United We Stand 2010

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Washington DC 2010

Washington DC, Thursday,April 15 , 2010

At the capital that day, at the Freedom Plaza, Patriotism was the
only sound of the day that echoed throughout a sea of red, white
and blue filled with Americans from every corner of our Homeland
called USA. There was only one resounding message………..
The Snow-Brine family traveled from Maine.
Marty Dettner from Wheaton, Illinois has a sense of humor.
I certainly hope his wife does too.
I have long considered utopian dreamers to be the most dangerous
people in the world. History has shown they are too often so
committed to their ideology that anyone that disagrees is seen only
as an obstacle to be swept away. That is the deep insight that
underpins the framers design in the US constitution. They
understood that the human personality will always produce strong
willed tyrants and the people must be protected from them. That is
why it emphasizes limiting and separating the power of those in
government. Americas leftists have always found the constitution
as an inconvenience to their dreams of “restructuring society”.
More than 5,000 gathered in Freedom Plaza, near the White
That’s Joe McCarthy on the left. A gallery with today’s
crop of zealous power-grabbers on the right.
These flags are of a new design symbolizing a second
American revolution. They are now commonly seen at Tea
John Thompson from DC said he is a committed
conservative. And a brave one too, I’d say, considering
what happened to Kenneth Gladney for doing exactly the
same thing: selling Gadsden flags.
One government official was tarred and feathered at the
Boston Tea Party of 1773. This guy is a history buff with a
sense of humor. After the rally he was seen dining at a
high-end restaurant, feathers on, but mask removed. Later I
saw him at the second mega-rally of the day at the
Washington monument. The sign on the right is a Seinfeld
Farmer Obama isn’t at all popular with the cash cow. The
buckets he carries are marked Dodd, Byrd, Miller, Hagen,
Pelosi, Frank, and Reid.
This man drove to D.C. from Overland Park, Kansas.
Michelle Bachmann, congresswoman from Minnesota,
addressed the crowd, who just love her!
Dick Armey, former house Republican majority leader,
is now chairman of Freedomworks, a major Tea
Party organizing group.
Allison Ly, from Herndon, Virginia, brought her
father, Daniel Snell.
Vadim Yespkin from New Jersey, and Michael Koloden from
Brooklyn were born in Russia. Koloden said “I lived under
socialism, so I know how to recognize it.” This is the second
time I’ve seen them at a D.C. Tea Party rally. The first time
was at the conservative Woodstock on 9/12/2009.
I arrived at the second rally of the day just before sunset. A
very large crowd of up to 50,000 were relaxing on the
lawns to the north of the Washington Monument, directly
south of the White House.
Deneen Borelli, of Project 21, a network of black
conservatives based in Washington, D.C., talked
about spending, and she also addressed the media
labeling of tea party participants as racists. “Play the
race card is a losing game. It’s old, it’s tired. What
else have you got?”
These little girls were absolutely fascinated with the best
George Washington I’ve ever seen.
These folks from Maryland are dressed as America’s first
National Guard soldiers and camp followers. The flag is
Maryland’s colonial flag. I asked them what parallels they
saw between the historical revolution and today’s Tea Party
movement. They reacted in a ‘what, are you kidding’ kind
of way. Then they talked about taxation, the people not
having a voice, etc. etc.
Collins Bailey from Maryland’s 5th Congressional District
hopes to defeat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.
Hoyer was a judge until he was impeached
from the bench for forging letters which were
presented as evidence in his own court room. Go, Collins,
Here’s Collins Bailey with supporters from his district.
A supporter of candidate Charles Lollar, another
Republican contender from Maryland’s 5th
Congressional District hoping to defeat Steny
There were three giant screens and the crowd was widely
dispersed on the hill leading up to the Washington
The stage is located above the CHANGE IT BACK sign.
This photo represents approximately one sixth of the
George Gennaro, and his son Tom Gennaro from Maryland
Lord Christopher Monckton, formerly top science advisor to
British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, said “You may be
asking ‘Why is a British peer of the realm addressing a crowd of
American patriots?’ Well, here’s why: because I love freedom,
because I love America, and because you have come here to stand
up and be counted for freedom and for America, I love you!” He
gave one of the most memorable speeches I have ever witnessed.
The video below is amateur but the sound is what’s important.
After he spoke, I invited Lord Monckton to mingle with the
crowd out front of the stage for photos. He absolutely loved
it and signed autographs with a calligraphic flourish
reminiscent of John Hancock’s. He is a real charmer, and
the crowd fell in love with him.
Carrington, Nicole, and Erica are from Port St. Lucie,
Florida. This was their first Tea Party. They are members
of Titans Student Government Association at Treasure
Coast High School.
These are coal miners and their families. The man standing
behind the woman in the pink shirt addressed the rally.
When he said “America bows to no one” he received a
massive cheer. He spoke about how cap and trade is
designed to destroy the coal industry and their livelihoods.
I asked this Washington D.C. officer how the crowd was,
after the Tea Party Express rally ended. He said “These
people are great. It’s like a day off, very relaxing.”
Jeff Fulmer from New Jersey held a sign reading: “To
compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of
ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical”
– Thomas Jefferson. He posed with his pal from
Pennsylvania, Andre Harns.
UPDATE: Denver Tax Day – The lefty longhair drops f-
bombs and g-d’s on everyone in sight. He had no press
pass, his two person crew were carrying their microphone
equip in a plastic shopping bag but HE claimed to be from
the Wall St. Journal and was attempting to interview
attendees about racism. h/t Dinah Lord
And from ZOMBIE – Crashing the Crashers: Tea Party
Infiltrators Outmaneuvered in S.F.
White NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea
Party Rally: ‘Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?’
Below are links to El Marco’s previous photo-essays which
chronicle the history of the Tea Party movement.
• Colorado Says No to Obama’s Package of Pork
• Evil Right Wing Extremists Who Would Destroy
America Gather in Denver
• Conservative Woodstock Rocks the Capital
• Tea Party Express Gathers Steam Across America
• Tea Party Movement Denounces Media Corruption
• America’s Tea Party Movement: Happy Birthday to
the Party of Hell No
• Showdown in Searchlight
The incomparable blogger Zombie did a comparison of my
Searchlight Teaparty photos and photos from a leftist “anti-
war” rally which occurred 7 days prior in Los Angeles.
The contrast between Teaparty patriots and the leftists is a
scandal. Prepared for a shock? - Click HERE
……….EL MARCO………..

