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Malverne, NY 11565

Ph: 516-214-0132 |


Senior Labor Relations Executive acknowledged for capacity to balance the power of negotiation with the ability
to achieve consensus, efficiency, and a compliant workforce. Equal blend of business strategist and hands-on
operations leader. A collaborative business partner adept at isolating and resolving issues and transforming
unproductive and erroneous processes into models of best practice.
Critical Leadership Initiatives:
Turnaround Achievement: Quickly identified practical and regulatory solutions for large employer that had
incurred massive uptick in Post-Sandy unemployment claims. Assessed issues that exacerbated filings,
educated staff on sourcing available remedies and introduced temporary assistance programs that soothed
financial burden on families resulting in a dramatic decrease in the number of claims being filed.

Efficiency and Cost Improvements: Headed investigations of claims and grievances for multi-state employer
spending more than $3M in annual legal fees. Re-designed and led training initiatives for decision-makers
using real-time scenarios which reduced legal fees by 60%.

Change Leadership: Created 24/7 Compliance Hotline and empowered employees to resolve disciplinary and
grievance calls. Instructed staff how to identify, assess, and mitigate risk, and transformed an
underperforming team into a highly trained, efficient, and cohesive workforce.

Cultural Transformations: Instilled sense of stability in an organization with low employee morale and no
process to recognize, reward, or remedy performance. Re-vamped evaluation process now contained a
direct tie-in to pay and performance. This incentive earned most employees wage increases and many
others were recognized for achievement. Efforts, attitudes, and self-esteem skyrocketed.


Labor Relations Compliance Collective Bargaining Project Management Quality Assurance Risk Identification
and Mitigation Human Resource Management Conflict Resolution Negotiation Employee
Relations Training and Development Business Case Development Compliance Audits Labor and
Management Relations Budget Management Policies and Procedure Development Investigative
Management Strategic Planning Problem Solving Arbitration Process Improvement

Frank is a hard-working, knowledgeable compliance/human resource/labor relations professional and a

pleasure to work with as outside counsel he is a good steward of his employers resources and makes
sound decisions ... he knows how to balance risk versus operational needs.
Partner at Jackson Lewis

FRANK KANTER | Ph: 516-214-0132 |

President and Chief Compliance Officer


Advising businesses on methods of organizational conduct. Providing counsel, instruction, and delivery of innovative strategies and training
programs to achieve a business culture that encourages ethical conduct, and mitigates risk. Clients include a Logistics company, Mental
Health Organization and Medical Facilities.

Notable Projects:
Achieved drastic fine reduction for client with 500 employees and only 20% of records requested by the
Department of Labor (DOL). Assembled a task force, created retro-documentation, instituted supervisory
reviews, established new criteria for collecting data with system lock-outs tied to deliverable dates making
future data collection accurate, reliable, and timely. Client passed review the following year without
Created new handbooks for employer with multi-jurisdictional compliance issues affecting ten states.
Assessment and analytical review uncovered conditions in violation of union contracts making employer
vulnerable to legal action. Rolled-out a state specific, multi-media compliance training tour using satellite
links, webinars, and streaming to train employees.
Corporate Director of Compliance and Labor Relations


A national provider of human resources services focused on reducing costs associated with labor from payroll services to background
checks to administrative outsourcing.

Headed investigation and drove new compliance architecture for multi-state employer with multiple
grievances and claims and an environment where cases often escalated into large scale adversarial events.
Reviewed processes, changed methods of operation, and empowered a task force to select cases for review
and immediate resolution. Reduced legal defense fees by more than 60% during tenure.
Led project initiative for client with a high turnover rate, enormous employee/labor relations claims and an
excessive number of staff terminated for cause. Revamped hiring process, overhauled selection criteria, and
introduced a no discipline within six months standard for intra-company transfers. New processes virtually
eliminated marginal hires and educated managers how to coach to performance.


Director of Labor Relations


Premier New York hospital since 1889 treating the full spectrum of medical and surgical conditions in six locations across four hospitals.

Led complex and potentially litigious Reduction in Force (RIF) in union environment affecting 400 employees.
Initiated an attrition study, formed strategic alliances to ease tensions, reviewed optional retirement
program, and addressed union requirements. Thoughtful execution minimized tensions and achieved a
successful transition.

Functioned as hearing officer on a variety of cases concerning attendance, grievances, labor management
issues, and performance. Investigated, negotiated, interpreted, and resolved multiple cases involving labor
relations and union violations relating to sexual harassment and discipline.

FRANK KANTER | Ph: 516-214-0132 |

Trainer and Evaluator


Investigational and intelligence services serving the Healthcare, Retail and Hospitality industries.

Re-vamped entire evaluation process for client with low employee morale and no process to recognize,
reward or remedy performance. Created direct tie-in to pay for performance with regular reviews and a
timeline of expectations for employees. Achieved immediate and substantial improvement in the efforts and
attitudes of employees.

Designed value driven training program for customer-centric service client. Wrote training modules on
advanced methods of communication and superior service, with role plays that continuously reinforced
clients strategy: that future success is tied to how clients are served today.


Dimensions Healthcare SystemPrince Georges Hospital Center

Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations


Jacobi Medical Center

Labor Relations Officer


Nassau Community College

Assistant to Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations


Bachelor of Science, Human Resources and Labor Relations, State University of New York, 1990
Master of Science, Labor Relations, (Expected Fall 2016), NY Institute of Tech., Old Brookville, NY
Registered Arbitrator, American Registry of Arbitrators, since 1994
Special Advocate for Children, Suffolk County Family Court, since 1995
Attended - Thomas M. Cooley School of Law, Lansing, MI, First Year
Award of Excellence, Industrial Labor Relations Project, Letter of Distinction,
Management Communications
Labor and Employee Relations Association

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