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An object which
mass is 0.5 kg is
suspended by a thread ( the mass of the
thread is ignored) and swung to a height of
20 cm from the initial position A ( see the
figure ). If g = 10 ms - 2 , velocity when the
object is in A is...


A. 400 m s1
B. 40 m s1
C. 20 m s1
D. 4 m s1
E. 2 m s1



Data of the pulley system are mK = 1 kg ,

mA = 2 kg , mB = 5 kg , and the pulley K is
considered as a solid cylinder. If pulley
friction with the mass of its axis and rope is
ignored, and g = 10 m/s2, then the
acceleration of the object during the motion
is ....
A. 2 m/s2
D. 8 m/ s2
B. 4 m/s
E. 10 m/s2
C. 6 m/s2

10 cm
15 cm
20 cm
25 cm
30 cm


Speed of an object whose mass is 200/3 %

larger than its rest mass is ....
A. 0,36 c
D. 0,64 c
B. 0,42 c
E. 0,80 c
C. 0,60 c


Transversal waves propagating along AB

rope. Wave equation at B point is expressed
as follows:
yB = 0.08 20 sin ( t + x / 5 )
All scale uses the SI base units. If x is the
distance of AB, consider the following
( 1 ) the wave has an amplitude of 4 cm
( 2 ) the wave covers AB for 5 second
( 3 ) the wave has a frequency of 10 Hz
( 4 ) the wave propagation speed of 5 m s - 1
Which of the above statements are true?
A. (1) and (2)

Look at the following picture.

If VAC = 120 volt, the value of VAB is ....

A. 40 V
D. 90 V
B. 60 V
E. 120 V
C. 80 V

Look at Pulley system in the following


Look at the following vessel picture.

The density of oil = 0.8 g/cm3 , the density

of mercury = 13.6 g/cm3 , and the density of
water = 1 g/cm3. If the surface height
difference of oil and water is 5 cm, what is
the height of oil ?



An event when light is an electromagnetic

wave that its vibrate direction and its
propagate direction are perpendicular to
each other is ....



B. (1), (2) and (3)

C. (1) and (4)
D. (2), (3) and (4)
E. (3) and (4)

11. The following figure shows a reservoir full

of water which the bottom surface is leaking
and springing up on the ground. If g = 10
m/s2 ,

Two rods P and Q which have the same size

but different types of metal are attached like
shown in the following picture.

If the thermal conduction coefficient P is

twice of the thermal conduction coefficient
Q, the temperature on the boundary of P and
Q is ...
A. 600 oC
B. 200 oC
C. 100 oC
D. 90 oC
E. 60 oC

The maximum spout distance on the ground

measured from the P point is ....
A. 2 m
D. 10 m
B. 5 m
E. 12 m
C. 8 m
12. On a rope which length is 2 m and its end is
bonded to a pole is generated stationary
wave. If 5 full waves is formed, then the
location of the third stomach calculated
from the bounded end is...
A. 0,10 meter
B. 0,30 meter
C. 0,50 meter
D. 0,60 meter
E. 1,00 meter

Two balls which mass are m1 = 6 kg and

m2 = 4 kg moves in a straight line in the
opposite direction with a speed of v1 = 4 ms
- 1 and v2 = 6 ms - 1, as shown below, and
then collide inelasticly.

13. To get a shadow which is located at a

distance of 15 cm in front of a positive lens
which its fire point distance is 7.5 cm, then
the object must be placed in front of the lens
at a distance ...
A. 2,5 cm
B. 5 cm
C. 7,5 cm
D. 15 cm
E. 22,5 cm

The speed of each object immediately after

the collision is ........
0 ms - 1
A. v1 ' = 0 ms - 1 and v2 ' = 2 ms - 1 in the
same direction
B. v1 ' = 4 ms - 1 and v2 ' = 6 ms - 1 in the
opposite direction
C. v1 ' = 6 ms - 1 and v2 ' = 3 ms - 1 in the
opposite direction
D. v1 ' = 12 ms - 1 and v2 ' = 0 ms - 1 in the
opposite direction
10. An object which mass is 2 kg is moving in
well-ordered circular motion which the
radius is 20 cm . Angular velocity
experienced by the object is 4 rad / s .
Period and frequency of the object is ....
A. 0.5 second and 2 Hz
B. 0.05 second and 2 Hz
C. 2 second and 4 Hz
D. second and 10 Hz
E. 0.05 second 20 Hz

14. Work function of aluminum is 2.3 eV. Light

with a wavelength of 660 nm will issue
photoelectron with the maximum kinetic
energy (speed of light c = 3 108 m/s , (
Planck's constant = 6.6 10-34 Js , 1 ev = 1.6
10-19 J ) ....
A. 0,5 eV
B. 0,6 eV
C. 2,9 eV
D. 1,8 eV
E. negative , which means unable to issue




15. There are two twin brothers A and B. B

takes an enterpraise plane ride which
velocity is 0.8 c. Then, A and B met on a
family event occasion. According to B they
have been separated for 12 years, while A
distrusts and argues. According to A, they
have been separated for ....
A. 8 years
D. 15 years
B. 10 years
E. 20 years
C. 12 years

19. Look at the following graph!

Mass decay of radioactive substance X

meets the graph of mass (M) versus time (t).
Based on the graph the amount of substance
remaining after the decay occurred during
12 minutes is ........
A. 50 gr
B. 25 gr
C. 15 gr
D. 12,5 gr
E. 6,25 gr

16. The following statement is related to the

Thomson atom except ...
A. Atom is not the smallest particle of an
B. positive charge is spreaded evenly in the
content of atom
C. electron in an atom is spreaded between
positive charge
D. elektron is part of a negatively charged
E. The electron has a mass equal to the mass
of positive charge

20. Radioactive ray permeability sequence from

the most powerful is ....
A. alpha, beta, and gamma
B. gamma, alpha, and beta
C. beta, alpha, and gamma
D. alpha, gamma, and beta
E. gamma, beta, and alpha

17. A Carnot engine working between

temperatures 27 C and 227 C is used to
drive a generator which output voltage =
220 V. If every second Carnot engine
absorbs heat of 5,500 J, the maximum
output flow of the generator is ....
A. 2,75 A
D. 22 A
B. 10 A
E. 25 A
C. 15 A
18. In the following figure of a circuit, the
strength of flow through R and the voltage
ends of each is ...
A. 0,8 A dan 2,2 V
B. 0,6 A dan 2,76 V
C. 0,6 A dan 2,3 V
D. 0,4 A dan 1,84 V
E. 0,2 A dan 0,92 V


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