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Jose Francisco M.



Sir Calingasan


Life has always been a sequence of events that require luck and perhaps
destiny. That is why there is a saying it is what it is. I have always dealt upon the
possibility that there is really no trend in this world, just a wide sequence of events
that everybody needs to play the game. I thought there was no destiny, we all play
the cards and just hope but not until this semester. Biostatistics ofcourse did not
change what I believe in destiny, but it opened a whole new world of predictability
and probability. It not only opened my eyes to what was in store, but it opened my
mind to what will be a big part of my future going forward.
Many professions and careers dealt on predicting things. They recognize a
trend and build on it for the future. That is why biostatistics is very important.
Computing for the probability of what most likely to happen is valuable especially in
weathers, storms, or even earthquakes. What is even more intriguing is that, we
solved problem that computes if a medicine/pill is effective! As an aspiring student
to become a doctor, learning biostatistics, its importance, its implications or even
just its basic foundations, can be very valuable and gives me a chance to be one
step closer to success. I learned that even playing cards has it share of probabilities
that can decide the winner of a game. Using an equation in biostat, we can even
compute for the numbers that decide the implications of two events. But most of all,
this course/subject has taught me to never give up, and to always hope. I taught
that greatness and success are only reserved for certain people, but biostatistics
taught me that I could not have been more wrong. There is always a chance. Even if
youre fighting for a 1 to a millions cause, always believe. There is always a
possibility of it happening. Be the outlier. Never stop thinking that you can do it. I
never thought that a subject related to mathematics will teach me something in
life, and here it is. It taught me more life lessons than any subject I had. Lose, fall,
and fall again, dont stop until you get that 1% chance in life. But most of all, this
lesson taught me that everybody has a chance. No matter how big, no matter how
small, we need to take it. Try for that chance. Dont always be the statistic, be the
exception. That is why I think biostatistics is a blessing because in dire times, to
hope for success and happiness, it is a gift.
Bio stat has taught me a lot of things. It has taught me how to solve sampling
distribution problems, it has taught me how to solve linear regression and
correlation problems. But most of all, It has taught me how to solve life problems.
Now, it is safe to say that this is one of the most memorable subject that I have
taken in my life. Never mind that gut wrenching, mind twisting and chair turning
exams. Never mind the hundreds of problems you have to solve to pass this subject.
Never mind the falls and stumbles along the way. Remember what you learned in
life. Remember what was taught. Because I am pretty damn sure that I will not
remember all the thing we studied and solved, but all the life solutions I learned, it
will stay with me for all time.

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