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#3 Lenormand SHIP card

(image taken on the coast of Vancouver )

A BOUT THE CARD - The ship card is all about travel, commerce and also
in the broadest sense about working. It represents many modes of
transportation. One of the traditional meanings is “to inherit”. Also “to
long” for, from which is derived hope.

The ship card tells of situations that are in motion, similar to the Rider in
that the motion is approaching or has passed. All things move at their own
pace, in their own cycles.

The meanings of the SHIP card are mostly connected to travel, generally
longer unless the Clover card is nearby, then it is short term or a fast trip.

Another associated meaning of this card is emotional awareness. Our

emotions are fluid as water. As with the choppy waves on the ocean, so too
can our moods rise and fall.

The SHIP card can increase or decrease the intensity of the situation that is
conveyed by the theme depicted by surrounding cards.

Emotional preoccupation can take place when placed next to the Heart &
Lady or Gentleman.

In some cases the male or female may wish they were somewhere else or
with someone else.

With the Heart card only- a romantic weekend, lover at a distance, fondness
for travel.

A S A PERSON - the SHIP can suggest someone who is a visionary -

seeing into the distance, seeing the totality of a situation and not just
one aspect. This person would make an excellent counsellor or coach.

Some combinations to think about.

ship+fish= inheriting or winning money

ship+cross= a trip or journey with a purpose, usually important, meeting

someone unexpectedly at a time when you need to hear some information
they have - a fated meeting.

ship+lily= travel with the family

ship+house= going home, arriving back from travel

ship+ lady/gentl eman= going on a journey, can be business related

ship+mice= losses connected to travel or a trip costs more than anticipated,

cancellations or delays are possible, a business deal goes sour

ship+path= an important decision, 2 trips

ship+stars= travel with promise, a new business concept

ship+heart= longing for love, going on a romantic get-away, a young man

working near the water

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