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1. Define fixation and list the fixatives
that belong to the following category
and write a brief description of each
a. Formaldehyde
b. Metallic fixative
c. Picric acid fixative
d. Osmium tetroxide/Osmic acid
e. Osmium Tetroxide acid
f. Acetone
2. Define decalcification and list the
decalcifying agent for each of the
following category and write a brief
description of each
a. Acid decalcifying agent
b. Chelating agent
c. Ion exchange resin
d. Electrophoresis
3. What are the three ways to determine
the extent of tissue decalcification?
4. Define dehydration and briefly
discuss the following dehydrating
a. Alcohol
b. Acetone
c. Dioxane/Diethylene dioxide
d. Cellosolve/ethylene glycol
monoethyl ether
5. Define clearing/dealcoholization and
discuss the following clearing agent
a. Xylene
b. Toluene
c. Benzene
d. Chloroform
e. Cedarwood oil
f. Aniline oil
6. Explain what is
7. List the impregnating agent for the
following category and write a brief
discussion of each
a. Paraffin wax
b. Celloidin
c. Gelatin
8. Explain the embedding procedure and
enumerate the different types of
embedding mold
9. Explain the trimming procedure.
Enumerate the different microtome
knives and write a brief description of
10.Explain the sectioning procedure and
enumerate the different types of
microtome and to what specimen it is
11.Explain the floating-out and
deparaffinization Procedure.

12.Explain the staining procedure and

enumerate the different dyes for the
following category.
a. Natural dyes
b. Cochineal dyes
c. Synthetic/coal/tar dyes
13.Explain the following technique:
a. Direct staining
b. Indirect staining
c. Progressive staining
d. Regressive staining
e. Metachromatic staining
f. Vital staining
14.Explain the mounting procedure and
enumerate the different mountant
under each category:
a. Aqueous mountant
b. Resinous mountant
15.Define the following:
a. Exfoliative cytology
b. Papanicolau smearing
16.Define the following:
a. Benign tumor
b. Malignant Tumor
c. Carcinoma
d. Sarcoma
17.Explain what is inflammation and
what are its 5 cardinal signs, explain
18.Differentiate the following types of
a. Acute inflammation
b. Chronic inflammation
c. Serous inflammation
d. Fibrinous inflammation
e. Catarrhal inflammation
f. Hemorrhagic inflammation
g. Suppurative/purulent inflammation
19.Define the following:
a. Aplasia
b. Agenesia
c. Atresia
d. Atrophy
e. Hypertrophy
f. Hyperplasia
g. Metaplasia
h. Dysplasia
i. Anaplasia
j. Neoplasia
k. Parenchyma
l. Stroma
m. Necrosis
n. Necrobiosis
o. Ischemia/anoxia
p. Pyknosis
q. Karyorrhexis
r. Karyolysis

20.Differentiate the following types of

a. Liquefaction
b. Fat
c. Caseous
d. Gangrenous
21.Define the following changes in a
somatic death:
a. Algor mortis
b. Rigor mortis
c. Livor mortis
d. Postmortem cloiting
e. Dessication
f. Putrefaction
g. Autolysis
22.Enumerate the different special
stains for the following tissues:
a. Connective tissue
- collagen
- elastiv fibers
- reticular fibers
b. Cellular parts
- Golgi apparatus
- Argentaffin cells
- Melanin and silver
- Spermatozoa
- DNA and RNA
- Barr bodies
- Hemoglobin
c. Elements and substance
- Lipids
- Simple fats
- Neutral fats
- Cholesterol
- Bile pigments
d. Central nervous system
- Astrocytes
- Glia fibers
- Myelin
- Neuron
- Nerve fibers
- Negri bodies
e. Carbohydrates
- Glycogen
f. Amyloid
g. Proteins
- Mucin
- Fibrin
h. Microorganisms
- Gram (+) and (-)
- Spirochetes
i. Fungus

j. Entamoeba
k. Ricketsia
23.Differentiate Autopsy and Biopsy.
24.Discuss the following laws pertaining
to medical technology profession
a. RA 5527 The Philippine Medical
Technology Act 1969
- RA 6138
- PD 498
- PD 1534
b. RA 4688 I The clinical Labboratory
Law of 1966
- Intoduction to clinical
- Provision of RA 4688
- Implementing
Guidelines of RA
c. Professional Regulation Comission
- RA 8981: PRC
Modernization Act of
- PRC Issuances
relevant to medical
Technology practice
d. RA 7719 The national Blood
Service Act of 1994
- Provision of RA 1517
and RA 7719
- Implementing
guidelines of RA
- RA 1517 (Blood
Banking Law)
e. RA 8504 HIV Law
f. RA 9165 The comprehensive
Dangerous Drug Act of 2002
g. Other laws related to the medical
technology practice
- Newborn screening
- Organ Donation Act
25.Discuss the following Ethical
a. PAMET Version of the Code of
Ethics (1997 Revision)
b. IAMLT Version of the Code of Ethics
26.Write the following and learn by
a. PAMET hymn
b. Medical Technologist prayer
27.Discuss how to have a well-managed

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