

October 7, 2014 at 8:59 am

Well, pretty good a TH7 from a while now..and it is totally annoying when U R a new
th7lots of upgrades .My First call was The SPLASH DAMAGES like mortars and wizard towers
yepi upgraded them rst as they cost very high..and are very helpful!!!!
then I maxed out my teslas im working on KINGi wanna be a th7 maxedin every manner
all my major defences are maxedniw only gonna are feels good!!
Well any good (non rushed) coc player can be a part of our clanGOOD TIMES WABY .search it

October 8, 2014 at 8:36 am

Hey bud,
I love your site. You convey your thoughts and ideas very clearly and concisely; not many people
have this ability. My upgrade to TH 7 is almost complete. At what point did you upgrade your gold
and elixir storages? Im a pretty procient raider with all ve builders at my disposal. Even with the
ve builders Im able to drive my loot levels up to the cap limits of the town halls Ive been at. Ill be
dumping excess elixir and gold into walls as needed, but Id like to make sure I have a high enough
storage ceiling to start immediately on new projects as builders become available and not have to
stop raiding temporarily because Ive hit the limit. Im currently maxed at the TH 6 limit of 2M for
both gold and elixir. Thanks for input, youve been a great mentor from afar.


Post author

October 9, 2014 at 3:13 pm

Fairly early on; check the upgrade priority videos for specics. I upgraded them earlier at TH8/TH9
then I did at earlier levels.





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