April 15th, 2010 |


Right-wing rally, Searchlight, Nevada, March 27, 2010

(Photos by El Marco)

Sarah Palin.
Hannah Giles.
Ralley at Los Angeles, California, March 20, 2010

February 2010

That’s when the party of HELL NO was born.

HELL NO to big Government!
HELL NO to Fiscal Irresponsibility and Corruption.
HELL NO to Whitehouse/Liberal Media demonization
of ordinary working Americans!
HELL NO to government smears and intimidation!
Here, green and red shirted Obama organizers (OFA)
confront silent protesters near a Democrat Party event at a
Denver high school.
The majority of doctors want to see changes in healthcare.
This means responsible reform. The system requires
remodeling, not demolition. Patients are tired of the
partisan politics and want the specific problems addressed,
not using the identification of these problems as an excuse
to do something far more insidious.
Docs 4 Patient Care…was created to prevent the
government takeover of healthcare… We will continue to
advocate for a responsible resolution which is based on a
patient centered, market driven approach where doctors and
patients remain unencumbered in medical decision making.
The solutions should not be political or ideological. Docs 4
Patient Care believes that it is not a matter of right or left;
it’s about right or wrong.
Docs 4 Patient Care…was created to prevent the
government takeover of healthcare… We will continue to
advocate for a responsible resolution which is based on a
patient centered, market driven approach where doctors and
patients remain unencumbered in medical decision making.
The solutions should not be political or ideological. Docs 4
Patient Care believes that it is not a matter of right or left;
it’s about right or wrong.
Here’s a bit of what the Wall Street Journal has to say
about exactly how the doctor, patient relationship will be
destroyed by big healthcare run from Washington.
Primary-care doctors who refer patients to specialists will
face financial penalties under the plan (Obama’s). Doctors
will see 5% of their Medicare pay cut when their
“aggregated” use of resources is “at or above the 90th
percentile of national utilization,” according to the
chairman’s mark of Section 3003 of the bill. Doctors will
feel financial pressure to limit referrals to costly specialists
like surgeons, since these penalties will put the referring
physician on the hook for the cost of the referral and
perhaps any resulting procedures.
Next, the plan creates financial incentives for doctors to
consolidate their practices. The idea here is that Medicare
can more easily apply its regulations to institutions that
manage large groups of doctors than it can to individual
physicians. So the Obama plan imposes new costs on
doctors who remain solo, mostly by increasing their
overhead requirements—such as requiring three years of
medical records every time a doctor orders routine medical
equipment like wheelchairs.
The impact of these provisions won’t be confined to
Medicare. Private insurance sold in the federally regulated
“exchanges” will take cues from Medicare, since they’re
both managed from the same bureaucracy. Medicare will
set the standard for medical care across the entire
Mr. Obama promised that under his plan people wouldn’t
have to change their doctors. But it’s clear that doctors will
be forced to change how they make their medical decisions.
These are Jewish immigrants from the former USSR at the
9/12 rally in Washington DC. Many Russians who escaped
to the US are stunned by the creeping socialism that they
have found here. Amazingly the
Communist Party
of the United States (CPUSA) endorsed
Obama’s candidacy, and its members
campaigned tirelessly for his election!
Organizing for America (OFA) is planning thousands of
events, door knocks and phone banks in August. In an
email to OFA President Obama called on all those who
built the movement for his election to step forward now.
This fight for health care is a fight for the ability to win on
every other issue…..
It is a fight for unity against the ultra-right. What happens
at the grassroots will in large part decide what happens in
Congress. Now is the time for the Obamajority to act.
CPUSA Sweetness and Light

