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After the World War Two, there were two countries on the Korean Peninsula.

All of them were

occupied by Japan during the World War Two. After the World War Two, they had been built. They
are DPRK and Korea Republic. Both of them wanted to beat each other, so they were not very
friendly to each other until now. The war was begin after the World War Two, so Korean War was
the first war after the World War Two.
The North Korea always wanted to unify the whole Korean Peninsula. Democratic People's
Republic of Korea was started on September 9th in 1948, the first leader of DPRK was Kim Il-sung.
DPRK was lead by communism, so China and the Soviet Union were trying to help and protect
DPRK. The Republic of Korea was started on August 15th in 1948, the first president was Rhee
Syngman. At that time there were a lot of American military advisers, so Rhee Syngman believed
America would help them when DPRK is trying to attract them. At that time, DPRK was a industrial
country, so they was strong enough to attract the South Korea, so they were waiting for an
attracting reason. In South Korea, nobody thought DPRK would attract them, so they didn't prepare
for it.
Before 25th June, North Korea army were ready to attract, but nobody in South Korea found
out that DPRK was ready to attract. At the morning of 25th June, the war started. The DPRK
soldier crossed the 38th parallel without any statement. The Korean people thought they could
beat DPRK, so they weren't afraid until Seoul had been occupied. South Korea had only one
third of soldiers prepare, because DPRK had no statement. Also South Korea paid a big prices
on didn't paying attention to the DPRK. South Korea government moved to Busan when the
Korean war had just began for a month. Rhee Syngman had no idea how to beat DPRK, so he
asked some help from their strongest friend-- The US.
Truman thought DPRK is a big trouble for them, so in a meeting of the UN. People agreed to
attract DPRK. So the UN army landed in Inchon, the leader of them was MacArthur. MacArthur
was the main man in World War Two. When the UN army landed in Inchon, DPRK soldiers were
escaping from the city. The UN army sounded only one day to get the Seoul back again, and put
the flag on the government building. The UN army decided to occupy the whole Korean Peninsula,
so they crossed the 38th parallel on 1st October. But China didn't want them to occupy the DPRK,
so they said that if South Korea army cross the 38th parallel then that is fine, but if UN army cross
the 38th parallel then China will join the war. But Truman didn't believed China would join, so he
said China wouldn't join the war.
China didn't want to join the war, but they had to. If DPRK ended, then The US powers will all
staying around China. Mao thought if MacArthur occupy the North Korea, then he might continue
to attract China. So for these reason, Mao decided to join the war. China joined the war on 19th
October. China had the first fight with UN army on 25th October, UN army didn't get any notice
from Japan that China already got into the North Korea. UN army was getting back, then China
occupy the Pyongyang again, and made UN army get back to the 38th parallel. It took a short time
for China to occupy the Seoul. The UN army made another strong attract on March 1951, for
Chinese army's safety, China gave up the Seoul. They stopped the UN at the 38th parallel.
On April 22nd 1951. The UN started the war again, they crossed the 38th parallel again. All of the
soldiers had their five times ammo than before. This time The UN army was much stronger than
before. China army moved back for 40 kilometers then they controlled the situation. The UN army
couldn't hold those casualties, so they decided to have a peace talk with China. It was very difficult
to get a good result, because both of them wanted to earn some from it. MacArthur was dismissed
by truman, the point of truman wasn't let China join. The most of the air fight was started by Union
of Soviet. The UN army knew that Union of Soviet join, but they didn't want the situation became to
bigger, so they said China Air Force became to more powerful within one night. By the way, a
Chinese soldier said" The most of the Air Fights were fought by Union of Soviet" so we could see
Chinese army wasn't strong enough at that time.

After the war, everybody were asking the same question, why China joined the war? The
reason is China was afraid if the US occupied the DPRK, they might attract China. Also at that
time, the US Air Force was bombing the Yalu River, so China did not want their people dead. If
DPRK lost, the Kim Il-sung would go to China, if he came then The US would have a reason to
attract China. The northeast of China was the biggest industrial part and the biggest food
produce part, if the bomb hit the land , China would pay big pieces on it. China won the most of
the wars when they joined. I think China had an abundant military power at that time, if not they
wouldn't join the Korean War.
In 1950, China had only built for 1 year. China made more than one million soldiers in to the
DPRK (including Air Force). They were using a tactic called huge-crowd strategy, this tactic
really wasted a lot of soldier's life, but it is really helpful to the war. After the war, Chinese found
out that they lost eleven hundred thousands soldiers during the war. There were three good
things. First one is the time, at that time China had just built for a year, so the morale was
extremely high. Second one is the terrain, the most of the parts of DPRK are mountainous, so it
was very helpful for China to attract, because China won a lot of wars by using the guerrilla
during the World War Two. Third one is the people, during the war the people in DPRK were
very friendly to the Chinese soldiers, this was an important reason.

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