Shape of A Dew Drop

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Analysis Project

Surface Tension
The Meniscus Equation

Fahd Shariff
BSc Maths & Comp. Sci.
1. The Problem

Surface Tension and the Meniscus Equation (Shape of a Dew Drop)

The problem involves finding the shape of an axi-symmetric dew drop given its
volume (V) and contact angle (θ) with the horizontal plane it sits on.

This is of considerable technical interest since a container of uniform thickness made

in the shape of a liquid drop resting on a non-wetting surface will be optimal in the
sense of minimum material consumption for a given volume.

The shape of a dew drop is given by the balance of surface tension and the internal
pressure due to gravity (which must be greater than the external pressure otherwise
the drop will collapse). This balance is represented by the equation

dφ 1
= p0 + z − sin φ ,
ds r

where p0 represents the pressure excess (over the external pressure) at the highest
point O and φ is the angle formed by the tangent to the meridian and the horizontal
axis, as shown in the Figure 2.

Thus, r and z are related to φ by

dr dz
= cosφ , = sin φ
ds ds

We are also interested in finding the volume V. This is given by

dV dV dz
= × = πr 2 sin φ
ds dz ds

These equations can be integrated step-by-step away from O provided one starts with
a truncated series expansion. This is necessary because…. This is given by

1  1 
φ= p 0 s 1 + s 2 
2  8 
 1 2 2
r = s 1 − p0 s 
 24 

1  s 2  1 
z= p0 s 2 1 + 1 − p02 
4  16  3 

p0 s 4 1 +
1 − p02 )
 

Given values of V and θ, our aim is to obtain p0 (correct to 4 significant figures) using
numerical methods and also to find r(s), z(s). This information can then be used to
obtain accurate plots of the dew drop’s cross-section.
Figure 1. Dew Drop on Horizontal Surface

Figure 2. Cross-Section of the Dew Drop

2. Numerical Procedure

The numerical procedure is based on guessing a value for p0 and then integrating
along the curve until φ = θ. The total volume is unlikely to be the required value, so
we have to adjust p0, using the secant method, and repeat until it is.

Secant Method: This method requires two initial guesses, x1 and x2. The Runge-
Kutta method computes the volumes y1 and y2, using these two guesses for p0. The
secant formula,
x3 = x 2 +
(requiredVolume − y 2)( x 2 − x1) ,
( y 2 − y1)
is used to find the third guess, x3. The volume, y3, is also found. This process is
repeated again, this time using x2 and x3 as initial guesses and so on, until
y3 − requiredVolume ≤ ε , for a specified tolerance ε. Then x3 is the value for p0 that
we are looking for.

Runge-Kutta 4: The system of differential equations is integrated using a fourth-

order Runge-Kutta integration scheme. We must provide four initial conditions (one
for each element in the system) when using Runge-Kutta.

Choosing Initial Conditions: At the top of the drop where r(0) = 0, the right hand
dφ 1
side of the equation, = p0 + z − sin φ , becomes indefinite. To remove this
ds r
difficulty we start integrating from the first step instead i.e. our initial conditions are:

1  1 
φ1 = p0 h1 + h 2 
2  8 
 1 2 2
r1 = h1 − p0 h 
 24 

1 2 h 2  1 2 
z1 = p0 h 1 + 1 − p0 
4  16  3 
V1 =

p0 h 4 1 +
1 − p02 )
 

where h is the step size.

Linear Interpolation: As integration proceeds, a check is made to see whether φ has

attained or exceeded the value of θ. If this check returns true, integration is stopped.
The volume obtained when φ = θ can then be determined accurately by linear
interpolation on φ and the volume V.

Two points, say (φ1,V1), (φ2,V2) are connected by a straight line. Then the volume V3
at φ3 = θ is given by,

(V2 − V1 )
V3 = V1 + (φ 3 − φ1 )
(φ 2 − φ1 )
3. Testing

Testing the Runge-Kutta Method: To check the Runge-Kutta integration scheme, we

change the step size h, repeat the integration keeping p0 constant, and compare results.
The following output table was produced when the RK4 method was run with
decreasing step sizes. It also lists the total number of steps taken.

h steps Runge-Kutta
0.2 13 9.91376865384744
0.1 26 9.992762997819423
0.05 53 9.996732808349625
0.025 107 9.998730142934706
0.0125 215 9.999728935159231
0.00625 430 9.999915406553772
0.003125 861 9.999993596744698
0.0015625 1722 9.999997367331659
7.8125E-4 3444 9.999999252813307
3.90625E-4 6888 10.00000019559804
1.953125E-4 13777 10.000000393973494

The table shows that the RK4 method converges as the step size is halved. This means
that it is independent of step size. We can obtain a result within our desired accuracy
by choosing a suitable step size.

