11 Bush & The CIA

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By the Editors of Covert Action.

eorge H.W. Bush was the per-
fect head of the CIA during
troubled times. According to
his successor, Stansfield Turner, “The
reason they had a great love for Bush
[at the CIA] was that he let them do
whatever they wanted. He came in and
said: ‘What do you want to do?’ Then
he said: ‘OK, go ahead and do it.’”
A former Senator, as well as
former Ambassador to China and the
UN, Bush had credentials to impress
the old boy network in Congress. He
frequently testified before committee
hearings and assured the overseers that
the CIA was out of the assassination
business for good. His deferential style
made Members of Congress believe
claimed that trees are a major source fice and that Gregg would later end
that maybe he was telling the truth.
of air pollution, that ketchup was a up as Ambassador to South Korea,
In the 1988 Presidential cam-
vegetable and who routinely dozed off where he had been CIA station chief
paign, Bush faced the charge of
in Cabinet meetings. Reagan was truly (1973-1976). The intelligence business
wimpishness. He needed to look tough.
“out of the loop” while the men and is a small world and the same players
So, he paraded out a Black man named
women around him played politics keep popping up again and again.
Willie Horton and assured the public
with Machiavellian vindictiveness. At the same time that Clines,
that he would be tough against crime
Bush was the CIA’s master Wilson and Terpil were making mil-
and not let the bad guys out of jail. That
when Edwin Wilson, Frank Terpil, lions selling arms and explosives to
is not only toughness, it is racist.
Tom Clines, Ted Shackley and Rafael just about anyone, right-wing extrem-
He imitated Clint Eastwood and
Quintero ran their arms and assassi- ists and CIA assets Orlando Bosch and
exclaimed, “Read my lips.” He beat up
nation business with special support Luis Posada Carriles were plotting acts
on Dan Rather in a television inter-
from CIA proprietaries. Bush helped of terrorism as revenge for Cuba’s
view. Suddenly, George Bush had been
stall the investigation of the 1976 revolution. In October 1976, a Cuban
“spun” into a “real man.”
Letelier/Moffitt murders [i.e., the Chil- airliner was blown out of the sky over
Then, after the election hoopla
ean diplomat and aid murdered in Barbados and all 73 passengers were
had died down, Bush seemed to be
Washington], and met time and time killed. A few days later, Bosch and
back to his nondescript, vague self.
again with CIA-asset Manuel Noriega. Posada Carriles were arrested and were
Ronald Reagan was no wimp.
Isn’t it ironic that Shackley, eventually convicted of the act. Bosch
He was just plain stupid. He will be
Clines, Quintero and Noriega show up later escaped from a Venezuelan
remembered as the president who pro-
less than ten years later in the thick of prison, some say, with CIA help. He
The Covert Action Information Bulletin another CIA scandal? Isn’t it also then turned up in Miami, fighting ex-
began in 1978. Now called Covert Action ironic that Donald Gregg, Vice Presi- tradition and seeking assistance from
Quarterly, it is one of the best sources on dent Bush’s closest adviser on national Bush’s son Jeb and President Bush Sr.
the CIA and its influence on U.S. foreign
security issues, was caught running a Posada Carriles also escaped
policy. CAQ, 1500 Massachusetts Avenue
NW, Suite 732, Washington DC 20005. contra resupply effort from Bush’s of- from prison. He surfaced in El Salva-

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36 Press for Conversion! Issue # 54 August 2004
dor helping Felix Rodriguez in a CIA reportedly stole from the Filipino treas- How Prescott Bush
“counterterrorism” operation. He later
compared this operation to the CIA
ury and also enriched Ferdinand Mar-
cos. A few years later, in a toast to
Recruited Nixon
“pacification” program he took part in Marcos, Bush exclaimed, “We love By Russell S. Bowen
under William Colby in Vietnam. your adherence to democratic princi-