The political platform and language of the

CPUSA is indistinguishable from that of the
Democratic party! And isn’t it “funny” how
the AFL-CIO, SEIU, AFSCME and other
unions are so closely aligned with the
Communist Party?
HELL NO to Obama’s powerful unaccountable CZARS
Alarm and opposition to Obama’s 40 unvetted “czars” is on
full display at every Tea Party rally. Democrats and
Republicans in Congress responded to blogger exposés by
calling Obama to account. In the Senate, GOP Sen. Susan
Collins proposed to restrict federal funds of at least 18
appointed Obama czars.
….many of these new “czars” appear to occupy positions of
greater responsibility and authority than officials who
already have been confirmed by the Senate.
Whether in the White House or elsewhere, these “czar”
appointments are not subject to the Senate’s constitutional
“advice and consent” role. Little information is available
concerning their responsibilities and authorities. There is no
careful Senate examination of their character and
qualifications. And we are speaking here of some of the
most senior positions within our government.
Doubts about “czarism” were expressed …. by Democratic
Sen. Robert Byrd (W.Va.), who wrote to Obama in
February that “the rapid and easy accumulation of power
by White House staff can threaten the constitutional system
of checks and balances.
“At the worst, White House staff have taken direction and
control of programmatic areas that are the statutory
responsibility of Senate-confirmed officials. … As
presidential assistants, they are not accountable to
Congress, to Cabinet officials and to virtually anyone but
the president.”
Also …. Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold (Wis.) wrote
Obama, asking him to square his naming “czars” with the
Appointments Clause of the Constitution, which provides
that executive posts should be created by law and subject to
Senate confirmation. h/t Michelle Malkin
Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren was exposed by
investigative blogger Zombie as an advocate of
forced sterilization and abortion to save the
Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings was outed
for supporting a group which advocates for legalization of
sexual relations between adult men and underage boys.
Turns out that the czar is a regular speaker at North
America Man Boy Love Association
Obama’s “Green Czar” Van Jones was fired after he was
shown to be a Maoist organization member, a
9/11 truther, and a creep.
Obama’s White House communications director,
Anita Dunn praised Mao in a videotaped speech
to high school students by calling the
communist dictator “one of the two people
that I turn to most.” Fortunatly, she is no longer on
the tax payers’ payroll.
HELL NO to the Corrupt Dominant Liberal Media
On October 19th, 2009, Tea Party protesters converged on
newspaper and television offices in over 100 cities across
America. After witnessing a biased media deify Barack
Obama and demonize John McCain and Sarah Palin, it still
came as a shock to Tea Party patriots when they too
became victims of a vicious left-wing smear campaign. The
Tea Party Patriots have been denigrated and attacked
repeatedly by corporate media giants and administration
officials in the most vicious and crude terms. They are
routinly called racists, nazis, and teabaggers by media and
government elites.
While the dominant liberal media looked the other way,
bloggers and Fox News exposed Obama’s radical
associations and ACORN organizing past. In January 1993,
a survey of the Congressional Press Gallery quantified the
extent of the liberal bias. It revealed that 89% of the press
had voted Democrat and 7% had voted Republican. The
Freedom Forum survey of Capitol Hill correspondents and
Washington Bureau Chiefs was widely accepted as
accurate. There is a long history of this type of voting
pattern among the media elite in America. More than four-
fifths of the journalists interviewed voted for the
Democratic presidential candidate in every election
between 1964 and 1976.
These people are fully aware of the MSM’s dishonest news
coverage. The size and demeanor of all these rallies goes
un-reported or misreported and downgraded. When a
million of these taxpayers swamped the nation’s capital on
September 12 2009, big media dismissed them as angry
racists and reported only tens of thousands. The Daily Mail
the second largest newspaper in England headlined the
event: A million march to US Capitol to protest against
‘Obama the socialist’.
HELL NO to radical environmentalists and their junk
Patriots! The future of freedom depends on you.
Yes, US Constitution is the only compass to liberty.

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