Testing the Secant Method: The secant method is run a few times using two different
initial guesses each time. The following output table lists these guesses and the values
returned by the secant method (required volume = 10.0 and ε = 0.00001).

Guess 1 Guess 2 Secant Result

1.0 2.0 0.8309485419060165
0.1 0.2 0.830948491254298
0.1 0.11 0.8309485279606491
0.2 0.3 0.8309484226270414
0.01 0.02 0.8309484916259142

Five arbitrary pairs of initial guesses were chosen and the secant method always
returns nearly the same result. Moreover, accuracy can be improved by decreasing

Testing the Linear Interpolation Routine: This routine is run a few times using
different points and comparing results. For example, given two points (1,1) and (3,3)
we know that the y-coordinate at x=2 must be 2, because the equation of the line
joining the points is given by y(x)=x. The results of running the tests are below.

Point1 Point2 To Find Interpolated Result

(1.9,10.0) (2.1,20.0) 2.0 15.0
(2.0,4.0) (5.0,25.0) 3.0 11.0

From graphical insight we can tell that the interpolated results returned by the routine
are correct.
4. Results

For final runs we need to use θ = 135o and V = 2 and 20.

The program is supplied with the above values. It is also given the step size, h, which
I have taken to be 0.0001. As discussed previously, the RK method is independent of
step size. We must also provide two initial guesses, say 0.1 and 0.2. (All calculations
are done in radians but are printed out in degrees.)

The program proceeds by using the RK4 scheme followed by linear interpolation to
find the volume at both guesses. The secant method then provides the next best guess
based on these results. This process is repeated until the volume returned by a guess is
very close to the required volume. This guess is the required value for p0.

Case 1: θ = 135o , V = 2, h = 0.0001, initial guesses = 0.1 and 0.2

p0 Volume
0.1 73.70023975122307
0.2 45.618628933895884
0.35532808718715636 27.59488119157107
0.5759039626435924 16.27314144428895
0.8539805427330928 9.60979366228202
1.1715544509280496 5.83081651117016
1.4934847834975746 3.769029945933324
1.7697036746388821 2.69955321145784
1.950380641359428 2.2059059596391113
2.025743087073881 2.034536066370253
2.040930833167272 2.002098654299844
2.0419134586792778 2.0000230243380166
2.0419243586481297 2.0000000170553993

Required p0: 2.0419243586481297

Volume: 2.0000000170553993
Error: 1.7055399315069053E-8

Hence p0 = 2.042 to 4 significant figures.

Using RK4 to compute values for s, r, z and V using p0 = 2.042 and h=0.0001 gives:

Angle s r(s) z(s) V(s)

