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Photos of Interest 01 MAR 2016

Aviation Art 103

D-Day Drop - 'Stick 21'

D-Day Drop - 'Stick 21'

by Robert Taylor
At 23.45 on the night of 5 June 1944, the 101st Airbornes most legendary squad of combat paratroopers the
notorious Filthy Thirteen jumped into France near the village of Ste Mre glise, in the final hours before the DDay landings.
They were the Screaming Eagles most notorious unit. A small bunch of raw, tough, ruthless young men, mostly
from the Dustbowl, with scant regard for authority. These men had withstood the worst that the Depression could
throw at them. Hard drinking and savage fighting - and that was only in training they were never ones to salute an
officer, clean their uniforms, or have a regular bath. Officially they were the First Demolition Squadron, HQ
Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne. Unofficially they were the Filthy Thirteen.
And if the reputation of this unique bunch of renegades within the ranks of the 101st was formidable, for the
Germans it became one of sheer terror. Because, for the Filthy Thirteen, anything not directly concerned with
killing the enemy was irrelevant. Theirs was a story so bizarre that it became the inspiration for the Hollywood war
film The Dirty Dozen.
Robert Taylors classic new Master Drawing, the latest in his Graphite Collection, captures the moment on the night
of 5 June 1944 when the 101st Airbornes legendary squad of elite paratroopers jump into battle in the vital hours
before the D-Day sea-borne landings commence. The pilots of the 440th Troop Carrier Group struggle to keep their
Dakotas level as deadly flak pummels the formation.
[Source: Feb 2016 ++]

Battle of Okinawa

Shuri May 1945

A U.S. Marine comforts a comrade, who witnessed the death of his buddy, hillside in the Vincinity of Shuri, in May 1945,
during the invasion of Okinawa, Japan.



Airplane Convoy Liverpool U.K.

Convoy passing through Liverpool U.K.


Ghosts of Time

Then & Now Photos of WWII Sites (11)



Things that might make you say it (07)


Interesting Ideas

TV Too Big for Cabinet


Interesting Inventions

Gentile Alarm Clock

Everyone hates the sound of the alarm clock in the morning. The answer, according to Sensorwake, is to engage a
different sense. The Sensorwake alarm clock releases a burst of smell to rouse you from sleep. The scent comes in
replaceable pods (kind of like a plug-in air freshener) in a variety of smells croissant, chocolate, espresso or seaside,
among others. And just in case the smell isnt enough, theres a backup alarm that uses a more traditional beep. The $109
clock should be available summer of 2016 []


Moments of US History

NYC Fireman 1969

New York firemen play a game after a fire in a billiard parlor, 1969


Most Creative Statues

Dallas, Texas | Cattle Drive

Cattle Drive



Revenge Tactic #14 Against Inconsiderate Parkers


Photos That Say it All

May He Rest In Peace

A beautiful display of honor and respect for an American Hero, Col. George Bud Day, a Medal of Honor recipient who
served in WWII, Korea, and was a POW for over five years in Vietnam.


Spanish American War Images 82

American Sailors

American sailors Dave Ireland, Purdy, Tom Griffin and John King pictured during the Spanish-American war


WWI in Photos 138

Battlefield on the Western Front

A color photograph of Allied soldiers on a battlefield on the Western Front. This image was taken using the
Paget process, an early experiment in color photography.

WWII Advertising

Western Ammunition .. He Shoots for Freedom


WWII PostWar Events

1946 Hiroshima, Japan New Construction

New buildings (right) rise out of the ruins of Hiroshima, Japan, on March 11, 1946. These single story homes built along a
hard-surfaced highway are part of the program by the Japanese government to rebuild devastated sections of the country.
At left background are damaged buildings whose masonry withstood the effects of the first atomic bomb ever detonated
as a weapon


WWII Prewar Events

1938 Nazi SS Troops Oath Taking

Loyalty oath of Nazi SS troops, Feldherrnhalle, Munich, 1938


WWII Posters

Breaking The Bottleneck | 1942




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