ETFS Fact Sheet-Gold Bullion Securities

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Gold Bullion Securities

Investment objective Trading data and listings

Gold Bullion Securities (GBS) is designed to offer Primary listing London Stock Exchange (LSE)
investors a simple, cost-efficient and secure way to
Trading Normal Exchange hours
access the precious metals market. GBS is intended to
provide investors with a return equivalent to movements NAV Daily NAV at
in the gold spot price less fees. Approximate price 1/10th of USD/oz gold spot price
Base currency USD (no hedge)
About the security Minimum investment 1 security
GBS is a transferable security that can be created or Security & trading codes
redeemed on demand (by market-makers). It trades on
Listing London
the Exchange just like an equity and its pricing and
Currency USD GBX
tracking operate similar to an Exchange Traded Fund.
Exchange code GBS GBSS
GBS is backed by physical allocated metal held by the ISIN GB00B00FHZ82 GB00B00FHZ82
Custodian (HSBC Bank USA N.A.). All physical gold SEDOL B00FHZ8 B291NZ3
metal held with HSBC conform to the London Bullion Bloomberg GBS LN <Eq> GBSS LN <Eq>
Market Association’s (LBMA) rules for Good Delivery. Reuters GBSx.L GBSS.L

Key features Other listings Deutsche Borse (Xetra), NYSE-Euronext,

Borsa Italiana
 Tracks the price of gold, not a portfolio of equities
 Simple to trade on a major stock exchange
 Settled and held in ordinary brokerage accounts Security features
 Transparent tracking with clear pricing Underlying metal Physical, allocated gold, to LBMA specifications
 Backed by physical, allocated metal
Custodian of metal HSBC Bank USA N.A.
 Provides additional portfolio diversification
Product manager ETF Securities Ltd
 Able to short, and margin eligible
Issuer Gold Bullion Securities Ltd
About the pricing Registrar Computershare
The price of GBS is based on the spot price of gold less Management fee 0.40% p.a.
fees. Daily price of GBS:
Entry/Exit fees None when traded on Exchange
= 0.10oz of Gold x Gold spot price Legal Form Secured, undated, zero-coupon note
less Management Fee Open-ended Yes
Physical delivery Yes
Details regarding the pricing calculations are available on available
UCITS 3† Eligible investments for UK, Luxembourg
All gold is priced off the LBMA’s specifications for Good Domicile Jersey
Delivery, which is an internationally recognised and Home regulator Financial Services Authority (FSA UK)
transparent benchmark for pricing physical gold. (prospectus)
EU Passport Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium

Simulated historical performance For more information

380 Gold spot historical performance (USD)

340 About ETF Securities

Gold Spot Return (rebased 100)

Telephone (UK Rep): +44 20 7448 4330

Other sources of information
Data from 31 December 2002 to 29 December 2009, Data source Bloomberg. The performance
60 shown is that of the gold spot price before fees, and not the securities. Historical performance is
not indicative of future performance.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

UK Representative - Tel: +44 20 7448 4330

Additional information

Deutsche Borse NYSE-Euronext Borsa Italiana

Exchange Code GG9B GBS GBS
Bloomberg GG9 GY <Eq> GBS FP <Eq> GBS IM <Eq>
GG9 GR <Eq>
Sedol B1WSNB0 B0P30C5 B1W6W40
ISIN DE000A0LP781 GB00B00FHZ82 GB00B00FHZ82

To access the list of allocated metal bars held by the Custodian and a copy of the bar counts conducted by Inspectorate
International Limited go to:

About ETF Securities

ETF Securities is a provider of Exchange Traded Products (ETFs, Commodity ETCs and Currency ETCs). The management of ETF
Securities pioneered the development of ETCs, with the world's first listing of an ETC, Gold Bullion Securities in Australia and
London in 2003 and then the world's first entire ETC platform which was listed on the London Stock Exchange in September

ETF Securities now offers more than 150 Exchange Traded Products (ETPs). The ETPs provide investors with a wide variety of
investment strategies, with ETPs offering access to asset classes such as equities, currencies and commodities with physical,
long, forward, leveraged and short exposure.

ETPs are simple to access as they are traded in five currencies (EUR, USD, GBP, JPY and AUD) and listed on nine major
exchanges globally including the London Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, NYSE-
Euronext Paris, NYSE-Euronext Amsterdam, Deutsche Börse, Borsa Italiana, the Australian Securities Exchange and the Irish
Stock Exchange.