0.011699364842046353 2.0E-4 1.9999999861018165E-4 2.0419243565878824E-8 1.2829788991467085E-15
0.017549047372751075 3.00000000000003E-4 2.99999995309363E-4 4.594329796764919E-8 6.495080591522415E-15
0.02339873003507365 4.0E-4 3.9999998888145296E-4 8.167697402597033E-8 2.0527661737452967E-14
0.02924841287288669 5.0E-4 4.999999782840876E-4 1.2762027163632408E-7 5.011636047310367E-14
0.035098095930062835 6.0000000000001E-4 5.99999962474903E-4 1.8377319066436475E-7 1.0392128205861573E-13
0.04094777925047468 7.0000000000001E-4 6.99999940411535E-4 2.501357309459074E-7 1.9252699819191101E-13
0.04679746287799486 8.0000000000001E-4 7.999999110516194E-4 3.2670789228692285E-7 3.2844254617000853E-13
0.052647146856495984 9.0000000000002E-4 8.999998733527918E-4 4.134896744635355E-7 5.261014278978528E-13
0.05849683122985068 0.0010000000000002 9.99999826272688E-4 5.10481077222022E-7 8.018616087446539E-13
0.06434651604193156 0.0011000000000003 0.001099999768768943 6.176821002788107E-7 1.1740055162477405E-12
0.07019620133661127 0.0012000000000003 0.0011999996997991919 7.350927433204811E-7 1.6627400386639221E-12
0.07604588715776239 0.0013000000000004 0.0012999996183210695 8.627130060037632E-7 2.290196523368367E-12
0.08189557354925758 0.0014000000000004 0.0013999995232922106 1.0005428879555383E-6 3.0804307751009868E-12
0.08774526055496944 0.0015000000000005 0.0014999994136702497 1.148582388772838E-6 4.059423054060339E-12
0.09359494821877062 0.0016000000000005 0.0015999992884128205 1.3068315080229E-6 5.255078073845034E-12
0.0994446365845337 0.0017000000000006 0.001699999146477557 1.4752902452429E-6 6.69722499924266E-12
0.10529432569613137 0.0018000000000006 0.00179999898682209 1.6539585999405E-6 8.417617443866213E-12
<snip> (very long table)
134.79877483105224 1.6898999999998303 0.723980001576471 1.131762413413165 1.9981367245439727
134.8113435962033 1.6899999999998303 0.7239095318904974 1.1318333642645952 1.9982535448537808
134.8239134448785 1.6900999999998303 0.7238390466413206 1.1319042996549753 1.9983703169677112
134.83648437737628 1.6901999999998303 0.7237685458309914 1.131975219579558 1.9984870408850572
134.84905639399506 1.6902999999998303 0.7236980294615618 1.1320461240335955 1.9986037166051198
134.86162949503364 1.6903999999998303 0.7236274975350852 1.1321170130123395 1.9987203441272077
134.87420368079083 1.6904999999998302 0.723556950053616 1.1321878865110413 1.9988369234506373
134.88677895156576 1.6905999999998302 0.7234863870192102 1.1322587445249515 1.998953454574733
134.89935530765766 1.6906999999998302 0.7234158084339248 1.1323295870493204 1.999069937498826
134.911932749366 1.6907999999998302 0.7233452142998182 1.1324004140793977 1.9991863722222565
134.92451127699044 1.6908999999998302 0.7232746046189501 1.1324712256104328 1.9993027587443712
134.93709089083077 1.6909999999998302 0.7232039793933812 1.1325420216376743 1.9994190970645251
134.94967159118704 1.6910999999998302 0.7231333386251737 1.1326128021563702 1.999535387182081
134.9622533783594 1.6911999999998302 0.7230626823163909 1.1326835671617683 1.9996516290964088
134.97483625264826 1.6912999999998302 0.7229920104690976 1.132754316649116 1.9997678228068867
134.98742021435422 1.6913999999998302 0.7229213230853595 1.13282505061366 1.9998839683129004
135.00000526377798 1.6914999999998301 0.722850620167244 1.132895769050646 2.0000000656138432
Exact volume: 2.0000000170553993
Exact arc length: 1.691499958174186
Using the above data we can plot a graph, using Mathematica, of the dew drops cross-
section as show below:

Figure 3. Cross-Section of Dew Drop when V=2, θ = 135o

Case 2: θ = 135o , V = 20, h = 0.0001, initial guesses = 0.1 and 0.2

p0 Volume
0.1 73.70023975122307
0.2 45.618628933895884
0.29122920013580006 33.2796152567376
0.3894127916027599 25.17702749674146
0.452145731721328 21.50577518106988
0.47787583582309495 20.230945564051712
0.4825370496241916 20.012128741727192
0.48279541485282507 20.000103258463916
0.48279763334135095 20.000000041754294

Required p0: 0.48279763334135095

Volume: 20.000000041754294
Error: 4.175429424435606E-8
Hence p0 = 0.4828 to 4 significant figures.
Using RK4 to compute values for s, r, z and V using p0 = 0.4828 and h=0.0001 gives:

Angle s r(s) z(s) V(s)

