Aquatics Int'l: Letter From Chris Brewster Re: NASCO, 8/07

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to a victim of respiratory or cardiac arrest unnamed insurance company show that no

We're not because, by law, they would be required to drowning victim submerged for more than
provide care up to the level of their train- one minute survived.
just another ing. If the health professional does not have This tends to imply that resuscitation
pretty grale. the necessary equipment to provide care (up
to tlie level of their training), or if their
efforts aftet one minute of submersion are
ineffective, but I think that is misleading.
training is "out of date," then they should I suspect the teality is that if a victim
not attempt to intervene. is not observed struggling or submerging and
It's what's This situation, however, is very differ- an immediate effort to rescue mounted, it
ent from that of a lifeguard who does, may be a long while before the victim is
inside ^&2* indeed, have a duty to act — not only to brought to the surface. In that case, out-
respond to the situation, but to prevent die
that incident and to recognize the incident and/or
come is not so much related to the quality

HKi:!?. its potential.

For opetators, there are only a couple
of tesuscitation, but the time intetval
before it is attempted.

of alternatives: Do not staff your facility

with lifeguards. Or train, equip and ptepare Few experiences are more
your lifeguard staff for emergency incidents
so their response to a critical incident stressful than being expected
| P P n i r i i i '. ■
I I I I I I I I L I ■
becomes automatic and second nature.
That means standard operating proce-
to save someone in a life-and-
dures need to be developed and adhered to death situation. Maturity is
by all personnel. Emergency response plans
need to be developed for every conceivable critical, not only to deal with
emergency, and lifeguards must be drilled
in their response to these incidents. the psychological aftereffects.
The National Fire Protection Associa-
tion has a standard for technical rescue Hunsucket also states that of the 12
fJVFPA 167Q)t which in a nutshell, states fatalities his company investigated, only
that the authority having jurisdiction needs <ince did a lifeguard perform resuscitation,
Made from the highest to conduct a comprehensive threat assess- with guests or management handling it in
quality, low heat absorption, ment and determine the level of response the other cases. This is very troubling and
outdoor grade PVC for its suggests some real problems of training and
flexibility, strength and I needed to effectively manage the hazards
protection and risks, Then it needs to plan for the responsibiliry that mav indeed be associ-
» Tested for (ASTM E-661) incident, train for the incident, and acquire ated with maturity.
load-to-failure and deflection the resources necessary to manage and I have attended many resuscitation
at 200 pounds efforts by professional lifeguards and have
respond to the incident,
•Non-slip surface tested Pethaps the aquatics industry should never observed a citizen directly involved
CASTM C-1028] coefficient of in CPR when adequate lifeguard srnff was
friction, wet or dry develop and adopt a similar standard.
at the scene. Of course, these were adult
Tested for color fastness and ocean guards trained to EMT or first te-
UV stability [ASTM G-154, Gerald All. Dworkin
exceeding 750 Hours] Consultant sponder levels.
•Readily available and stocked Lifesaviig Resources My greatest concern, however, is that
in all widths and sizes in six Dublin, N.H. while Hunsucker's article addresses the
standard colors —the ineffectiveness of resuscitation, he and his
largest in the world
I n a recent "Perspectives" article, Dr. John company, National Aquatic Safety Co.
iHunsucker, Ph.D., voiced concerns over (NASCO), continue to advocate use of the
Contact us today to receive _ the employment of young lifeguards. I gen- Heimlich maneuver for drowning.
a FREE sample or erally concur. In this, they appear to stand alone be-
request a quote! Lifesaving is public safety, and death is cause it has long been rejecred by inter-
i national consensus of the national resus-
an issue that lifeguards must sometimes con-
front. Few experiences are more stressful citation councils of the wotld. In one ar-
GRATE than being expected to save someone in a ticle on the matter, while he acknowl-
TECHNOLOGIES life-and-death situation. Maturity is criti- edged that his Ph.D. is in engineeting he
a Division of Lawson Aquatlcs, inc. ca,, not only to ensure effectiveness under medically deconsttucted arguments on the
1 800 897 61 great pressure, but to deal with the maneuver and ultimately endorsed it quip-
Circle 111 on Postage-Free Ca chological aftereffects. ping, "I'm a hugger and don't kiss unless
LAWS0NAQUATICS.COM Hunsucker states that the records of an 1 have to."

12 AQUATICS INTERNATIONAL | JULY/AUGUSt 2007 | www.aqwtie.inif.cmii

Hunsucker appropriately worries over all and, while he might be at the end of an
Cover Photo Doesn't Earn Keep effective scan, it appeats that he is not watch-
the psychological impact on guards who
unsuccessfully attempt resuscitation, but I n regard to the April 20Q7 issue of Aqm ing the water.
what if that failure is the remit of fol- lics Imanatimd, 1 have a few concerns about ° Also, the lifeguard on die stand is sport-
lowing his and his company's improper the cover photograph. One of my senior ing an ankle tattoo. An unsettling thought
guidelines? lifeguards noticed the poor representation fot me is that there's an ongoing debate
of a professional lifeguard right next to the about the professionalism of tattoos on life-
B. Chris Brewster title "Earning Theit Keep." The female life- guards. That debate would more appropri-
LiFestmng Commissioner guard is not holding her tube correctly and ately be changed to what matters most,
Intemntioftollife Saviig Federation she is not wearing the strap. The lifeguard which should be preventing injuties in and
San Diego in the stand is not using a rescue tube at around the water.
1 don't believe the lifeguards on the
cover are "earning their keep," but 1 am
relieved to know that my staff is.

There's an ongoing debate

about the professionalism of
tattoos on lifeguards. That debate
would more appropriately be
changed to what matters most,
which should be preventing
injuries in and around the water.
I hope in the futute that a closer eye
might be used in choosing how to depict
our young professionals. We have to fight
public perception outside of our field; we
shouldn't create inconsistencies within it.

Stephanie Scott
Aquatic and Safety Training Specialist
Oklahoma City (Okio.) Community College

It has been almost a year since I wrote

concerning the use of rescue tubes in the
photographs accompanying an article on
lifeguard management in the May 2006 issue
of Aquatics JiuematiW and I am once again
disappointed with the photograph choice
depicting on-duty lifeguatds.
On the cover of the April 2007 issue,
the lifeguard in the chair does not appear
to have a rescue tube at all, and the life-
guard on deck is not wearing hers properly.
The Red Cross lifeguard training pro-
gram (and other equivalent training
programs} clearly indicate that a lifeguatd
must have their arm and head through the
loop of the strap, and the rescue tube should
in their lap or across the the front of their
body. This is the standard of care across the
industry and in a well-managed aquatics


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