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Name of Event: Line Follower


The objective of this contest is to complete the course in the shortest period of time, while
accurately tracking the black course line from start to finish over the white base overcoming
the hurdles.

Robot Specifications:

Robots have to operate autonomously and should not be remote-controlled. All

systems (like sensors, power supply, data-processing and control-systems) have to
completely reside on the robot.

The machine should fit in a square of size 250x250 mm. There is no height
The autonomous robot must be stable and must stand on its own at the
beginning of the run when put in the starting point. Robots not fulfilling this
criterion will be disqualified.

The teams are allowed to use ready- made micro-controller boards/ready-made

sensor kits. However they are not allowed to use Lego kits or any similar

Power supply and propulsion

Machine must be completely self-contained and should receive no outside
assistance. It should not use an energy source employing a combustion process.
Machine should have an on-board power supply. No external power supply is
Voltage on the machine at any point should not exceed 20V DC.

No limitation as such in the motors. The wheels used must be non-destructive to the

Course Specifications:

The line shall be black electrical tape while the base is white traversing the arena
from end to end.

There will be two rounds, elimination round (building the base) and final round
(achieving the goal). In elimination round bot has to follow his path and should
complete the round in less time.

The width of the black line is 3cm.

There shall be a starting area at the beginning of the course and an exit area at the
end. The line course starts inside the starting area and ends inside the exit area.

The line course may have one or more sharp right-angle and some acute and obtuse

The decisions of all officials regarding these rules and the conduct of the event shall
be final.

Participant must complete two rounds to win the competition. Each round consists of
three checkpoints.
1. Elimination round
In this round you have to complete the mentioned track with less time and more points.
The track is same for all participants.
a) An elimination round will be held prior to achieving the goal round.
b) An elimination round will consists only passing the check points and tracing the lines.
c) The teams will be ranked according to their points and time.
d) Top teams will qualify for the finals.
2. Final round (achieving the goal)
In this round, first you have to complete 1st round and then you have to start with 2nd
d) Ranking will decide as per the points and time required to complete the path.
Arena one:


All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible
to participate in Line follower event.

NO supply will be provided during match however it can be provided for battery
charging purposes

Rules and regulations:

Team may have a maximum of 4 members.

Each contesting team will be given 3 trails for adjustments to the sensors on test

The robot has to be developed and designed by the team itself. The usage of
commercially complete robotic-systems which are sold ready for the purpose of the
competition is not allowed. At least the software-development should show
significant personal effort.

The time of any run is measured from the time the robot crosses the starting line until
the time it crosses the finish line. A robot is deemed to have crossed the line when
the forward most wheel, track, or leg of the robot contacts or crosses over the line.

Timekeeping: Time shall be measured by an electronic gate system or by a judge

with a stopwatch, based on the availability of equipment. In either case the recorded
time shall be final.

A robot that wanders off of the arena surface will be disqualified.

Losing the Line: any robot that loses the line course must reacquire the line at the
point where it was lost, or at any earlier (e.g. already traversed) point.

Claims because of changing lighting conditions in the room or flash lights of

photographers won't be accepted. Participants have to face these "disturbances".

Judging Criteria:

A maximum time of 5 minutes is allowed for a robot to complete the course. A robot
that cannot complete the course in the allotted time shall be disqualified.

The track is divided into checkpoints at various locations. A team will be awarded 20
points on crossing a checkpoint.

A maximum of 4 corrections are allowed. For every next correction the team will be
deducted with 5 points.

On completion of the whole track in given time, the team is given 40 points.

For teams which complete within 5 minutes extra points will be given as of (5-t)*20.

The organizers reserve the right to change any or all of the rules as they deem fit.

Violation of any of the rules will lead to disqualification. Judges' decision shall be
treated as final and binding on all.

The teams may be asked questions on the design of the circuit and other details on
the implementation.


1st-worth 4000/2nd-worth 2000/INFRANeed two flex printed tracks

Any lecture hall in block two,ground floor.
I ll inform , if any another stuff is needed.

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