0.011699364842046353 2.0E-4 1.9999999861018165E-4 2.0419243565878824E-8 1.2829788991467085E-15
0.0027662266887675344 2.0E-4 1.9999999992230215E-4 4.827976344562727E-9 3.033507004017374E-16
0.004149340059084677 3.0000000000000003E-4 2.9999999973776974E-4 1.0862946806556927E-8 1.5357129256581712E-15
0.0055324534605218694 4.0E-4 3.9999999937841716E-4 1.9311905511788216E-8 4.853611243509908E-15
0.006915566903452464 5.0E-4 4.99999998785971E-4 3.017485251870242E-8 1.1849636893094096E-14
0.008298680398249809 6.000000000000001E-4 5.999999979021579E-4 4.345178790244206E-8 2.4571407234216992E-14
0.009681793955287258 7.000000000000001E-4 6.999999966687044E-4 5.9142711754847466E-8 4.552156578661229E-14
0.011064907584938164 8.000000000000001E-4 7.99999995027337E-4 7.7247624184457E-8 7.765778227792347E-14
0.012448021297575874 9.000000000000002E-4 8.999999929197825E-4 9.776652531650722E-8 1.2439275270041023E-13
0.013831135103573746 0.0010000000000000002 9.999999902877673E-4 1.206994152929328E-7 1.8959419937637883E-13
0.015214249013305132 0.0011000000000000003 0.0010999999870730179 1.4604629427236666E-7 2.775848710323367E-13
0.016597363037143386 0.0012000000000000003 0.0011999999832172609 1.738071624301399E-7 3.93142542881871E-13
0.017980477185461866 0.0013000000000000004 0.0012999999786622225 2.039820199582818E-7 5.415000167172511E-13
0.019363591468633926 0.0014000000000000004 0.0013999999733496295 2.3657086706551985E-7 7.283451210097552E-13
0.020746705897032924 0.0015000000000000005 0.0014999999672212082 2.7157370397727975E-7 9.598207110187213E-13
0.022129820481032215 0.0016000000000000005 0.0015999999602186851 3.089905309356854E-7 1.2425246689093218E-12
0.02351293523100517 0.0017000000000000006 0.0016999999522837868 3.488213481995589E-7 1.5835099038790624E-12
134.82932359871037 3.303500000002547 2.0344023442705823 1.7514793297925133 19.985469706580794
134.8401280387429 3.303600000002547 2.034331837857054 1.751550244146644 19.98639173152228
134.85093319033598 3.3037000000025474 2.034261318071803 1.7516211452034662 19.987313519669385
134.8617390535171 3.3038000000025476 2.0341907849164564 1.7516920329595829 19.988235070992015
134.87254562831382 3.303900000002548 2.034120238392643 1.7517629074115963 19.98915638546009
134.88335291475366 3.304000000002548 2.0340496785019924 1.7518337685561094 19.99007746304355
134.89416091286415 3.304100000002548 2.033979105246134 1.7519046163897243 19.990998303712345
134.90496962267284 3.3042000000025484 2.0339085186266996 1.7519754509090435 19.991918907436446
134.91577904420728 3.3043000000025486 2.0338379186453213 1.7520462721106693 19.99283927418584
134.92658917749495 3.304400000002549 2.033767305303632 1.752117079991204 19.993759403930532
134.93740002256345 3.304500000002549 2.0336966786032655 1.75218787454725 19.994679296640545
134.94821157944028 3.3046000000025493 2.0336260385458576 1.752258655775409 19.99559895228591
134.95902384815298 3.3047000000025495 2.0335553851330435 1.7523294236722835 19.996518370836686
134.96983682872911 3.3048000000025497 2.03348471836646 1.7524001782344756 19.997437552262944
134.9806505211962 3.30490000000255 2.0334140382477455 1.752470919458587 19.99835649653477
134.9914649255818 3.30500000000255 2.033343344778538 1.7525416473412199 19.999275203622272
135.00228004191342 3.3051000000025503 2.0332726379604775 1.752612361878976 20.000193673495566
Exact volume: 20.000000041754294
Exact arc length: 3.305078918010979
Using the above data we can plot a graph, using Mathematica, of the dew drops cross-
section as show below:

Figure 4. Cross-Section of Dew Drop when V=20, θ = 135o

5. Approximation For Small V

A crude approximation to p for small V given in the problem is:

1 1 1
2 5 3 − −
p 0 = 2π  + 2  V 3 ≈ 3.1603V 3
 3 12 

I will now test my program to verify that the value of p0 found for small V, say
V=0.0001 matches that obtained from the equation above.

Running with θ = 135o , V = 0.0001, h = 0.000001, initial guesses = 0.1 and 0.2 gives:

p0 Volume
0.1 73.70023975122307
0.2 45.618628933895884
0.36244982964349004 27.06034243861775
0.5993214705346611 15.49539735655687
0.9166940550908678 8.646751902192074
1.3173879266370423 4.750533974449305
1.8059308716281424 2.5899426632206244
2.391534153089956 1.4084358871701292
3.089563257657711 0.7661293058826033
3.9220485007421675 0.4173836109240588
4.91813950142554 0.22782259990811923
6.114759160737361 0.12458272377948562
7.5575977237516945 0.06823780288700135
9.302419582531668 0.037429654067252495
11.416587388533841 0.020559330609896845
13.980525075747497 0.011310815167363368
17.088465121973503 0.006236498995721983
20.84697569311532 0.0034508250638369694
25.36800426014362 0.0019210262813263291
30.749700162446636 0.0010808458442037056
37.0324149547831 6.196319299271864E-4
44.11090741059947 3.669709011299251E-4
51.59030191226215 2.2951746385137082E-4
58.637868173090595 1.563650451117599E-4
64.06812457559852 1.1990403590183754E-4
67.03249722281222 1.0469875578799488E-4
67.94855158219154 1.0052363219093636E-4