ETF Securities Limited (“ETFS”) has issued this document for access in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and France by persons who are considered professional investors (as defined in the UK Financial Services
and Markets Act (“the Act”) or its equivalent under applicable law or regulation in the relevant jurisdiction) and have professional experience in investing. The securities discussed in this fact sheet are issued Gold
Bullion Securities Limited (“the Issuer”). ETFS and the Issuer each are regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. The United Kingdom Listing Authority is the ‘home regulator’ of each Issuer for
purposes of passporting the Issuer’s prospectus under the Prospectus Directive. This factsheet is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an advertisement or any other step in furtherance of a public
offering of shares in the United States, Canada, or any province or territory thereof, where the Issuer is not authorised or registered for distribution and where no prospectus for the Issuer has been filed with any
securities commission or regulatory authority. Neither this document nor any copy hereof should be taken, transmitted or distributed (directly or indirectly) into the United States. Shares of the Funds may not be
owned by or acquired with the assets of an ERISA Plan. ETFSL nor the Issuer are not and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 or Investment Company Act of 1940 nor qualified under
any applicable state securities statutes. This factsheet does not constitute financial product advice nor should be construed as an offer for sale or utilised as the basis for any investment decision. Securities may or
may not be suitable for a particular investor. You should obtain your own independent financial, taxation and legal advice before making any decisions about any investment. Investment in the products discussed
carry with it certain risks, including those set out in the Issuer’s prospectus. The price of the securities may go up or down and an investor may not get back the amount invested. The securities are priced in US
Dollars, Euros, or Sterling, and the value of the investment in other currencies will be affected by exchange rate movements. Investments which provide a short and/or leveraged exposure may only be suitable for
professional investors with knowledge of the risks and benefits of these strategies. Securities which provide a short and/or leveraged exposure only replicate the daily change in an index multiplied by the leverage
factor. For holding periods greater than one day, the return could be significantly different from the index return multiplied by the leverage factor over that longer period. For Investors in France, Germany, Italy, The
Netherlands and Belgium. The Issuer’s prospectus has been filed with the l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) in France, the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFIN) in Germany, Consob and
the Bank of Italy in Italy, and the Authority Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten) in the Netherlands. Copies of prospectuses and related regulatory documentation, including annual reports, can be obtained
as follows: Netherlands: Fortis Bank (Nederland) N.V. (t) +31 20 527 2467 or faxed request to +31 20 527 1928. Germany: HSBC Trinkhaus & Burkhardt, AG, Konsortialgeschäft, Königsalle 21/23, 40212
Dusseldorf. France: HSBC France, 103, Avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris. Professional investors in other countries may contact ETF Securities at +44 (0)20 7448 4330 or at to
obtain copies of prospectuses and related regulatory documentation, including annual reports. The Gold Bullion Securities are not guaranteed by HSBC or anyone else: Gold Bullion Securities are direct, limited
recourse obligations of the Issuer alone and not obligations of any other person including HSBC Bank USA N.A. or any member of the HSBC Group. Simulated Historical Performance: The simulated historical
performance included in this document is based on the historical performance of the underlying gold bullion and shows how the Gold Bullion Securities might have performed in the past (excluding fees) if they had
existed. Backtested performance information is purely hypothetical and is provided in this document solely for informational purposes. Backtested data does not represent actual performance and should not be
interpreted as an indication of actual performance of the Securities. Simulated historical performance does not reflect all costs such as transaction or brokerage costs. †Eligible Investments for UCITS – Investors
must take independent advice as to the suitability of this investment having regard to their own investment objectives, constitutional documentation, local regulation and the requirements of the UCITS Directives. The
Issuer and ETF Securities Limited are each regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Potential investors should be aware that the World Gold Council takes no responsibility as to the contents of this
document and does not carry on activities relating to the sale of Gold Bullion Securities. The Gold Bullion Securities will be obligations solely of Gold Bullion Securities Limited. The World Gold Council does not
provide any guarantee in respect of Gold Bullion Securities and is not responsible for or liable for Gold Bullion Securities or acquisition of Gold Bullion Securities in any way.”

UK Representative - Tel: +44 20 7448 4330

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