Rodriguez, as noted in the Iran/ ples – and to the democratic process.” ccording to Nixon’s biogra-
contra hearings, is a good friend of When Reagan accepted the phy, his personal and politi-
Donald Gregg. He and Gregg served blame for Iran/contra, we interpreted cal ties with the Bush family
with the CIA in Saigon when Theodore this to mean, “I didn’t really under- go back to 1946, when Nixon claims
Shackley was station chief. stand what was going on, but I’ll take he read an ad placed in an L.A. news-
How is it that George Bush, the the blame.” When George Bush claim- paper by the Orange County Republi-
man appointed by Ronald Reagan to ed to have been out of the Iran/contra can Party and a group of wealthy busi-
head the South Florida Task Force and loop, we knew that he was lying. nessmen led by Prescott Bush, the fa-
the National Narcotics Border Inter- There is a great deal of evidence ther of George H.W. Bush.
diction System, could be so tied-up to show that Bush’s vision of a “kinder, They wanted a young candidate
with drug dealing? gentler America” was also a lie. If to run for Congress. Nixon applied and
Besides his relationship with Bush was so interested in a “softer” won the job, becoming a mouthpiece
Noriega, Bush had connections to image why did the CIA intervene in for the Bush group, progressing to the
other alleged drug smugglers. Rodri- Nicaraguan elections? Why did Bush U.S. Senate and, in 1952, the vice
guez, besides being Donald Gregg’s support El Salvador’s murderous gov- presidency.
helper, allegedly passed money from ernment? Why is the Republican party In 1960, Vice President Nixon
the Medellin cartel to the contras. Ri- [particularly the Republican Heritage was scouring the world seeking the
chard Armitage was to be Bush’s Groups Council] littered with fascists? presidency. At his side was Prescott
choice for Secretary of the Army, but If Bush was so interested in “a Bush. Congressman Gerald Ford was
declined the nomination. There is thousands points of light,” why did he helping raise funds, as was George
speculation that the confirmation hear- appoint ex-CIA officials as ambassa- H.W. Bush.
ings would have brought up unpleas- dors to China and South Korea? If he It took Nixon eight more years
ant questions about Armitage’s role in had such a great vision for the U.S., to reach his goal. The canny politician
heroin smuggling in the Golden Tri- why does he belong to clubs which always remembered who helped him
angle during the Vietnam war. openly discriminate against women to get there. It was payback time for
What other secrets should we and subtly discriminate against Afri- George. Nixon appointed him chair-
recall about George Bush? can-Americans and other minorities? man of the Republican National Com-
Bush was brought in as head of And, if all this were not enough mittee [1972-1973], and later U.S. am-
the Republican National Committee to demonstrate that George Bush bassador to China [1974-1975].
during the downfall of Richard Nixon. should not be viewed as a wimp, but By 1976, Gerald Ford, who suc-
Bush immediately got tough and tried as a dangerous threat to world peace, ceeded Nixon after Watergate, paid his
to stop the Senate Watergate Commit- his unconscionable invasion of due bill. He picked out a big job for his
tee’s chief investigator, Carmine Hel- Panama [and Iraq] present powerful old crony, Bush: the CIA. But this time
lion. The day after Archibald Cox sub- confirmations. He continued the Bush would not be an underling. Now
poenaed the infamous “White House Reagan administration’s complete dis- he would be head man.
tapes,” Bush jumped into the fray regard for international law. Source: Excerpt, Immaculate Decep-
claiming that Bellion had himself tried He was a president with an old tion: The Bush Crime Family Exposed.
to wiretap the Republican National agenda: Power politics, gunboat diplo- Carson City: America West, 1992.
Committee 13 years before. macy and privilege for the wealthy but
Robert Mosbacher, Bush’s alms for the poor. Retired Brigadier General Russell S.
friend, business partner and campaign Bowen, a WWII fighter pilot, says he was
finance chair has had his share of Source: Editorial, “George Bush: involved in major narcotics trafficking with
shady dealings. He collected millions From Langley to the Oval Office,” the CIA and its precursor, the Office of
from a Philippine business deal which Covert Action, Winter 1990. Strategic Services.

Diane Holmes
City Councillor /
Conseillère municipale
Quartier Somerset Ward
110, av Laurier Ave. O./W., Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
tel: 580-2484 fax: 580-2524
August 2004 Issue # 54 Press for Conversion! 37

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