Required p0: 67.94855158219154

Volume: 1.0052363219093636E-4
Error in volume: 5.236321909363547E-7

p0 by equation: 68.0865995090776
Difference in p0: 0.1380479268860597

Hence p0 = 67.95 correct to four significant figures. The equation gives 68.09. The
difference in the two values is only 0.1380. Quite accurate!

Using RK4 to compute values for s, r, z and V using p0 = 67.95 and h=0.000001 and
then plotting a graph as before gives:

Figure 5. Cross-Section of Dew Drop for V=0.0001

The curve above is near circular, which is in accordance with theory.

6. Java Source Code

* Class: DewDrop
* Description: This program uses secant, RK4 and linear interpolation to find the shape of a dew drop
* @author Fahd Shariff
* @version 1.4.1
* @date 3/12/02

public class DewDrop


//initial values set to 0.0 ;

double initial_phi = 0.0 ;
double initial_r = 0.0 ;
double initial_z = 0.0 ;
double initial_v = 0.0 ;
double initial_s = 0.0 ;
double theta = 0.0 ;
double reqVolume = 0.0 ;

double h ; //step size

double p0 ; //pressure excess

//Creates a new drop instance

public DewDrop(double stepSize, double contactAngle, double targetVolume)
h = stepSize ;
theta = Math.toRadians(contactAngle) ; //must convert to radians
reqVolume = targetVolume ;

//This method sets initial conditions and is run before the RK4 method
//It requires p0 and the step size
public void setInitialConditions(double p0, double h)
this.p0 = p0 ;
this.h = h ;

double p0sq = p0*p0 ;

double hsq = h*h ;

initial_phi = (1/2D) * p0 * h * (1 + hsq/8) ;

initial_r = h * (1 - (p0sq*hsq)/24) ;
initial_z = (1/4D) * p0 * hsq *(1+(hsq/16)*(1-p0sq/3)) ;
initial_v =(Math.PI/8) * p0 *hsq*hsq * (1+hsq*(1-p0sq)/12) ;
initial_s = h ;

//Approximation of p0 for small V

public double smallV(double v)
return Math.pow(v,-(1/3D))*3.1603 ;

//Represents the function phi

public double phi(double z, double r, double phi)
return p0+z-(Math.sin(phi))/r;

//Represents the function r(distance from vertical axis)

public double r(double phi)
return Math.cos(phi) ;

//Represents the function z (drop height)

public double z(double phi)
return Math.sin(phi) ;

//Represents the function v (volume of the drop)

public double v(double r, double phi)
return Math.PI*r*r*Math.sin(phi) ;

//RK4 method
//returns the volume of the drop
public double doRK4()
//must keep track of the prev values (for linear interpolation)
double prev_phi, prev_v ;
//the ks represent phi (angle)
//the ls represent r (distance from vertical)
//the ms represent z (drop height)
//the ns represent v (volume)

double k1 = h * phi(initial_z, initial_r, initial_phi) ;

double l1 = h * r(initial_phi) ;
double m1 = h * z(initial_phi) ;
double n1 = h * v(initial_r, initial_phi) ;

double k2 = h * phi(initial_z + m1/2, initial_r + l1/2, initial_phi + k1/2) ;

double l2 = h * r(initial_phi + k1/2) ;
double m2 = h * z(initial_phi + k1/2) ;
double n2 = h * v(initial_r + l1/2 , initial_phi + k1/2) ;

double k3 = h * phi(initial_z + m2/2, initial_r + l2/2, initial_phi + k2/2) ;

double l3 = h * r(initial_phi + k2/2) ;
double m3 = h * z(initial_phi + k2/2) ;
double n3 = h * v(initial_r + l2/2 , initial_phi + k2/2) ;

double k4 = h * phi(initial_z + m3, initial_r + l3, initial_phi + k3) ;

double l4 = h * r(initial_phi + k3) ;
double m4 = h * z(initial_phi + k3) ;
double n4 = h * v(initial_r + l3 , initial_phi + k3) ;

prev_phi = initial_phi;
prev_v = initial_v ;

initial_phi = initial_phi + (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)/6 ;

initial_r = initial_r + (l1 + 2*l2 + 2*l3 + l4)/6 ;
initial_z = initial_z + (m1 + 2*m2 + 2*m3 + m4)/6 ;
initial_v = initial_v + (n1 + 2*n2 + 2*n3 + n4)/6 ;
initial_s = initial_s + h ;
//print the RK4 table of results


}while(initial_phi < theta) ;

//print out final results

System.out.println(p0+"\t\t"+Math.toDegrees(initial_phi)+"\t\t"+initial_r+"\t\t"+initial_z+"\t\t"+initial_v) ;

//must carry out linear interpolation now

System.out.println("Interpolating...") ;

//the exact volume when theta = 135 degrees:

double volume = doLinearInterpolation(prev_phi,prev_v,initial_phi,initial_v,theta) ;
System.out.println("Exact volume: +"+volume) ;

//the exact arc length when theta=135 degrees:

double arclength = doLinearInterpolation(prev_phi,initial_s-h,initial_phi,initial_s,theta) ;
System.out.println("Exact arc length: "+arclength) ;

return volume ;

//This method tests RK4 by using different step sizes

public void testRK4()
System.out.println("h\t\tsteps\t\tRunge-Kutta") ;
System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------") ;
for(double i = 0.2 ; i>0.0001;i=i/2)
setInitialConditions(0.83,i) ;
System.out.println(doRK4()) ;

//This method carries out linear interpolation

//Requires 2 points and the value to find
public double doLinearInterpolation(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double xfind)

//y-y1 = m(x-x1)
double y3 = (xfind - x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)+y1 ;
return y3 ;

//This method tests Linear Interpolation

public void testLinearInterpolation()
System.out.println("Point1\t\tPoint2\t\tTo Find\t\tInterpolated Result") ;
System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------") ;
System.out.println(doLinearInterpolation(1.9,10,2.1,20,2)) ;
System.out.println(doLinearInterpolation(2,4,5,25,3)) ;

//This method simply finds the volume of a drop given p0 using RK4
public double getVolume(double p)
setInitialConditions(p,h) ;
return doRK4() ;
//This is the secant method.
//Requires 2 initial guesses and desired tolerance.
public void doSecant(double x1, double x2, double tolerance)
System.out.println("\np0\t\tVolume") ;
System.out.println("---------------------------------") ;

double y1 = getVolume(x1) ;
System.out.println(x1+"\t\t"+y1) ;

double y2 = getVolume(x2) ;
System.out.println(x2+"\t\t"+y2) ;

double x3, y3 ;

//secant formula
x3 = x2 + (reqVolume - y2)*(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) ;

y3 = getVolume(x3) ;
System.out.println(x3+"\t\t"+y3) ;

x1 = x2 ;
x2 = x3 ;

y1 = y2 ;
y2 = y3 ;
while(Math.abs(y3-reqVolume) > tolerance) ;

double error = Math.abs(y3-reqVolume) ; //error in volume

System.out.println("\nRequired p0: "+x3+"\t\tVolume: "+y3+"\t\tError: "+error) ;

//This method tests the secant method by using different pairs of initial guesses
public void testSecant()
System.out.println("Guess 1\t\tGuess 2\t\tSecant Result") ;
System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------") ;

doSecant(1.0,2.0,0.00001) ;
doSecant(0.1,0.2,0.00001) ;
doSecant(0.1,0.11,0.00001) ;
doSecant(0.2,0.3,0.00001) ;
doSecant(0.01,0.02,0.00001) ;

//The program starts execution here

public static void main(String[] args)
//for v=2 and theta=135
DewDrop drop = new DewDrop(0.0001,135,2.0) ;
drop.doSecant(0.1,0.2,0.000001) ;

//for v=20 and theta=135

drop = new DewDrop(0.0001,135,20.0) ;
drop.doSecant(0.1,0.2,0.000001) ;

//for small v and theta=135

drop = new DewDrop(0.000001,135,0.0001) ;
drop.doSecant(0.1,0.2,0.000001) ;
System.out.println(drop.smallV(0.0001)) ; //the actual p0 for small v

Fahd Shariff
BSc Mathematics and Computer Science Year 3
C315 Numerical Analysis Project

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